   * The following method will run the output data through each of the three base formatters, raw,
   * compact, and pretty. It will also run each of those formatters as the outputString(content),
   * output(content, OutputStream) and output(content, Writer).
   * <p>The expectation is that the results of the three output forms (String, OutputStream, and
   * Writer) will be identical, and that it will match the expected value for the appropriate
   * formatter.
   * @param content The content to output
   * @param methodprefix What the methods are called
   * @param clazz The class used as the parameter for the methods.
   * @param setup A callback mechanism to modify the formatters
   * @param raw What we expect the content to look like with the RAW format
   * @param compact What we expect the content to look like with the COMPACT format
   * @param pretty What we expect the content to look like with the PRETTY format
   * @param trimfw What we expect the content to look like with the TRIM_FULL_WHITE format
  protected void checkOutput(
      Object content,
      String methodprefix,
      Class<?> clazz,
      FormatSetup setup,
      String raw,
      String compact,
      String pretty,
      String tso,
      String trimfw) {
    Method meth = getMyMethod(methodprefix + "String", Format.class, clazz);

    if (meth == null) {

    String[] descn =
        new String[] {"Raw", "Compact", "Pretty", "PrettySpecifiedOnly", "TrimFullWhite"};
    Format ftrimfw = Format.getPrettyFormat();
    Format fattspec = Format.getPrettyFormat();
    Format[] formats =
        new Format[] {
          getFormat(setup, Format.getRawFormat()),
          getFormat(setup, Format.getCompactFormat()),
          getFormat(setup, Format.getPrettyFormat()),
          getFormat(setup, fattspec),
          getFormat(setup, ftrimfw)
    String[] result = new String[] {raw, compact, pretty, tso, trimfw};

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

      String mstring;
      try {
        mstring = (String) meth.invoke(this, formats[i], content);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
      String msg = "outputString Format " + descn[i];
      assertEquals(msg, expect(result[i]), mstring);
public abstract class AbstractTestOutputter {

  protected static interface FormatSetup {
    public void setup(Format fmt);

  private final boolean cr2xD;
  private final boolean pademptyelement;
  private final boolean forceexpand;
  private final boolean padpi;
  private final boolean usesrawxmlout;

  public AbstractTestOutputter(
      boolean cr2xD,
      boolean padpreempty,
      boolean padpi,
      boolean forceexpand,
      boolean usesrawxmlout) {
    this.cr2xD = cr2xD;
    this.pademptyelement = padpreempty;
    this.forceexpand = forceexpand;
    this.padpi = padpi;
    this.usesrawxmlout = usesrawxmlout;

  protected final String expect(String expect) {
    if (cr2xD) {
      expect = expect.replaceAll("\r", "&#xD;");
    if (forceexpand) {
      expect = expect.replaceAll("<(\\w+(:\\w+)?)\\s*/>", "<$1></$1>");
      expect = expect.replaceAll("<(\\w+(:\\w+)?)\\s+(.+?)\"\\s*/>", "<$1 $3\"></$1>");
    if (padpi) {
      expect = expect.replaceAll("(<\\?\\w+)(\\?>)", "$1 $2");
    if (pademptyelement) {
      // expect = expect.replaceAll("\">", "\" >");
      // expect = expect.replaceAll("<(\\w+)>", "<$1 >");
      expect = expect.replaceAll("<(\\w+(:\\w+)?)/>", "<$1 />");
      expect = expect.replaceAll("<(\\w+(:\\w+)?\\s.+\")/>", "<$1 />");
    } else {
      // expect = expect.replaceAll("<(\\w+)\\s+>", "<$1>");
      expect = expect.replaceAll("<(\\w+)(\\s+.+?)?\\s+/>", "<$1$2/>");
      expect = expect.replaceAll("<(\\w+:\\w+)(\\s+.+?)?\\s+/>", "<$1$2/>");
    //		if (rawoutsideroot) {
    //			// outside the root element will be raw-formatted.
    //			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(expect.length());
    //			int gotstuff = 0;
    //			boolean indoctype = false;
    //			boolean gotroot = false;
    //			int depth = 0;
    //			char[] chars = expect.toCharArray();
    //			int i = 0;
    //			while (i < chars.length && Verifier.isXMLWhitespace(chars[i])) {
    //				// skip initial whitespace.
    //				i++;
    //			}
    //			for (; i < chars.length; i++) {
    //				char c = chars[i];
    //				sb.append(c);
    //				if (!gotroot) {
    //					if (c == '<') {
    //						if (depth == 0) {
    //							if (i < chars.length - 2) {
    //								if (chars[i + 1] == '?') {
    //									// PI or XML Declaration
    //									gotstuff++;
    //								} else if (chars[i + 1] == '!') {
    //									// Comment of DOCTYPE
    //									gotstuff++;
    //									if (chars[i + 2] == 'D') {
    //										// DOCTYPE
    //										indoctype = true;
    //									}
    //								} else {
    //									// root element
    //									gotroot = true;
    //								}
    //							} else {
    //								gotroot = true;
    //							}
    //						}
    //						depth++;
    //					} else if (c == '>') {
    //						depth--;
    //						if (depth == 0) {
    //							if (indoctype) {
    //								sb.append('\n');
    //								indoctype = false;
    //							}
    //							while (i+1 < chars.length && Verifier.isXMLWhitespace(chars[i + 1])) {
    //								// skip whitespace after top-level content.
    //								i++;
    //							}
    //						}
    //					}
    //				}
    //			}
    //			while (Verifier.isXMLWhitespace(sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1))) {
    //				// eliminate trailing whitespace.
    //				sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1);
    //			}
    //			if (gotstuff > 1 || (gotroot && gotstuff > 0)) {
    //				// there is multiple content stuff, need to trim the whitespace....
    //				expect = sb.toString();
    //			}
    //		}
    return expect;

