public void onNotify(JID jid, String id) { Contact contact = ContactList.getInstance().get(jid).orElse(null); if (contact == null) { LOGGER.warning("can't find contact with jid:" + jid); return; } if (id.isEmpty()) { // contact disabled avatar publishing // TODO } Avatar avatar = contact.getAvatar().orElse(null); if (avatar != null && // avatar is not new return; mClient.requestAvatar(jid, id); }
public void onData(JID jid, String id, byte[] avatarData) {"new avatar, jid: " + jid + " id: " + id); if (avatarData.length > MAX_SIZE)"avatar data too long: " + avatarData.length); Contact contact = ContactList.getInstance().get(jid).orElse(null); if (contact == null) { LOGGER.warning("can't find contact with jid:" + jid); return; } if (!id.equals(DigestUtils.sha1Hex(avatarData))) { LOGGER.warning("this is not what we wanted"); return; } BufferedImage img = MediaUtils.readImage(avatarData).orElse(null); if (img == null) return; contact.setAvatar(new Avatar(id, img)); }
private void confirmNewKey(final Contact contact, final PGPUtils.PGPCoderKey key) { WebPanel panel = new GroupPanel(GAP_DEFAULT, false); panel.setOpaque(false); panel.add(new WebLabel("Received new key for contact")).setBoldFont()); panel.add(new WebSeparator(true, true)); panel.add(new WebLabel("Contact:"))); String contactText = + " " + Utils.jid(contact.getJID(), 30, true); panel.add(new WebLabel(contactText).setBoldFont()); panel.add(new WebLabel("Key fingerprint:"))); WebTextArea fpArea = Utils.createFingerprintArea(); fpArea.setText(Utils.fingerprint(key.fingerprint)); panel.add(fpArea); String expl = "When declining the key further communication to and from this contact will be blocked."); WebTextArea explArea = new WebTextArea(expl, 3, 30); explArea.setEditable(false); explArea.setLineWrap(true); explArea.setWrapStyleWord(true); panel.add(explArea); WebNotificationPopup popup = NotificationManager.showNotification( panel, NotificationOption.accept, NotificationOption.decline, NotificationOption.cancel); popup.setClickToClose(false); popup.addNotificationListener( new NotificationListener() { @Override public void optionSelected(NotificationOption option) { switch (option) { case accept: mControl.acceptKey(contact, key); break; case decline: mControl.declineKey(contact); } } @Override public void accepted() {} @Override public void closed() {} }); }
private static String contactText(Contact contact) { return, 20) + " < " + Utils.jid(contact.getJID(), 30) + " >"; }