protected List<String> toNameList(Bundle resp) { List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); for (BundleEntryComponent next : resp.getEntry()) { Patient nextPt = (Patient) next.getResource(); String nextStr = nextPt.getName().size() > 0 ? nextPt.getName().get(0).getGivenAsSingleString() + " " + nextPt.getName().get(0).getFamily() : ""; if (isNotBlank(nextStr)) { names.add(nextStr); } } return names; }
@Override public boolean supportsSystem(String system) throws TerminologyServiceException { if (codeSystems.containsKey(system)) return true; else if (nonSupportedCodeSystems.contains(system)) return false; else if (system.startsWith("") || system.startsWith("") || system.startsWith("") || system.startsWith("urn:oid:")) return false; else { if (noTerminologyServer) return false; if (bndCodeSystems == null) { try { log("Terminology server: Check for supported code systems for " + system); bndCodeSystems = txServer.fetchFeed( txServer.getAddress() + "/CodeSystem?content=not-present&_summary=true&_count=1000"); } catch (Exception e) { if (canRunWithoutTerminology) { noTerminologyServer = true; log("==============!! Running without terminology server !!=============="); return false; } else throw new TerminologyServiceException(e); } } if (bndCodeSystems != null) { for (BundleEntryComponent be : bndCodeSystems.getEntry()) { CodeSystem cs = (CodeSystem) be.getResource(); if (!codeSystems.containsKey(cs.getUrl())) { codeSystems.put(cs.getUrl(), null); } } } if (codeSystems.containsKey(system)) return true; } nonSupportedCodeSystems.add(system); return false; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Bundle transaction( ServletRequestDetails theRequestDetails, Bundle theRequest, String theActionName) { BundleType transactionType = theRequest.getTypeElement().getValue(); if (transactionType == BundleType.BATCH) { return batch(theRequestDetails, theRequest); } if (transactionType == null) { String message = "Transactiion Bundle did not specify valid Bundle.type, assuming " + BundleType.TRANSACTION.toCode(); ourLog.warn(message); transactionType = BundleType.TRANSACTION; } if (transactionType != BundleType.TRANSACTION) { throw new InvalidRequestException( "Unable to process transaction where incoming Bundle.type = " + transactionType.toCode()); }"Beginning {} with {} resources", theActionName, theRequest.getEntry().size()); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Date updateTime = new Date(); Set<IdType> allIds = new LinkedHashSet<IdType>(); Map<IdType, IdType> idSubstitutions = new HashMap<IdType, IdType>(); Map<IdType, DaoMethodOutcome> idToPersistedOutcome = new HashMap<IdType, DaoMethodOutcome>(); // Do all entries have a verb? for (int i = 0; i < theRequest.getEntry().size(); i++) { BundleEntryComponent nextReqEntry = theRequest.getEntry().get(i); HTTPVerb verb = nextReqEntry.getRequest().getMethodElement().getValue(); if (verb == null) { throw new InvalidRequestException( getContext() .getLocalizer() .getMessage( BaseHapiFhirSystemDao.class, "transactionEntryHasInvalidVerb", nextReqEntry.getRequest().getMethod(), i)); } } /* * We want to execute the transaction request bundle elements in the order * specified by the FHIR specification (see TransactionSorter) so we save the * original order in the request, then sort it. * * Entries with a type of GET are removed from the bundle so that they * can be processed at the very end. We do this because the incoming resources * are saved in a two-phase way in order to deal with interdependencies, and * we want the GET processing to use the final indexing state */ Bundle response = new Bundle(); List<BundleEntryComponent> getEntries = new ArrayList<BundleEntryComponent>(); IdentityHashMap<BundleEntryComponent, Integer> originalRequestOrder = new IdentityHashMap<Bundle.BundleEntryComponent, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < theRequest.getEntry().size(); i++) { originalRequestOrder.put(theRequest.getEntry().get(i), i); response.addEntry(); if (theRequest.getEntry().get(i).getRequest().getMethodElement().getValue() == HTTPVerb.GET) { getEntries.add(theRequest.getEntry().get(i)); } } Collections.sort(theRequest.getEntry(), new TransactionSorter()); List<IIdType> deletedResources = new ArrayList<IIdType>(); List<DeleteConflict> deleteConflicts = new ArrayList<DeleteConflict>(); /* * Loop through the request and process any entries of type * PUT, POST or DELETE */ for (int i = 0; i < theRequest.getEntry().size(); i++) { if (i % 100 == 0) {"Processed {} non-GET entries out of {}", i, theRequest.getEntry().size()); } BundleEntryComponent nextReqEntry = theRequest.getEntry().get(i); Resource res = nextReqEntry.getResource(); IdType nextResourceId = null; if (res != null) { nextResourceId = res.getIdElement(); if (nextResourceId.hasIdPart() == false) { if (isNotBlank(nextReqEntry.getFullUrl())) { nextResourceId = new IdType(nextReqEntry.getFullUrl()); } } if (nextResourceId.hasIdPart() && nextResourceId.getIdPart().matches("[a-zA-Z]+\\:.*") && !isPlaceholder(nextResourceId)) { throw new InvalidRequestException( "Invalid placeholder ID found: " + nextResourceId.getIdPart() + " - Must be of the form 'urn:uuid:[uuid]' or 'urn:oid:[oid]'"); } if (nextResourceId.hasIdPart() && !nextResourceId.hasResourceType() && !isPlaceholder(nextResourceId)) { nextResourceId = new IdType(toResourceName(res.getClass()), nextResourceId.getIdPart()); res.setId(nextResourceId); } /* * Ensure that the bundle doesn't have any duplicates, since this causes all kinds of weirdness */ if (isPlaceholder(nextResourceId)) { if (!allIds.add(nextResourceId)) { throw new InvalidRequestException( getContext() .getLocalizer() .getMessage( BaseHapiFhirSystemDao.class, "transactionContainsMultipleWithDuplicateId", nextResourceId)); } } else if (nextResourceId.hasResourceType() && nextResourceId.hasIdPart()) { IdType nextId = nextResourceId.toUnqualifiedVersionless(); if (!allIds.add(nextId)) { throw new InvalidRequestException( getContext() .getLocalizer() .getMessage( BaseHapiFhirSystemDao.class, "transactionContainsMultipleWithDuplicateId", nextId)); } } } HTTPVerb verb = nextReqEntry.getRequest().getMethodElement().getValue(); String resourceType = res != null ? getContext().getResourceDefinition(res).getName() : null; BundleEntryComponent nextRespEntry = response.getEntry().get(originalRequestOrder.get(nextReqEntry)); switch (verb) { case POST: { // CREATE @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") IFhirResourceDao resourceDao = getDaoOrThrowException(res.getClass()); res.setId((String) null); DaoMethodOutcome outcome; outcome = resourceDao.create(res, nextReqEntry.getRequest().getIfNoneExist(), false); handleTransactionCreateOrUpdateOutcome( idSubstitutions, idToPersistedOutcome, nextResourceId, outcome, nextRespEntry, resourceType, res); break; } case DELETE: { // DELETE String url = extractTransactionUrlOrThrowException(nextReqEntry, verb); UrlParts parts = UrlUtil.parseUrl(url); ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.IFhirResourceDao<? extends IBaseResource> dao = toDao(parts, verb.toCode(), url); int status = Constants.STATUS_HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT; if (parts.getResourceId() != null) { ResourceTable deleted = dao.delete( new IdType(parts.getResourceType(), parts.getResourceId()), deleteConflicts); if (deleted != null) { deletedResources.add(deleted.getIdDt().toUnqualifiedVersionless()); } } else { List<ResourceTable> allDeleted = dao.deleteByUrl( parts.getResourceType() + '?' + parts.getParams(), deleteConflicts); for (ResourceTable deleted : allDeleted) { deletedResources.add(deleted.getIdDt().toUnqualifiedVersionless()); } if (allDeleted.isEmpty()) { status = Constants.STATUS_HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND; } } nextRespEntry.getResponse().setStatus(toStatusString(status)); break; } case PUT: { // UPDATE @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") IFhirResourceDao resourceDao = getDaoOrThrowException(res.getClass()); DaoMethodOutcome outcome; String url = extractTransactionUrlOrThrowException(nextReqEntry, verb); UrlParts parts = UrlUtil.parseUrl(url); if (isNotBlank(parts.getResourceId())) { res.setId(new IdType(parts.getResourceType(), parts.getResourceId())); outcome = resourceDao.update(res, null, false); } else { res.setId((String) null); outcome = resourceDao.update(res, parts.getResourceType() + '?' + parts.getParams(), false); } handleTransactionCreateOrUpdateOutcome( idSubstitutions, idToPersistedOutcome, nextResourceId, outcome, nextRespEntry, resourceType, res); break; } } } /* * Make sure that there are no conflicts from deletions. E.g. we can't delete something * if something else has a reference to it.. Unless the thing that has a reference to it * was also deleted as a part of this transaction, which is why we check this now at the * end. */ for (Iterator<DeleteConflict> iter = deleteConflicts.