private RunTimeElements getNextSingleStarts(DateTime baseDate) { DateTimeFormatter fmtDate = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd"); DateTimeFormatter fmtDateTime = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); RunTimeElements result = new RunTimeElements(baseDate); logger.debug(getDay().size() + " day elements detected."); Iterator<String> it = getDay().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String dayString =; logger.debug("parsing day string " + dayString); List<Integer> days = JodaTools.getJodaWeekdays(dayString); for (int i = 0; i < days.size(); i++) { DateTime nextWeekDay = JodaTools.getNextWeekday(baseDate, days.get(i)); logger.debug("calculated date " + fmtDate.print(nextWeekDay)); List<Period> periods = getPeriod(); Iterator<Period> itP = periods.iterator(); logger.debug(periods.size() + " periods found."); while (itP.hasNext()) { Period p =; JSObjPeriod period = new JSObjPeriod(objFactory); period.setObjectFieldsFrom(p); DateTime start = period.getDtSingleStartOrNull(nextWeekDay); if (start != null) { logger.debug("start from period " + fmtDateTime.print(start)); if (start.isBefore(baseDate)) { start = start.plusWeeks(1); logger.debug("start is corrected to " + fmtDateTime.print(start)); } result.add(new RunTimeElement(start, period.getWhenHoliday())); } } } // Collections.sort(result, DateTimeComparator.getInstance()); } return result; }
/** * Constructs a new ReportGenerator. * * @param applicationName the application name being analyzed * @param dependencies the list of dependencies * @param analyzers the list of analyzers used * @param properties the database properties (containing timestamps of the NVD CVE data) */ public ReportGenerator( String applicationName, List<Dependency> dependencies, List<Analyzer> analyzers, DatabaseProperties properties) { velocityEngine = createVelocityEngine(); context = createContext(); velocityEngine.init(); final EscapeTool enc = new EscapeTool(); final DateTime dt =; final DateTimeFormatter dateFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("MMM d, yyyy 'at' HH:mm:ss z"); final DateTimeFormatter dateFormatXML = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"); // final Date d = new Date(); // final DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM d, yyyy 'at' HH:mm:ss z"); // final DateFormat dateFormatXML = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"); final String scanDate = dateFormat.print(dt); final String scanDateXML = dateFormatXML.print(dt); context.put("applicationName", applicationName); context.put("dependencies", dependencies); context.put("analyzers", analyzers); context.put("properties", properties); context.put("scanDate", scanDate); context.put("scanDateXML", scanDateXML); context.put("enc", enc); context.put("version", Settings.getString(Settings.KEYS.APPLICATION_VERSION, "Unknown")); }
/** * @param isNullable isNullable * @param earliest lower boundary date * @param latest upper boundary date * @param onlyBusinessDays only business days * @return a list of boundary dates */ public List<String> positiveCase( boolean isNullable, String earliest, String latest, boolean onlyBusinessDays) { List<String> values = new LinkedList<>(); if (earliest.equalsIgnoreCase(latest)) { values.add(earliest); if (isNullable) { values.add(""); } return values; } DateTimeFormatter parser =; DateTime earlyDate = parser.parseDateTime(earliest); DateTime lateDate = parser.parseDateTime(latest); String earlyDay = parser.print(earlyDate); String nextDay = getNextDay(earlyDate.toString().substring(0, 10), onlyBusinessDays); String prevDay = getPreviousDay(lateDate.toString().substring(0, 10), onlyBusinessDays); String lateDay = parser.print(lateDate); values.add(earlyDay); values.add(nextDay); values.add(prevDay); values.add(lateDay); if (isNullable) { values.add(""); } return values; }
public static String getWeekRange(String dateCode) { DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy/MM/dd"); DateTimeFormatter outformatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd.MM"); DateTime endWeek = formatter.parseDateTime(dateCode); DateTime startWeek = endWeek.minusDays(6); return outformatter.print(startWeek) + "-" + outformatter.print(endWeek); }
public static void getMonthDateRange(int month) { LocalDate endOfLastMonth = new LocalDate(getYear(), month, 1); endOfLastMonth = endOfLastMonth.minusDays(1); LocalDate startOfNextMonth = new LocalDate(getYear(), month, 1); startOfNextMonth = startOfNextMonth.plusMonths(1); DateTimeFormatter dateFormatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy/MM/dd"); System.out.println(dateFormatter.print(endOfLastMonth)); System.out.println(dateFormatter.print(startOfNextMonth)); }
