public boolean checkAction(@NotNull String targetBranch) { DiffInfo info = getDiffInfoWithModal(targetBranch); if (info == null) { return true; } if (info.getInfo().getBranchToHeadCommits(myGitRepository).isEmpty()) { GithubNotifications.showWarningDialog( myProject, CANNOT_CREATE_PULL_REQUEST, "Can't create empty pull request: the branch" + getCurrentBranch() + " in fully merged to the branch " + targetBranch + "."); return false; } if (info.getInfo().getHeadToBranchCommits(myGitRepository).isEmpty()) { return GithubNotifications.showYesNoDialog( myProject, "The branch" + targetBranch + " in not fully merged to the branch " + getCurrentBranch(), "Do you want to proceed anyway?") == Messages.YES; } return true; }
private static boolean pushCurrentBranch( @NotNull Project project, @NotNull GitRepository repository, @NotNull String remoteName, @NotNull String remoteUrl, @NotNull String name, @NotNull String url) { Git git = ServiceManager.getService(Git.class); GitLocalBranch currentBranch = repository.getCurrentBranch(); if (currentBranch == null) { GithubNotifications.showErrorURL( project, "Can't finish GitHub sharing process", "Successfully created project ", "'" + name + "'", " on GitHub, but initial push failed: no current branch", url); return false; } GitCommandResult result = git.push(repository, remoteName, remoteUrl, currentBranch.getName(), true); if (!result.success()) { GithubNotifications.showErrorURL( project, "Can't finish GitHub sharing process", "Successfully created project ", "'" + name + "'", " on GitHub, but initial push failed:<br/>" + result.getErrorOutputAsHtmlString(), url); return false; } return true; }
public boolean checkAction(@Nullable final BranchInfo branch) { if (branch == null) { GithubNotifications.showWarningDialog( myProject, CANNOT_CREATE_PULL_REQUEST, "Target branch is not selected"); return false; } DiffInfo info; try { info = GithubUtil.computeValueInModal( myProject, "Collecting diff data...", new ThrowableConvertor<ProgressIndicator, DiffInfo, IOException>() { @Override public DiffInfo convert(ProgressIndicator indicator) throws IOException { return GithubUtil.runInterruptable( indicator, new ThrowableComputable<DiffInfo, IOException>() { @Override public DiffInfo compute() throws IOException { return getDiffInfo(branch); } }); } }); } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showError(myProject, "Can't collect diff data", e); return true; } if (info == null) { return true; } ForkInfo fork = branch.getForkInfo(); String localBranchName = "'" + myCurrentBranch + "'"; String targetBranchName = "'" + fork.getRemoteName() + "/" + branch.getRemoteName() + "'"; if (info.getInfo().getBranchToHeadCommits(myGitRepository).isEmpty()) { return GithubNotifications.showYesNoDialog( myProject, "Do you want to proceed anyway?", "Empty pull request: the branch " + localBranchName + " is fully merged to the branch " + targetBranchName); } if (!info.getInfo().getHeadToBranchCommits(myGitRepository).isEmpty()) { return GithubNotifications.showYesNoDialog( myProject, "Do you want to proceed anyway?", "The branch " + targetBranchName + " is not fully merged to the branch " + localBranchName); } return true; }
@Nullable public static GithubCreatePullRequestWorker createPullRequestWorker( @NotNull final Project project, @Nullable final VirtualFile file) { Git git = ServiceManager.getService(Git.class); GitRepository gitRepository = GithubUtil.getGitRepository(project, file); if (gitRepository == null) { GithubNotifications.showError( project, CANNOT_CREATE_PULL_REQUEST, "Can't find git repository"); return null; } gitRepository.update(); Pair<GitRemote, String> remote = GithubUtil.findGithubRemote(gitRepository); if (remote == null) { GithubNotifications.showError( project, CANNOT_CREATE_PULL_REQUEST, "Can't find GitHub remote"); return null; } String remoteName = remote.getFirst().getName(); String remoteUrl = remote.getSecond(); GithubFullPath path = GithubUrlUtil.getUserAndRepositoryFromRemoteUrl(remoteUrl); if (path == null) { GithubNotifications.showError( project, CANNOT_CREATE_PULL_REQUEST, "Can't process remote: " + remoteUrl); return null; } GitLocalBranch currentBranch = gitRepository.getCurrentBranch(); if (currentBranch == null) { GithubNotifications.showError(project, CANNOT_CREATE_PULL_REQUEST, "No current branch"); return null; } GithubAuthData auth; try { auth = GithubUtil.computeValueInModal( project, "Access to GitHub", new ThrowableConvertor<ProgressIndicator, GithubAuthData, IOException>() { @Override public GithubAuthData convert(ProgressIndicator indicator) throws IOException { return GithubUtil.getValidAuthDataFromConfig(project, indicator); } }); } catch (GithubAuthenticationCanceledException e) { return null; } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showError(project, CANNOT_CREATE_PULL_REQUEST, e); return null; } return new GithubCreatePullRequestWorker( project, git, gitRepository, path, remoteName, remoteUrl, currentBranch.getName(), auth); }
@Nullable private List<GithubFullPath> getAvailableForks(@NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { try { List<GithubFullPath> forks = GithubUtil.runTask( myProject, myAuthHolder, indicator, new ThrowableConvertor<GithubConnection, List<GithubRepo>, IOException>() { @NotNull @Override public List<GithubRepo> convert(@NotNull GithubConnection connection) throws IOException { return GithubApiUtil.getForks( connection, mySource.getUser(), mySource.getRepository()); } }), new Function<GithubRepo, GithubFullPath>() { @Override public GithubFullPath fun(GithubRepo repo) { return repo.getFullPath(); } }); if (!forks.contains(mySource)) return ContainerUtil.append(forks, mySource); return forks; } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showWarning(myProject, "Can't load available forks", e); return null; } }
private void generateToken() { try { myToken.setText( GithubUtil.computeValueInModal( myProject, "Access to GitHub", new ThrowableConvertor<ProgressIndicator, String, IOException>() { @NotNull @Override public String convert(ProgressIndicator indicator) throws IOException { return GithubUtil.runTaskWithBasicAuthForHost( myProject, GithubAuthDataHolder.createFromSettings(), indicator, getHost(), new ThrowableConvertor<GithubAuthData, String, IOException>() { @NotNull @Override public String convert(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth) throws IOException { return GithubApiUtil.getReadOnlyToken( auth, getRepoAuthor(), getRepoName(), "Intellij tasks plugin"); } }); } })); } catch (GithubOperationCanceledException ignore) { } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showErrorDialog(myProject, "Can't get access token", e); } }
@Nullable private ForkInfo doAddFork( @NotNull GithubFullPath path, @Nullable String remoteName, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { for (ForkInfo fork : myForks) { if (fork.getPath().equals(path)) { if (fork.getRemoteName() == null && remoteName != null) { fork.setRemoteName(remoteName); } return fork; } } try { List<String> branches = loadBranches(path, indicator); String defaultBranch = doLoadDefaultBranch(path, indicator); ForkInfo fork = new ForkInfo(path, branches, defaultBranch); myForks.add(fork); if (remoteName != null) { fork.setRemoteName(remoteName); } return fork; } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showWarning( myProject, "Can't load branches for " + path.getFullName(), e); return null; } }
@Nullable static String configureUpstreamRemote( @NotNull Project project, @NotNull GitRepository gitRepository, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { GithubRepoDetailed repositoryInfo = loadRepositoryInfo(project, gitRepository, indicator); if (repositoryInfo == null) { return null; } if (!repositoryInfo.isFork() || repositoryInfo.getParent() == null) { GithubNotifications.showWarningURL( project, CANNOT_PERFORM_GITHUB_REBASE, "GitHub repository ", "'" + repositoryInfo.getName() + "'", " is not a forked one", repositoryInfo.getHtmlUrl()); return null; } final String parentRepoUrl = GithubUrlUtil.getCloneUrl(repositoryInfo.getParent().getFullPath());"Adding GitHub parent as a remote host"); indicator.setText("Adding GitHub parent as a remote host..."); if (GithubUtil.addGithubRemote(project, gitRepository, "upstream", parentRepoUrl)) { return parentRepoUrl; } else { return null; } }
