@Override public String getHeaderField(final String field) { final List<String> values = headers.get(field); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final String v : values) sb.append(v).append(';'); return sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1); }
private void printStat(LiveStatistics ls) { long ms = ls.getTimeperiod() * 15000; DateTime time = new DateTime(ms); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(time.getDayOfMonth()) .append(".") .append(time.getMonthOfYear()) .append(".") .append(time.getYear()); sb.append(" ") .append(time.getHourOfDay()) .append(":") .append(time.getMinuteOfHour()) .append(":") .append(time.getSecondOfMinute()); System.out.println( ls.getTimeperiod() + ";" + ls.getAccountName() + "; date: " + sb.toString() + " value: " + ls.getValue() + " unitType: " + ls.getUnitType() + " valueType: " + ls.getValueType()); }
@Override protected void writeConnectors(StringBuilder output) throws Exception { String[] connectorClasses = getConnectorClasses(); String[] connectorNames = getConnectorNames(); for (int i = 0; i < connectorNames.length; i++) { output.append( " <repositoryconnector name=\"" + connectorNames[i] + "\" class=\"" + connectorClasses[i] + "\"/>\n"); } String[] outputClasses = getOutputClasses(); String[] outputNames = getOutputNames(); for (int i = 0; i < outputNames.length; i++) { output.append( " <outputconnector name=\"" + outputNames[i] + "\" class=\"" + outputClasses[i] + "\"/>\n"); } String[] authorityClasses = getAuthorityClasses(); String[] authorityNames = getAuthorityNames(); for (int i = 0; i < authorityNames.length; i++) { output.append( " <authorityconnector name=\"" + authorityNames[i] + "\" class=\"" + authorityClasses[i] + "\"/>\n"); } }
@Test public void canExtractCorrectPath() { Handshake76 handshake = new Handshake76(); RequestHeaderMap headerMapper = new RequestHeaderMap(); Map<Keys, String> map = headerMapper.extractHeader(getClientHandshakeString()); Assert.assertNotNull(handshake.createResponseHandshake(map)); byte[] bytes = handshake.createResponseHandshake(map); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { builder.append((int) bytes[i]); } Assert.assertEquals(correctResponse, builder.toString()); }
public static String randomString(String fldName, int length) { if (fldName.length() >= length) { return fldName.substring(0, length); } sb.setLength(0); sb.append(fldName); for (int i = fldName.length(); i < length; i++) { sb.append(chars.charAt(random.nextInt(chars.length()))); } return sb.toString(); }
/** Tests the internal parser (Option {@link MainOptions#INTPARSE}). */ @Test public void intParse() { set(MainOptions.CHOP, false); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final String[] docs = { "<x/>", " <x/> ", "<x></x>", "<x>A</x>", "<x><x>", "<x/><x/>", "<x></x><x/>", "<x>", "</x>", "<x></x></x>", "x<x>", "<x>x", "<x><![CDATA[ ]]></x>", }; for (final String doc : docs) { // parse document with default parser (expected to yield correct result) set(MainOptions.INTPARSE, false); boolean def = true; try { new CreateDB(NAME, doc).execute(context); } catch (final BaseXException ex) { def = false; } // parse document with internal parser set(MainOptions.INTPARSE, true); boolean cust = true; try { new CreateDB(NAME, doc).execute(context); } catch (final BaseXException ex) { cust = false; } // compare results if (def != cust) { sb.append('\n').append(def ? "- not accepted: " : "- not rejected: ").append(doc); } } // list all errors if (sb.length() != 0) fail(sb.toString()); set(MainOptions.MAINMEM, false); }
private ArrayList<String> randomStrings() { ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>(); Random gen = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); int thisLength = gen.nextInt(15) + 4; for (int j = 0; j < thisLength; j++) { int random = gen.nextInt(256); char c = (char) random; s.append(c); } strings.add(s.toString()); } return strings; }
