/** Abstract class that is extended by the main JFlex lexer. */
public abstract class AbstractJAMWikiLexer extends JFlexLexer {

  protected static final WikiLogger logger =
   * Automatically insert a paragraph tag after all block-level tags EXCEPT for paragraph tags
   * (since that is handled by the parser). This is a hack-ish workaround for the fact that
   * Mediawiki syntax makes it very difficult to determine when a new paragraph is needed, so this
   * code is overzealous with paragraph insertion and empty paragraph tags are resolved to empty
   * text by the JFlexTagItem.toHtml() method.
  private static final Map<String, String> PARAGRAPH_OPEN_LOCATION_LIST =
  /** Stack of currently parsed tag content. */
  private final Stack<JFlexTagItem> tagStack = new Stack<JFlexTagItem>();

  /** Append content to the current tag in the tag stack. */
  protected void append(String content) {

   * Convert a wiki list character to an HTML list item type. For example, "#" corresponds to "li"
   * while ":" corresponds to "dd".
  private String calculateListItemType(char wikiSyntax) {
    if (wikiSyntax == '*' || wikiSyntax == '#') {
      return "li";
    if (wikiSyntax == ';') {
      return "dt";
    if (wikiSyntax == ':') {
      return "dd";
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized wiki syntax: " + wikiSyntax);

  /** Convert a wiki list character to an HTML list type. For example, "#" corresponds to "ol". */
  private String calculateListType(char wikiSyntax) {
    if (wikiSyntax == ';' || wikiSyntax == ':') {
      return "dl";
    if (wikiSyntax == '#') {
      return "ol";
    if (wikiSyntax == '*') {
      return "ul";
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized wiki syntax: " + wikiSyntax);

  /** Utility method used when parsing list tags to determine the current list nesting level. */
  private int currentListDepth() {
    int depth = 0;
    int i = 0;
    // traverse backwards through the tag stack looking for list tags
    while (this.peekTag(++i) != null) {
      if (this.peekTag(i).isEmptyParagraphTag()) {
        // ignore paragraphs
      if (!this.peekTag(i).isListTag()) {
    // divide by two since lists always have a list and a list item tag
    return (depth / 2);

  /** Override the parent method to allow tag stack initialization. */
  protected void init(ParserInput parserInput, ParserOutput parserOutput, int mode) {
    super.init(parserInput, parserOutput, mode);
    this.tagStack.push(new JFlexTagItem(JFlexTagItem.ROOT_TAG));

   * Utility method to walk the current tag stack to determine if the top of the stack contains list
   * tags followed by a tag of a specific type.
  private boolean isNextAfterListTags(String tagType) {
    int i = 0;
    while (this.peekTag(++i) != null) {
      if (this.peekTag(i).getTagType().equals(tagType)) {
        return true;
      if (!this.peekTag(i).isListTag()) {
        return false;
    return false;

  /** Utility method to determine if the parser is at the start of the file. */
  protected boolean isStartOfFile() {
    if (this.peekTag().getTagContent().length() != 0) {
      // if there is content already then this is not the start of the file
      return false;
    if (this.peekTag().isRootTag()) {
      // if this is the root tag and it's empty, this is the start of the file
      return true;
    if (this.tagStack.size() == 2
        && this.tagStack.get(0).getTagContent().length() == 0
        && this.peekTag().isEmptyParagraphTag()) {
      // if this is the paragraph tag that is pre-pended prior to parsing
      // and the root tag is empty, this is the start of the file
      return true;
    return false;

   * Execute the lexer, returning the parsed content. Override the parent method to use the tag
   * stack.
  protected String lex() throws Exception {
    String line;
    if (this.mode == JFlexParser.MODE_LAYOUT) {
      // push a paragraph at start of lexing - if it turns out that an
      // opening paragraph is not needed then it will resolve to empty
      // text via JFlexTagItem.toHtml().
      this.pushTag("p", null);
    // parse all text
    while ((line = this.yylex()) != null) {
    // parse for any paragraph tags that might need closing at EOF
    if (this.paragraphIsOpen()) {
      this.parse(TAG_TYPE_PARAGRAPH, "\n");
    return this.popAllTags();