@Override public void addField(TemporalElementaryDataItem di, LocalDateTime t) throws IOException { writeSeparator(); if (t != null) { if (cfg.datesQuoted) addRawData(stringQuote); if (di.getFractionalSeconds() <= 0) addRawData(timestampFormat.print(t)); // second precision else addRawData(timestamp3Format.print(t)); // millisecond precision if (cfg.datesQuoted) addRawData(stringQuote); } }
/** * Gets the url parameters that will need to be present for every request. * * @param arrivalDate The arrival date for this request. * @param departureDate The departure date for this request. * @return The above parameters plus the cid, apikey, minor rev, and customer user agent url * parameters. */ public static List<NameValuePair> getBasicUrlParameters( final LocalDate arrivalDate, final LocalDate departureDate) { final List<NameValuePair> params = CommonParameters.asNameValuePairs(); if (arrivalDate != null) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("arrivalDate", DATE_TIME_FORMATTER.print(arrivalDate))); } if (departureDate != null) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("departureDate", DATE_TIME_FORMATTER.print(departureDate))); } return params; }
public void onTimeSet(TimePicker view, int hourOfDay, int minute) { // Do something with the time chosen by the user DateTime date = new DateTime(0, 1, 1, hourOfDay, minute); DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm"); if (isFromTime) { fromTimeTextView.setText(formatter.print(date)); } else { toTimeTextView.setText(formatter.print(date)); } }
@Override public void serialize( final Interval value, final JsonGenerator gen, final SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException { gen.writeStartObject(); gen.writeStringField("startdatetime", formatter.print(value.getStart())); gen.writeStringField("starttimezone", value.getStart().getZone().toString()); gen.writeStringField("enddatetime", formatter.print(value.getEnd())); gen.writeStringField("endtimezone", value.getEnd().getZone().toString()); gen.writeEndObject(); }
public void onDateSet(DatePicker view, int year, int month, int day) { // Do something with the date chosen by the user DateTime date = new DateTime(year, month, day, 0, 0); DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("EEEE dd MMMM yyyy"); formatter.withLocale(Locale.FRENCH); if (isFromDate) { fromDateTextView.setText(formatter.print(date)); } else { toDateTextView.setText(formatter.print(date)); } }
public String getShortName() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(; sb.append("("); sb.append(; sb.append("@"); sb.append(SDF.print(this.start)); sb.append("-"); sb.append(SDF.print(this.end)); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); }
private void sendEmailToOwner(String username, String reportIdxFileName) { String link = basePath + REPORTS_URL + "/" + reportIdxFileName; link = "<a href=\"" + link + "\">" + link + "</a>"; String title = EMAIL_TITLE + " (" + titleFmt.print(startDate) + " ~ " + titleFmt.print(endDate) + ")"; String body = "Your data reports are ready for your review at the following address:<br/><br/>" + link; body += "<br/><br/>Please access the above link and provide us your feedback!<br/><br/>"; body += "Regards,<br/>SensorPrivacy Research Team"; // Get email address UserDatabaseDriver db = null; String email = null; try { db = DatabaseConnector.getUserDatabase(); email = db.getUserEmail(username); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NamingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (db != null) { try { db.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } if (email == null) { Log.error("No email address for " + username); return; } try { MailSender.send(email, title, body); } catch (MessagingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.error("Error while sending email.."); return; }"Done sending email!"); }
public static String getLastDayOfLastMonth(int month) { LocalDate endOfLastMonth = new LocalDate(getYear(), month, 1); endOfLastMonth = endOfLastMonth.minusDays(1); DateTimeFormatter dateFormatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy/MM/dd"); // System.out.println(dateFormatter.print(endOfLastMonth)); return dateFormatter.print(endOfLastMonth); }