@Nullable private static GithubFullPath findRepositoryByUser( @NotNull Project project, @NotNull String user, @NotNull Set<GithubFullPath> forks, @NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull GithubRepo source) { for (GithubFullPath path : forks) { if (StringUtil.equalsIgnoreCase(user, path.getUser())) { return path; } } try { GithubRepoDetailed target = GithubApiUtil.getDetailedRepoInfo(auth, user, source.getName()); if (target.getSource() != null && StringUtil.equals(target.getSource().getUserName(), source.getUserName())) { return target.getFullPath(); } } catch (IOException ignore) { // such repo may not exist } try { GithubRepo fork = GithubApiUtil.findForkByUser(auth, source.getUserName(), source.getName(), user); if (fork != null) { return fork.getFullPath(); } } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showError(project, CANNOT_CREATE_PULL_REQUEST, e); } return null; }
@Nullable private static String createGithubRepository( @NotNull Project project, @NotNull GithubAuthDataHolder authHolder, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator, @NotNull final String name, @NotNull final String description, final boolean isPrivate) { try { return GithubUtil.runTask( project, authHolder, indicator, new ThrowableConvertor<GithubAuthData, GithubRepo, IOException>() { @NotNull @Override public GithubRepo convert(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth) throws IOException { return GithubApiUtil.createRepo(auth, name, description, isPrivate); } }) .getHtmlUrl(); } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showError(project, "Failed to create GitHub Repository", e); return null; } }
private static void rebaseMyGithubFork( @NotNull final Project project, @Nullable final VirtualFile file) { final GitRepository gitRepository = GithubUtil.getGitRepository(project, file); if (gitRepository == null) { GithubNotifications.showError( project, CANNOT_PERFORM_GITHUB_REBASE, "Can't find git repository"); return; } BasicAction.saveAll(); new Task.Backgroundable(project, "Rebasing GitHub fork...") { @Override public void run(@NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { gitRepository.update(); String upstreamRemoteUrl = GithubUtil.findUpstreamRemote(gitRepository); if (upstreamRemoteUrl == null) {"Configuring upstream remote"); indicator.setText("Configuring upstream remote..."); upstreamRemoteUrl = configureUpstreamRemote(project, gitRepository, indicator); if (upstreamRemoteUrl == null) { return; } } if (!GithubUrlUtil.isGithubUrl(upstreamRemoteUrl)) { GithubNotifications.showError( project, CANNOT_PERFORM_GITHUB_REBASE, "Configured upstream is not a GitHub repository: " + upstreamRemoteUrl); return; } else { final GithubFullPath userAndRepo = GithubUrlUtil.getUserAndRepositoryFromRemoteUrl(upstreamRemoteUrl); final String login = GithubSettings.getInstance().getLogin(); if (userAndRepo != null) { if (userAndRepo.getUser().equals(login)) { GithubNotifications.showError( project, CANNOT_PERFORM_GITHUB_REBASE, "Configured upstream seems to be your own repository: " + upstreamRemoteUrl); return; } } }"Fetching upstream"); indicator.setText("Fetching upstream..."); if (!fetchParent(project, gitRepository, indicator)) { return; }"Rebasing current branch"); indicator.setText("Rebasing current branch..."); rebaseCurrentBranch(project, gitRepository, indicator); } }.queue(); }
public void showDiffDialog(@Nullable final BranchInfo branch) { if (branch == null) { GithubNotifications.showWarningDialog( myProject, "Can't Show Diff", "Target branch is not selected"); return; } DiffInfo info; try { info = GithubUtil.computeValueInModal( myProject, "Collecting diff data...", new ThrowableConvertor<ProgressIndicator, DiffInfo, IOException>() { @Override public DiffInfo convert(ProgressIndicator indicator) throws IOException { return GithubUtil.runInterruptable( indicator, new ThrowableComputable<DiffInfo, IOException>() { @Override public DiffInfo compute() throws IOException { return getDiffInfo(branch); } }); } }); } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showError(myProject, "Can't collect diff data", e); return; } if (info == null) { GithubNotifications.showErrorDialog(myProject, "Can't Show Diff", "Can't collect diff data"); return; } GitCompareBranchesDialog dialog = new GitCompareBranchesDialog( myProject, info.getTo(), info.getFrom(), info.getInfo(), myGitRepository, true);; }