  /** Utility method to determine if a paragraph is currently open. */
  protected boolean paragraphIsOpen() {
    // traverse backwards through the tag stack looking for an open paragraph tag
    int i = 0;
    while (this.peekTag(++i) != null) {
      if (this.peekTag(i).getTagType().equals("p")) {
        return true;
      if (!this.peekTag(i).isInlineTag()) {
        // if a block tag is encountered there should be no
        // need to check further
    return false;

   * Take Wiki text of the form "|" or "| style='foo' |" and convert to and HTML <td> or <th> tag.
   * @param text The text to be parsed.
   * @param tagType The HTML tag type, either "td" or "th".
   * @param markup The Wiki markup for the tag, either "|", "|+" or "!"
  protected void parseTableCell(String text, String tagType, String markup) throws ParserException {
    if (text == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("No text specified while parsing table cell");
    text = text.trim();
    String openTagRaw = null;
    int pos = StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(text, markup);
    if (pos != -1) {
      text = text.substring(pos);
      pos = text.indexOf('|');
      if (pos != -1) {
        text = text.substring(0, pos);
      openTagRaw = "<" + tagType + " " + text.trim() + ">";
    this.pushTag(tagType, openTagRaw);

  /** Peek at the current tag from the lexer stack and see if it matches the given tag type. */
  protected JFlexTagItem peekTag() {
    return this.tagStack.peek();

   * Peek at the current tag from the lexer stack and see if it matches the given tag type.
   * @param pos Depth of the tag stack to peek. If looking at the last tag then specify one, the
   *     second-to-last-tag specify two, etc.
   * @return The tag as the specified position in the stack, or <code>null</code> if the stack is
   *     smaller than the specified index.
  protected JFlexTagItem peekTag(int pos) {
    if (pos < 1) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot call peekTag with an index less than one");
    if (pos > this.tagStack.size()) {
      return null;
    return this.tagStack.get(this.tagStack.size() - pos);

  /** Pop all list tags off of the current stack. */
  protected void popAllListTags() throws ParserException {
    // before clearing a list, first make sure that any open inline tags or paragraph tags
    // have been closed (example: "<i><ul>" is invalid.  close the <i> first).
    while (!this.peekTag().isRootTag()
        && (this.peekTag().getTagType().equals("p") || this.peekTag().isInlineTag())) {

  /** Pop all tags off of the stack and return a string representation. */
  private String popAllTags() throws ParserException {
    // pop the stack down to (but not including) the root tag
    while (this.tagStack.size() > 1) {
    // now pop the root tag
    if (this.mode >= JFlexParser.MODE_LAYOUT) {
      return this.tagStack.pop().toHtml().toString().trim();
    } else {
      return this.tagStack.pop().toHtml().toString();

  /** Pop the next X number of list tags off of the current tag stack. */
  private void popListTags(int depth) throws ParserException {
    if (depth < 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot pop a negative number: " + depth);
    for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
      // the open tag stack will be of the form <ol><li><p>, so pop all of them
      if (this.peekTag().getTagType().equals("p")) {

