private static void dumpNode(XmlTagHandler tag, PrintStream out, int indent) throws XmlTagException { XmlTagInfo[] subTags = tag.getSubTags(); out.println(StringUtil.repeatChars(' ', indent) + "Tag <" + tag.getName() + ">:"); if (tag instanceof XmlAttrHandler) { XmlAttr[] attrs; attrs = ((XmlAttrHandler) tag).getAttributes(); if (attrs.length == 0) out.println( StringUtil.repeatChars(' ', indent) + "- has no required or optional attributes"); XmlParser.dumpAttrs(attrs, "REQUIRED", XmlAttr.REQUIRED, out, indent); XmlParser.dumpAttrs(attrs, "OPTIONAL", XmlAttr.OPTIONAL, out, indent); } else { out.println(StringUtil.repeatChars(' ', indent) + "- has no required or optional attributes"); } if (tag instanceof XmlUnAttrHandler) out.println(StringUtil.repeatChars(' ', indent) + "- handles arbitrary attributes"); subTags = tag.getSubTags(); if (subTags.length == 0) { out.println(StringUtil.repeatChars(' ', indent) + "- has no subtags"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < subTags.length; i++) { String name = subTags[i].getTag().getName(); int type = subTags[i].getType(); out.print(StringUtil.repeatChars(' ', indent) + "- has subtag <" + name + ">, which "); switch (type) { case XmlTagInfo.REQUIRED: out.println("is REQUIRED"); break; case XmlTagInfo.OPTIONAL: out.println("is OPTIONAL"); break; case XmlTagInfo.ONE_OR_MORE: out.println("is REQUIRED at least ONCE"); break; case XmlTagInfo.ZERO_OR_MORE: out.println("can be specified any # of times"); break; } XmlParser.dumpNode(subTags[i].getTag(), out, indent + 4); } } }
public static void dump(XmlTagHandler root, PrintStream out) { try { XmlParser.dumpNode(root, out, 0); } catch (XmlTagException exc) { out.println("Error traversing tags: " + exc.getMessage()); } }
/** General parsing used by both parse methods above */ private static void generalParse(XmlTagHandler tag, Document doc) throws XmlParseException { Element root = doc.getRootElement(); if (!root.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(tag.getName())) { throw new XmlParseException( "Incorrect root tag. Expected <" + tag.getName() + "> but got <" + root.getName() + ">"); } XmlParser.processNode(root, tag, new DummyFilter()); }
private static void processNode(Element elem, XmlTagHandler tag, XmlFilterHandler filter) throws XmlAttrException, XmlTagException { if (tag instanceof XmlTagEntryHandler) { ((XmlTagEntryHandler) tag).enter(); } if (tag instanceof XmlFilterHandler) { filter = (XmlFilterHandler) tag; } XmlParser.checkAttributes(elem, tag, filter); if (tag instanceof XmlTextHandler) { ((XmlTextHandler) tag).handleText(elem.getText()); } XmlParser.checkSubNodes(elem, tag, filter); if (tag instanceof XmlTagExitHandler) { ((XmlTagExitHandler) tag).exit(); } }
public Document newDocument() throws SAXException { Document docResult = null; try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = XmlParser.createDocumentBuilderFactory(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); builder.setErrorHandler(new ErrorHandler()); docResult = builder.newDocument(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new SAXException(e); } return docResult; }
public void writeDocument(Document doc, String file) throws IOException, SAXException { try { TransformerFactory factory = XmlParser.createTransformerFactory(); Transformer trans = factory.newTransformer(); trans.setOutputProperty("indent", "yes"); trans.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "4"); DOMSource src = new DOMSource(doc); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new File(file)); trans.transform(src, result); } catch (TransformerException e) { throw new SAXException(e); } }
private static void checkSubNodes(Element elem, XmlTagHandler tag, XmlFilterHandler filter) throws XmlAttrException, XmlTagException { XmlTagInfo[] subTags = tag.getSubTags(); Map hash; hash = new HashMap(); // First, count how many times each sub-tag is referenced for (Iterator i = elem.getChildren().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Element e = (Element); String name; Integer val; name = e.getName().toLowerCase(); if ((val = (Integer) hash.get(name)) == null) { val = new Integer(0); } val = new Integer(val.intValue() + 1); hash.put(name, val); } for (int i = 0; i < subTags.length; i++) { String name = subTags[i].getTag().getName().toLowerCase(); Integer iVal = (Integer) hash.get(name); int threshold = 0, val; val = iVal == null ? 0 : iVal.intValue(); switch (subTags[i].getType()) { case XmlTagInfo.REQUIRED: if (val == 0) { throw new XmlMissingTagException(elem, name); } else if (val != 1) { throw new XmlTooManyTagException(elem, name); } break; case XmlTagInfo.OPTIONAL: if (val > 1) { throw new XmlTooManyTagException(elem, name); } break; case XmlTagInfo.ONE_OR_MORE: threshold++; case XmlTagInfo.ZERO_OR_MORE: if (val < threshold) { throw new XmlMissingTagException(elem, name); } break; } hash.remove(name); } // Now check for excess sub-tags if (hash.size() != 0) { Set keys = hash.keySet(); throw new XmlTooManyTagException(elem, (String) keys.iterator().next()); } // Recurse to all sub-tags for (Iterator i = elem.getChildren().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Element child = (Element); for (int j = 0; j < subTags.length; j++) { XmlTagHandler subTag = subTags[j].getTag(); String subName = subTag.getName(); if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(subName)) { XmlParser.processNode(child, subTag, filter); break; } } } }
public Document readDocument(Object source, Node after) throws IOException, SAXException { Document docResult = null; try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = XmlParser.createDocumentBuilderFactory(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); builder.setErrorHandler(new ErrorHandler()); File f = null; if (source instanceof String) { f = new File((String) source); docResult = builder.parse(f); } else if (source instanceof InputStream) { docResult = builder.parse((InputStream) source); } Node nodeRoot = docResult.getFirstChild(); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Make sure we have a DBSetup XML file. // This is dumb, because there could be an XML comment before // the root element. The root node is not the same thing as the // root element. if (nodeRoot.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("Covalent.DBSetup") == false) { if (source instanceof String) { throw new IOException(source.toString() + " is not a DBSetup XML file."); } else { throw new IOException("Source is not a DBSetup XML file."); } } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Look for include tags NodeList listNodes = nodeRoot.getChildNodes(); for (int iNode = 0; iNode < listNodes.getLength(); iNode++) { Node node = listNodes.item(iNode); if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("include") == true) { NamedNodeMap map = node.getAttributes(); for (int iAttr = 0; iAttr < map.getLength(); iAttr++) { Node nodeMap = map.item(iAttr); if (nodeMap.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("file") == true) { File fileInclude = new File(nodeMap.getNodeValue()); if (fileInclude.isAbsolute() == false) { if (!(source instanceof String)) { throw new IOException("Cannot resolve paths" + " relative to a " + "stream."); } String strPath = f.getAbsolutePath(); int iIndex = strPath.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar); strPath = strPath.substring(0, iIndex); fileInclude = new File(strPath + File.separatorChar + fileInclude.getPath()); } this.readDocument(fileInclude.getAbsolutePath(), node); nodeRoot.removeChild(node); } } } else if (after != null) DBSetup.importNodeAfter(after, node, true); } } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new SAXException(e); } return docResult; }