public void showDiffDialog(@NotNull String branch) { if (canShowDiff()) { DiffInfo info = getDiffInfoWithModal(branch); if (info == null) { GithubNotifications.showErrorDialog(myProject, "Can't Show Diff", "Can't get diff info"); return; } GitCompareBranchesDialog dialog = new GitCompareBranchesDialog( myProject, info.getTo(), info.getFrom(), info.getInfo(), myGitRepository);; } }
@Nullable private static GithubRepoDetailed loadRepositoryInfo( @NotNull Project project, @NotNull GitRepository gitRepository, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { final String remoteUrl = GithubUtil.findGithubRemoteUrl(gitRepository); if (remoteUrl == null) { GithubNotifications.showError( project, CANNOT_PERFORM_GITHUB_REBASE, "Can't find github remote"); return null; } final GithubFullPath userAndRepo = GithubUrlUtil.getUserAndRepositoryFromRemoteUrl(remoteUrl); if (userAndRepo == null) { GithubNotifications.showError( project, CANNOT_PERFORM_GITHUB_REBASE, "Can't process remote: " + remoteUrl); return null; } try { return GithubUtil.runWithValidAuth( project, indicator, new ThrowableConvertor<GithubAuthData, GithubRepoDetailed, IOException>() { @Override @NotNull public GithubRepoDetailed convert(GithubAuthData authData) throws IOException { return GithubApiUtil.getDetailedRepoInfo( authData, userAndRepo.getUser(), userAndRepo.getRepository()); } }); } catch (GithubOperationCanceledException e) { return null; } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showError(project, "Can't load repository info", e); return null; } }
@Nullable private static GithubPullRequest createPullRequest( @NotNull Project project, @NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull GithubFullPath targetRepo, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String description, @NotNull String head, @NotNull String base) { try { return GithubApiUtil.createPullRequest( auth, targetRepo.getUser(), targetRepo.getRepository(), title, description, head, base); } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showError(project, CANNOT_CREATE_PULL_REQUEST, e); return null; } }
@Nullable private ForkInfo findRepositoryByUser( @NotNull final ProgressIndicator indicator, @NotNull final String user) { for (ForkInfo fork : myForks) { if (StringUtil.equalsIgnoreCase(user, fork.getPath().getUser())) { return fork; } } try { GithubRepo repo = GithubUtil.runTask( myProject, myAuthHolder, indicator, new ThrowableConvertor<GithubConnection, GithubRepo, IOException>() { @Nullable @Override public GithubRepo convert(@NotNull GithubConnection connection) throws IOException { try { GithubRepoDetailed target = GithubApiUtil.getDetailedRepoInfo( connection, user, mySource.getRepository()); if (target.getSource() != null && StringUtil.equals( target.getSource().getUserName(), mySource.getUser())) { return target; } } catch (IOException ignore) { // such repo may not exist } return GithubApiUtil.findForkByUser( connection, mySource.getUser(), mySource.getRepository(), user); } }); if (repo == null) return null; return doAddFork(repo, indicator); } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showError(myProject, "Can't find repository", e); return null; } }
@Nullable private static GithubInfo2 getAvailableForksInModal( @NotNull final Project project, @NotNull final GitRepository gitRepository, @NotNull final GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull final GithubFullPath path) { try { return GithubUtil.computeValueInModal( project, "Access to GitHub", new ThrowableConvertor<ProgressIndicator, GithubInfo2, IOException>() { @Override public GithubInfo2 convert(ProgressIndicator indicator) throws IOException { final Set<GithubFullPath> forks = new HashSet<GithubFullPath>(); // GitHub GithubRepoDetailed repo = GithubApiUtil.getDetailedRepoInfo(auth, path.getUser(), path.getRepository()); forks.add(path); if (repo.getParent() != null) { forks.add(repo.getParent().getFullPath()); } if (repo.getSource() != null) { forks.add(repo.getSource().getFullPath()); } // Git forks.addAll(getAvailableForksFromGit(gitRepository)); GithubRepo forkTreeRoot = repo.getSource() == null ? repo : repo.getSource(); return new GithubInfo2(forks, forkTreeRoot); } }); } catch (GithubAuthenticationCanceledException e) { return null; } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showErrorDialog(project, CANNOT_CREATE_PULL_REQUEST, e); return null; } }
