  private void addColumnsInternal(List<Path> columnPaths) {
    List<String> types = new ArrayList<String>();
    int i = columns.size();
    for (Path columnPath : columnPaths) {
      String type = TypeUtil.unqualifiedName(columnPath.getLastClassDescriptor().getName());
      Class typeCls = columnPath.getLastClassDescriptor().getType();

      String columnDescription =
      Column column;

      if (columnDescription.equals(columnPath.toStringNoConstraints())) {
        column = new Column(columnPath, i, typeCls);
      } else {
        column = new Column(columnPath, columnDescription, i, typeCls);

      if (!types.contains(column.getColumnId())) {
        String fieldName = columnPath.getEndFieldDescriptor().getName();
        boolean isKeyField = ClassKeyHelper.isKeyField(classKeys, type, fieldName);
        if (isKeyField) {


   * Create summary information of the paths currently in a query and their constraints for display
   * in the QueryBuilder summary section. The list of SummaryPath objects collect information for
   * simple display in the JSP.
   * @param query the query to create summary information from
   * @return a list if summary information about paths on the query
   * @throws PathException if the PathQuery is invalid
  public static List<SummaryPath> getDisplaySummary(PathQuery query) throws PathException {
    Set<SummaryPath> summaryPaths = new TreeSet<SummaryPath>();

    Set<String> constrainedPaths = new HashSet<String>();
    for (PathConstraint con : query.getConstraints().keySet()) {
      if (con instanceof PathConstraintSubclass) {
        // Do nothing
      } else if (con instanceof PathConstraintLoop) {
        // Put both paths in
        constrainedPaths.add(((PathConstraintLoop) con).getLoopPath());
      } else {

    List<String> lockedPaths = findLockedPaths(query);
    List<String> forcedInnerJoins = findForcedInnerJoins(query);

    Set<String> paths = new HashSet<String>();

    for (String stringPath : paths) {
      Path path = query.makePath(stringPath);

      boolean isLocked = lockedPaths.contains(path.toStringNoConstraints());
      boolean isForcedInner = forcedInnerJoins.contains(path.toStringNoConstraints());
      SummaryPath summaryPath = new SummaryPath(path, isLocked, isForcedInner);

      for (PathConstraint con : query.getConstraintsForPath(path.toStringNoConstraints())) {
        boolean editable = false;
        String description = null;
        String switchable = SwitchOffAbility.LOCKED.toString().toLowerCase();
        if (query instanceof TemplateQuery) {
          TemplateQuery template = (TemplateQuery) query;
          editable = template.getEditableConstraints().contains(con);
          description = template.getConstraintDescriptions().get(con);
          SwitchOffAbility constraintSwitchOffAbility =
          if (SwitchOffAbility.ON.equals(constraintSwitchOffAbility)) {
            switchable = SwitchOffAbility.ON.toString().toLowerCase();
          } else if (SwitchOffAbility.OFF.equals(constraintSwitchOffAbility)) {
            switchable = SwitchOffAbility.OFF.toString().toLowerCase();
        // subclass constraints aren't display
        if (!(con instanceof PathConstraintSubclass)) {
          String code = query.getConstraints().get(con);
              new SummaryConstraint(con, code, editable, description, switchable));
        } else {
          summaryPath.setSubclass(((PathConstraintSubclass) con).getType());
    return new ArrayList<SummaryPath>(summaryPaths);
 // replace final dot in path with '+' if path represents and attribute, used for path ordering
 private String replaceAttributeDots(Path p) {
   String strPath = p.toStringNoConstraints();
   if (p.endIsAttribute()) {
     int lastIndex = strPath.lastIndexOf('.');
     strPath = strPath.substring(0, lastIndex) + "+" + strPath.substring(lastIndex + 1);
   return strPath;
 private static List<String> getSubview(WebConfig webConfig, Model m, Path path)
     throws PathException {
   List<String> subview = new ArrayList<String>();
   String basePath = path.toStringNoConstraints() + ".";
   List<FieldConfig> subconfs = getClassFieldConfigs(webConfig, path.getEndClassDescriptor());
   for (FieldConfig fc : subconfs) {
     String pathString = basePath + fc.getFieldExpr();
     Path pathToAdd = new Path(m, pathString);
     if (pathToAdd.endIsAttribute() && (fc.getDisplayer() == null && fc.getShowInSummary())) {
   return subview;
   * Return a list of string paths that are defined as WebConfig to be shown in results. This will
   * include attributes of the given class and follow references.
   * @param type the class name to create a view for
   * @param model the model
   * @param webConfig we configuration
   * @return the configured view paths for the class
  public static List<String> getDefaultViewForClass(String type, Model model, WebConfig webConfig) {
    List<String> view = new ArrayList<String>();
    ClassDescriptor cld = model.getClassDescriptorByName(type);
    List<FieldConfig> fieldConfigs = FieldConfigHelper.getClassFieldConfigs(webConfig, cld);

