private LatherValue cmdTopNSendReport(TopNSendReport_args args) throws LatherRemoteException { try { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Recieved new Top Processes report - '" + args + "'"); } reportProcessor.handleTopNReport(args.getTopReports(), args.getAgentToken()); } catch (DataInserterException e) { throw new LatherRemoteException("Unable to insert TopN data " + e, e); } return new NullLatherValue(); }
/** Command to process measurements received from the agent. */ private MeasurementSendReport_result cmdMeasurementSendReport(MeasurementSendReport_args args) throws LatherRemoteException { MeasurementSendReport_result res = new MeasurementSendReport_result(); try { reportProcessor.handleMeasurementReport(args.getReport()); } catch (DataInserterException e) { throw new LatherRemoteException("Unable to insert data " + e, e); } res.setTime(now()); return res; }