 protected RuntimeManager getManager(RuntimeEnvironment environment) {
   if (managerType == 1) {
     return RuntimeManagerFactory.Factory.get().newSingletonRuntimeManager(environment);
   } else if (managerType == 2) {
     return RuntimeManagerFactory.Factory.get().newPerRequestRuntimeManager(environment);
   } else if (managerType == 3) {
     return RuntimeManagerFactory.Factory.get().newPerProcessInstanceRuntimeManager(environment);
   } else {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid runtime maanger type");
   * Test that illustrates that jobs are persisted and survives server restart and as soon as
   * GlobalTimerService is active jobs are fired NOTE: this test is disabled by default as it
   * requires real db (not in memory) and test to be executed separately each with new jvm process
  public void testContinueGlobalTestService() throws Exception {
    SimpleRuntimeEnvironment environment = new DefaultRuntimeEnvironment();

        "drools.timerService", "org.jbpm.process.core.timer.impl.RegisteredTimerServiceDelegate");
    RuntimeManager manger =

    // build GlobalTimerService instance

    TimerService globalTs = new GlobalTimerService(manger, globalScheduler);
    // and register it in the registry under 'default' key
    TimerServiceRegistry.getInstance().registerTimerService("default", globalTs);
    // prepare listener to assert results
    final List<Long> timerExporations = new ArrayList<Long>();
    ProcessEventListener listener =
        new DefaultProcessEventListener() {

          public void afterNodeLeft(ProcessNodeLeftEvent event) {
            if (event.getNodeInstance().getNodeName().equals("timer")) {

   * Test that illustrates that jobs are persisted and survives server restart and as soon as
   * GlobalTimerService is active jobs are fired and it loads and aborts the process instance to
   * illustrate jobs are properly removed when isntance is aborted NOTE: this test is disabled by
   * default as it requires real db (not in memory) and test to be executed separately each with new
   * jvm process
  public void testAbortGlobalTestService() throws Exception {
    SimpleRuntimeEnvironment environment = new DefaultRuntimeEnvironment();

        "drools.timerService", "org.jbpm.process.core.timer.impl.RegisteredTimerServiceDelegate");
    RuntimeManager manger =

    // build GlobalTimerService instance

    TimerService globalTs = new GlobalTimerService(manger, globalScheduler);
    // and register it in the registry under 'default' key
    TimerServiceRegistry.getInstance().registerTimerService("default", globalTs);
    // prepare listener to assert results
    final List<Long> timerExporations = new ArrayList<Long>();
    ProcessEventListener listener =
        new DefaultProcessEventListener() {

          public void afterNodeLeft(ProcessNodeLeftEvent event) {
            if (event.getNodeInstance().getNodeName().equals("timer")) {
    long id = -1;
    Runtime runtime = manger.getRuntime(ProcessInstanceIdContext.get());
    KieSession ksession = runtime.getKieSession();

    ProcessInstance processInstance = ksession.getProcessInstance(id);
    // let's wait to ensure no more timers are expired and triggered
 * Base test case class that shall be used for jBPM related tests. It provides four sections:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>JUnit life cycle methods
 *   <li>Knowledge Base and KnowledgeSession management methods
 *   <li>Assertions
 *   <li>Helper methods
 * </ul>
 * <b>JUnit life cycle methods</b>:<br>
 * * setUp: executed @Before and configures data source and <code>EntityManagerFactory</code>,
 * cleans up Singleton's session id<br>
 * * tearDown: executed @After and clears out history, closes <code>EntityManagerFactory</code> and
 * data source, disposes <code>RuntimeEngine</code>'s and <code>RuntimeManager</code><br>
 * <br>
 * <b>KnowledgeBase and KnowledgeSession management methods</b> * createRuntimeManager creates
 * <code>RuntimeManager</code> for gives set of assets and selected strategy <br>
 * * disposeRuntimeManager disposes <code>RuntimeManager</code> currently active in the scope of
 * test <br>
 * * getRuntimeEngine creates new <code>RuntimeEngine</code> for given context<br>
 * <br>
 * <b>Assertions</b><br>
 * Set of useful methods to assert process instance at various stages. <br>
 * <b>Helper methods</b><br>
 * * getDs - returns currently configured data source<br>
 * * getEmf - returns currently configured <code>EntityManagerFactory</code><br>
 * * getTestWorkItemHandler - returns test work item handler that might be registered in addition to
 * what is registered by default<br>
 * * clearHistory - clears history log<br>
 * * setupPoolingDataSource - sets up data source<br>
public abstract class JbpmJUnitBaseTestCase extends AbstractBaseTest {