@Nullable private static GithubInfo loadGithubInfoWithModal( @NotNull final GithubAuthDataHolder authHolder, @NotNull final Project project) { try { return GithubUtil.computeValueInModal( project, "Access to GitHub", new ThrowableConvertor<ProgressIndicator, GithubInfo, IOException>() { @NotNull @Override public GithubInfo convert(ProgressIndicator indicator) throws IOException { // get existing github repos (network) and validate auth data return GithubUtil.runTask( project, authHolder, indicator, new ThrowableConvertor<GithubAuthData, GithubInfo, IOException>() { @NotNull @Override public GithubInfo convert(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth) throws IOException { // check access to private repos (network) GithubUserDetailed userInfo = GithubApiUtil.getCurrentUserDetailed(auth); HashSet<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); for (GithubRepo info : GithubApiUtil.getUserRepos(auth)) { names.add(info.getName()); } return new GithubInfo(userInfo, names); } }); } }); } catch (GithubOperationCanceledException e) { return null; } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showErrorDialog(project, "Failed to connect to GitHub", e); return null; } }
@Nullable private GithubPullRequest doCreatePullRequest( @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator, @NotNull final BranchInfo branch, @NotNull final String title, @NotNull final String description) { final ForkInfo fork = branch.getForkInfo(); final String head = myPath.getUser() + ":" + myCurrentBranch; final String base = branch.getRemoteName(); try { return GithubUtil.runTask( myProject, myAuthHolder, indicator, new ThrowableConvertor<GithubConnection, GithubPullRequest, IOException>() { @NotNull @Override public GithubPullRequest convert(@NotNull GithubConnection connection) throws IOException { return GithubApiUtil.createPullRequest( connection, fork.getPath().getUser(), fork.getPath().getRepository(), title, description, head, base); } }); } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showError(myProject, CANNOT_CREATE_PULL_REQUEST, e); return null; } }
@Nullable public GithubTargetInfo setTarget(@NotNull final GithubFullPath forkPath) { try { GithubInfo info = GithubUtil.computeValueInModal( myProject, "Access to GitHub", new ThrowableConvertor<ProgressIndicator, GithubInfo, IOException>() { @Override public GithubInfo convert(ProgressIndicator indicator) throws IOException { // configure remote GitRemote targetRemote = GithubUtil.findGithubRemote(myGitRepository, forkPath); String targetRemoteName = targetRemote == null ? null : targetRemote.getName(); if (targetRemoteName == null) { final AtomicReference<Integer> responseRef = new AtomicReference<Integer>(); ApplicationManager.getApplication() .invokeAndWait( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { responseRef.set( GithubNotifications.showYesNoDialog( myProject, "Can't Find Remote", "Configure remote for '" + forkPath.getUser() + "'?")); } }, indicator.getModalityState()); if (responseRef.get() == Messages.YES) { targetRemoteName = configureRemote(myProject, myGitRepository, forkPath); } } // load available branches List<String> branches = GithubApiUtil.getRepoBranches( myAuth, forkPath.getUser(), forkPath.getRepository()), new Function<GithubBranch, String>() { @Override public String fun(GithubBranch githubBranch) { return githubBranch.getName(); } }); // fetch if (targetRemoteName != null) { GitFetchResult result = new GitFetcher(myProject, indicator, false) .fetch(myGitRepository.getRoot(), targetRemoteName, null); if (!result.isSuccess()) { GitFetcher.displayFetchResult(myProject, result, null, result.getErrors()); targetRemoteName = null; } } return new GithubInfo(branches, targetRemoteName); } }); myForkPath = forkPath; myTargetRemote = info.getTargetRemote(); myDiffInfos.clear(); if (canShowDiff()) { for (final String branch : info.getBranches()) { myDiffInfos.put( branch, new FutureTask<DiffInfo>( new Callable<DiffInfo>() { @Override public DiffInfo call() throws Exception { return loadDiffInfo( myProject, myGitRepository, myCurrentBranch, myTargetRemote + "/" + branch); } })); } } return new GithubTargetInfo(info.getBranches()); } catch (GithubAuthenticationCanceledException e) { return null; } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showErrorDialog(myProject, CANNOT_CREATE_PULL_REQUEST, e); return null; } }