   * Return a string representing a {@link Document}. Uses an internal StringWriter.
   * <p><b>Warning</b>: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.
   * @param doc <code>Document</code> to format.
   * @return the input content formatted as an XML String.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the specified content is null.
  public abstract String outputString(Format format, Document doc);

   * Return a string representing a {@link DocType}.
   * <p><b>Warning</b>: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.
   * @param doctype <code>DocType</code> to format.
   * @return the input content formatted as an XML String.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the specified content is null.
  public abstract String outputString(Format format, DocType doctype);

   * Return a string representing an {@link Element}.
   * <p><b>Warning</b>: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.
   * @param element <code>Element</code> to format.
   * @return the input content formatted as an XML String.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the specified content is null.
  public abstract String outputString(Format format, Element element);

   * Return a string representing a List of {@link Content} nodes. <br>
   * The list is assumed to contain legal JDOM nodes. If other content is coerced on to the list it
   * will cause ClassCastExceptions, and null List members will cause NullPointerException.
   * <p><b>Warning</b>: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.
   * @param list <code>List</code> to format.
   * @return the input content formatted as an XML String.
   * @throws ClassCastException if non-{@link Content} is forced in to the list
   * @throws NullPointerException if the List is null or contains null members.
  public abstract String outputString(Format format, List<? extends Content> list);

   * Return a string representing a {@link CDATA} node.
   * <p><b>Warning</b>: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.
   * @param cdata <code>CDATA</code> to format.
   * @return the input content formatted as an XML String.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the specified content is null.
  public abstract String outputString(Format format, CDATA cdata);

   * Return a string representing a {@link Text} node.
   * <p><b>Warning</b>: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.
   * @param text <code>Text</code> to format.
   * @return the input content formatted as an XML String.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the specified content is null.
  public abstract String outputString(Format format, Text text);

   * Return a string representing a {@link Comment}.
   * <p><b>Warning</b>: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.
   * @param comment <code>Comment</code> to format.
   * @return the input content formatted as an XML String.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the specified content is null.
  public abstract String outputString(Format format, Comment comment);

   * Return a string representing a {@link ProcessingInstruction}.
   * <p><b>Warning</b>: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.
   * @param pi <code>ProcessingInstruction</code> to format.
   * @return the input content formatted as an XML String.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the specified content is null.
  public abstract String outputString(Format format, ProcessingInstruction pi);

   * Return a string representing an {@link EntityRef}.
   * <p><b>Warning</b>: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.
   * @param entity <code>EntityRef</code> to format.
   * @return the input content formatted as an XML String.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the specified content is null.
  public abstract String outputString(Format format, EntityRef entity);