private void addProfileDesc(XMLStreamWriter sw, Description desc) { tag( sw, "profiledesc", () -> { tag( sw, "creation", () -> { characters(sw, resourceAsString("export-boilerplate.txt")); DateTime now =; tag(sw, "date", now.toString(), attrs("normal", unitDateNormalFormat.print(now))); }); tag( sw, "langusage", () -> tag( sw, "language", LanguageHelpers.codeToName(desc.getLanguageOfDescription()), attrs("langcode", desc.getLanguageOfDescription()))); Optional.ofNullable(desc.<String>getProperty(IsadG.rulesAndConventions)) .ifPresent(value -> tag(sw, "descrules", value, attrs("encodinganalog", "3.7.2"))); }); }
private void handleStaticResource( final HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Site sites, String pageSlug) throws IOException, ServletException { pageSlug = pageSlug.replaceFirst("/", ""); byte[] bytes = sites.getTheme().contentForPath(pageSlug); if (bytes != null) { CMSThemeFile templateFile = sites.getTheme().fileForPath(pageSlug); String etag = "W/\"" + bytes.length + "-" + (templateFile == null ? "na" : templateFile.getLastModified().getMillis()) + "\""; res.setHeader("ETag", etag); if (etag.equals(req.getHeader("If-None-Match"))) { res.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED); return; } res.setHeader("Expires", formatter.print(; res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=43200"); res.setContentLength(bytes.length); if (templateFile != null) { res.setContentType(templateFile.getContentType()); } else { res.setContentType(new MimetypesFileTypeMap().getContentType(pageSlug)); } res.getOutputStream().write(bytes); } else { res.sendError(404); } }
@Override public void serialize( LocalDateTime value, JsonGenerator generator, SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws IOException { generator.writeString(formatter.print(value)); }
public XContentBuilder value(ReadableInstant date, DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter) throws IOException { if (date == null) { return nullValue(); } return value(dateTimeFormatter.print(date)); }
protected String createRowId(Map<String, Object> data) { Long ots = null; Object ov; ov = data.get("logTimestamp"); if (ov == null) { // return new Text("9999"); return null; } if (ov instanceof Long) { ots = (Long) ov; } else if (ov instanceof Integer) { // logger.warn("Invalid logTimestamp(int) - raw-log:" + new String(event.getBody())); ots = ((Integer) ov).longValue(); } else if (ov instanceof String) { // logger.warn("Invalid logTimestamp(string) - raw-log:" + new String(event.getBody())); ots = Long.parseLong((String) ov); } if (ots == null) { // logger.warn("Invalid logTimestamp(empty) - raw-log:" + new String(event.getBody())); // return new Text("9999"); return null; } Integer oid = (Integer) data.get("oid"); if (oid == null) oid = oidSerial.incrementAndGet(); Integer ser = serial.incrementAndGet(); return String.format("%s.%04d%04d", timeFmt.print(ots), oid % 10000, ser % 10000); }
/** * Format date to hh:mm:ss * * @param date * @return */ public static String formatTime(Date date) { if (date != null) { DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(TIME_SHORT_PATTERN); return fmt.print(new DateTime(date)); } return null; }
public FidoDevice updateFidoDevice(String id, FidoDevice fidoDevice) throws Exception { fidoDeviceService = FidoDeviceService.instance(); GluuCustomFidoDevice gluuCustomFidoDevice = fidoDeviceService.getGluuCustomFidoDeviceById(fidoDevice.getUserId(), id); if (gluuCustomFidoDevice == null) { throw new EntryPersistenceException( "Scim2FidoDeviceService.updateFidoDevice(): Resource " + id + " not found"); } GluuCustomFidoDevice updatedGluuCustomFidoDevice = CopyUtils2.updateGluuCustomFidoDevice(fidoDevice, gluuCustomFidoDevice);" Setting meta: update device "); DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime().withZoneUTC(); // Date should be in UTC format Date dateLastModified =; updatedGluuCustomFidoDevice.setMetaLastModified( dateTimeFormatter.print(dateLastModified.getTime())); if (updatedGluuCustomFidoDevice.getMetaLocation() == null || (updatedGluuCustomFidoDevice.getMetaLocation() != null && updatedGluuCustomFidoDevice.getMetaLocation().isEmpty())) { String relativeLocation = "/scim/v2/FidoDevices/" + id; updatedGluuCustomFidoDevice.setMetaLocation(relativeLocation); } fidoDeviceService.updateGluuCustomFidoDevice(gluuCustomFidoDevice); FidoDevice updatedFidoDevice = CopyUtils2.copy(gluuCustomFidoDevice, new FidoDevice()); return updatedFidoDevice; }
public static String getLastDayOfMounth(int month) { LocalDate startOfNextMonth = new LocalDate(getYear(), month, 1); startOfNextMonth = startOfNextMonth.dayOfMonth().withMaximumValue(); DateTimeFormatter dateFormatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy/MM/dd"); // System.out.println(dateFormatter.print(startOfNextMonth)); return dateFormatter.print(startOfNextMonth); }
