private void addMeasurementConfig( List<MeasurementConfigEntity> ents, AppdefEntityID id, String typeName) { MeasurementConfigEntity ent = new MeasurementConfigEntity(); ConfigResponse response; byte[] config; try { response = configManager.getMergedConfigResponse( authzSubjectManager.getOverlordPojo(), ProductPlugin.TYPE_MEASUREMENT, id, true); // Only send the configuration to the agent if log or // config file tracking has been enabled. if (ConfigTrackPlugin.isEnabled(response, id.getType()) || LogTrackPlugin.isEnabled(response, id.getType())) { config = response.encode(); ent.setPluginName(id.getAppdefKey()); ent.setPluginType(typeName); ent.setConfig(config); ents.add(ent); } } catch (Exception exc) { return; // Not a fatal condition } }
public void processEvents(List<ResourcesCleanupZevent> events) {"starting removeDeletedResources"); final StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); final Collection<String> typeNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final ResourcesCleanupZevent e : events) { if (e instanceof ResourceTypeCleanupZevent) { typeNames.addAll(((ResourceTypeCleanupZevent) e).getTypeNames()); } } if (events != null && !events.isEmpty()) { try { Map<Integer, List<AppdefEntityID>> agentCache = buildAsyncDeleteAgentCache(events); removeDeletedResources(agentCache, typeNames); final AuthzSubject overlord = authzSubjectManager.getOverlordPojo(); if (!typeNames.isEmpty()) { resourceManager.removeResourceTypes(typeNames); } removeOrphanedPlatforms(overlord); removeOrphanedServers(overlord); removeOrphanedServices(overlord); removeOrphanedAlertDefs(); removeOrphanedResourceGroupMembers(); removeOrphanedAudits(); removeOrphanedEscalationStates(overlord); removeOrphanedResources(overlord); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("removeDeletedResources failed", e); } }"completed removeDeletedResources " + watch); }
@RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView login( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, HttpSession session) { final boolean debug = log.isDebugEnabled(); ModelAndView result = new ModelAndView(); // ...first check for an authentication object, if one exists we are already logged in... Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); if (authentication != null && !(authentication instanceof AnonymousAuthenticationToken) && authentication.isAuthenticated()) { try { if (debug) log.debug("User has already been authenticated. Redirecting to dashboard."); // Redirect to Dashboard.action for struts2 support response.sendRedirect("Dashboard.action"); return result; } catch (IOException e) { log.warn( "Could not perform the redirect for an authenticated user, displaying login page instead"); } } // ...we're dealing with an unauthenticated user, we're going to show the login form... AuthzSubject guestUser = authzSubjectManager.getSubjectById(AuthzConstants.guestId); // ...before we return, check for an error message... boolean loginError = request.getParameter("authfailed") != null; if (loginError) { if (session != null) { AuthenticationException ex = (AuthenticationException) session.getAttribute( AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_EXCEPTION_KEY); if (ex != null) { result.addObject("errorMessage", RequestUtils.message(request, ex.getMessage())); } } } result.addObject("guestUsername", (guestUser != null) ? guestUser.getName() : "guest"); result.addObject("guestEnabled", (guestUser != null && guestUser.getActive())); // ...set a response header so we can identify the login page explicitly... response.setHeader("hq-requires-auth", "1"); return result; }
/** * Register an Agent with the server. This method calls out to verify it can talk to the agent, * and then adds it to the database. With all the connection info used to make further * connections. */ private RegisterAgent_result cmdRegisterAgent(LatherContext ctx, RegisterAgent_args args) throws LatherRemoteException { try { checkUserCanManageAgent(ctx, args.getUser(), args.getPword(), "register"); } catch (PermissionException exc) { return new RegisterAgent_result("Permission denied"); } Collection<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>(); RegisterAgent_result result = registerAgent(args, ids); /** * Reschedule all metrics on a platform when it is started for the first time. This allows the * schedule to be updated immediately on either agent updates, or if the user removes the agent * data directory. */ if (!ids.isEmpty()) { try { List<ResourceRefreshZevent> zevents = new ArrayList<ResourceRefreshZevent>(); ResourceRefreshZevent zevent; AuthzSubject overlord = authzSubjectManager.getOverlordPojo(); for (Integer id : ids) { Platform platform = platformManager.findPlatformById(id); zevent = new ResourceRefreshZevent(overlord, platform.getEntityId()); zevents.add(zevent); Collection<Server> servers = platform.getServers(); for (Server server : servers) { zevent = new ResourceRefreshZevent(overlord, server.getEntityId()); zevents.add(zevent); Collection<Service> services = server.getServices(); for (Service service : services) { zevent = new ResourceRefreshZevent(overlord, service.getEntityId()); zevents.add(zevent); } } } zeventManager.enqueueEventsAfterCommit(zevents); } catch (Exception e) { // Not fatal, the metrics will eventually be rescheduled... log.error("Unable to refresh agent schedule", e); } } return result; }