  /** Handle popping a tag that is not the current tag on the stack. */
  private void popMismatchedTag(String tagType) throws ParserException {
    // check to see if a close tag override was previously set, which happens
    // from the inner tag of unbalanced HTML.  Example: "<u><strong>text</u></strong>"
    // would set a close tag override when the "</u>" is parsed to indicate that
    // the "</strong>" should actually be parsed as a "</u>".
    if (StringUtils.equals(this.peekTag().getTagType(), this.peekTag().getCloseTagOverride())) {
    // if the open tag is a paragraph then close it - paragraph tags are added in
    // many places where they might not need to be since the parser is trying to
    // guess what a newline is supposed to mean.
    if (this.peekTag().getTagType().equals("p")) {
    // check to see if the parent tag is a list and the current tag is in the tag
    // stack.  if so close the list and pop the current tag.
    if (!JFlexTagItem.isListTag(tagType)
        && this.peekTag().isListItemTag()
        && this.isNextAfterListTags(tagType)) {
    // check to see if the parent tag matches the current close tag.  if so then
    // this is unbalanced HTML of the form "<u><strong>text</u></strong>" and
    // it should be parsed as "<u><strong>text</strong></u>".
    JFlexTagItem parent = this.peekTag(2);
    if (parent != null && parent.getTagType().equals(tagType)) {
    // if the above checks fail then this is an attempt to pop a tag that is not
    // currently open, so append the escaped close tag to the current tag
    // content without modifying the tag stack.
    this.peekTag().getTagContent().append("&lt;/" + tagType + "&gt;");

  /** Pop the most recent HTML tag from the lexer stack. */
  protected void popTag(String tagType) throws ParserException {
    if (this.tagStack.size() <= 1) {
          "popTag called on an empty tag stack or on the root stack element.  Please report this error on jamwiki.org, and provide the wiki syntax for the topic being parsed.");
    if (!this.peekTag().getTagType().equals(tagType)) {
      // handle the case where the tag being popped is not the current tag on
      // the stack.  this can happen with mis-matched HTML
      // ("<u><strong>text</u></strong>"), tags that aren't automatically
      // closed, and other more random scenarios.
    JFlexTagItem currentTag = this.peekTag();
    if (this.tagStack.size() > 1) {
      // only pop if not the root tag
      currentTag = this.tagStack.pop();
    CharSequence html = currentTag.toHtml();
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(html)) {
      // if the tag results in no content being generated then there is
      // nothing more to do.
    JFlexTagItem previousTag = this.peekTag();
    if (!currentTag.isInlineTag() || currentTag.getTagType().equals("pre")) {
      // if the current tag is not an inline tag, make sure it is on its own lines
      if (previousTag.getTagContent().length() > 0
          && Character.isWhitespace(
              previousTag.getTagContent().charAt(previousTag.getTagContent().length() - 1))) {
        String trimmedContent = StringUtils.stripEnd(previousTag.getTagContent().toString(), null);
            .delete(trimmedContent.length(), previousTag.getTagContent().length());
    } else {
    if (PARAGRAPH_OPEN_LOCATION_LIST.containsKey(tagType)) {
      // force a paragraph open after block tags.  this tag may not actually
      // end up in the final output if there aren't any newlines in the
      // wikitext after the block tag.  make sure that PARAGRAPH_OPEN_LOCATION_LIST
      // does not contain "p", otherwise we loop infinitely.
      this.pushTag("p", null);