/** * Set the cache control and last modified HTTP headers from data in the graph * * @param httpHeaders * @param rdf */ public static void setCachingHeaders( final MultivaluedMap<String, Object> httpHeaders, final Dataset rdf, final UriInfo uriInfo) { final List<PathSegment> segments = uriInfo.getPathSegments(); if (!segments.isEmpty() && segments.get(0).getPath().startsWith("tx:")) { // Do not set caching headers if we are in a transaction return; } httpHeaders.put(CACHE_CONTROL, of((Object) "max-age=0", (Object) "must-revalidate")); LOGGER.trace( "Attempting to discover the last-modified date of the node for the resource in question..."); final Iterator<Quad> iterator = rdf.asDatasetGraph().find(ANY, getDatasetSubject(rdf), lastModifiedPredicate, ANY); if (!iterator.hasNext()) { return; } final Object dateObject =; if (!(dateObject instanceof XSDDateTime)) { LOGGER.debug("Found last-modified date, but it was not an XSDDateTime: {}", dateObject); return; } final XSDDateTime lastModified = (XSDDateTime) dateObject; LOGGER.debug("Found last-modified date: {}", lastModified); final String lastModifiedAsRdf2822 = RFC2822DATEFORMAT.print(new DateTime(lastModified.asCalendar())); httpHeaders.put(LAST_MODIFIED, of((Object) lastModifiedAsRdf2822)); }
public static void testLocale() { System.out.println("演示Locale"); DateTime dateTime = new DateTime().withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC); // 打印中文与英文下不同长度的日期格式串 System.out.println("S: " + DateUtils.formatDateTime(dateTime, "SS", "zh")); System.out.println("M: " + DateUtils.formatDateTime(dateTime, "MM", "zh")); System.out.println("L: " + DateUtils.formatDateTime(dateTime, "LL", "zh")); System.out.println("XL: " + DateUtils.formatDateTime(dateTime, "FF", "zh")); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("S: " + DateUtils.formatDateTime(dateTime, "SS", "en")); System.out.println("M: " + DateUtils.formatDateTime(dateTime, "MM", "en")); System.out.println("L: " + DateUtils.formatDateTime(dateTime, "LL", "en")); System.out.println("XL: " + DateUtils.formatDateTime(dateTime, "FF", "en")); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); // 直接打印TimeStamp, 日期是M,时间是L DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forStyle("ML").withLocale(new Locale("zh")).withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC); System.out.println("ML Mix: " + formatter.print(dateTime.getMillis())); // 只打印日期不打印时间 System.out.println("Date only :" + DateUtils.formatDateTime(dateTime, "M-", "zh")); }
private static Slice dateFormat( ISOChronology chronology, Locale locale, long timestamp, Slice formatString) { DateTimeFormatter formatter = DATETIME_FORMATTER_CACHE.get(formatString).withChronology(chronology).withLocale(locale); return Slices.copiedBuffer(formatter.print(timestamp), Charsets.UTF_8); }
@Test public void shouldDisplayFormattedTimeWhenFormattedTimeIsAnEmptyString() { createBooksPrintStreamDateTimeAndLibrary(); when(dateTimeFormatter.print(time)).thenReturn(""); library.welcome(time); verify(printStream).println(contains("The current time is ")); }
@Override public void onTimeSet(RadialPickerLayout view, int hourOfDay, int minute) { DateTime time = new DateTime().withHourOfDay(hourOfDay).withMinuteOfHour(minute); DateTimeFormatter timeFormatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("h:mm a"); inviteTime.setText(timeFormatter.print(time)); creator.getInvite().time = time.getMillis(); }
@RequestMapping("/importacao") public ModelAndView importacao(Model model) {"===> importacao"); DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd/MM/YYYY"); DateTime hoje =; model.addAttribute("dataEnvio", fmt.print(hoje)); return new ModelAndView("pedido/importacao"); }
public XContentBuilder dateValueField( String rawFieldName, String readableFieldName, long rawTimestamp) throws IOException { if (humanReadable) { field(readableFieldName, defaultDatePrinter.print(rawTimestamp)); } field(rawFieldName, rawTimestamp); return this; }
public static String getYesterdayDate() { Date date = new Date(); DateTime dt = new DateTime(date); dt = dt.minusDays(1); // DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); DateTimeFormatter dateFormatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy/MM/dd"); return dateFormatter.print(dt); }
@Override public void write(JsonWriter out, LocalDate date) throws IOException { if (date == null) { out.nullValue(); } else { out.value(formatter.print(date)); } }