   * This will handle printing out an <code>{@link
   * Element}</code>'s content only, not including its tag, and attributes. This can be useful for
   * printing the content of an element that contains HTML, like "&lt;description&gt;JDOM is
   * &lt;b&gt;fun&gt;!&lt;/description&gt;".
   * <p><b>Warning</b>: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.
   * @param element <code>Element</code> to output.
   * @return the input content formatted as an XML String.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the specified content is null.
  public abstract String outputElementContentString(Format format, Element element);

  protected static final Format fraw = Format.getRawFormat();
  protected static final Format fcompact = Format.getCompactFormat();
  protected static final Format fpretty = Format.getPrettyFormat();
  protected static final Format ftso = Format.getPrettyFormat();
  protected static final Format ftfw = Format.getPrettyFormat();

  static {

  public void testTextEmpty() {
    Text content = new Text("");
    assertEquals("", outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(ftso, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testTextWhitespace() {
    Text content = new Text(" \r \n \t ");
    assertEquals(expect(" \r \n \t "), outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(ftso, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testTextWithText() {
    Text content = new Text(" \r & \n \t ");
    assertEquals(expect(" \r &amp; \n \t "), outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals(expect("&amp;"), outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals(expect("&amp;"), outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals(expect("&amp;"), outputString(ftso, content));
    assertEquals(expect(" \r &amp; \n \t "), outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testCDATAEmpty() {
    CDATA content = new CDATA("");
    assertEquals("<![CDATA[]]>", outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(ftso, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testCDATAWhitespace() {
    CDATA content = new CDATA(" \r \n \t ");
    assertEquals("<![CDATA[ \r \n \t ]]>", outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(ftso, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testCDATAWithText() {
    CDATA content = new CDATA(" \r & \n \t ");
    assertEquals("<![CDATA[ \r & \n \t ]]>", outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals("<![CDATA[&]]>", outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals("<![CDATA[&]]>", outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals("<![CDATA[&]]>", outputString(ftso, content));
    assertEquals("<![CDATA[ \r & \n \t ]]>", outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testEntityRef() {
    EntityRef content = new EntityRef("ref");
    assertEquals("&ref;", outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals("&ref;", outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals("&ref;", outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals("&ref;", outputString(ftso, content));
    assertEquals("&ref;", outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testProcessingInstructionTargetOnly() {
    ProcessingInstruction content = new ProcessingInstruction("target");
    assertEquals(expect("<?target?>"), outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals(expect("<?target?>"), outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals(expect("<?target?>"), outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals(expect("<?target?>"), outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testProcessingInstructionTargetWithData() {
    ProcessingInstruction content = new ProcessingInstruction("target", "data");
    assertEquals("<?target data?>", outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals("<?target data?>", outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals("<?target data?>", outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals("<?target data?>", outputString(ftso, content));
    assertEquals("<?target data?>", outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testComment() {
    Comment content = new Comment("comment");
    assertEquals("<!--comment-->", outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals("<!--comment-->", outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals("<!--comment-->", outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals("<!--comment-->", outputString(ftso, content));
    assertEquals("<!--comment-->", outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testDocTypeSimple() {
    DocType content = new DocType("root");
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root>", outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root>", outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root>", outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root>", outputString(ftso, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root>", outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testDocTypeSimpleISS() {
    DocType content = new DocType("root");
    content.setInternalSubset("<!ENTITY name \"value\">");
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root [\n<!ENTITY name \"value\">]>", outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root [\n<!ENTITY name \"value\">]>", outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root [\n<!ENTITY name \"value\">]>", outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root [\n<!ENTITY name \"value\">]>", outputString(ftso, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root [\n<!ENTITY name \"value\">]>", outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testDocTypeSystemID() {
    DocType content = new DocType("root", "sysid");
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM \"sysid\">", outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM \"sysid\">", outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM \"sysid\">", outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM \"sysid\">", outputString(ftso, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM \"sysid\">", outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testDocTypeSystemIDISS() {
    DocType content = new DocType("root", "sysid");
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM \"sysid\" [\ninternal]>", outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM \"sysid\" [\ninternal]>", outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM \"sysid\" [\ninternal]>", outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM \"sysid\" [\ninternal]>", outputString(ftso, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM \"sysid\" [\ninternal]>", outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testDocTypePublicSystemID() {
    DocType content = new DocType("root", "pubid", "sysid");
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root PUBLIC \"pubid\" \"sysid\">", outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root PUBLIC \"pubid\" \"sysid\">", outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root PUBLIC \"pubid\" \"sysid\">", outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root PUBLIC \"pubid\" \"sysid\">", outputString(ftso, content));
    assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE root PUBLIC \"pubid\" \"sysid\">", outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testDocTypePublicSystemIDISS() {
    DocType content = new DocType("root", "pubid", "sysid");
        "<!DOCTYPE root PUBLIC \"pubid\" \"sysid\" [\ninternal]>", outputString(fraw, content));
        "<!DOCTYPE root PUBLIC \"pubid\" \"sysid\" [\ninternal]>", outputString(fcompact, content));
        "<!DOCTYPE root PUBLIC \"pubid\" \"sysid\" [\ninternal]>", outputString(fpretty, content));
        "<!DOCTYPE root PUBLIC \"pubid\" \"sysid\" [\ninternal]>", outputString(ftso, content));
        "<!DOCTYPE root PUBLIC \"pubid\" \"sysid\" [\ninternal]>", outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testMultiWhiteText() {
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new CDATA(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text("    "));
    root.addContent(new Text(""));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text("  \n \n "));
    root.addContent(new Text("  \t "));
    root.addContent(new Text("  "));
        expect("<root><![CDATA[ ]]>        \n \n   \t   </root>"), outputString(fraw, root));
    assertEquals(expect("<root/>"), outputString(fcompact, root));
    assertEquals(expect("<root/>"), outputString(fpretty, root));
    assertEquals(expect("<root/>"), outputString(ftso, root));
    assertEquals(expect("<root/>"), outputString(ftfw, root));