@Test public void testInput4() { String test = "ABCDE-+$*EF*-"; // ((A (B (C (DE-) +) $) *) (EF*) -) addLine("LD", "D"); addLine("SB", "E"); addLine("ST", "TEMP1"); addLine("LD", "C"); addLine("AD", "TEMP1"); addLine("ST", "TEMP2"); addLine("LD", "B"); addLine("XP", "TEMP2"); addLine("ST", "TEMP3"); addLine("LD", "A"); addLine("ML", "TEMP3"); addLine("ST", "TEMP4"); addLine("LD", "E"); addLine("ML", "F"); addLine("ST", "TEMP5"); addLine("LD", "TEMP4"); addLine("SB", "TEMP5"); addLine("ST", "TEMP6"); PostFixToMachineInstructions pf = new PostFixToMachineInstructions(test); assertEquals("Input4: ", ans.toString(), pf.convert()); }
public static String readProgramFromFile(String path) { StringBuilder programString = new StringBuilder(); String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(""); try { scanner = new Scanner(new FileReader(path)); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) programString.append(scanner.nextLine().replaceAll("\\p{javaWhitespace}+$", "") + newLine); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println( "readProgramFromFile: " + "The file with the provided path was not found."); } finally { scanner.close(); } return programString.toString().trim(); }
/* This is a copy of buildDeterministicValue() from core:com.yahoo.ycsb.workloads.CoreWorkload.java. That method is neither public nor static so we need a copy. */ private String buildDeterministicValue(String key, String fieldkey) { int size = FIELD_LENGTH; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(size); sb.append(key); sb.append(':'); sb.append(fieldkey); while (sb.length() < size) { sb.append(':'); sb.append(sb.toString().hashCode()); } sb.setLength(size); return sb.toString(); }
@Test public void testInput2() { String test = "ABC+-"; addLine("LD", "B"); addLine("AD", "C"); addLine("ST", "TEMP1"); addLine("LD", "A"); addLine("SB", "TEMP1"); addLine("ST", "TEMP2"); PostFixToMachineInstructions pf = new PostFixToMachineInstructions(test); assertEquals("Input2: ", ans.toString(), pf.convert()); }
/** * It transforms a ResultSet instance to rows represented as strings. * * @param resultSet ResultSet that contains a query result * @return String * @throws SQLException */ public String resultSetToString(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = resultSet.getMetaData(); int numOfColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= numOfColumns; i++) { if (i > 1) sb.append(","); String columnName = rsmd.getColumnName(i); sb.append(columnName); } sb.append("\n-------------------------------\n"); while (resultSet.next()) { for (int i = 1; i <= numOfColumns; i++) { if (i > 1) sb.append(","); String columnValue = resultSet.getObject(i).toString(); sb.append(columnValue); } sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); }
@Test public void testInput9() { String test = "ABC+$CBA-+*"; // ((A (BC+) $) (C (BA-) +) *) addLine("LD", "B"); addLine("AD", "C"); addLine("ST", "TEMP1"); addLine("LD", "A"); addLine("XP", "TEMP1"); addLine("ST", "TEMP2"); addLine("LD", "B"); addLine("SB", "A"); addLine("ST", "TEMP3"); addLine("LD", "C"); addLine("AD", "TEMP3"); addLine("ST", "TEMP4"); addLine("LD", "TEMP2"); addLine("ML", "TEMP4"); addLine("ST", "TEMP5"); PostFixToMachineInstructions pf = new PostFixToMachineInstructions(test); assertEquals("Input9: ", ans.toString(), pf.convert()); }
@Test public void testInput3() { String test = "AB-C+DEF-+$"; // (((AB-) C+) (D (EF-)+) $) addLine("LD", "A"); addLine("SB", "B"); addLine("ST", "TEMP1"); addLine("LD", "TEMP1"); addLine("AD", "C"); addLine("ST", "TEMP2"); addLine("LD", "E"); addLine("SB", "F"); addLine("ST", "TEMP3"); addLine("LD", "D"); addLine("AD", "TEMP3"); addLine("ST", "TEMP4"); addLine("LD", "TEMP2"); addLine("XP", "TEMP4"); addLine("ST", "TEMP5"); PostFixToMachineInstructions pf = new PostFixToMachineInstructions(test); assertEquals("Input3: ", ans.toString(), pf.convert()); }