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { DeleteConflict next =; if (deletedResources.contains(next.getTargetId().toVersionless())) { iter.remove(); } } validateDeleteConflictsEmptyOrThrowException(deleteConflicts); /* * Perform ID substitutions and then index each resource we have saved */ FhirTerser terser = getContext().newTerser(); for (DaoMethodOutcome nextOutcome : idToPersistedOutcome.values()) { IBaseResource nextResource = (IBaseResource) nextOutcome.getResource(); if (nextResource == null) { continue; } List<IBaseReference> allRefs = terser.getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType(nextResource, IBaseReference.class); for (IBaseReference nextRef : allRefs) { IIdType nextId = nextRef.getReferenceElement(); if (idSubstitutions.containsKey(nextId)) { IdType newId = idSubstitutions.get(nextId);" * Replacing resource ref {} with {}", nextId, newId); nextRef.setReference(newId.getValue()); } else { ourLog.debug(" * Reference [{}] does not exist in bundle", nextId); } } IPrimitiveType<Date> deletedInstantOrNull = ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.DELETED_AT.get((IAnyResource) nextResource); Date deletedTimestampOrNull = deletedInstantOrNull != null ? deletedInstantOrNull.getValue() : null; updateEntity( nextResource, nextOutcome.getEntity(), false, deletedTimestampOrNull, true, false, updateTime); } myEntityManager.flush(); /* * Double check we didn't allow any duplicates we shouldn't have */ for (BundleEntryComponent nextEntry : theRequest.getEntry()) { if (nextEntry.getRequest().getMethodElement().getValue() == HTTPVerb.POST) { String matchUrl = nextEntry.getRequest().getIfNoneExist(); if (isNotBlank(matchUrl)) { IFhirResourceDao<?> resourceDao = getDao(nextEntry.getResource().getClass()); Set<Long> val = resourceDao.processMatchUrl(matchUrl); if (val.size() > 1) { throw new InvalidRequestException( "Unable to process " + theActionName + " - Request would cause multiple resources to match URL: \"" + matchUrl + "\". Does transaction request contain duplicates?"); } } } } for (IdType next : allIds) { IdType replacement = idSubstitutions.get(next); if (replacement == null) { continue; } if (replacement.equals(next)) { continue; } "Placeholder resource ID \"{}\" was replaced with permanent ID \"{}\"", next, replacement); } /* * Loop through the request and process any entries of type GET */ for (int i = 0; i < getEntries.size(); i++) { BundleEntryComponent nextReqEntry = getEntries.get(i); Integer originalOrder = originalRequestOrder.get(nextReqEntry); BundleEntryComponent nextRespEntry = response.getEntry().get(originalOrder); ServletSubRequestDetails requestDetails = new ServletSubRequestDetails(); requestDetails.setServletRequest(theRequestDetails.getServletRequest()); requestDetails.setRequestType(RequestTypeEnum.GET); requestDetails.setServer(theRequestDetails.getServer()); String url = extractTransactionUrlOrThrowException(nextReqEntry, HTTPVerb.GET); int qIndex = url.indexOf('?'); ArrayListMultimap<String, String> paramValues = ArrayListMultimap.create(); requestDetails.setParameters(new HashMap<String, String[]>()); if (qIndex != -1) { String params = url.substring(qIndex); List<NameValuePair> parameters = translateMatchUrl(params); for (NameValuePair next : parameters) { paramValues.put(next.getName(), next.getValue()); } for (java.util.Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> nextParamEntry : paramValues.asMap().entrySet()) { String[] nextValue = nextParamEntry.getValue().toArray(new String[nextParamEntry.getValue().size()]); requestDetails.getParameters().put(nextParamEntry.getKey(), nextValue); } url = url.substring(0, qIndex); } requestDetails.setRequestPath(url); requestDetails.setFhirServerBase(theRequestDetails.getFhirServerBase()); theRequestDetails.getServer().populateRequestDetailsFromRequestPath(requestDetails, url); BaseMethodBinding<?