@Override public void doCheckout(@NotNull final Project project, @Nullable final Listener listener) { if (!GithubUtil.testGitExecutable(project)) { return; } BasicAction.saveAll(); List<GithubRepo> availableRepos; try { availableRepos = GithubUtil.computeValueInModal( project, "Access to GitHub", new ThrowableConvertor<ProgressIndicator, List<GithubRepo>, IOException>() { @NotNull @Override public List<GithubRepo> convert(ProgressIndicator indicator) throws IOException { return GithubUtil.runTask( project, GithubAuthDataHolder.createFromSettings(), indicator, new ThrowableConvertor<GithubAuthData, List<GithubRepo>, IOException>() { @NotNull @Override public List<GithubRepo> convert(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth) throws IOException { return GithubApiUtil.getAvailableRepos(auth); } }); } }); } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showError(project, "Couldn't get the list of GitHub repositories", e); return; } Collections.sort( availableRepos, new Comparator<GithubRepo>() { @Override public int compare(final GithubRepo r1, final GithubRepo r2) { final int comparedOwners = r1.getUserName().compareTo(r2.getUserName()); return comparedOwners != 0 ? comparedOwners : r1.getName().compareTo(r2.getName()); } }); final GitCloneDialog dialog = new GitCloneDialog(project); // Add predefined repositories to history dialog.prependToHistory("-----------------------------------------------"); for (int i = availableRepos.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { dialog.prependToHistory(availableRepos.get(i).getCloneUrl()); }; if (!dialog.isOK()) { return; } dialog.rememberSettings(); final VirtualFile destinationParent = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByIoFile(new File(dialog.getParentDirectory())); if (destinationParent == null) { return; } final String sourceRepositoryURL = dialog.getSourceRepositoryURL(); final String directoryName = dialog.getDirectoryName(); final String parentDirectory = dialog.getParentDirectory(); Git git = ServiceManager.getService(Git.class); GitCheckoutProvider.clone( project, git, listener, destinationParent, sourceRepositoryURL, directoryName, parentDirectory); }
public static void shareProjectOnGithub( @NotNull final Project project, @Nullable final VirtualFile file) { BasicAction.saveAll(); // get gitRepository final GitRepository gitRepository = GithubUtil.getGitRepository(project, file); final boolean gitDetected = gitRepository != null; final VirtualFile root = gitDetected ? gitRepository.getRoot() : project.getBaseDir(); // check for existing git repo boolean externalRemoteDetected = false; if (gitDetected) { final String githubRemote = GithubUtil.findGithubRemoteUrl(gitRepository); if (githubRemote != null) { GithubNotifications.showInfoURL( project, "Project is already on GitHub", "GitHub", githubRemote); return; } externalRemoteDetected = !gitRepository.getRemotes().isEmpty(); } final GithubAuthDataHolder authHolder = GithubAuthDataHolder.createFromSettings(); // get available GitHub repos with modal progress final GithubInfo githubInfo = loadGithubInfoWithModal(authHolder, project); if (githubInfo == null) { return; } // Show dialog (window) final GithubShareDialog shareDialog = new GithubShareDialog( project, githubInfo.getRepositoryNames(), githubInfo.getUser().canCreatePrivateRepo());; if (!shareDialog.isOK()) { return; } final boolean isPrivate = shareDialog.isPrivate(); final String name = shareDialog.getRepositoryName(); final String description = shareDialog.getDescription(); // finish the job in background final boolean finalExternalRemoteDetected = externalRemoteDetected; new Task.Backgroundable(project, "Sharing project on GitHub...") { @Override public void run(@NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { // create GitHub repo (network)"Creating GitHub repository"); indicator.setText("Creating GitHub repository..."); final String url = createGithubRepository(project, authHolder, indicator, name, description, isPrivate); if (url == null) { return; }"Successfully created GitHub repository"); // creating empty git repo if git is not initialized"Binding local project with GitHub"); if (!gitDetected) {"No git detected, creating empty git repo"); indicator.setText("Creating empty git repo..."); if (!createEmptyGitRepository(project, root, indicator)) { return; } } GitRepositoryManager repositoryManager = GitUtil.getRepositoryManager(project); final GitRepository repository = repositoryManager.getRepositoryForRoot(root); LOG.assertTrue(repository != null, "GitRepository is null for root " + root); if (repository == null) { GithubNotifications.showError( project, "Failed to create GitHub Repository", "Can't find Git repository"); return; } final String remoteUrl = GithubUrlUtil.getCloneUrl(githubInfo.getUser().getLogin(), name); final String remoteName = finalExternalRemoteDetected ? "github" : "origin"; // git remote add origin [email protected]:login/name.git"Adding GitHub as a remote host"); indicator.setText("Adding GitHub as a remote host..."); if (!GithubUtil.addGithubRemote(project, repository, remoteName, remoteUrl)) { return; } // create sample commit for binding project if (!performFirstCommitIfRequired(project, root, repository, indicator, name, url)) { return; } // git push origin master"Pushing to github master"); indicator.setText("Pushing to github master..."); if (!pushCurrentBranch(project, repository, remoteName, remoteUrl, name, url)) { return; } GithubNotifications.showInfoURL( project, "Successfully shared project on GitHub", name, url); } }.queue(); }
private static boolean performFirstCommitIfRequired( @NotNull final Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile root, @NotNull GitRepository repository, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator, @NotNull String name, @NotNull String url) { // check if there is no commits if (!repository.isFresh()) { return true; }"Trying to commit"); try {"Adding files for commit"); indicator.setText("Adding files to git..."); // ask for files to add final List<VirtualFile> trackedFiles = ChangeListManager.getInstance(project).getAffectedFiles(); final Collection<VirtualFile> untrackedFiles = filterOutIgnored(project, repository.getUntrackedFilesHolder().retrieveUntrackedFiles()); trackedFiles.removeAll(untrackedFiles); // fix IDEA-119855 final List<VirtualFile> allFiles = new ArrayList<VirtualFile>(); allFiles.addAll(trackedFiles); allFiles.addAll(untrackedFiles); final Ref<GithubUntrackedFilesDialog> dialogRef = new Ref<GithubUntrackedFilesDialog>(); ApplicationManager.getApplication() .invokeAndWait( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { GithubUntrackedFilesDialog dialog = new GithubUntrackedFilesDialog(project, allFiles); if (!trackedFiles.isEmpty()) { dialog.setSelectedFiles(trackedFiles); }; dialogRef.set(dialog); } }, indicator.getModalityState()); final GithubUntrackedFilesDialog dialog = dialogRef.get(); final Collection<VirtualFile> files2commit = dialog.getSelectedFiles(); if (!dialog.isOK() || files2commit.isEmpty()) { GithubNotifications.showInfoURL( project, "Successfully created empty repository on GitHub", name, url); return false; } Collection<VirtualFile> files2add = ContainerUtil.intersection(untrackedFiles, files2commit); Collection<VirtualFile> files2rm = ContainerUtil.subtract(trackedFiles, files2commit); Collection<VirtualFile> modified = new HashSet<VirtualFile>(trackedFiles); modified.addAll(files2commit); GitFileUtils.addFiles(project, root, files2add); GitFileUtils.deleteFilesFromCache(project, root, files2rm); // commit"Performing commit"); indicator.setText("Performing commit..."); GitSimpleHandler handler = new GitSimpleHandler(project, root, GitCommand.COMMIT); handler.addParameters("-m", dialog.getCommitMessage()); handler.endOptions();; VcsFileUtil.refreshFiles(project, modified); } catch (VcsException e) { LOG.warn(e); GithubNotifications.showErrorURL( project, "Can't finish GitHub sharing process", "Successfully created project ", "'" + name + "'", " on GitHub, but initial commit failed:<br/>" + GithubUtil.getErrorTextFromException(e), url); return false; }"Successfully created initial commit"); return true; }