    for (FieldConfig fieldConfig : fieldConfigs) {
      String relPath = fieldConfig.getFieldExpr();
      // only add attributes, don't follow references, following references can be problematic
      // when subclasses get involved.
      if (fieldConfig.getShowInResults()) {
        try {
          Path path = new Path(model, type + "." + relPath);
          // add references
          if (path.isRootPath() || path.endIsReference()) {
            for (FieldConfig fc :
                FieldConfigHelper.getClassFieldConfigs(webConfig, path.getEndClassDescriptor())) {
              Path pathToAdd =
                  new Path(model, path.toStringNoConstraints() + "." + fc.getFieldExpr());
              if (pathToAdd.endIsAttribute()
                  && (!view.contains(pathToAdd.getNoConstraintsString()))
                  && (fc.getDisplayer() == null && fc.getShowInSummary())) {
            // add collections
          } else if (!path.endIsCollection()) {
        } catch (PathException e) {
          LOG.error("Invalid path configured in webconfig for class: " + type);
    if (view.size() == 0) {
      for (AttributeDescriptor att : cld.getAllAttributeDescriptors()) {
        if (!"id".equals(att.getName())) {
          view.add(type + "." + att.getName());
    return view;
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public ActionForward execute(
      ComponentContext context,
      ActionMapping mapping,
      ActionForm form,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response)
      throws Exception {

    boolean canExportAsBED = false;

    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    final InterMineAPI im = SessionMethods.getInterMineAPI(session);
    Model model = im.getModel();
    PathQuery query = new PathQuery(model);

    // org and dbkey for galaxy use
    Set<String> orgSet = new HashSet<String>();
    Set<String> genomeBuildSet = new HashSet<String>();

    // Build GenomicRegion pathquery, the request is from GenomicRegionSearch "export to Galaxy"
    if (request.getParameter("featureIds") != null) {
      String featureIds = request.getParameter("featureIds").trim();
      String orgName = request.getParameter("orgName");

      if (orgName != null && !"".equals(orgName)) {

      // Refer to GenomicRegionSearchService.getExportFeaturesQuery method
      String path = "SequenceFeature";
      query.addView(path + ".primaryIdentifier");
      query.addView(path + ".chromosomeLocation.locatedOn.primaryIdentifier");
      query.addView(path + ".chromosomeLocation.start");
      query.addView(path + ".chromosomeLocation.end");
      query.addView(path + ".organism.name");

      // use ids or pids
      String[] idsInStr = featureIds.split(",");
      Set<Integer> ids = new HashSet<Integer>();
      boolean isIds = true;
      for (String id : idsInStr) {
        id = id.trim();
        if (!Pattern.matches("^\\d+$", id)) {
          isIds = false;

      if (isIds) {
        query.addConstraint(Constraints.inIds(path, ids));
      } else {
        if (featureIds.contains("'")) {
          featureIds = featureIds.replaceAll("'", "\\\\'");
        query.addConstraint(Constraints.lookup(path, featureIds, null));

      canExportAsBED = true;

    } else { // request from normal result table
      String tableName = request.getParameter("table");
      request.setAttribute("table", tableName);
      PagedTable pt = SessionMethods.getResultsTable(session, tableName);

      // Null check to page table, maybe session timeout?
      if (pt == null) {
        LOG.error("Page table is NULL...");
        return null;

      // Check if can export as BED
      TableHttpExporter tableExporter = new BEDHttpExporter();

      try {
        canExportAsBED = tableExporter.canExport(pt);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        canExportAsBED = false;

