public void init(PanelProvider provider) throws Exception { super.init(provider); addParameter(new BooleanParameter(provider, PARAMETER_USE_DEFAULTS, false, true)); String[] methodsForEditMode = new String[] {"actionChangeEditingLanguage", "actionSaveChanges"}; for (int i = 0; i < methodsForEditMode.length; i++) { String method = methodsForEditMode[i]; addMethodPermission(method, PanelPermission.class, PanelPermission.ACTION_EDIT); } }
protected void beforePanelInstanceRemove(final PanelInstance instance) throws Exception { super.beforePanelInstanceRemove(instance); new HibernateTxFragment() { protected void txFragment(Session session) throws Exception { HTMLText htmlText = load(instance); if (htmlText != null) htmlText.delete(); } }.execute(); }
/** * Replicates panel data. * * @param src Source PanelInstance * @param dest Destinaton PanelInstance */ public void replicateData(final PanelInstance src, PanelInstance dest) throws Exception { super.replicateData(src, dest); log.debug( "HTMLDriver replicating Data from PanelInstance " + src.getDbid() + " to " + dest.getDbid() + ")."); if (src.equals(dest)) { log.debug("Ignoring replication, panel instance is the same."); return; } final HTMLText[] textArray = new HTMLText[1]; try { new HibernateTxFragment() { protected void txFragment(Session session) throws Exception { log.debug("Getting text to duplicate for instance " + src.getDbid()); FlushMode oldMode = session.getFlushMode(); session.setFlushMode( FlushMode .COMMIT); // Avoids flushing, as we know the text was not modified in this // transaction. textArray[0] = load(src); session.setFlushMode(oldMode); log.debug("Got text to duplicate for instance " + src.getDbid()); } }.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error loading text for instance. ", e); } HTMLText text = textArray[0]; if (text == null) { log.debug( "Nothing to replicate from PanelInstance " + src.getDbid() + " to " + dest.getDbid()); return; } Map htmlSrc = text.getText(); log.debug("htmlCode to replicate = " + htmlSrc); HTMLText htmlDest = new HTMLText(); htmlDest.setPanelInstance(dest.getInstance()); for (Iterator it = htmlSrc.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String); String val = (String) htmlSrc.get(key); htmlDest.setText(key, val); } try { log.debug("Updating HTMLText: IDText " + htmlDest.getDbid() + " Text " + htmlDest.getText());; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Replicating panel data", e); } }
/** Defines the action to be taken when activating edit mode */ public void activateNormalMode(Panel panel, CommandRequest request) throws Exception { super.activateNormalMode(panel, request); SessionManager.getPanelSession(panel).removeAttribute(ATTR_TEXT); SessionManager.getPanelSession(panel).removeAttribute(ATTR_EDITING_LANGUAGE); }
/** Defines the action to be taken when activating edit mode */ public void activateEditMode(Panel panel, CommandRequest request) throws Exception { super.activateEditMode(panel, request); HTMLText text = load(panel.getInstance()); SessionManager.getPanelSession(panel).setAttribute(ATTR_TEXT, toEditableObject(text)); }