private MVCCEntry wrapInternalCacheEntryForPut( InvocationContext ctx, Object key, InternalCacheEntry cacheEntry) { MVCCEntry mvccEntry = createWrappedEntry( key, cacheEntry.getValue(), cacheEntry.getVersion(), false, false, cacheEntry.getLifespan()); ctx.putLookedUpEntry(key, mvccEntry); return mvccEntry; }
private void doApplyState( Address sender, int segmentId, Collection<InternalCacheEntry> cacheEntries) { log.debugf( "Applying new state for segment %d of cache %s from node %s: received %d cache entries", segmentId, cacheName, sender, cacheEntries.size()); if (trace) { List<Object> keys = new ArrayList<Object>(cacheEntries.size()); for (InternalCacheEntry e : cacheEntries) { keys.add(e.getKey()); } log.tracef( "Received keys %s for segment %d of cache %s from node %s", keys, segmentId, cacheName, sender); } // CACHE_MODE_LOCAL avoids handling by StateTransferInterceptor and any potential locks in // StateTransferLock EnumSet<Flag> flags = EnumSet.of( PUT_FOR_STATE_TRANSFER, CACHE_MODE_LOCAL, IGNORE_RETURN_VALUES, SKIP_REMOTE_LOOKUP, SKIP_SHARED_CACHE_STORE, SKIP_OWNERSHIP_CHECK, SKIP_XSITE_BACKUP); for (InternalCacheEntry e : cacheEntries) { try { InvocationContext ctx; if (transactionManager != null) { // cache is transactional transactionManager.begin(); Transaction transaction = transactionManager.getTransaction(); ctx = icc.createInvocationContext(transaction); ((TxInvocationContext) ctx).setImplicitTransaction(true); } else { // non-tx cache ctx = icc.createSingleKeyNonTxInvocationContext(); } PutKeyValueCommand put = useVersionedPut ? commandsFactory.buildVersionedPutKeyValueCommand( e.getKey(), e.getValue(), e.getLifespan(), e.getMaxIdle(), e.getVersion(), flags) : commandsFactory.buildPutKeyValueCommand( e.getKey(), e.getValue(), e.getLifespan(), e.getMaxIdle(), flags); boolean success = false; try { interceptorChain.invoke(ctx, put); success = true; } finally { if (ctx.isInTxScope()) { if (success) { ((LocalTransaction) ((TxInvocationContext) ctx).getCacheTransaction()) .setFromStateTransfer(true); try { transactionManager.commit(); } catch (Throwable ex) { log.errorf( ex, "Could not commit transaction created by state transfer of key %s", e.getKey()); if (transactionManager.getTransaction() != null) { transactionManager.rollback(); } } } else { transactionManager.rollback(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.problemApplyingStateForKey(ex.getMessage(), e.getKey(), ex); } } log.debugf("Finished applying state for segment %d of cache %s", segmentId, cacheName); }