  public static GrExpression getRuntimeQualifier(GrReferenceExpression refExpr) {
    GrExpression qualifier = refExpr.getQualifierExpression();
    if (qualifier != null) return qualifier;

    for (GrClosableBlock closure = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(refExpr, GrClosableBlock.class);
        closure != null;
        closure = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(closure, GrClosableBlock.class)) {

      PsiElement parent = closure.getParent();
      if (parent instanceof GrArgumentList) parent = parent.getParent();
      if (!(parent instanceof GrMethodCall)) continue;

      GrExpression funExpr = ((GrMethodCall) parent).getInvokedExpression();
      if (!(funExpr instanceof GrReferenceExpression)) return funExpr;

      final PsiElement resolved = ((GrReferenceExpression) funExpr).resolve();
      if (!(resolved instanceof PsiMethod)) return funExpr;

      if (resolved instanceof GrGdkMethod
          && isFromDGM((GrGdkMethod) resolved)
          && !GdkMethodUtil.isWithName(((GrGdkMethod) resolved).getStaticMethod().getName())) {

      qualifier = ((GrReferenceExpression) funExpr).getQualifierExpression();
      if (qualifier != null) return qualifier;

    return null;
 public static void deleteStatementTail(PsiElement container, @NotNull PsiElement statement) {
   PsiElement next = statement.getNextSibling();
   while (next != null) {
     final ASTNode node = next.getNode();
     final IElementType type = node.getElementType();
     if (type == mSEMI) {
       final PsiElement nnext = next.getNextSibling();
       container.deleteChildRange(next, next);
       next = nnext;
     } else if (type == mNLS || type == TokenType.WHITE_SPACE && next.getText().contains("\n")) {
       final String text = next.getText();
       final int first = text.indexOf("\n");
       final int second = text.indexOf("\n", first + 1);
       if (second < 0) {
         container.deleteChildRange(next, next);
       final String substring = text.substring(second);
                   type, substring, 0, substring.length(), null, container.getManager()));
     } else {
 public static boolean hasNamedArguments(@Nullable GrNamedArgumentsOwner list) {
   if (list == null) return false;
   for (PsiElement child = list.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) {
     if (child instanceof GrNamedArgument) return true;
   return false;
  public static boolean hasExpressionArguments(@Nullable GrArgumentList list) {
    if (list == null) return false;

    for (PsiElement child = list.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) {
      if (child instanceof GrExpression) return true;
    return false;
  public static boolean hasClosureArguments(@Nullable GrCall call) {
    if (call == null) return false;

    for (PsiElement child = call.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) {
      if (child instanceof GrClosableBlock) return true;
    return false;
  public static PsiElement findTailingSemicolon(@NotNull GrStatement statement) {
    final PsiElement nextNonSpace = PsiUtil.skipWhitespaces(statement.getNextSibling(), true);
    if (nextNonSpace != null && nextNonSpace.getNode().getElementType() == mSEMI) {
      return nextNonSpace;

    return null;
 public static GrStatement[] getStatements(final GrStatementOwner statementOwner) {
   List<GrStatement> result = new ArrayList<GrStatement>();
   for (PsiElement cur = statementOwner.getFirstChild(); cur != null; cur = cur.getNextSibling()) {
     if (cur instanceof GrStatement) {
       result.add((GrStatement) cur);
   return result.toArray(new GrStatement[result.size()]);
 public void visitParenthesizedExpression(GrParenthesizedExpression expression) {
   final PsiElement parent = expression.getParent();
   if (parent instanceof GroovyPsiElement) {
     ((GroovyPsiElement) parent).accept(this);
   } else {
     parent.accept(new GroovyPsiElementVisitor(this));
 /** @return leading regex or null if it does not exist */
 private static GrLiteral getRegexAtTheBeginning(PsiElement expr) {
   PsiElement fchild = expr;
   while (fchild != null) {
     if (fchild instanceof GrLiteral && GrStringUtil.isRegex((GrLiteral) fchild))
       return (GrLiteral) fchild;
     fchild = fchild.getFirstChild();
   return null;
    public void visitCaseLabel(GrCaseLabel caseLabel) {
      final PsiElement parent = caseLabel.getParent().getParent();
      assert parent instanceof GrSwitchStatement : parent + " of class " + parent.getClass();
      final GrExpression condition = ((GrSwitchStatement) parent).getCondition();
      if (condition == null) return;

      final PsiType type = condition.getType();
      if (type == null) return;

      myResult = new TypeConstraint[] {SubtypeConstraint.create(type)};
  public static PsiType createSetType(@NotNull PsiElement context, @NotNull PsiType type) {
    JavaPsiFacade facade = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(context.getProject());
    GlobalSearchScope resolveScope = context.getResolveScope();

    PsiClass setClass = facade.findClass(JAVA_UTIL_SET, resolveScope);
    if (setClass != null && setClass.getTypeParameters().length == 1) {
      return facade.getElementFactory().createType(setClass, type);

    return facade.getElementFactory().createTypeByFQClassName(JAVA_UTIL_SET, resolveScope);
    public void visitAnnotationArrayInitializer(GrAnnotationArrayInitializer arrayInitializer) {
      final GrAnnotationNameValuePair nameValuePair =
      if (nameValuePair != null) {

        final PsiClass annot = ResolveUtil.resolveAnnotation(arrayInitializer);
        if (annot == null) return;

        final String name = nameValuePair.getName();
        if (name == null) return;

        final PsiMethod[] attrs = annot.findMethodsByName(name, false);
        if (attrs.length > 0) {
          PsiType type = attrs[0].getReturnType();
          while (type instanceof PsiArrayType) type = ((PsiArrayType) type).getComponentType();
          if (type != null && isAcceptableAnnotationValueType(type)) {
            myResult = createSimpleSubTypeResult(type);
      } else {
        final GrAnnotationMethod method =
            PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(arrayInitializer, GrAnnotationMethod.class);
        assert method != null;

        PsiType type = method.getReturnType();

        int count = 1;
        PsiElement parent = arrayInitializer.getParent();
        while (parent instanceof GrAnnotationArrayInitializer) {
          parent = parent.getParent();

        while (type instanceof PsiArrayType && count > 0) {
          type = ((PsiArrayType) type).getComponentType();
        if (type != null && isAcceptableAnnotationValueType(type)) {
          myResult = createSimpleSubTypeResult(type);
  public static void removeVariable(GrVariable variable) {
    final GrVariableDeclaration varDecl = (GrVariableDeclaration) variable.getParent();
    final List<GrVariable> variables = Arrays.asList(varDecl.getVariables());
    if (!variables.contains(variable)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    final PsiElement parent = varDecl.getParent();
    final ASTNode owner = parent.getNode();
    if (variables.size() == 1 && owner != null) {
      PsiElement next = varDecl.getNextSibling();

      // remove redundant semicolons
      //noinspection ConstantConditions
      while (next != null && next.getNode() != null && next.getNode().getElementType() == mSEMI) {
        PsiElement tmpNext = next.getNextSibling();
        //noinspection ConstantConditions
        next = tmpNext;

 private InstructionImpl findInstruction(PsiElement element) {
   final Iterator<InstructionImpl> iterator = myProcessingStack.descendingIterator();
   while (iterator.hasNext()) {
     final InstructionImpl instruction = iterator.next();
     if (element.equals(instruction.getElement())) return instruction;
   return null;
  public static boolean isAssignableWithoutConversions(
      @Nullable PsiType lType, @Nullable PsiType rType, @NotNull PsiElement context) {
    if (lType == null || rType == null) return false;

    if (rType == PsiType.NULL) {
      return !(lType instanceof PsiPrimitiveType);

    PsiManager manager = context.getManager();
    GlobalSearchScope scope = context.getResolveScope();

    if (rType instanceof GrTupleType && ((GrTupleType) rType).getComponentTypes().length == 0) {
      if (lType instanceof PsiArrayType
          || InheritanceUtil.isInheritor(lType, JAVA_UTIL_LIST)
          || InheritanceUtil.isInheritor(lType, JAVA_UTIL_SET)) {
        return true;

    if (isClassType(rType, GROOVY_LANG_GSTRING) && lType.equalsToText(JAVA_LANG_STRING)) {
      return true;

    if (isNumericType(lType) && isNumericType(rType)) {
      lType = unboxPrimitiveTypeWrapper(lType);
      if (isClassType(lType, JAVA_MATH_BIG_DECIMAL)) lType = PsiType.DOUBLE;
      rType = unboxPrimitiveTypeWrapper(rType);
      if (isClassType(rType, JAVA_MATH_BIG_DECIMAL)) rType = PsiType.DOUBLE;
    } else {
      rType = boxPrimitiveType(rType, manager, scope);
      lType = boxPrimitiveType(lType, manager, scope);