  public void testMultiText() {
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new CDATA(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text("    "));
    root.addContent(new Text(""));
    root.addContent(new Text("X"));
    root.addContent(new Text("  \n \n "));
    root.addContent(new Text("  \t "));
    root.addContent(new Text("  "));
        expect("<root><![CDATA[ ]]>     X  \n \n   \t   </root>"), outputString(fraw, root));
    assertEquals(expect("<root>X</root>"), outputString(fcompact, root));
    assertEquals(expect("<root>X</root>"), outputString(fpretty, root));
    assertEquals(expect("<root>X</root>"), outputString(ftso, root));
        expect("<root><![CDATA[ ]]>     X  \n \n   \t   </root>"), outputString(ftfw, root));

  public void testDocumentSimple() {
    Document content = new Document();
    assertEquals("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n", outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n", outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n", outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n", outputString(ftso, content));
    assertEquals("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n", outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testDocumentDocType() {
    Document content = new Document();
    content.setDocType(new DocType("root"));
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE root>\n",
        outputString(fraw, content));
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE root>\n",
        outputString(fcompact, content));
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE root>\n",
        outputString(fpretty, content));
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE root>\n",
        outputString(ftso, content));
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE root>\n",
        outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testDocumentComment() {
    Document content = new Document();
    content.addContent(new Comment("comment"));
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<!--comment-->\n",
        outputString(fraw, content));
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<!--comment-->\n",
        outputString(fcompact, content));
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<!--comment-->\n",
        outputString(fpretty, content));
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<!--comment-->\n",
        outputString(ftso, content));
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<!--comment-->\n",
        outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testXXX() {
    Text content = new Text("");
    assertEquals("", outputString(fraw, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(fcompact, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(fpretty, content));
    assertEquals("", outputString(ftfw, content));

  public void testOutputText() {
        new Text(" hello  there  "),
        " hello  there  ",
        "hello there",
        "hello  there",
        "hello  there",
        " hello  there  ");

  public void testOutputCDATA() {
    String indata = "   hello   there  bozo !   ";
    String rawcdata = "<![CDATA[   hello   there  bozo !   ]]>";
    String compdata = "<![CDATA[hello there bozo !]]>";
    String prettydata = "<![CDATA[hello   there  bozo !]]>";
    String trimdata = "<![CDATA[   hello   there  bozo !   ]]>";

    checkOutput(new CDATA(indata), rawcdata, compdata, prettydata, prettydata, trimdata);

  public void testOutputComment() {
    String incomment = "   hello   there  bozo !   ";
    String outcomment = "<!--" + incomment + "-->";
    checkOutput(new Comment(incomment), outcomment, outcomment, outcomment, outcomment, outcomment);

  public void testOutputProcessingInstructionSimple() {
    ProcessingInstruction inpi = new ProcessingInstruction("jdomtest", "");
    String outpi = "<?jdomtest?>";
    checkOutput(inpi, outpi, outpi, outpi, outpi, outpi);

  public void testOutputProcessingInstructionData() {
    String pi = "  hello   there  ";
    ProcessingInstruction inpi = new ProcessingInstruction("jdomtest", pi);
    String outpi = "<?jdomtest " + pi + "?>";
    checkOutput(inpi, outpi, outpi, outpi, outpi, outpi);

  public void testOutputEntityRef() {
        new EntityRef("name", "publicID", "systemID"),