  /** Currently supported RuntimeEngine strategies */
  public enum Strategy {

  private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JbpmJUnitBaseTestCase.class);

  private boolean setupDataSource = false;
  private boolean sessionPersistence = false;
  private String persistenceUnitName;

  private EntityManagerFactory emf;
  private PoolingDataSource ds;

  private TestWorkItemHandler workItemHandler = new TestWorkItemHandler();

  private RuntimeManagerFactory managerFactory = RuntimeManagerFactory.Factory.get();
  private RuntimeManager manager;

  private AuditLogService logService;
  private WorkingMemoryInMemoryLogger inMemoryLogger;

  private List<RuntimeEngine> activeEngines = new ArrayList<RuntimeEngine>();

   * The most simple test case configuration:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>does NOT initialize data source
   *   <li>does NOT configure session persistence
   * </ul>
   * This is usually used for in memory process management, without human task interaction.
  public JbpmJUnitBaseTestCase() {
    this(false, false, "org.jbpm.persistence.jpa");

   * Allows to explicitly configure persistence and data source. This is the most common way of
   * bootstrapping test cases for jBPM.<br>
   * Use following configuration to execute in memory process management with human tasks
   * persistence <br>
   * <code>
   * super(true, false);
   * </code> <br>
   * Use following configuration to execute in persistent process management with human tasks
   * persistence <br>
   * <code>
   * super(true, true);
   * </code> <br>
   * This will use default persistence unit name <code>org.jbpm.persistence.jpa</code>
   * @param setupDataSource - true to configure data source under JNDI name: jdbc/jbpm-ds
   * @param sessionPersistence - configures RuntimeEngine to be with JPA persistence enabled
  public JbpmJUnitBaseTestCase(boolean setupDataSource, boolean sessionPersistence) {
    this(setupDataSource, sessionPersistence, "org.jbpm.persistence.jpa");

   * Same as {@link #JbpmJUnitBaseTestCase(boolean, boolean)} but allows to use another persistence
   * unit name.
   * @param setupDataSource - true to configure data source under JNDI name: jdbc/jbpm-ds
   * @param sessionPersistence - configures RuntimeEngine to be with JPA persistence enabled
   * @param persistenceUnitName - custom persistence unit name
  public JbpmJUnitBaseTestCase(
      boolean setupDataSource, boolean sessionPersistence, String persistenceUnitName) {
    this.setupDataSource = setupDataSource;
    this.sessionPersistence = sessionPersistence;
    this.persistenceUnitName = persistenceUnitName;
    if (!this.setupDataSource && this.sessionPersistence) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Unsupported configuration, cannot enable sessionPersistence when setupDataSource is disabled");
        "Configuring entire test case to have data source enabled {} and session persistence enabled {} with persistence unit name {}",

  public void setUp() throws Exception {

    if (setupDataSource) {
      ds = setupPoolingDataSource();
      logger.debug("Data source configured with unique id {}", ds.getUniqueName());
      emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(persistenceUnitName);

  public void tearDown() throws Exception {
    if (setupDataSource) {
      if (emf != null) {
        emf = null;
      if (ds != null) {
        ds = null;
    if (!activeEngines.isEmpty()) {
      for (RuntimeEngine engine : activeEngines) {
    if (manager != null) {
      manager = null;

   * Creates default configuration of <code>RuntimeManager</code> with SINGLETON strategy and all
   * <code>processes</code> being added to knowledge base. <br>
   * There should be only one <code>RuntimeManager</code> created during single test.
   * @param process - processes that shall be added to knowledge base
   * @return new instance of RuntimeManager
  protected RuntimeManager createRuntimeManager(String... process) {
    return createRuntimeManager(Strategy.SINGLETON, process);

