/** * modificar un cliente * * <p>Devuelve el cliente que se va a modificar * * <p>Si el cliente pasado es null, intenta crear un nuevo cliente */ public Cliente editCliente(Cliente cliente, Component parent) { Assert.notNull(dataService); Cliente eCliente = cliente; if (eCliente == null) { eCliente = new Cliente(); String s = getMessage("ui.ClienteUIService.DefaultName", null, "New customer"); eCliente.setNombre(s); } boolean error = false; Throwable excep = null; if (eCliente.getId() != null) { try { eCliente = dataService.getById(eCliente.getId()); } catch (DataAccessException e) { excep = e; error = true; } catch (Throwable t) { excep = t; error = true; } if (error) { logger.error("Error retrieving customer from persistence service", excep); String t = getMessage( "ui.ClienteUIService.ErrorLoadClienteTitle", null, "Error retrieving customer"); String m = getMessage( "ui.ClienteUIService.ErrorLoadClienteMessage", null, "Error retrieving customer data"); ErrorInfo err = new ErrorInfo(t, m, excep.getMessage(), null, excep, null, null); JXErrorPane.showDialog(parent == null ? getParentWindow() : parent, err); return null; } // Si el cliente es null, no se ha encontrado // Podría haber sido borrado if (eCliente == null) { logger.error("Error retrieving customer from persistence service. Not found."); String t = getMessage( "ui.ClienteUIService.ErrorNotExistClienteTitle", null, "Error retrieving customer"); String m = getMessage( "ui.ClienteUIService.ErrorNotExistClienteMessage", null, "Customer not found. Please, refresh data"); ErrorInfo err = new ErrorInfo(t, m, m, null, null, null, null); JXErrorPane.showDialog(getParentWindow(), err); return null; } } ClienteEditDialog dialog = new ClienteEditDialog(parent == null ? getParentWindow() : parent, eCliente, this); dialog.setDataService(dataService); dialog.setModalityType(ModalityType.MODELESS); dialog.pack(); dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(dialog.getOwner()); dialog.setVisible(true); return eCliente; }
@Override public void dispatchEvent(AWTEvent event) { try { super.dispatchEvent(event); } catch (RuntimeException e) { JXErrorPane.showDialog( null, new ErrorInfo( "Event Queue Exception!", //$NON-NLS-1$ e.toString(), null, null, e, Level.SEVERE, null)); e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Elimina un cliente * * <p>Devuelve el cliente eliminado o null si no se elimino * * <p>Pide confirmación si así se requiere */ public Cliente removeCliente(Cliente cliente, boolean askConfirmation, Component parent) { Assert.notNull(dataService); if (askConfirmation) { String ti = getMessage("ui.ClienteUIService.ConfirmDeleteTitle", null, "Remove Customer"); String me = getMessage( "ui.ClienteUIService.ConfirmDeleteQuestion", new String[] {cliente.getNombre()}, "Do you want to remove customer {0}?"); int code = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( parent == null ? getParentWindow() : parent, me, ti, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (code != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) return null; } boolean error = false; Throwable excep = null; try { dataService.remove(cliente); } catch (DataAccessException e) { excep = e; error = true; } catch (Throwable t) { excep = t; error = true; } if (error) { logger.error("Error deleting customer in persistence service", excep); String t = getMessage( "ui.ClienteUIService.ErrorDeleteClienteTitle", null, "Error deleting customer"); String m = getMessage( "ui.ClienteUIService.ErrorDeleteClienteMessage", null, "Error trying to delete customer data"); ErrorInfo err = new ErrorInfo(t, m, excep.getMessage(), null, excep, null, null); JXErrorPane.showDialog(parent == null ? getParentWindow() : parent, err); return null; } return cliente; }
public Collection<Action> getSecuritiesActions() { if (securitiesActions == null) { securitiesActions = new ArrayList<Action>(); Action firstTitle = new ShowSecuritiesAction( translations.getString("EXCHANGESMENUITEM"), createImageIcon("money.png"), true); firstTitle.putValue(Layout.LEAVE_SPACE, false); securitiesActions.add(firstTitle); Collection<Exchange> exchanges = null; try { exchanges = financeFactory.getAllExchanges(); for (Exchange exch : exchanges) { securitiesActions.add( new ShowSecuritiesByExchangeAction( exch.getName(), createImageIcon("money_euro.png"), exch)); } } catch (StockPlayException ex) { JXErrorPane.showDialog( MainFrame.getInstance(), new ErrorInfo( translations.getString("ERROR_COMMUNICATION"), translations.getString("ERROR_FETCH_EXCHANGES"), null, null, ex, null, null)); } securitiesActions.add( new ShowSecuritiesAction( translations.getString("INDEXESMENUITEM"), createImageIcon("money.png"), true)); Collection<Index> indexes = null; try { indexes = financeFactory.getAllIndexes(); for (Index index : indexes) { securitiesActions.add( new ShowSecuritiesByIndexAction( index.getName(), createImageIcon("money_euro.png"), index)); } } catch (StockPlayException ex) { JXErrorPane.showDialog( MainFrame.getInstance(), new ErrorInfo( translations.getString("ERROR_COMMUNICATION"), translations.getString("ERROR_FETCH_EXCHANGES"), null, null, ex, null, null)); } } return securitiesActions; }