        LOG.error("Caught an error running canExport() for: BEDHttpExporter. " + e);

      LinkedHashMap<Path, Integer> exportClassPathsMap = getExportClassPaths(pt);
      List<Path> exportClassPaths = new ArrayList<Path>(exportClassPathsMap.keySet());

      Map<String, String> pathMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
      for (Path path : exportClassPaths) {
        String pathString = path.toStringNoConstraints();
        String displayPath = pathString.replace(".", " &gt; ");
        pathMap.put(pathString, displayPath);

      Map<String, Integer> pathIndexMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
      for (int index = 0; index < exportClassPaths.size(); index++) {
        String pathString = exportClassPaths.get(index).toStringNoConstraints();
        Integer idx = exportClassPathsMap.get(exportClassPaths.get(index));
        pathIndexMap.put(pathString, idx);

      request.setAttribute("exportClassPaths", pathMap);
      request.setAttribute("pathIndexMap", pathIndexMap);

      // Support export public and private lists to Galaxy
      query = pt.getWebTable().getPathQuery();
      ObjectStore os = im.getObjectStore();

      Map<PathConstraint, String> constrains = query.getConstraints();
      for (PathConstraint constraint : constrains.keySet()) {
        if (constraint instanceof PathConstraintBag) {
          String bagName = ((PathConstraintBag) constraint).getBag();
          InterMineBag imBag =
              im.getBagManager().getBag(SessionMethods.getProfile(session), bagName);

          // find the classKeys
          Set<String> classKeySet = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
          for (Integer id : imBag.getContentsAsIds()) {
            String classKey = pt.findClassKeyValue(im.getClassKeys(), os.getObjectById(id));

          String path = ((PathConstraintBag) constraint).getPath();
          // replace constraint in the pathquery
          PathConstraintLookup newConstraint =
              new PathConstraintLookup(
                  classKeySet.toString().substring(1, classKeySet.toString().length() - 1),
          query.replaceConstraint(constraint, newConstraint);

      orgSet = SequenceFeatureExportUtil.getOrganisms(query, session);

    if (query instanceof TemplateQuery) {
      TemplateQuery templateQuery = (TemplateQuery) query;
      Map<PathConstraint, SwitchOffAbility> constraintSwitchOffAbilityMap =
      for (Map.Entry<PathConstraint, SwitchOffAbility> entry :
          constraintSwitchOffAbilityMap.entrySet()) {
        if (entry.getValue().compareTo(SwitchOffAbility.OFF) == 0) {

    String queryXML =
        PathQueryBinding.marshal(query, "", model.getName(), PathQuery.USERPROFILE_VERSION);

    //        String encodedQueryXML = URLEncoder.encode(queryXML, "UTF-8");

    String tableViewURL =
        new URLGenerator(request).getPermanentBaseURL() + "/service/query/results";

    request.setAttribute("tableURL", tableViewURL);
    request.setAttribute("queryXML", queryXML);
    request.setAttribute("size", 1000000);

    // If can export as BED
    request.setAttribute("canExportAsBED", canExportAsBED);
    if (canExportAsBED) {
      String bedURL =
          new URLGenerator(request).getPermanentBaseURL() + "/service/query/results/bed";

      request.setAttribute("bedURL", bedURL);

      genomeBuildSet =
          (Set<String>) OrganismGenomeBuildLookup.getGenomeBuildByOrgansimCollection(orgSet);

      String org =
          (orgSet.size() < 1) ? "Organism information not available" : StringUtil.join(orgSet, ",");

      // possible scenario: [null, ce3, null], should remove all null element and then join
      String dbkey =
          (genomeBuildSet.size() < 1)
              ? "Genome Build information not available"
              : StringUtil.join(genomeBuildSet, ",");

      request.setAttribute("org", org);
      request.setAttribute("dbkey", dbkey);