  public void testOutputElementSimple() {
    String txt = "<root/>";
    checkOutput(new Element("root"), txt, txt, txt, txt, txt);

  public void testOutputElementAttribute() {
    String txt = "<root att=\"val\" />";
    checkOutput(new Element("root").setAttribute("att", "val"), txt, txt, txt, txt, txt);

  public void testOutputElementAttributeNotSpecifiedA() {
    String txt = "<root att=\"val\" />";
    final Element root = new Element("root");
    final Attribute att = new Attribute("att", "val");
    checkOutput(root, txt, txt, txt, "<root />", txt);

  public void testOutputElementAttributeNotSpecifiedB() {
    String txt = "<root atta=\"val\" attb=\"attb\" />";
    final Element root = new Element("root");
    final Attribute atta = new Attribute("atta", "val");
    final Attribute attb = new Attribute("attb", "attb");
    checkOutput(root, txt, txt, txt, "<root attb=\"attb\" />", txt);

  public void testOutputElementCDATA() {
    String txt = "<root><![CDATA[xx]]></root>";
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new CDATA("xx"));
    checkOutput(root, txt, txt, txt, txt, txt);

  public void testOutputElementExpandEmpty() {
    String txt = "<root></root>";
    FormatSetup setup =
        new FormatSetup() {
          public void setup(Format fmt) {
    checkOutput(new Element("root"), setup, txt, txt, txt, txt, txt);

  public void testOutputElementPreserveSpace() {
    String txt =
        "<root xml:space=\"preserve\">    <child xml:space=\"default\">abc</child> </root>";
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.setAttribute("space", "preserve", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
    root.addContent("    ");
    Element child = new Element("child");
    child.setAttribute("space", "default", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
    root.addContent(" ");
    checkOutput(root, txt, txt, txt, txt, txt);

  public void testOutputElementPreserveSpaceComplex() {
    // the purpose of this test is to ensure that the different
    // formatting values are used when going down one level,
    // back up, then in to 'preserve', back up, and then again
    // down in to normal (not preserve).

    // this is essentially a test of the FormatStack code....

    Element tst = new Element("child");
    Comment cmt = new Comment("comment");
    String spaced = "  <child>\n    <!--comment-->\n  </child>\n";
    String compact = "<child><!--comment--></child>";
    String preserved = "<child xml:space=\"preserve\"><!--comment--></child>";
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(tst.clone().setAttribute("space", "preserve", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE));
    String rawcompact = "<root>" + compact + preserved + compact + "</root>";
    String pretty = "<root>\n" + spaced + "  " + preserved + "\n" + spaced + "</root>";
    checkOutput(root, rawcompact, rawcompact, pretty, pretty, pretty);

  public void testOutputElementMultiText() {
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new CDATA(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text(" xx "));
    root.addContent(new Text("yy"));
    root.addContent(new Text("    "));
    root.addContent(new Text("zz"));
    root.addContent(new Text("  ww"));
    root.addContent(new EntityRef("amp"));
    root.addContent(new Text("vv"));
    root.addContent(new Text("  "));
        "<root><![CDATA[ ]]> xx yy    zz  ww&amp;vv  </root>",
        "<root>xx yy zz ww&amp;vv</root>",
        "<root>xx yy    zz  ww&amp;vv</root>",
        "<root>xx yy    zz  ww&amp;vv</root>",
        // This should be changed with issue #31.
        // The real value should have one additional
        // space at the beginning and two at the end
        // for now we leave the broken test here because it
        // helps with the coverage reports.
        // the next test is added to be a failing test.
        "<root><![CDATA[ ]]> xx yy    zz  ww&amp;vv  </root>");

  public void testOutputElementMultiAllWhite() {
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new CDATA(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text("    "));
    root.addContent(new Text(""));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text("  \n \n "));
    root.addContent(new Text("  \t "));
    root.addContent(new Text("  "));
        "<root><![CDATA[ ]]>        \n \n   \t   </root>",
        "<root />",
        "<root />",
        "<root />",
        "<root />");

  public void testOutputElementMultiAllWhiteExpandEmpty() {
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new CDATA(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text("    "));
    root.addContent(new Text(""));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text("  \n \n "));
    root.addContent(new Text("  \t "));
    root.addContent(new Text("  "));
    FormatSetup fs =
        new FormatSetup() {
          public void setup(Format fmt) {
        "<root><![CDATA[ ]]>        \n \n   \t   </root>",

