@RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "{refsetId}/{memberId}/allStates", produces = "application/json", consumes = "application/json") @ApiOperation( value = "Get all previous states of a member", notes = "This api call retrieves all previous published state of a member for given member uuid provided in api path") @PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_USER')") public ResponseEntity<Result<Map<String, Object>>> getMemberStateHistory( @PathVariable String memberId, @PathVariable String refsetId) throws Exception { logger.debug("geting member's all previous state history for member id {}", memberId); Result<Map<String, Object>> r = getResult(); ChangeRecord<Member> history = service.getMemberStateHistory(memberId, refsetId); Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); data.put("history", history); r.getMeta() .add( linkTo( methodOn(ChangeHistoryController.class) .getMemberStateHistory(memberId, refsetId)) .withRel("All previous Member states")); r.setData(data); r.getMeta().setMessage(SUCCESS); r.getMeta().setStatus(HttpStatus.OK); return new ResponseEntity<Result<Map<String, Object>>>(r, HttpStatus.OK); }
@RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/{refsetId}/member/{memberId}/history", produces = "application/json", consumes = "application/json") @ApiOperation( value = "Get a member history ", notes = "This api call is to get last 10 days of history of given members under given refset and for given range. " + "It is sorted by latest first." + "If user of this api want to retrieve specific dates history, they should provide from date and to date" + "in the format of yyyy-mm-dd") @PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_USER')") public ResponseEntity<Result<Map<String, Object>>> getMemberHistory( @PathVariable String refsetId, @PathVariable String memberId, @RequestParam(value = "fromDate", required = false) String fromDate, @RequestParam(value = "toDate", required = false) String toDate, @RequestParam(value = "from", defaultValue = "0", required = false) int from, @RequestParam(value = "to", defaultValue = "10", required = false) int to) throws Exception { logger.debug("getting member history {}", refsetId, memberId); Result<Map<String, Object>> r = getResult(); ChangeRecord<Member> history = service.getMemberHistory( refsetId, memberId, getFromDate(fromDate, 10), getToDate(toDate), from, to); Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); data.put("history", history); r.getMeta() .add( linkTo( methodOn(ChangeHistoryController.class) .getMemberHistory(refsetId, memberId, fromDate, toDate, from, to)) .withRel("Member History")); r.setData(data); r.getMeta().setMessage(SUCCESS); r.getMeta().setStatus(HttpStatus.OK); return new ResponseEntity<Result<Map<String, Object>>>(r, HttpStatus.OK); }