    // PathMap
    Map<String, String> pathsMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    List<String> views = query.getView();
    for (String view : views) {
      String title = query.getGeneratedPathDescription(view);
      title = WebUtil.formatColumnName(title);
      pathsMap.put(view, title);

    request.setAttribute("pathsMap", pathsMap);

    return null;
  // TODO javadoc to describe what this does
  private MultiRow<ResultsRow<MultiRowValue<ResultElement>>> translateRow(
      MultiRow<ResultsRow<MultiRowValue>> multiRow) {
    try {
      MultiRow<ResultsRow<MultiRowValue<ResultElement>>> retval =
          new MultiRow<ResultsRow<MultiRowValue<ResultElement>>>();
      for (ResultsRow<MultiRowValue> initialList : multiRow) {
        ResultsRow<MultiRowValue<ResultElement>> rowCells =
            new ResultsRow<MultiRowValue<ResultElement>>();
        for (Path columnPath : columnPaths) {
          String columnName = columnPath.toStringNoConstraints();
          Integer columnIndexInteger = pathToIndex.get(columnName);
          String parentColumnName = columnPath.getPrefix().toStringNoConstraints();
          if (columnIndexInteger == null) {
            columnIndexInteger = pathToIndex.get(parentColumnName);

          if (columnIndexInteger == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException(
                "Path: \""
                    + columnName
                    + "\", pathToIndex: \""
                    + pathToIndex
                    + "\", prefix: \""
                    + parentColumnName
                    + "\", query: \""
                    + PathQueryBinding.marshal(
                    + "\"");
          int columnIndex = columnIndexInteger.intValue();
          MultiRowValue origO = initialList.get(columnIndex);
          FastPathObject o = (FastPathObject) (origO == null ? null : origO.getValue());
          int rowspan = -1;
          if (origO == null) {
            rowspan = 1;
          } else if (origO instanceof MultiRowFirstValue) {
            rowspan = ((MultiRowFirstValue) origO).getRowspan();
          String lastCd;
          if (columnPath.endIsAttribute()) {
            lastCd = columnPath.getLastClassDescriptor().getName();
          } else {
            // special case for columns that contain objects eg. Gene.chromosomeLocation
            lastCd = columnPath.getLastClassDescriptor().getName();
          String type = TypeUtil.unqualifiedName(lastCd);
          Path path;
          String fieldName = null;
          try {
            if (columnPath.endIsAttribute()) {
              fieldName = columnName.substring(columnName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
              path = new Path(model, type + '.' + fieldName);
            } else {
              // special case for columns that contain objects
              path = new Path(model, type);
          } catch (PathException e) {
            // Should never happen if the field name is valid
            throw new Error("There must be a bug", e);

          // Three cases:
          // 1) attribute has a value so create a result element
          // 2) we have an object but attribute is null -> create a ResultElement with
          // value null
          // 3) the object is null (outer join) so add null value rowCells
          //                    Object fieldValue;
          //                    try {
          //                        fieldValue = (o == null ? null : PathUtil.resolvePath(path, o));
          //                    } catch (PathException e) {
          //                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path: \"" + columnName
          //                                + "\", pathToIndex: \"" + pathToIndex + "\", prefix: \""
          //                                + parentColumnName + "\", query: \""
          //                                + PathQueryBinding.marshal(pathQuery, "",
          // pathQuery.getModel()
          //                                    .getName(), PathQuery.USERPROFILE_VERSION)
          //                                + "\", columnIndex: \"" + columnIndex + "\",
          // initialList: \""
          //                                + initialList + "\"", e);
          //                    }
          if (o != null) {
            String fieldCDName = path.getLastClassDescriptor().getName();
            String unqualifiedFieldCD = TypeUtil.unqualifiedName(fieldCDName);
            boolean isKeyField;
            if (fieldName == null) {
              // special case for columns that contain objects
              isKeyField = false;
            } else {
              isKeyField = ClassKeyHelper.isKeyField(classKeys, unqualifiedFieldCD, fieldName);
            ResultElement resultElement = new ResultElement(o, path, isKeyField);
            // link to report page by default, unless it says otherwise in config

            if (redirector != null) {
              try {
                String linkRedirect = redirector.generateLink(im, (InterMineObject) o);
                if (linkRedirect != null) {
              } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                // Simple objects cannot be consumed by redirectors.

            if (rowspan >= 0) {
              rowCells.add(new MultiRowFirstValue(resultElement, rowspan));
            } else {
          } else {
            if (rowspan >= 0) {
              rowCells.add(new MultiRowFirstValue(null, rowspan));
            } else {
      return retval;
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);