public static void main(String[] args) { TAP tap = TAP.BRAESS(TADriver.class); List<String> odpairs = new ArrayList<>(tap.getOdpairs().keySet()); Collections.sort(odpairs); String header = "average_tt"; String results = ""; // calculate all-shortest-path FloydWarshallShortestPaths fws = new FloydWarshallShortestPaths(tap.getGraph()); // update the edges cost for (String odPair : odpairs) { String origin = odPair.split("-")[0]; String destination = odPair.split("-")[1]; GraphPath path = fws.getShortestPath(origin, destination); for (Object e : path.getEdgeList()) { StandardEdge edge = (StandardEdge) e; edge.incrementTotalFlow(tap.getOdpairs().get(odPair).demandSize()); } } // evaluate cost per OD pair for (String odPair : odpairs) { header += Params.COLUMN_SEPARATOR + odPair; String origin = odPair.split("-")[0]; String destination = odPair.split("-")[1]; results += Params.COLUMN_SEPARATOR + fws.getShortestPath(origin, destination).getWeight(); } // print Result List<AbstractEdge> edges = new ArrayList<>(tap.getGraph().edgeSet()); Collections.sort(edges); double cost = 0.0; for (AbstractEdge e : edges) { header += Params.COLUMN_SEPARATOR + e.getName(); results += Params.COLUMN_SEPARATOR + e.getTotalFlow(); cost += (e.getCost() * e.getTotalFlow()) / tap.getDrivers().size(); } System.out.println(header); System.out.println(cost + results); }
private static List<String> shortestCycle(DirectedGraph<String, DefaultEdge> graph) { FloydWarshallShortestPaths<String, DefaultEdge> floyd = new FloydWarshallShortestPaths<>(graph); int minDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; String minSource = null; String minDestination = null; for (DefaultEdge edge : graph.edgeSet()) { String src = graph.getEdgeSource(edge); String dst = graph.getEdgeTarget(edge); int dist = (int) Math.round(floyd.shortestDistance(dst, src)); // from dst to src if (dist < 0) { continue; } if (dist < minDistance) { minDistance = dist; minSource = src; minDestination = dst; } } if (minSource == null) { return null; } GraphPath<String, DefaultEdge> shortestPath = floyd.getShortestPath(minDestination, minSource); List<String> pathVertexList = Graphs.getPathVertexList(shortestPath); // note: pathVertexList will be [a, a] instead of [a] when the shortest path is a loop edge if (!Objects.equals(shortestPath.getStartVertex(), shortestPath.getEndVertex())) { pathVertexList.add(pathVertexList.get(0)); } return pathVertexList; }