public long getFreeMemorySpace() throws JIException { System.gc(); JIVariant results[] = service_dispatch.callMethodA( "ExecQuery", new Object[] { new JIString("select * from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Memory"), JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM(), JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM(), JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM() }); IJIDispatch wbemObjectSet_dispatch = (IJIDispatch) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject((results[0]).getObjectAsComObject()); JIVariant variant = wbemObjectSet_dispatch.get("_NewEnum"); IJIComObject object2 = variant.getObjectAsComObject(); IJIEnumVariant enumVARIANT = (IJIEnumVariant) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject(object2.queryInterface(IJIEnumVariant.IID)); if (wbemObjectSet_dispatch.get("Count").getObjectAsInt() != 1) return -1; // there should be 1 hint JIArray array = (JIArray)[0]; JIVariant item = ((JIVariant[]) array.getArrayInstance())[0]; IJIDispatch wbemObject_dispatch = (IJIDispatch) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject(item.getObjectAsComObject()); return Long.parseLong( wbemObject_dispatch.get("AvailableKBytes").getObjectAsString().getString()); }
public LinkedList<IJIDispatch> getDiskDrives() throws JIException { System.gc(); // get all local disks JIVariant results[] = service_dispatch.callMethodA( "ExecQuery", new Object[] { new JIString("select * from Win32_LogicalDisk where DriveType = 3"), JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM(), JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM(), JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM() }); IJIDispatch wbemObjectSet_dispatch = (IJIDispatch) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject((results[0]).getObjectAsComObject()); JIVariant variant = wbemObjectSet_dispatch.get("_NewEnum"); IJIComObject object2 = variant.getObjectAsComObject(); IJIEnumVariant enumVARIANT = (IJIEnumVariant) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject(object2.queryInterface(IJIEnumVariant.IID)); LinkedList<IJIDispatch> drives = new LinkedList<IJIDispatch>(); int count = wbemObjectSet_dispatch.get("Count").getObjectAsInt(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Object[] values =; JIArray array = (JIArray) values[0]; JIVariant[] variants = (JIVariant[]) array.getArrayInstance(); for (JIVariant item : variants) { drives.add((IJIDispatch) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject(item.getObjectAsComObject())); } } return drives; }
public void OnWriteComplete( int dwTransid, int hGroup, int hrMasterError, int dwCount, JIArray pClientHandles, JIArray pErrors) { Logger.getLogger(OPCDataCallbackImpl.class.getName()) .finest("OnWriteComplete, transid=" + dwTransid); Integer[] clientHandles = (Integer[]) pClientHandles.getArrayInstance(); Integer[] errors = (Integer[]) pErrors.getArrayInstance(); listener.writeCompleted(dwTransid, hGroup, hrMasterError, clientHandles, errors); }
public void getTCharArray() throws JIException, InterruptedException, UnknownHostException { System.gc(); JICallBuilder callObject = new JICallBuilder(true); callObject.setOpnum(6); Object results[]; callObject.addOutParamAsObject( new JIArray(Byte.class, new int[] {50}, 1, false), JIFlags.FLAG_NULL); results =; JIArray arrayOfResults = (JIArray) results[0]; Byte[] arrayOfBytes = (Byte[]) arrayOfResults.getArrayInstance(); int length = 50; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { System.out.println(arrayOfBytes[i].byteValue()); } }
FuncDesc(JIStruct filledStruct) { if (filledStruct == null) { values = null; memberId = -1; lprgscode = null; lprgelemdescParam = null; funcKind = -1; invokeKind = -1; callConv = -1; cParams = -1; cParamsOpt = -1; oVft = -1; cScodes = -1; elemdescFunc = null; wFuncFlags = -1; return; } values = filledStruct; memberId = ((Integer) values.getMember(0)).intValue(); lprgscode = (JIPointer) values.getMember(1); JIPointer ptr = (JIPointer) values.getMember(2); JIArray arrayOfElemDesc = null; if (!ptr.isNull()) { JIArray arry = (JIArray) ptr.getReferent(); Object[] obj = (Object[]) arry.getArrayInstance(); // ElemDesc[] arry2 = new ElemDesc[obj.length]; // for (int i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) // { // arry2[i] = new ElemDesc((JIStruct)obj[i]); // } // arrayOfElemDesc = new JIArray(arry2); arrayOfElemDesc = new JIArray(obj); } lprgelemdescParam = new JIPointer(arrayOfElemDesc); funcKind = ((Integer) values.getMember(3)).intValue(); invokeKind = ((Integer) values.getMember(4)).intValue(); callConv = ((Integer) values.getMember(5)).intValue(); cParams = ((Short) values.getMember(6)).shortValue(); cParamsOpt = ((Short) values.getMember(7)).shortValue(); oVft = ((Short) values.getMember(8)).shortValue(); cScodes = ((Short) values.getMember(9)).shortValue(); elemdescFunc = new ElemDesc(((JIStruct) values.getMember(10))); wFuncFlags = ((Short) values.getMember(11)).shortValue(); }