  public void testOutputElementMultiMostWhiteExpandEmpty() {
    // this test has mixed content (text-type and not text type).
    // and, it has a multi-text-type at the end.
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new CDATA(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text("    "));
    root.addContent(new Text(""));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text("  \n \n "));
    root.addContent(new Comment("Boo"));
    root.addContent(new Text("  \t "));
    root.addContent(new Text("  "));
    FormatSetup fs =
        new FormatSetup() {
          public void setup(Format fmt) {
        "<root><![CDATA[ ]]>        \n \n <!--Boo-->  \t   </root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n</root>");

  public void testOutputElementMixedMultiCDATA() {
    // this test has mixed content (text-type and not text type).
    // and, it has a multi-text-type at the end.
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new Comment("Boo"));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new CDATA("A"));
    FormatSetup fs =
        new FormatSetup() {
          public void setup(Format fmt) {
        "<root><!--Boo--> <![CDATA[A]]></root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n  <![CDATA[A]]>\n</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n  <![CDATA[A]]>\n</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n   <![CDATA[A]]>\n</root>");

  public void testOutputElementMixedMultiEntityRef() {
    // this test has mixed content (text-type and not text type).
    // and, it has a multi-text-type at the end.
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new Comment("Boo"));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new EntityRef("aer"));
    FormatSetup fs =
        new FormatSetup() {
          public void setup(Format fmt) {
        "<root><!--Boo--> &aer;</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n  &aer;\n</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n  &aer;\n</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n   &aer;\n</root>");

  public void testOutputElementMixedMultiText() {
    // this test has mixed content (text-type and not text type).
    // and, it has a multi-text-type at the end.
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new Comment("Boo"));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text("txt"));
    FormatSetup fs =
        new FormatSetup() {
          public void setup(Format fmt) {
        "<root><!--Boo--> txt</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n  txt\n</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n  txt\n</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n   txt\n</root>");

  public void testOutputElementMixedMultiZeroText() {
    // this test has mixed content (text-type and not text type).
    // and, it has a multi-text-type at the end.
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new Comment("Boo"));
    root.addContent(new Text(""));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text(""));
    root.addContent(new Text("txt"));
    root.addContent(new Text(""));
    FormatSetup fs =
        new FormatSetup() {
          public void setup(Format fmt) {
        "<root><!--Boo--> txt</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n  txt\n</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n  txt\n</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n   txt\n</root>");

  public void testOutputElementInterleavedEmptyText() {
    // this is to test issue #72
    // Compact format only prints first child.
    // and, it has a multi-text-type at the end.
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new Comment("Boo"));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new Element("child"));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new ProcessingInstruction("pitarget"));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
        "<root> <!--Boo--> <child /> <?pitarget?> </root>",
        "<root><!--Boo--><child /><?pitarget?></root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n  <child />\n  <?pitarget?>\n</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n  <child />\n  <?pitarget?>\n</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n  <child />\n  <?pitarget?>\n</root>");

  public void testOutputElementMultiEntityLeftRight() {
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new EntityRef("erl"));
    root.addContent(new Text(" "));
    root.addContent(new Text("    "));
    root.addContent(new EntityRef("err"));
        "<root>&erl;     &err;</root>",
        "<root>&erl; &err;</root>",
        "<root>&erl;     &err;</root>",
        "<root>&erl;     &err;</root>",
        "<root>&erl;     &err;</root>");

  public void testOutputElementMultiTrimLeftRight() {
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new Text(" tl "));
    root.addContent(new Text(" mid "));
    root.addContent(new Text(" tr "));
        "<root> tl  mid  tr </root>",
        "<root>tl mid tr</root>",
        "<root>tl  mid  tr</root>",
        "<root>tl  mid  tr</root>",
        "<root> tl  mid  tr </root>");

  public void testOutputElementMultiCDATALeftRight() {
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new CDATA(" tl "));
    root.addContent(new Text(" mid "));
    root.addContent(new CDATA(" tr "));
        "<root><![CDATA[ tl ]]> mid <![CDATA[ tr ]]></root>",
        "<root><![CDATA[tl]]> mid <![CDATA[tr]]></root>",
        "<root><![CDATA[tl ]]> mid <![CDATA[ tr]]></root>",
        "<root><![CDATA[tl ]]> mid <![CDATA[ tr]]></root>",
        "<root><![CDATA[ tl ]]> mid <![CDATA[ tr ]]></root>");