   * Creates default configuration of <code>RuntimeManager</code> with given <code>strategy</code>
   * and all <code>processes</code> being added to knowledge base. <br>
   * There should be only one <code>RuntimeManager</code> created during single test.
   * @param strategy - selected strategy of those that are supported
   * @param process - processes that shall be added to knowledge base
   * @return new instance of RuntimeManager
  protected RuntimeManager createRuntimeManager(Strategy strategy, String... process) {
    Map<String, ResourceType> resources = new HashMap<String, ResourceType>();
    for (String p : process) {
      resources.put(p, ResourceType.BPMN2);
    return createRuntimeManager(strategy, resources);

   * Creates default configuration of <code>RuntimeManager</code> with SINGLETON strategy and all
   * <code>resources</code> being added to knowledge base. <br>
   * There should be only one <code>RuntimeManager</code> created during single test.
   * @param resources - resources (processes, rules, etc) that shall be added to knowledge base
   * @return new instance of RuntimeManager
  protected RuntimeManager createRuntimeManager(Map<String, ResourceType> resources) {
    return createRuntimeManager(Strategy.SINGLETON, resources);

   * Creates default configuration of <code>RuntimeManager</code> with given <code>strategy</code>
   * and all <code>resources</code> being added to knowledge base. <br>
   * There should be only one <code>RuntimeManager</code> created during single test.
   * @param strategy - selected strategy of those that are supported
   * @param resources - resources that shall be added to knowledge base
   * @return new instance of RuntimeManager
  protected RuntimeManager createRuntimeManager(
      Strategy strategy, Map<String, ResourceType> resources) {
    if (manager != null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("There is already one RuntimeManager active");

    RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder builder = null;
    if (!setupDataSource) {
      builder =
                  "drools.processSignalManagerFactory", DefaultSignalManagerFactory.class.getName())
    } else if (sessionPersistence) {
      builder = RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder.getDefault().entityManagerFactory(emf);
    } else {
      builder = RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder.getDefaultInMemory();
    builder.userGroupCallback(new JBossUserGroupCallbackImpl("classpath:/usergroups.properties"));

    for (Map.Entry<String, ResourceType> entry : resources.entrySet()) {
      builder.addAsset(ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue());
    switch (strategy) {
      case SINGLETON:
        manager = managerFactory.newSingletonRuntimeManager(builder.get());
      case REQUEST:
        manager = managerFactory.newPerRequestRuntimeManager(builder.get());
        manager = managerFactory.newPerProcessInstanceRuntimeManager(builder.get());
        manager = managerFactory.newSingletonRuntimeManager(builder.get());

    return manager;

   * The lowest level of creation of <code>RuntimeManager</code> that expects to get <code>
   * RuntimeEnvironment</code> to be given as argument. It does not assume any particular
   * configuration as it's considered manual creation that allows to configure every single piece of
   * <code>RuntimeManager</code>. <br>
   * Use this only when you know what you do!
   * @param strategy - selected strategy of those that are supported
   * @param resources - resources that shall be added to knowledge base
   * @param environment - runtime environment used for <code>RuntimeManager</code> creation
   * @return new instance of RuntimeManager
  protected RuntimeManager createRuntimeManager(
      Strategy strategy, Map<String, ResourceType> resources, RuntimeEnvironment environment) {
    if (manager != null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("There is already one RuntimeManager active");

    switch (strategy) {
      case SINGLETON:
        manager = managerFactory.newSingletonRuntimeManager(environment);
      case REQUEST:
        manager = managerFactory.newPerRequestRuntimeManager(environment);
        manager = managerFactory.newPerProcessInstanceRuntimeManager(environment);
        manager = managerFactory.newSingletonRuntimeManager(environment);

    return manager;

   * Disposes currently active (in scope of a test) <code>RuntimeManager</code> together with all
   * active <code>RuntimeEngine</code>'s that were created (in scope of a test). Usual use case is
   * to simulate system shutdown.
  protected void disposeRuntimeManager() {
    if (!activeEngines.isEmpty()) {
      for (RuntimeEngine engine : activeEngines) {
    if (manager != null) {
      manager = null;