    if (rType instanceof GrMapType || rType instanceof GrTupleType) {
      Boolean result = isAssignableForNativeTypes(lType, (PsiClassType) rType, context);
      if (result != null && result.booleanValue()) return true;

    if (TypeConversionUtil.isAssignable(lType, rType)) {
      return true;

    return false;
 public static PsiElement realPrevious(PsiElement previousLeaf) {
   while (previousLeaf != null
       && (previousLeaf instanceof PsiWhiteSpace
           || previousLeaf instanceof PsiComment
           || previousLeaf instanceof PsiErrorElement)) {
     previousLeaf = previousLeaf.getPrevSibling();
   return previousLeaf;
 public static <T extends PsiElement> void setQualifier(
     @NotNull GrQualifiedReference<T> ref, @Nullable T newQualifier) {
   final T oldQualifier = ref.getQualifier();
   final ASTNode node = ref.getNode();
   final PsiElement refNameElement = ref.getReferenceNameElement();
   if (newQualifier == null) {
     if (oldQualifier != null && refNameElement != null) {
       ref.deleteChildRange(ref.getFirstChild(), refNameElement.getPrevSibling());
   } else {
     if (oldQualifier == null) {
       if (refNameElement != null) {
         node.addLeaf(mDOT, ".", refNameElement.getNode());
         ref.addBefore(newQualifier, refNameElement.getPrevSibling());
     } else {
  public static String getName(@NotNull GrNamedElement namedElement) {
    PsiElement nameElement = namedElement.getNameIdentifierGroovy();
    ASTNode node = nameElement.getNode();
    LOG.assertTrue(node != null);

    if (node.getElementType() == mIDENT) {
      return nameElement.getText();

    if (node.getElementType() == mSTRING_LITERAL || node.getElementType() == mGSTRING_LITERAL) {
      final Object value = GrLiteralImpl.getLiteralValue(nameElement);
      if (value instanceof String) {
        return (String) value;
      } else {
        return GrStringUtil.removeQuotes(nameElement.getText());

    throw new IncorrectOperationException(
        "incorrect name element: " + node.getElementType() + ", named element: " + namedElement);
  private void buildFlowForClosure(final GrClosableBlock closure) {
    for (GrParameter parameter : closure.getAllParameters()) {
      if (myPolicy.isVariableInitialized(parameter)) {
        addNode(new ReadWriteVariableInstruction(parameter.getName(), parameter, WRITE));

    addNode(new ReadWriteVariableInstruction("owner", closure.getLBrace(), WRITE));

    PsiElement child = closure.getFirstChild();
    while (child != null) {
      if (child instanceof GroovyPsiElement) {
        ((GroovyPsiElement) child).accept(this);
      child = child.getNextSibling();

    final GrStatement[] statements = closure.getStatements();
    if (statements.length > 0) {
      handlePossibleReturn(statements[statements.length - 1]);
  public static PsiType inferExpectedTypeForDiamond(GrExpression diamondNew) {
    PsiElement skipped = PsiUtil.skipParentheses(diamondNew, true);
    assert skipped != null;
    PsiElement pparent = skipped.getParent();
    if (pparent instanceof GrAssignmentExpression
        && PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(
            ((GrAssignmentExpression) pparent).getRValue(), diamondNew, false)) {
      GrExpression lValue = ((GrAssignmentExpression) pparent).getLValue();
      if (PsiUtil.mightBeLValue(lValue)) {
        return lValue.getNominalType();
    } else if (pparent instanceof GrVariable
        && ((GrVariable) pparent).getInitializerGroovy() == diamondNew) {
      return ((GrVariable) pparent).getDeclaredType();
    } else if (pparent instanceof GrListOrMap) {
      PsiElement ppparent = PsiUtil.skipParentheses(pparent.getParent(), true);

      if (ppparent instanceof GrAssignmentExpression
          && PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(
              ((GrAssignmentExpression) ppparent).getRValue(), pparent, false)) {