  public void testOutputElementNamespaces() {
    String txt =
        "<ns:root xmlns:ns=\"myns\" xmlns:ans=\"attributens\" xmlns:two=\"two\" ans:att=\"val\"/>";
    Element emt = new Element("root", Namespace.getNamespace("ns", "myns"));
    Namespace ans = Namespace.getNamespace("ans", "attributens");
    emt.setAttribute(new Attribute("att", "val", ans));
    emt.addNamespaceDeclaration(Namespace.getNamespace("two", "two"));
    checkOutput(emt, txt, txt, txt, txt, txt);

  public void testOutputDocTypeSimple() {
        new DocType("root"),
        "<!DOCTYPE root>",
        "<!DOCTYPE root>",
        "<!DOCTYPE root>",
        "<!DOCTYPE root>",
        "<!DOCTYPE root>");

  public void testOutputDocTypeInternalSubset() {
    String dec = "<!DOCTYPE root [\ninternal]>";
    DocType dt = new DocType("root");
    checkOutput(dt, dec, dec, dec, dec, dec);

  public void testOutputDocTypeSystem() {
    String dec = "<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM \"systemID\">";
    checkOutput(new DocType("root", "systemID"), dec, dec, dec, dec, dec);

  public void testOutputDocTypePublic() {
    String dec = "<!DOCTYPE root PUBLIC \"publicID\">";
    checkOutput(new DocType("root", "publicID", null), dec, dec, dec, dec, dec);

  public void testOutputDocTypePublicSystem() {
    String dec = "<!DOCTYPE root PUBLIC \"publicID\" \"systemID\">";
    checkOutput(new DocType("root", "publicID", "systemID"), dec, dec, dec, dec, dec);

  public void testOutputDocumentSimple() {
    Document doc = new Document();
    doc.addContent(new Element("root"));
    String xmldec = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
    String rtdec = "<root />";
        xmldec + "\n" + rtdec + "\n",
        xmldec + "\n" + rtdec + "\n",
        xmldec + "\n" + rtdec + "\n",
        xmldec + "\n" + rtdec + "\n",
        xmldec + "\n" + rtdec + "\n");

  public void testOutputDocumentOmitEncoding() {
    Document doc = new Document();
    doc.addContent(new Element("root"));
    String xmldec = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
    FormatSetup setup =
        new FormatSetup() {
          public void setup(Format fmt) {
    String rtdec = "<root />";
        xmldec + "\n" + rtdec + "\n",
        xmldec + "\n" + rtdec + "\n",
        xmldec + "\n" + rtdec + "\n",
        xmldec + "\n" + rtdec + "\n",
        xmldec + "\n" + rtdec + "\n");

  public void testOutputDocumentOmitDeclaration() {
    Document doc = new Document();
    doc.addContent(new Element("root"));
    FormatSetup setup =
        new FormatSetup() {
          public void setup(Format fmt) {
    String rtdec = "<root />";
    checkOutput(doc, setup, rtdec + "\n", rtdec + "\n", rtdec + "\n", rtdec + "\n", rtdec + "\n");

  public void testOutputDocumentFull() {
    DocType dt = new DocType("root");
    Comment comment = new Comment("comment");
    ProcessingInstruction pi = new ProcessingInstruction("jdomtest", "");
    Element root = new Element("root");
    Document doc = new Document();
    String xmldec = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
    String dtdec = "<!DOCTYPE root>";
    String commentdec = "<!--comment-->";
    String pidec = "<?jdomtest?>";
    String rtdec = "<root />";
    String lf = "\n";
    String dlf = usesrawxmlout ? "" : lf;
        xmldec + lf + dtdec + commentdec + pidec + rtdec + lf,
        xmldec + lf + dtdec + commentdec + pidec + rtdec + lf,
        xmldec + lf + dtdec + dlf + commentdec + dlf + pidec + dlf + rtdec + lf,
        xmldec + lf + dtdec + dlf + commentdec + dlf + pidec + dlf + rtdec + lf,
        xmldec + lf + dtdec + dlf + commentdec + dlf + pidec + dlf + rtdec + lf);

  public void testDeepNesting() {
    // need to get beyond 16 levels of XML.
    DocType dt = new DocType("root");
    Element root = new Element("root");
    Document doc = new Document();
    String xmldec = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
    String dtdec = "<!DOCTYPE root>";
    String lf = "\n";