   * Returns new <code>RuntimeEngine</code> built from the manager of this test case. It uses <code>
   * EmptyContext</code> that is suitable for following strategies:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>Singleton
   *   <li>Request
   * </ul>
   * @see #getRuntimeEngine(Context)
   * @return new RuntimeEngine instance
  protected RuntimeEngine getRuntimeEngine() {
    return getRuntimeEngine(EmptyContext.get());

   * Returns new <code>RuntimeEngine</code> built from the manager of this test case. Common use
   * case is to maintain same session for process instance and thus <code>ProcessInstanceIdContext
   * </code> shall be used.
   * @param context - instance of the context that shall be used to create <code>RuntimeManager
   *     </code>
   * @return new RuntimeEngine instance
  protected RuntimeEngine getRuntimeEngine(Context<?> context) {
    if (manager == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "RuntimeManager is not initialized, did you forgot to create it?");

    RuntimeEngine runtimeEngine = manager.getRuntimeEngine(context);
    if (sessionPersistence) {
      logService = new JPAAuditLogService(runtimeEngine.getKieSession().getEnvironment());

    } else {
      inMemoryLogger =
          new WorkingMemoryInMemoryLogger((StatefulKnowledgeSession) runtimeEngine.getKieSession());

    return runtimeEngine;

   * Retrieves value of the variable given by <code>name</code> from process instance given by
   * <code>processInstanceId</code> using given session.
   * @param name - name of the variable
   * @param processInstanceId - id of process instance
   * @param ksession - ksession used to retrieve the value
   * @return returns variable value or null if there is no such variable
  public Object getVariableValue(String name, long processInstanceId, KieSession ksession) {
    return ((WorkflowProcessInstance) ksession.getProcessInstance(processInstanceId))

   * ****************************************
   * *********** assert methods *************
   * ****************************************
  public void assertProcessInstanceCompleted(long processInstanceId, KieSession ksession) {

  public void assertProcessInstanceAborted(long processInstanceId, KieSession ksession) {

  public void assertProcessInstanceActive(long processInstanceId, KieSession ksession) {

  public void assertNodeActive(long processInstanceId, KieSession ksession, String... name) {
    List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (String n : name) {
    ProcessInstance processInstance = ksession.getProcessInstance(processInstanceId);
    if (processInstance instanceof WorkflowProcessInstance) {
      assertNodeActive((WorkflowProcessInstance) processInstance, names);
    if (!names.isEmpty()) {
      String s = names.get(0);
      for (int i = 1; i < names.size(); i++) {
        s += ", " + names.get(i);
      fail("Node(s) not active: " + s);

  private void assertNodeActive(NodeInstanceContainer container, List<String> names) {
    for (NodeInstance nodeInstance : container.getNodeInstances()) {
      String nodeName = nodeInstance.getNodeName();
      if (names.contains(nodeName)) {
      if (nodeInstance instanceof NodeInstanceContainer) {
        assertNodeActive((NodeInstanceContainer) nodeInstance, names);

  public void assertNodeTriggered(long processInstanceId, String... nodeNames) {
    List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (String nodeName : nodeNames) {
    if (sessionPersistence) {
      List<NodeInstanceLog> logs = logService.findNodeInstances(processInstanceId);
      if (logs != null) {
        for (NodeInstanceLog l : logs) {
          String nodeName = l.getNodeName();
          if ((l.getType() == NodeInstanceLog.TYPE_ENTER
                  || l.getType() == NodeInstanceLog.TYPE_EXIT)
              && names.contains(nodeName)) {
    } else {
      for (LogEvent event : inMemoryLogger.getLogEvents()) {
        if (event instanceof RuleFlowNodeLogEvent) {
          String nodeName = ((RuleFlowNodeLogEvent) event).getNodeName();
          if (names.contains(nodeName)) {
    if (!names.isEmpty()) {
      String s = names.get(0);
      for (int i = 1; i < names.size(); i++) {
        s += ", " + names.get(i);
      fail("Node(s) not executed: " + s);

  public void assertProcessVarExists(ProcessInstance process, String... processVarNames) {
    WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl instance = (WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl) process;
    List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (String nodeName : processVarNames) {

    for (String pvar : instance.getVariables().keySet()) {
      if (names.contains(pvar)) {

