  * A bug in the freshmeat page - really bad html tag - <A>Revision<\a> Reported by
  * Mazlan Mat Note: Actually, this is completely legal HTML - Derrick
 public void testFreshMeatBug() throws ParserException {
   String html = "<a>Revision</a>";
   createParser(html, "http://www.yahoo.com");
   assertTrue("Node 0 should be a tag", node[0] instanceof Tag);
   Tag tag = (Tag) node[0];
   assertEquals("Tag Contents", html, tag.toHtml());
   assertEquals("Node 0 should have one child", 1, tag.getChildren().size());
   assertTrue("The child should be a string node", tag.getChildren().elementAt(0) instanceof Text);
   Text stringNode = (Text) tag.getChildren().elementAt(0);
   assertEquals("Text Contents", "Revision", stringNode.getText());