public static void generateFinallyMarker( @NotNull InstructionAdapter v, int depth, boolean start) { v.iconst(depth); v.invokestatic( INLINE_MARKER_CLASS_NAME, start ? INLINE_MARKER_FINALLY_START : INLINE_MARKER_FINALLY_END, "(I)V", false); }
private static void equipFunctionReferenceWithReflection( @NotNull InstructionAdapter v, @NotNull FunctionDescriptor target) { DeclarationDescriptor container = target.getContainingDeclaration(); Type type; if (container instanceof PackageFragmentDescriptor) { type = target.getExtensionReceiverParameter() != null ? K_TOP_LEVEL_EXTENSION_FUNCTION : K_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION; } else if (container instanceof ClassDescriptor) { type = K_MEMBER_FUNCTION; } else { type = K_LOCAL_FUNCTION; } Method method = method("function", K_FUNCTION, FUNCTION_REFERENCE); v.invokestatic(REFLECTION, method.getName(), method.getDescriptor(), false); StackValue.coerce(K_FUNCTION, type, v); }
private static void generateDelegateToMethodBody( boolean isStatic, @NotNull MethodVisitor mv, @NotNull Method asmMethod, @NotNull String classToDelegateTo) { InstructionAdapter iv = new InstructionAdapter(mv); Type[] argTypes = asmMethod.getArgumentTypes(); // The first line of some package file is written to the line number attribute of a static // delegate to allow to 'step into' it // This is similar to what javac does with bridge methods Label label = new Label(); iv.visitLabel(label); iv.visitLineNumber(1, label); int k = isStatic ? 0 : 1; for (Type argType : argTypes) { iv.load(k, argType); k += argType.getSize(); } iv.invokestatic(classToDelegateTo, asmMethod.getName(), asmMethod.getDescriptor(), false); iv.areturn(asmMethod.getReturnType()); }
public static void generateGlobalReturnFlag( @NotNull InstructionAdapter iv, @NotNull String labelName) { iv.invokestatic(NON_LOCAL_RETURN, labelName, "()V", false); }