    if (!names.isEmpty()) {
      String s = names.get(0);
      for (int i = 1; i < names.size(); i++) {
        s += ", " + names.get(i);
      fail("Process Variable(s) do not exist: " + s);

  public void assertNodeExists(ProcessInstance process, String... nodeNames) {
    WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl instance = (WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl) process;
    List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (String nodeName : nodeNames) {

    for (Node node : instance.getNodeContainer().getNodes()) {
      if (names.contains(node.getName())) {

    if (!names.isEmpty()) {
      String s = names.get(0);
      for (int i = 1; i < names.size(); i++) {
        s += ", " + names.get(i);
      fail("Node(s) do not exist: " + s);

  public void assertNumOfIncommingConnections(ProcessInstance process, String nodeName, int num) {
    assertNodeExists(process, nodeName);
    WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl instance = (WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl) process;
    for (Node node : instance.getNodeContainer().getNodes()) {
      if (node.getName().equals(nodeName)) {
        if (node.getIncomingConnections().size() != num) {
              "Expected incomming connections: "
                  + num
                  + " - found "
                  + node.getIncomingConnections().size());
        } else {

  public void assertNumOfOutgoingConnections(ProcessInstance process, String nodeName, int num) {
    assertNodeExists(process, nodeName);
    WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl instance = (WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl) process;
    for (Node node : instance.getNodeContainer().getNodes()) {
      if (node.getName().equals(nodeName)) {
        if (node.getOutgoingConnections().size() != num) {
              "Expected outgoing connections: "
                  + num
                  + " - found "
                  + node.getOutgoingConnections().size());
        } else {

  public void assertVersionEquals(ProcessInstance process, String version) {
    WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl instance = (WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl) process;
    if (!instance.getWorkflowProcess().getVersion().equals(version)) {
          "Expected version: "
              + version
              + " - found "
              + instance.getWorkflowProcess().getVersion());

  public void assertProcessNameEquals(ProcessInstance process, String name) {
    WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl instance = (WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl) process;
    if (!instance.getWorkflowProcess().getName().equals(name)) {
      fail("Expected name: " + name + " - found " + instance.getWorkflowProcess().getName());

  public void assertPackageNameEquals(ProcessInstance process, String packageName) {
    WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl instance = (WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl) process;
    if (!instance.getWorkflowProcess().getPackageName().equals(packageName)) {
          "Expected package name: "
              + packageName
              + " - found "
              + instance.getWorkflowProcess().getPackageName());

   * ****************************************
   * *********** helper methods *************
   * ****************************************

  protected EntityManagerFactory getEmf() {
    return this.emf;

  protected DataSource getDs() {
    return this.ds;

  protected PoolingDataSource setupPoolingDataSource() {
    PoolingDataSource pds = new PoolingDataSource();
    pds.getDriverProperties().put("user", "sa");
    pds.getDriverProperties().put("password", "");
    pds.getDriverProperties().put("url", "jdbc:h2:inmemory:jbpm-db;MVCC=true");
    pds.getDriverProperties().put("driverClassName", "org.h2.Driver");
    return pds;

  protected void clearHistory() {
    if (sessionPersistence) {
    } else {

  protected TestWorkItemHandler getTestWorkItemHandler() {
    return workItemHandler;

  protected static class TestWorkItemHandler implements WorkItemHandler {

    private List<WorkItem> workItems = new ArrayList<WorkItem>();

    public void executeWorkItem(WorkItem workItem, WorkItemManager manager) {

    public void abortWorkItem(WorkItem workItem, WorkItemManager manager) {}

    public WorkItem getWorkItem() {
      if (workItems.size() == 0) {
        return null;
      if (workItems.size() == 1) {
        WorkItem result = workItems.get(0);
        return result;
      } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("More than one work item active");

    public List<WorkItem> getWorkItems() {
      List<WorkItem> result = new ArrayList<WorkItem>(workItems);
      return result;

  protected static void cleanupSingletonSessionId() {
    File tempDir = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"));
    if (tempDir.exists()) {

      String[] jbpmSerFiles =
              new FilenameFilter() {

                public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {

                  return name.endsWith("-jbpmSessionId.ser");
      for (String file : jbpmSerFiles) {

        new File(tempDir, file).delete();