public Collection getChildContainerNodes(Integer parentNode) { ArrayList ret = new ArrayList(); cacheLeafs = new ArrayList(); List children = null; try { children = (ROOT.equals(parentNode)) ? controller.findRootCategories() : controller.findActiveByParent(parentNode); } catch (SystemException e) { logger.warn("Error getting Category Children", e); } for (Iterator i = children.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { CategoryVO vo = (CategoryVO); List grandkids = getGrandKids(vo.getId()); BaseNode node = new CategoryNodeImpl(); node.setId(vo.getId()); node.setTitle(vo.getName()); node.setContainer(true); node.setChildren(!grandkids.isEmpty()); ret.add(node); } return ret; }
private List getGrandKids(Integer childId) { try { return controller.findActiveByParent(childId); } catch (SystemException e) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } }
public String doDelete() throws Exception { List references = new ArrayList(); try { references = getReferences(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error getting references:" + e.getMessage()); } if (references.size() > 0 && !forceDelete) throw new ConstraintException("", "3608"); // So we have the parent and know which page to go to setModel(controller.findById(getCategoryId())); controller.delete(getCategoryId()); return (getCategory().getParentId() == null) ? MAIN : SUCCESS; }
public String doSave() throws SystemException, ConstraintException { validateModel(); setModel(; return (getCategory().isRoot()) ? MAIN : SUCCESS; }
public String doMove() throws SystemException { setModel(controller.moveCategory(getCategoryId(), getCategory().getParentId())); return SUCCESS; }
public String doEdit() throws SystemException { setModel(controller.findWithChildren(getCategoryId())); return SUCCESS; }
public String doList() throws SystemException { setModels(controller.findRootCategories()); return SUCCESS; }
/** @author Frank Febbraro ([email protected]) */ public class CategoryAction extends ModelAction { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CategoryAction.class.getName()); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static final String MAIN = "main"; private CategoryController controller = CategoryController.getController(); private ContentCategoryController contentCategoryController = ContentCategoryController.getController(); private boolean forceDelete = false; protected Persistent createModel() { return new CategoryVO(); } public CategoryVO getCategory() { return (CategoryVO) getModel(); } public Integer getCategoryId() { return getCategory().getCategoryId(); } public void setCategoryId(Integer i) { getCategory().setCategoryId(i); } public List getReferences() throws Exception { return contentCategoryController.findByCategory(getCategoryId()); } public String doList() throws SystemException { setModels(controller.findRootCategories()); return SUCCESS; } public String doNew() throws SystemException { return SUCCESS; } public String doEdit() throws SystemException { setModel(controller.findWithChildren(getCategoryId())); return SUCCESS; } public String doDisplayTreeForMove() throws SystemException { return SUCCESS; } public String doMove() throws SystemException { setModel(controller.moveCategory(getCategoryId(), getCategory().getParentId())); return SUCCESS; } public String doSave() throws SystemException, ConstraintException { validateModel(); setModel(; return (getCategory().isRoot()) ? MAIN : SUCCESS; } public String doDelete() throws Exception { List references = new ArrayList(); try { references = getReferences(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error getting references:" + e.getMessage()); } if (references.size() > 0 && !forceDelete) throw new ConstraintException("", "3608"); // So we have the parent and know which page to go to setModel(controller.findById(getCategoryId())); controller.delete(getCategoryId()); return (getCategory().getParentId() == null) ? MAIN : SUCCESS; } // Needed as part of WebworklAbstractAction public String doExecute() throws Exception { return SUCCESS; } public void setForceDelete(boolean forceDelete) { this.forceDelete = forceDelete; } }
/** @author Frank Febbraro ([email protected]) */ public class CategoryNodeSupplier extends BaseNodeSupplier { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CategoryNodeSupplier.class.getName()); public static final Integer ROOT = new Integer(-1); private CategoryController controller = CategoryController.getController(); private ArrayList cacheLeafs; public CategoryNodeSupplier() { BaseNode rootNode = new ContentNodeImpl(); rootNode.setChildren(true); rootNode.setId(ROOT); // There is no BASE category so make it up rootNode.setTitle("Categories"); rootNode.setContainer(true); setRootNode(rootNode); } public boolean hasChildren() { return true; } public Collection getChildContainerNodes(Integer parentNode) { ArrayList ret = new ArrayList(); cacheLeafs = new ArrayList(); List children = null; try { children = (ROOT.equals(parentNode)) ? controller.findRootCategories() : controller.findActiveByParent(parentNode); } catch (SystemException e) { logger.warn("Error getting Category Children", e); } for (Iterator i = children.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { CategoryVO vo = (CategoryVO); List grandkids = getGrandKids(vo.getId()); BaseNode node = new CategoryNodeImpl(); node.setId(vo.getId()); node.setTitle(vo.getName()); node.setContainer(true); node.setChildren(!grandkids.isEmpty()); ret.add(node); } return ret; } private List getGrandKids(Integer childId) { try { return controller.findActiveByParent(childId); } catch (SystemException e) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } } /** @see */ public Collection getChildLeafNodes(Integer parentNode) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } }