 /** Find services based on their address */
 @WebMethod(operationName = "findServiceByAddress")
 public List<org.hyperpath.persistence.entities.Services> findServiceByAddress(
     @WebParam(name = "address") Address address) throws Exception, NonexistentEntityException {
   try {
     if (address.getId() == null)
       throw new Exception("Address id must be initialiazed before using search");
     EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
     Query qr = em.createNamedQuery("Address.findServiceByAddress");
     qr.setParameter("addressId", address.getId());
     List<Services> rs = qr.getResultList();
     if (rs.isEmpty()) throw new NonexistentEntityException("There is no service in this address");
     return rs;
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw e;
 /** Find clients based on their address */
 @WebMethod(operationName = "findClientByAddress")
 public List<Clients> findClientByAddress(@WebParam(name = "address") Address address)
     throws Exception, NonexistentEntityException {
   try {
     if (address.getId() == null) {
       throw new Exception("Address id must be initialiazed before using search");
     EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
     Query qr = em.createNamedQuery("Address.findClientByAddress");
     qr.setParameter("clientId", address.getId());
     List<Clients> result = qr.getResultList();
     if (result.isEmpty()) {
       throw new NonexistentEntityException("There is no client living at this address");
     return result;
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw e;
 /** Update existing address */
 @WebMethod(operationName = "updateAddress")
 public void updateAddress(@WebParam(name = "address") Address address)
     throws Exception, RollbackFailureException, PreexistingEntityException {
   AddressJpaController controller = new AddressJpaController(utx, emf);
   try {
     if (address.getId() != null) {
     } else {
       throw new Exception("To update address the id field must be specified");
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw e;
 /** Delete an existing address */
 @WebMethod(operationName = "deleteAddress")
 public void deleteAddress(@WebParam(name = "address") Address address)
     throws Exception, RollbackFailureException, NonexistentEntityException {
   AddressJpaController controller = new AddressJpaController(utx, emf);
   try {
     Integer id;
     if ((id = address.getId()) != null || controller.findAddress(address) != null) {
     } else {
       throw new Exception(
           "To delete address the id field must be specified or the address must match one in the database");
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw e;