   * Wiki lists are of the form ":#;" and depend on the previous list entries, so given the current
   * tag stack and the wiki syntax for the current list syntax, update the tag stack accordingly.
  protected void processListStack(String wikiSyntax) throws ParserException {
    // before adding to a list, first make sure that any open inline tags or paragraph tags
    // have been closed (example: "<i><ul>" is invalid.  close the <i> first).
    while (!this.peekTag().isRootTag()
        && (this.peekTag().getTagType().equals("p") || this.peekTag().isInlineTag())) {
    int previousDepth = this.currentListDepth();
    int currentDepth = wikiSyntax.length();
    // if list was previously open to a greater depth, close the old list down to the
    // current depth.
    int tagsToPop = (previousDepth - currentDepth);
    if (tagsToPop > 0) {
      previousDepth -= tagsToPop;
    // now look for differences in the current list stacks.  for example, if
    // the previous list was "::;" and the current list is "###" then there are
    // three lists that must be closed.  first, walk back the current stack
    // to find the list open tags.
    List<String> listTagTypes = null;
    int j = 0;
    while (this.peekTag(++j) != null) {
      if (this.peekTag(j).isListTag() && !this.peekTag(j).isListItemTag()) {
        if (listTagTypes == null) {
          listTagTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
    // now verify whether the list open tags match the current syntax, ie
    // whether "::;" matches whatever tags are already open
    String tagType;
    for (int i = 1; i <= previousDepth; i++) {
      if (listTagTypes != null && (listTagTypes.size() - i) < 0) {
            "processListStack has encountered an invalid list stack.  Please report this error on jamwiki.org, and provide the wiki syntax for the topic being parsed.");
      tagType = listTagTypes.get(listTagTypes.size() - i);
      if (tagType.equals(this.calculateListType(wikiSyntax.charAt(i - 1)))) {
      // if the above test did not match, then the stack needs to be popped
      // to this point.
      tagsToPop = (previousDepth - (i - 1));
      previousDepth -= tagsToPop;
    if (previousDepth == 0) {
      // if no list is open, open one
      this.pushTag(this.calculateListType(wikiSyntax.charAt(0)), null);
      // add the new list item to the stack
      this.pushTag(this.calculateListItemType(wikiSyntax.charAt(0)), null);
    } else if (previousDepth == currentDepth) {
      // pop the previous list item
      tagType = this.peekTag().getTagType();
      // add the new list item to the stack
      this.pushTag(this.calculateListItemType(wikiSyntax.charAt(previousDepth - 1)), null);
    // if the new list has additional elements, push them onto the stack
    int counterStart = (previousDepth > 1) ? previousDepth : 1;
    String previousTagType;
    for (int i = counterStart; i < wikiSyntax.length(); i++) {
      // handle a weird corner case.  if a "dt" is open and there are
      // sub-lists, close the dt and open a "dd" for the sub-list
      previousTagType = this.peekTag().getTagType();
      if (previousTagType.equals("p") && this.tagStack.size() > 2) {
        // ignore paragraph tags
        previousTagType = this.peekTag(2).getTagType();
      if (previousTagType.equals("dt")) {
        if (!this.calculateListType(wikiSyntax.charAt(i)).equals("dl")) {
          this.pushTag("dl", null);
        this.pushTag("dd", null);
      // push the new list tag, and its tag item, onto the stack
      this.pushTag(this.calculateListType(wikiSyntax.charAt(i)), null);
      this.pushTag(this.calculateListItemType(wikiSyntax.charAt(i)), null);

  /** Make sure any open table tags that need to be closed are closed. */
  protected void processTableStack() throws ParserException {
    // before updating the table make sure that any open inline tags or paragraph tags
    // have been closed (example: "<td><b></td>" won't work.
    while (!this.peekTag().isRootTag()
        && (this.peekTag().getTagType().equals("p") || this.peekTag().isInlineTag())) {
    String previousTagType = this.peekTag().getTagType();
    if (!previousTagType.equals("caption")
        && !previousTagType.equals("th")
        && !previousTagType.equals("td")) {
      // no table cell was open, so nothing to close
    // pop the previous tag

  /** Push a new HTML tag onto the lexer stack. */
  protected void pushTag(String tagType, String openTagRaw) throws ParserException {
    this.pushTag(new JFlexTagItem(tagType, openTagRaw));

  /** Push a new HTML tag onto the lexer stack. */
  protected void pushTag(JFlexTagItem tag) throws ParserException {
    if (!tag.isInlineTag() && this.peekTag().getTagType().equals("p")) {
      // make sure any open paragraph is closed before opening a block tag
    // many HTML tags cannot nest (ie "<li><li></li></li>" is invalid), so if a non-nesting
    // tag is being added and the previous tag is of the same type, close the previous tag
    // note the special case for dt && dd tags
    if (tag.isNonNestingTag()
        && (this.peekTag().getTagType().equals(tag.getTagType())
            || (tag.isListItemTag() && this.peekTag().isListItemTag()))) {