public void getConformantIntArray() throws JIException, InterruptedException, UnknownHostException { JICallBuilder callObject = new JICallBuilder(true); callObject.setOpnum(8); Object results[]; callObject.addOutParamAsType(Integer.class, JIFlags.FLAG_NULL); callObject.addOutParamAsObject( new JIPointer(new JIArray(Integer.class, null, 1, true)), JIFlags.FLAG_NULL); results =; JIArray arrayOfResults = (JIArray) ((JIPointer) results[1]).getReferent(); Integer[] arrayOfIntegers = (Integer[]) arrayOfResults.getArrayInstance(); int length = ((Integer) results[0]).intValue(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { System.out.println(arrayOfIntegers[i].intValue()); } }
public T next() { try { if (hasNext()) { count--; Object[] values =; JIArray array = (JIArray) values[0]; Object[] arrayObj = (Object[]) array.getArrayInstance(); IJIComObject co = ((JIVariant) arrayObj[0]).getObjectAsComObject(); IJIDispatch dispatch = (IJIDispatch) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject(co); // Create a new SWbemSetItem from the result. final Constructor<T> ctor = clazz.getConstructor(IJIDispatch.class, SWbemServices.class); final T item = ctor.newInstance(dispatch, this.service); return item; } else { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } }
public void OnReadComplete( int dwTransid, int hGroup, int hrMasterQuality, int hrMasterError, int dwCount, JIArray phClientItems, JIArray pvValues, JIArray pwQualities, JIArray pftTimeStamps, JIArray pErrors) throws JIException { Logger.getLogger(OPCDataCallbackImpl.class.getName()) .finest("OnReadComplete, transid=" + dwTransid); Integer[] clientHandles = (Integer[]) phClientItems.getArrayInstance(); Object[] values = new Object[dwCount]; Short[] qualities = (Short[]) pwQualities.getArrayInstance(); Date[] timeStamps = new Date[dwCount]; Integer[] errors = (Integer[]) pErrors.getArrayInstance(); JIStruct[] fileTimeStructs = (JIStruct[]) pftTimeStamps.getArrayInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < fileTimeStructs.length; i++) timeStamps[i] = new FileTime(fileTimeStructs[i]).getTime(); JIVariant[] valueVariants = (JIVariant[]) pvValues.getArrayInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < valueVariants.length; i++) values[i] = valueVariants[i].getObject(); listener.readCompleted( dwTransid, hGroup, hrMasterQuality, hrMasterError, clientHandles, values, qualities, timeStamps, errors); }
public LinkedList<IJIDispatch> getServices() throws JIException { System.gc(); // get all services which should start automatically but are not running JIVariant results[] = service_dispatch.callMethodA( "ExecQuery", new Object[] { new JIString( "select * from Win32_Service where StartMode = 'Auto' and Started = FALSE"), JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM(), JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM(), JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM() }); IJIDispatch wbemObjectSet_dispatch = (IJIDispatch) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject((results[0]).getObjectAsComObject()); JIVariant variant = wbemObjectSet_dispatch.get("_NewEnum"); IJIComObject object2 = variant.getObjectAsComObject(); IJIEnumVariant enumVARIANT = (IJIEnumVariant) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject(object2.queryInterface(IJIEnumVariant.IID)); LinkedList<IJIDispatch> services = new LinkedList<IJIDispatch>(); int count = wbemObjectSet_dispatch.get("Count").getObjectAsInt(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Object[] values =; JIArray array = (JIArray) values[0]; JIVariant[] variants = (JIVariant[]) array.getArrayInstance(); for (JIVariant item : variants) { IJIDispatch wbemObject_dispatch = (IJIDispatch) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject(item.getObjectAsComObject()); services.add(wbemObject_dispatch); } } return services; }