> method = theRequestDetails.getServer().determineResourceMethod(requestDetails, url); if (method == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to handle GET " + url); } if (isNotBlank(nextReqEntry.getRequest().getIfMatch())) { requestDetails.addHeader(Constants.HEADER_IF_MATCH, nextReqEntry.getRequest().getIfMatch()); } if (isNotBlank(nextReqEntry.getRequest().getIfNoneExist())) { requestDetails.addHeader( Constants.HEADER_IF_NONE_EXIST, nextReqEntry.getRequest().getIfNoneExist()); } if (isNotBlank(nextReqEntry.getRequest().getIfNoneMatch())) { requestDetails.addHeader( Constants.HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH, nextReqEntry.getRequest().getIfNoneMatch()); } if (method instanceof BaseResourceReturningMethodBinding) { try { ResourceOrDstu1Bundle responseData = ((BaseResourceReturningMethodBinding) method) .invokeServer(theRequestDetails.getServer(), requestDetails, new byte[0]); IBaseResource resource = responseData.getResource(); if (paramValues.containsKey(Constants.PARAM_SUMMARY) || paramValues.containsKey(Constants.PARAM_CONTENT)) { resource = filterNestedBundle(requestDetails, resource); } nextRespEntry.setResource((Resource) resource); nextRespEntry.getResponse().setStatus(toStatusString(Constants.STATUS_HTTP_200_OK)); } catch (NotModifiedException e) { nextRespEntry .getResponse() .setStatus(toStatusString(Constants.STATUS_HTTP_304_NOT_MODIFIED)); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to handle GET " + url); } } long delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; + " completed in {}ms", new Object[] {delay}); response.setType(BundleType.TRANSACTIONRESPONSE); return response; }
private Bundle batch(final RequestDetails theRequestDetails, Bundle theRequest) {"Beginning batch with {} resources", theRequest.getEntry().size()); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); TransactionTemplate txTemplate = new TransactionTemplate(myTxManager); txTemplate.setPropagationBehavior(TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW); Bundle resp = new Bundle(); resp.setType(BundleType.BATCHRESPONSE); OperationOutcome ooResp = new OperationOutcome(); resp.addEntry().setResource(ooResp); /* * For batch, we handle each entry as a mini-transaction in its own database transaction so that if one fails, it doesn't prevent others */ for (final BundleEntryComponent nextRequestEntry : theRequest.getEntry()) { TransactionCallback<Bundle> callback = new TransactionCallback<Bundle>() { @Override public Bundle doInTransaction(TransactionStatus theStatus) { Bundle subRequestBundle = new Bundle(); subRequestBundle.setType(BundleType.TRANSACTION); subRequestBundle.addEntry(nextRequestEntry); Bundle subResponseBundle = transaction( (ServletRequestDetails) theRequestDetails, subRequestBundle, "Batch sub-request"); return subResponseBundle; } }; BaseServerResponseException caughtEx; try { Bundle nextResponseBundle = txTemplate.execute(callback); caughtEx = null; BundleEntryComponent subResponseEntry = nextResponseBundle.getEntry().get(0); resp.addEntry(subResponseEntry); /* * If the individual entry didn't have a resource in its response, bring the sub-transaction's OperationOutcome across so the client can see it */ if (subResponseEntry.getResource() == null) { subResponseEntry.setResource(nextResponseBundle.getEntry().get(0).getResource()); } } catch (BaseServerResponseException e) { caughtEx = e; } catch (Throwable t) { ourLog.error("Failure during BATCH sub transaction processing", t); caughtEx = new InternalErrorException(t); } if (caughtEx != null) { BundleEntryComponent nextEntry = resp.addEntry(); OperationOutcome oo = new OperationOutcome(); oo.addIssue().setSeverity(IssueSeverity.ERROR).setDiagnostics(caughtEx.getMessage()); nextEntry.setResource(oo); BundleEntryResponseComponent nextEntryResp = nextEntry.getResponse(); nextEntryResp.setStatus(toStatusString(caughtEx.getStatusCode())); } } long delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;"Batch completed in {}ms", new Object[] {delay}); ooResp .addIssue() .setSeverity(IssueSeverity.INFORMATION) .setDiagnostics("Batch completed in " + delay + "ms"); return resp; }