    StringBuilder raw = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder pretty = new StringBuilder();
    if (!usesrawxmlout) {
      // most test systems use the XMLOutputter in raw mode to output
      // the results of the conversion. In Raw mode the XMLOutputter will
      // not make pretty content outside of the root element (but it will
      // put the XMLDeclaration on it's own line).
      // so, in the cases where the actual pretty format is used, we add
      // this newline after the DocType...
    final int depth = 40;
    int cnt = depth;
    Parent parent = root;
    StringBuilder indent = new StringBuilder();
    while (--cnt > 0) {
      Element emt = new Element("emt");
      parent = emt;
      indent.append("  ");

    parent.getContent().add(new Element("bottom"));
    raw.append("<bottom />");
    pretty.append("  <bottom />");

    cnt = depth;
    while (--cnt > 0) {
      indent.setLength(indent.length() - 2);


  public void testOutputElementContent() {
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new Element("child"));
        "<child />",
        "<child />",
        "<child />",
        "<child />",
        "<child />");

  public void testOutputList() {
    List<Object> c = new ArrayList<Object>();
    c.add(new Element("root"));
        c, "output", List.class, null, "<root />", "<root />", "<root />", "<root />", "<root />");

  public void testOutputEscapedMixedMultiText() {
    // this test has mixed content (text-type and not text type).
    // and, it has a multi-text-type at the end.
    Element root = new Element("root");
    root.addContent(new Comment("Boo"));
    root.addContent(new Text(" xx "));
    root.addContent(new Text("<emb>"));
    root.addContent(new Text(" xx "));
    FormatSetup fs =
        new FormatSetup() {
          public void setup(Format fmt) {
        "<root><!--Boo--> xx &lt;emb&gt; xx </root>",
        "<root><!--Boo-->xx &lt;emb&gt; xx</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n  xx &lt;emb&gt; xx\n</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n  xx &lt;emb&gt; xx\n</root>",
        "<root>\n  <!--Boo-->\n   xx &lt;emb&gt; xx \n</root>");

  protected void checkOutput(
      Object content, String raw, String compact, String pretty, String tso, String trimfw) {
    Class<?> clazz = content.getClass();
    checkOutput(content, "output", clazz, null, raw, compact, pretty, tso, trimfw);

  protected void checkOutput(
      Object content,
      FormatSetup setup,
      String raw,
      String compact,
      String pretty,
      String tso,
      String trimfw) {
    Class<?> clazz = content.getClass();
    checkOutput(content, "output", clazz, setup, raw, compact, pretty, tso, trimfw);

   * The following method will run the output data through each of the three base formatters, raw,
   * compact, and pretty. It will also run each of those formatters as the outputString(content),
   * output(content, OutputStream) and output(content, Writer).
   * <p>The expectation is that the results of the three output forms (String, OutputStream, and
   * Writer) will be identical, and that it will match the expected value for the appropriate
   * formatter.
   * @param content The content to output
   * @param methodprefix What the methods are called
   * @param clazz The class used as the parameter for the methods.
   * @param setup A callback mechanism to modify the formatters
   * @param raw What we expect the content to look like with the RAW format
   * @param compact What we expect the content to look like with the COMPACT format
   * @param pretty What we expect the content to look like with the PRETTY format
   * @param trimfw What we expect the content to look like with the TRIM_FULL_WHITE format
  protected void checkOutput(
      Object content,
      String methodprefix,
      Class<?> clazz,
      FormatSetup setup,
      String raw,
      String compact,
      String pretty,
      String tso,
      String trimfw) {
    Method meth = getMyMethod(methodprefix + "String", Format.class, clazz);

    if (meth == null) {

    String[] descn =
        new String[] {"Raw", "Compact", "Pretty", "PrettySpecifiedOnly", "TrimFullWhite"};
    Format ftrimfw = Format.getPrettyFormat();
    Format fattspec = Format.getPrettyFormat();
    Format[] formats =
        new Format[] {
          getFormat(setup, Format.getRawFormat()),
          getFormat(setup, Format.getCompactFormat()),
          getFormat(setup, Format.getPrettyFormat()),
          getFormat(setup, fattspec),
          getFormat(setup, ftrimfw)
    String[] result = new String[] {raw, compact, pretty, tso, trimfw};

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

      String mstring;
      try {
        mstring = (String) meth.invoke(this, formats[i], content);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
      String msg = "outputString Format " + descn[i];
      assertEquals(msg, expect(result[i]), mstring);

  protected Format getFormat(FormatSetup setup, Format input) {
    if (setup == null) {
      return input;
    return input;

  private Method getMyMethod(String name, Class<?>... classes) {
    try {
      return this.getClass().getMethod(name, classes);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // ignore.
          "Can't find " + name + " on " + this.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage());
    return null;