/** * Add resources to an existing virtual computer system * * @param vmDispatch A reference to the computer system instance to which the resource is to be * added. * @param newResourceAllocationDispatch the new resource allocation setting data reference to be * added. * @return the resource allocation setting data path of the added resource * @deprecated * @throws JIException */ @Deprecated public String addVirtualSystemResources2( final IJIDispatch vmDispatch, final IJIDispatch newResourceAllocationDispatch) throws JIException { if (this.addVirtualSystemResources == null) { for (final SWbemMethod m : super.getMethods()) { if (m.getName().equals("AddVirtualSystemResources")) { this.addVirtualSystemResources = m; } } } // Getting the dispatcher of the VM Path IJIDispatch vmPathDispatcher = (IJIDispatch) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject( vmDispatch.get("Path_").getObjectAsComObject().queryInterface(IJIDispatch.IID)); // Getting the virtual machine path String vmPath = vmPathDispatcher.get("Path").getObjectAsString2(); // Getting the dispatcher of the resource path String resourceText = newResourceAllocationDispatch.callMethodA("GetText_", new Object[] {new Integer(1)})[0] .getObjectAsString2(); SWbemObject inParams = this.addVirtualSystemResources.getInParameters(); inParams.getObjectDispatcher().put("TargetSystem", new JIVariant(new JIString(vmPath))); inParams .getObjectDispatcher() .put( "ResourceSettingData", new JIVariant(new JIArray(new JIString[] {new JIString(resourceText)}))); Object[] methodParams = new Object[] { new JIString("AddVirtualSystemResources"), new JIVariant(inParams.getObjectDispatcher()), new Integer(0), JIVariant.NULL(), }; // Execute the method. JIVariant[] results = super.objectDispatcher.callMethodA("ExecMethod_", methodParams); // Get the out parameters. JIVariant outParamsVar = results[0]; IJIComObject co = outParamsVar.getObjectAsComObject(); IJIDispatch outParamsDisp = (IJIDispatch) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject(co); // Get the out parameter virtualSystemResources and convert it into an // array of JIVariants. JIVariant newResourcesVars = outParamsDisp.get("NewResources"); JIArray newResourcesVarsJIArr = newResourcesVars.getObjectAsArray(); JIVariant[] newResourcesVarsJIVarArr = (JIVariant[]) newResourcesVarsJIArr.getArrayInstance(); String newResourceCoString = newResourcesVarsJIVarArr[0].getObjectAsString2(); return newResourceCoString; }
/** * Add resources to an existing virtual computer system * * @param vmDispatch A reference to the computer system instance to which the resource is to be * added. * @param newResourceAllocationDispatch the new resource allocation setting data reference to be * added. * @return the resource allocation setting data path of the added resource * @throws JIException */ public String addVirtualSystemResources( final IJIDispatch vmDispatch, final IJIDispatch newResourceAllocationDispatch) throws JIException { // Getting the dispatcher of the VM Path IJIDispatch vmPathDispatcher = (IJIDispatch) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject( vmDispatch.get("Path_").getObjectAsComObject().queryInterface(IJIDispatch.IID)); // Getting the virtual machine path String vmPath = vmPathDispatcher.get("Path").getObjectAsString2(); // Getting the dispatcher of the resource path String resourceText = newResourceAllocationDispatch.callMethodA("GetText_", new Object[] {new Integer(1)})[0] .getObjectAsString2(); JIVariant[] tmp = dispatch.callMethodA( "AddVirtualSystemResources", new Object[] { new JIString(vmPath), new JIArray(new JIString[] {new JIString(resourceText)}), JIVariant.EMPTY_BYREF(), JIVariant.EMPTY_BYREF() }); int result = tmp[0].getObjectAsInt(); JIVariant resultVariant = tmp[2]; JIVariant variant2 = resultVariant.getObjectAsVariant(); JIArray newResourcesArr = variant2.getObjectAsArray(); if (newResourcesArr == null) { throw new JIException(32768, "The resource could not be added"); } JIVariant[] newResourcesVarArr = (JIVariant[]) newResourcesArr.getArrayInstance(); String newResourcePath = newResourcesVarArr[0].getObjectAsString2(); String name = newResourceAllocationDispatch.get("ElementName").getObjectAsString2(); if (result == 0) { logger.debug(name + " added to " + vmPath); } else { if (result == 4096) { logger.debug("Addind resources..."); String jobPath = tmp[1].getObjectAsVariant().getObjectAsString2(); HyperVUtils.monitorJob(jobPath, service.getObjectDispatcher()); } else { logger.error(name + " addition to " + vmPath + " failed with error code " + result); throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot add resource " + name + " to " + vmDispatch.get("ElementName").getObjectAsString2()); } } return newResourcePath; }