  public static ClassTypeResolver createClassTypeResolver(
      JavaSource javaSource, ClassLoader classLoader) {
    String packageName;
    Set<String> classImports = new HashSet<String>();

    // Importer.getImports() returns both normal and static imports
    // You can see if an Import is static by calling hte
    // Import.isStatic() method
    List<Import> imports = javaSource.getImports();
    if (imports != null) {
      for (Import currentImport : imports) {
        String importName = currentImport.getQualifiedName();
        if (currentImport.isWildcard()) {
          importName = importName + ".*";

    packageName = javaSource.getPackage();
    // add current package too, if not added, the class type resolver don't resolve current package
    // classes.
    if (packageName != null && !"".equals(packageName)) {
      classImports.add(packageName + ".*");

    if (javaSource instanceof JavaClassSource) {
      JavaClassSource javaClassSource = (JavaClassSource) javaSource;

      // add current file inner types as import clauses to help the ClassTypeResolver to find
      // variables of inner types
      // It was detected that current ClassTypeResolver don't resolve inner classes well.
      // workaround for BZ https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1172711
      List<JavaSource<?>> innerTypes = javaClassSource.getNestedTypes();
      if (innerTypes != null) {
        for (JavaSource<?> type : innerTypes) {
          classImports.add(packageName + "." + javaClassSource.getName() + "." + type.getName());

    return new ClassTypeResolver(classImports, classLoader);
 public JavaResource saveTestJavaSource(final JavaSource<?> source) throws FileNotFoundException {
   return getTestJavaResource(source.getQualifiedName()).setContents(source);
 public JavaResource getTestJavaResource(final JavaSource<?> javaClass)
     throws FileNotFoundException {
   String pkg = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(javaClass.getPackage()) ? "" : javaClass.getPackage() + ".";
   return getTestJavaResource(pkg + javaClass.getName());