@Test /*public void getResponseKey() { Handshake76 handshake = new Handshake76(); byte[] bytes = handshake.getResponseKey( handshake.getKey("21 xq120c! o287Q 5@5a"), handshake.getKey("2 s9 98 6 b 3Q6 Y 355 D"), "8AP]ïv".getBytes()); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { builder.append((int)bytes[i]); } Assert.assertEquals( "127205494-111-20-11-39-9521134-11266221", builder.toString()); }*/ private String getClientHandshakeString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"); builder.append("Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n"); builder.append("Connection: Upgrade\r\n"); builder.append("Host: localhost\r\n"); builder.append("Origin: null\r\n"); builder.append("Sec-WebSocket-Key1: 21 xq120c! o287Q 5@5a\r\n"); builder.append("Sec-WebSocket-Key2: 2 s9 98 6 b 3Q6 Y 355 D\r\n"); builder.append("\r\n"); builder.append("8AP]ïv"); return builder.toString(); }
private void addLine(String str) { ans.append(str + System.getProperty("line.separator")); }
// Test-on-Train. Slow test, needed to build a good model. @Test public void testGBMTrainTest() { File file1 = TestUtil.find_test_file("..//classifcation1Train.txt"); if (file1 == null) return; // Silently ignore if file not found Key fkey1 = NFSFileVec.make(file1); Key dest1 = Key.make("train.hex"); File file2 = TestUtil.find_test_file("..//classification1Test.txt"); Key fkey2 = NFSFileVec.make(file2); Key dest2 = Key.make("test.hex"); GBM gbm = null; Frame fr = null, fpreds = null; try { gbm = new GBM(); fr = ParseDataset2.parse(dest1, new Key[] {fkey1}); UKV.remove(fkey1); UKV.remove(fr.remove("agentId")._key); // Remove unique ID; too predictive gbm.response = fr.remove("outcome"); // Train on the outcome gbm.source = fr; gbm.ntrees = 5; gbm.max_depth = 10; gbm.learn_rate = 0.2f; gbm.min_rows = 10; gbm.nbins = 100; gbm.invoke(); // Test on the train data Frame ftest = ParseDataset2.parse(dest2, new Key[] {fkey2}); UKV.remove(fkey2); fpreds = gbm.score(ftest); // Build a confusion matrix ConfusionMatrix CM = new ConfusionMatrix(); CM.actual = ftest; CM.vactual = ftest.vecs()[ftest.find("outcome")]; CM.predict = fpreds; CM.vpredict = fpreds.vecs()[fpreds.find("predict")]; CM.serve(); // Start it, do it // Really crappy cut-n-paste of what should be in the ConfusionMatrix class itself long cm[][] = CM.cm; long acts[] = new long[cm.length]; long preds[] = new long[cm[0].length]; for (int a = 0; a < cm.length; a++) { long sum = 0; for (int p = 0; p < cm[a].length; p++) { sum += cm[a][p]; preds[p] += cm[a][p]; } acts[a] = sum; } String adomain[] = ConfusionMatrix.show(acts, CM.vactual.domain()); String pdomain[] = ConfusionMatrix.show(preds, CM.vpredict.domain()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Act/Prd\t"); for (String s : pdomain) if (s != null) sb.append(s).append('\t'); sb.append("Error\n"); long terr = 0; for (int a = 0; a < cm.length; a++) { if (adomain[a] == null) continue; sb.append(adomain[a]).append('\t'); long correct = 0; for (int p = 0; p < pdomain.length; p++) { if (pdomain[p] == null) continue; if (adomain[a].equals(pdomain[p])) correct = cm[a][p]; sb.append(cm[a][p]).append('\t'); } long err = acts[a] - correct; terr += err; // Bump totals sb.append(String.format("%5.3f = %d / %d\n", (double) err / acts[a], err, acts[a])); } sb.append("Totals\t"); for (int p = 0; p < pdomain.length; p++) if (pdomain[p] != null) sb.append(preds[p]).append("\t"); sb.append( String.format( "%5.3f = %d / %d\n", (double) terr / CM.vactual.length(), terr, CM.vactual.length())); System.out.println(sb); } finally { UKV.remove(dest1); // Remove original hex frame key UKV.remove(fkey2); UKV.remove(dest2); if (gbm != null) { UKV.remove(gbm.dest()); // Remove the model UKV.remove(gbm.response._key); gbm.remove(); // Remove GBM Job } if (fr != null) fr.remove(); if (fpreds != null) fpreds.remove(); } }