        PsiElement lValue =
            PsiUtil.skipParentheses(((GrAssignmentExpression) ppparent).getLValue(), false);
        if (lValue instanceof GrTupleExpression) {
          GrExpression[] initializers = ((GrListOrMap) pparent).getInitializers();
          int index = ArrayUtil.find(initializers, diamondNew);
          GrExpression[] expressions = ((GrTupleExpression) lValue).getExpressions();
          if (index < expressions.length) {
            return expressions[index].getNominalType();

    return null;
  public static GrExpression replaceExpression(
      GrExpression oldExpr, GrExpression newExpr, boolean removeUnnecessaryParentheses) {
    PsiElement oldParent = oldExpr.getParent();
    if (oldParent == null) throw new PsiInvalidElementAccessException(oldExpr);

    if (!(oldExpr instanceof GrApplicationStatement)) {
      newExpr = ApplicationStatementUtil.convertToMethodCallExpression(newExpr);

    // Remove unnecessary parentheses
    if (removeUnnecessaryParentheses
        && oldParent instanceof GrParenthesizedExpression
        && !(oldParent.getParent() instanceof GrArgumentLabel)) {
      return ((GrExpression) oldParent)
          .replaceWithExpression(newExpr, removeUnnecessaryParentheses);

    // regexes cannot be after identifier , try to replace it with simple string
    if (getRegexAtTheBeginning(newExpr) != null && isAfterIdentifier(oldExpr)) {
      final PsiElement copy = newExpr.copy();
      final GrLiteral regex = getRegexAtTheBeginning(copy);
      LOG.assertTrue(regex != null);
      final GrLiteral stringLiteral = GrStringUtil.createStringFromRegex(regex);
      if (regex == copy) {
        return oldExpr.replaceWithExpression(stringLiteral, removeUnnecessaryParentheses);
      } else {
        return oldExpr.replaceWithExpression((GrExpression) copy, removeUnnecessaryParentheses);

    GroovyPsiElementFactory factory = GroovyPsiElementFactory.getInstance(oldExpr.getProject());
    if (oldParent instanceof GrStringInjection) {
      if (newExpr instanceof GrString
          || newExpr instanceof GrLiteral && ((GrLiteral) newExpr).getValue() instanceof String) {
        return GrStringUtil.replaceStringInjectionByLiteral(
            (GrStringInjection) oldParent, (GrLiteral) newExpr);
      } else {
        newExpr = factory.createExpressionFromText("{" + newExpr.getText() + "}");
        oldParent.getNode().replaceChild(oldExpr.getNode(), newExpr.getNode());
        return newExpr;

    if (PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(oldExpr, GrStringInjection.class, false, GrCodeBlock.class)
        != null) {
      final PsiElement replaced = oldExpr.replace(newExpr);
      final GrStringInjection stringInjection =
          PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(replaced, GrStringInjection.class);
      assert stringInjection != null;
      return stringInjection.getClosableBlock();

    // check priorities
    if (oldParent instanceof GrExpression && !(oldParent instanceof GrParenthesizedExpression)) {
      GrExpression addedParenth =
          addParenthesesIfNeeded(newExpr, oldExpr, (GrExpression) oldParent);
      if (newExpr != addedParenth) {
        return oldExpr.replaceWithExpression(addedParenth, removeUnnecessaryParentheses);

    // if replace closure argument with expression
    // we should add the expression in arg list
    if (oldExpr instanceof GrClosableBlock
        && !(newExpr instanceof GrClosableBlock)
        && oldParent instanceof GrMethodCallExpression
        && ArrayUtil.contains(
            oldExpr, ((GrMethodCallExpression) oldParent).getClosureArguments())) {
      return ((GrMethodCallExpression) oldParent)
          .replaceClosureArgument((GrClosableBlock) oldExpr, newExpr);

    newExpr = (GrExpression) oldExpr.replace(newExpr);

    // if newExpr is the first grand child of command argument list we should replace command arg
    // list with parenthesised arg list.
    // In other case the code will be broken. So we try to find wrapping command arg list counting
    // levels. After arg list replace we go inside it
    // to find target parenthesised expression.
    if (newExpr instanceof GrParenthesizedExpression && isFirstChild(newExpr)) {
      int parentCount = 0;