/** Get config information about all the entities which an agent is servicing. */ private MeasurementGetConfigs_result cmdMeasurementGetConfigs(MeasurementGetConfigs_args args) throws LatherRemoteException { ResourceTree tree; AuthzSubject overlord = authzSubjectManager.getOverlordPojo(); try { tree = agentManager.getEntitiesForAgent(overlord, args.getAgentToken()); } catch (PermissionException exc) { throw new SystemException("Overlord unable to get resource " + "tree list"); } catch (AgentNotFoundException exc) { throw new SystemException("Validated an agent which could " + "not be found"); } ArrayList<MeasurementConfigEntity> ents = new ArrayList<MeasurementConfigEntity>(); for (Iterator<PlatformNode> p = tree.getPlatformIterator(); p.hasNext(); ) { PlatformNode pNode =; addMeasurementConfig(ents, pNode.getPlatform()); try { AppdefEntityValue aeval = new AppdefEntityValue(pNode.getPlatform().getEntityId(), overlord); List<AppdefResourceValue> services = aeval.getAssociatedServices(PageControl.PAGE_ALL); for (int i = 0; i < services.size(); i++) { ServiceValue val = (ServiceValue) services.get(i); AppdefEntityID id = val.getEntityId(); addMeasurementConfig(ents, id, val.getServiceType().getName()); } } catch (Exception e) { // Shouldn't happen log.error("Encountered exception looking up platform " + "services: " + e.getMessage(), e); } for (Iterator<ServerNode> s = pNode.getServerIterator(); s.hasNext(); ) { ServerNode sNode =; addMeasurementConfig(ents, sNode.getServer()); for (Iterator<ServiceNode> v = sNode.getServiceIterator(); v.hasNext(); ) { ServiceNode vNode =; addMeasurementConfig(ents, vNode.getService()); } } } MeasurementConfigList cList = new MeasurementConfigList(); cList.setEntities(ents.toArray(new MeasurementConfigEntity[ents.size()])); MeasurementGetConfigs_result res = new MeasurementGetConfigs_result(); res.setConfigs(cList); return res; }
private void checkUserCanManageAgent( LatherContext ctx, String user, String pword, String operation) throws PermissionException { try { authManager.authenticate(user, pword); AuthzSubject subject = authzSubjectManager.findSubjectByAuth(user, HQConstants.ApplicationName); permissionManager.checkCreatePlatformPermission(subject); } catch (SecurityException exc) { log.warn( "Security exception when '" + user + "' tried to " + operation + " an Agent @ " + ctx.getCallerIP(), exc); throw new PermissionException(); } catch (PermissionException exc) { log.warn( "Permission denied when '" + user + "' tried to " + operation + " an Agent @ " + ctx.getCallerIP()); throw new PermissionException(); } catch (ApplicationException exc) { log.warn( "Application exception when '" + user + "' tried to " + operation + " an Agent @ " + ctx.getCallerIP(), exc); throw new PermissionException(); } catch (SystemException exc) { log.warn( "System exception when '" + user + "' tried to " + operation + " an Agent @ " + ctx.getCallerIP(), exc); throw new PermissionException(); } }
/** @see org.hyperic.hq.zevents.ZeventListener#processEvents(java.util.List) */ public void processEvents(List<TransferAgentBundleZevent> events) { AuthzSubject overlord = authzSubjectManager.getOverlordPojo(); for (TransferAgentBundleZevent zevent : events) { try { agentManager.transferAgentBundle(overlord, zevent.getAgent(), zevent.getAgentBundleFile()); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn( "Failed to transfer agent bundle " + zevent.getAgentBundleFile() + " to agent " + zevent.getAgent().getID(), e); } } }
/** Receive status information about a previous control action */ private NullLatherValue cmdControlSendCommandResult(ControlSendCommandResult_args args) { controlManager.sendCommandResult( args.getId(), args.getResult(), args.getStartTime(), args.getEndTime(), args.getMessage()); // Get live measurements on the resource String name = args.getName(); if (name != null) {"Getting live measurements for " + name); AppdefEntityID id = new AppdefEntityID(name); try { measurementManager.getLiveMeasurementValues(authzSubjectManager.getOverlordPojo(), id); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to fetch live measurements: " + e, e); } } else { log.error("No plugin name found, not fetching live measurements"); } return NullLatherValue.INSTANCE; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void removeDeletedResources( Map<Integer, List<AppdefEntityID>> agentCache, Collection<String> typeNames) throws ApplicationException, VetoException { final boolean debug = log.isDebugEnabled(); final StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); final AuthzSubject subject = authzSubjectManager.findSubjectById(AuthzConstants.overlordId); if (debug) watch.markTimeBegin("unscheduleMeasurementsForAsyncDelete"); unscheduleMeasurementsForAsyncDelete(agentCache); if (debug) watch.markTimeEnd("unscheduleMeasurementsForAsyncDelete"); // Look through services, servers, platforms, applications, and groups if (debug) watch.markTimeBegin("removeApplications"); Collection<Application> applications = applicationManager.findDeletedApplications(); removeApplications(subject, applications); if (debug) watch.markTimeEnd("removeApplications"); if (debug) watch.markTimeBegin("removeResourceGroups"); Collection<ResourceGroup> groups = resourceGroupManager.findDeletedGroups(); removeResourceGroups(subject, groups); if (debug) watch.markTimeEnd("removeResourceGroups"); typeNames = (typeNames == null) ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : typeNames; if (debug) watch.markTimeBegin("removeGroupsCompatibleWith"); for (String name : typeNames) { resourceGroupManager.removeGroupsCompatibleWith(name); } if (debug) watch.markTimeEnd("removeGroupsCompatibleWith"); Collection<Service> services = serviceManager.findDeletedServices(); removeServices(subject, services); Collection<Server> servers = serverManager.findDeletedServers(); removeServers(subject, servers); if (debug) watch.markTimeBegin("removePlatforms"); Collection<Platform> platforms = platformManager.findDeletedPlatforms(); removePlatforms(subject, platforms); if (debug) watch.markTimeEnd("removePlatforms"); if (debug) log.debug("removeDeletedResources: " + watch); }
/** * Disable measurements and unschedule from the agent in bulk with the agent cache info because * the resources have been de-referenced from the agent * * @param agentCache {@link Map} of {@link Integer} of agentIds to {@link List} of {@link * AppdefEntityID}s */ private void unscheduleMeasurementsForAsyncDelete(Map<Integer, List<AppdefEntityID>> agentCache) { if (agentCache == null) { return; } try { AuthzSubject subject = authzSubjectManager.findSubjectById(AuthzConstants.overlordId); for (Integer agentId : agentCache.keySet()) { Agent agent = agentManager.getAgent(agentId); List<AppdefEntityID> resources = agentCache.get(agentId); measurementManager.disableMeasurementsForDeletion( subject, agent, (AppdefEntityID[]) resources.toArray(new AppdefEntityID[resources.size()])); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error unscheduling measurements during async delete", e); } }
/** * Registers the agent according to the provided RegisterAgent_args under a new transaction * * @param args - the RegisterAgent_args * @param ids - if the is an existing agent, this collection will contain the ids of the platforms * monitored by this agent after this method execution. * @return - RegisterAgent_result */ @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) private RegisterAgent_result registerAgent(RegisterAgent_args args, Collection<Integer> ids) { String agentIP = args.getAgentIP(); int port = args.getAgentPort(); String version = args.getVersion(); boolean isNewTransportAgent = args.isNewTransportAgent(); boolean unidirectional = args.isUnidirectional(); boolean acceptValidation = args.isAcceptCertificates(); String errRes = testAgentConn( agentIP, port, args.getAuthToken(), isNewTransportAgent, unidirectional, acceptValidation); if (errRes != null) { return new RegisterAgent_result(errRes); } boolean isOldAgentToken = true; String agentToken = args.getAgentToken(); if (agentToken == null) { // Generate a unique agent token agentToken = SecurityUtil.generateRandomToken(); while (!agentManager.isAgentTokenUnique(agentToken)) { agentToken = SecurityUtil.generateRandomToken(); } isOldAgentToken = false; } // Check the to see if the agent already exists. // Lookup the agent by agent token (if it exists). Otherwise, use the // agent IP and port. try { Agent origAgent; if (isOldAgentToken) { origAgent = agentManager.getAgent(agentToken); } else { origAgent = agentManager.getAgent(agentIP, port); } try { ids.addAll( platformManager.getPlatformPksByAgentToken( authzSubjectManager.getOverlordPojo(), origAgent.getAgentToken())); } catch (Exception e) { // No platforms found, no a big deal } "Found preexisting agent during agent registration. " + "Updating agent information for " + agentIP + ":" + port + "; new transport=" + isNewTransportAgent + "; unidirectional=" + unidirectional); if (isOldAgentToken) { if (isNewTransportAgent) { agentManager.updateNewTransportAgent( agentToken, agentIP, port, args.getAuthToken(), version, unidirectional); } else { agentManager.updateLegacyAgent(agentToken, agentIP, port, args.getAuthToken(), version); } } else { if (isNewTransportAgent) { agentManager.updateNewTransportAgent( agentIP, port, args.getAuthToken(), agentToken, version, unidirectional); } else { agentManager.updateLegacyAgent(agentIP, port, args.getAuthToken(), agentToken, version); } } } catch (AgentNotFoundException exc) { "Registering agent at " + agentIP + ":" + port + "" + "; new transport=" + isNewTransportAgent + "; unidirectional=" + unidirectional); try { if (isNewTransportAgent) { agentManager.createNewTransportAgent( agentIP, new Integer(port), args.getAuthToken(), agentToken, version, unidirectional); } else { agentManager.createLegacyAgent( agentIP, new Integer(port), args.getAuthToken(), agentToken, version); } } catch (AgentCreateException oexc) { log.error("Error creating agent", oexc); return new RegisterAgent_result("Error creating agent: " + oexc.getMessage()); } catch (SystemException oexc) { log.error("Error creating agent", oexc); return new RegisterAgent_result("Error creating agent: " + "Internal system error"); } } catch (SystemException exc) { log.error("Error updating agent", exc); return new RegisterAgent_result("Error updating agent: " + "Internal system error"); } RegisterAgent_result result = new RegisterAgent_result("token:" + agentToken); return result; }