@Override public int update() { session.commit(true); Database db = session.getDatabase(); session.getUser().checkRight(table, Right.ALL); table.checkSupportAlter(); table.lock(session, true, true); Sequence sequence = oldColumn == null ? null : oldColumn.getSequence(); if (newColumn != null) { checkDefaultReferencesTable((Expression) newColumn.getDefaultExpression()); } if (columnsToAdd != null) { for (Column column : columnsToAdd) { checkDefaultReferencesTable((Expression) column.getDefaultExpression()); } } switch (type) { case CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_NOT_NULL: { if (!oldColumn.isNullable()) { // no change break; } checkNoNullValues(); oldColumn.setNullable(false); db.updateMeta(session, table); break; } case CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_NULL: { if (oldColumn.isNullable()) { // no change break; } checkNullable(); oldColumn.setNullable(true); db.updateMeta(session, table); break; } case CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_DEFAULT: { checkDefaultReferencesTable(defaultExpression); oldColumn.setSequence(null); oldColumn.setDefaultExpression(session, defaultExpression); removeSequence(sequence); db.updateMeta(session, table); break; } case CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_CHANGE_TYPE: { // if the change is only increasing the precision, then we don't // need to copy the table because the length is only a constraint, // and does not affect the storage structure. if (oldColumn.isWideningConversion(newColumn)) { convertAutoIncrementColumn(newColumn); oldColumn.copy(newColumn); db.updateMeta(session, table); } else { oldColumn.setSequence(null); oldColumn.setDefaultExpression(session, null); oldColumn.setConvertNullToDefault(false); if (oldColumn.isNullable() && !newColumn.isNullable()) { checkNoNullValues(); } else if (!oldColumn.isNullable() && newColumn.isNullable()) { checkNullable(); } convertAutoIncrementColumn(newColumn); copyData(); } break; } case CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ADD_COLUMN: { // ifNotExists only supported for single column add if (ifNotExists && columnsToAdd.size() == 1 && table.doesColumnExist(columnsToAdd.get(0).getName())) { break; } for (Column column : columnsToAdd) { if (column.isAutoIncrement()) { int objId = getObjectId(); column.convertAutoIncrementToSequence( session, getSchema(), objId, table.isTemporary()); } } copyData(); break; } case CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_DROP_COLUMN: { if (table.getColumns().length == 1) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.CANNOT_DROP_LAST_COLUMN, oldColumn.getSQL()); } table.dropSingleColumnConstraintsAndIndexes(session, oldColumn); copyData(); break; } case CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_SELECTIVITY: { int value = newSelectivity.optimize(session).getValue(session).getInt(); oldColumn.setSelectivity(value); db.updateMeta(session, table); break; } default: DbException.throwInternalError("type=" + type); } return 0; }
@Override public int update() { if (!transactional) { session.commit(true); } Database db = session.getDatabase(); if (!db.isPersistent()) { data.persistIndexes = false; } if (getSchema().findTableOrView(session, data.tableName) != null) { if (ifNotExists) { return 0; } throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.TABLE_OR_VIEW_ALREADY_EXISTS_1, data.tableName); } if (asQuery != null) { asQuery.prepare(); if (data.columns.isEmpty()) { generateColumnsFromQuery(); } else if (data.columns.size() != asQuery.getColumnCount()) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.COLUMN_COUNT_DOES_NOT_MATCH); } } if (pkColumns != null) { for (Column c : data.columns) { for (IndexColumn idxCol : pkColumns) { if (c.getName().equals(idxCol.columnName)) { c.setNullable(false); } } } } data.id = getObjectId(); data.create = create; data.session = session; boolean isSessionTemporary = data.temporary && !data.globalTemporary; if (!isSessionTemporary) { db.lockMeta(session); } Table table = createTable(data); ArrayList<Sequence> sequences = New.arrayList(); for (Column c : data.columns) { if (c.isAutoIncrement()) { int objId = getObjectId(); c.convertAutoIncrementToSequence(session, getSchema(), objId, data.temporary); } Sequence seq = c.getSequence(); if (seq != null) { sequences.add(seq); } } table.setComment(comment); if (isSessionTemporary) { if (onCommitDrop) { table.setOnCommitDrop(true); } if (onCommitTruncate) { table.setOnCommitTruncate(true); } session.addLocalTempTable(table); } else { db.lockMeta(session); db.addSchemaObject(session, table); } try { for (Column c : data.columns) { c.prepareExpression(session); } for (Sequence sequence : sequences) { table.addSequence(sequence); } for (DefineCommand command : constraintCommands) { command.setTransactional(transactional); command.update(); } if (asQuery != null) { Insert insert = null; insert = new Insert(session); insert.setSortedInsertMode(sortedInsertMode); insert.setQuery(asQuery); insert.setTable(table); insert.setInsertFromSelect(true); insert.prepare(); insert.update(); } } catch (DbException e) { db.checkPowerOff(); db.removeSchemaObject(session, table); if (!transactional) { session.commit(true); } throw e; } return 0; }