      PsiElement element = oldParent;
      while (element != null && !(element instanceof GrCommandArgumentList)) {
        if (element instanceof GrCodeBlock || element instanceof GrParenthesizedExpression) break;
        if (element instanceof PsiFile) break;

        final PsiElement parent = element.getParent();
        if (parent == null) break;
        if (!isFirstChild(element)) break;

        element = parent;

      if (element instanceof GrCommandArgumentList) {
        final GrCommandArgumentList commandArgList = (GrCommandArgumentList) element;

        final PsiElement parent = commandArgList.getParent();
        LOG.assertTrue(parent instanceof GrApplicationStatement);

        final GrMethodCall methodCall =
            factory.createMethodCallByAppCall((GrApplicationStatement) parent);
        final GrMethodCall newCall = (GrMethodCall) parent.replace(methodCall);

        PsiElement result = newCall.getArgumentList().getAllArguments()[0];

        for (int i = 0; i < parentCount; i++) {
          result = PsiUtil.skipWhitespacesAndComments(result.getFirstChild(), true);

        LOG.assertTrue(result instanceof GrParenthesizedExpression);
        return (GrExpression) result;
    return newExpr;
 public static PsiClassType createTypeByFQClassName(
     @NotNull String fqName, @NotNull PsiElement context) {
   return GroovyPsiManager.getInstance(context.getProject())
       .createTypeByFQClassName(fqName, context.getResolveScope());
 public static PsiClassType getJavaLangObject(@NotNull PsiElement context) {
   return PsiType.getJavaLangObject(context.getManager(), context.getResolveScope());
  public static boolean isAssignable(
      @Nullable PsiType lType, @Nullable PsiType rType, @NotNull PsiElement context) {
    if (lType == null || rType == null) {
      return false;

    if (rType instanceof PsiIntersectionType) {
      for (PsiType child : ((PsiIntersectionType) rType).getConjuncts()) {
        if (isAssignable(lType, child, context)) {
          return true;
      return false;
    if (lType instanceof PsiIntersectionType) {
      for (PsiType child : ((PsiIntersectionType) lType).getConjuncts()) {
        if (!isAssignable(child, rType, context)) {
          return false;
      return true;

    if (rType == PsiType.NULL) {
      return !(lType instanceof PsiPrimitiveType);

    if (isNumericType(lType) && isNumericType(rType)) {
      return true;

    if (isClassType(lType, JAVA_LANG_STRING)) {
      return true;

    final PsiManager manager = context.getManager();
    final GlobalSearchScope scope = context.getResolveScope();

    if (lType instanceof PsiArrayType) {
      PsiType lComponentType = ((PsiArrayType) lType).getComponentType();
      PsiType rComponentType = ClosureParameterEnhancer.findTypeForIteration(rType, context);
      if (rComponentType != null && isAssignable(lComponentType, rComponentType, context)) {
        return true;

    if (unboxPrimitiveTypeWrapper(lType) == PsiType.CHAR
        && (isClassType(rType, JAVA_LANG_STRING) || isClassType(rType, GROOVY_LANG_GSTRING))) {
      return true;

    if (isAssignableByMethodCallConversion(lType, rType, context)) return true;

    lType = boxPrimitiveType(lType, manager, scope);
    rType = boxPrimitiveType(rType, manager, scope);
    if (lType.isAssignableFrom(rType)) {
      return true;

    if (context instanceof GroovyPsiElement) {
      for (GrTypeConverter converter : GrTypeConverter.EP_NAME.getExtensions()) {
        if (!converter.isAllowedInMethodCall()) {
          Boolean result = converter.isConvertible(lType, rType, (GroovyPsiElement) context);
          if (result != null) {
            return result;

    return false;
 private static boolean isAfterIdentifier(PsiElement el) {
   final PsiElement prev = GeeseUtil.getPreviousNonWhitespaceToken(el);
   return prev != null && prev.getNode().getElementType() == mIDENT;
 public static void setName(String name, PsiElement nameElement) {
   final PsiElement newNameElement =
 private static boolean isFirstChild(PsiElement element) {
   return PsiUtil.skipWhitespacesAndComments(element.getParent().getFirstChild(), true) == element;
 public static boolean hasElementType(@Nullable PsiElement next, final TokenSet set) {
   if (next == null) return false;
   final ASTNode astNode = next.getNode();
   return astNode != null && set.contains(astNode.getElementType());
 public static boolean hasElementType(
     @Nullable PsiElement next, @NotNull final IElementType type) {
   if (next == null) return false;
   final ASTNode astNode = next.getNode();
   return astNode != null && astNode.getElementType() == type;