private void add(InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy inDatabaseStrategy) { if (inDatabaseStrategies == null) { inDatabaseStrategies = new ArrayList<InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy>(); } inDatabaseStrategies.add(inDatabaseStrategy); if (inDatabaseStrategy.getGenerationTiming() != GenerationTiming.NEVER) { hadInDatabaseGeneration = true; } }
public boolean isNaturalIdentifierInsertGenerated() { // the intention is for this call to replace the usage of the old ValueInclusion stuff (as // exposed from // persister) in SelectGenerator to determine if it is safe to use the natural identifier to // find the // insert-generated identifier. That wont work if the natural-id is also insert-generated. // // Assumptions: // * That code checks that there is a natural identifier before making this call, so we assume // the same here // * That code assumes a non-composite natural-id, so we assume the same here final InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy strategy = inDatabaseValueGenerationStrategies[naturalIdPropertyNumbers[0]]; return strategy != null && strategy.getGenerationTiming() != GenerationTiming.NEVER; }
public GenerationStrategyPair( InMemoryValueGenerationStrategy inMemoryStrategy, InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy inDatabaseStrategy) { // perform some normalization. Also check that only one (if any) strategy is specified if (inMemoryStrategy == null) { inMemoryStrategy = NoInMemoryValueGenerationStrategy.INSTANCE; } if (inDatabaseStrategy == null) { inDatabaseStrategy = NoInDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy.INSTANCE; } if (inMemoryStrategy.getGenerationTiming() != GenerationTiming.NEVER && inDatabaseStrategy.getGenerationTiming() != GenerationTiming.NEVER) { throw new ValueGenerationStrategyException( "in-memory and in-database value generation are mutually exclusive"); } this.inMemoryStrategy = inMemoryStrategy; this.inDatabaseStrategy = inDatabaseStrategy; }
public boolean isVersionGenerated() { final InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy strategy = inDatabaseValueGenerationStrategies[versionPropertyIndex]; return strategy != null && strategy.getGenerationTiming() != GenerationTiming.NEVER; }
public GenerationStrategyPair buildPair() { if (hadInMemoryGeneration && hadInDatabaseGeneration) { throw new ValueGenerationStrategyException( "Composite attribute [" + mappingProperty.getName() + "] contained both in-memory" + " and in-database value generation"); } else if (hadInMemoryGeneration) { throw new NotYetImplementedException( "Still need to wire in composite in-memory value generation"); } else if (hadInDatabaseGeneration) { final Component composite = (Component) mappingProperty.getValue(); // we need the numbers to match up so we can properly handle 'referenced sql column values' if (inDatabaseStrategies.size() != composite.getPropertySpan()) { throw new ValueGenerationStrategyException( "Internal error : mismatch between number of collected in-db generation strategies" + " and number of attributes for composite attribute : " + mappingProperty.getName()); } // the base-line values for the aggregated InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy we will build // here. GenerationTiming timing = GenerationTiming.INSERT; boolean referenceColumns = false; String[] columnValues = new String[composite.getColumnSpan()]; // start building the aggregate values int propertyIndex = -1; int columnIndex = 0; Iterator subProperties = composite.getPropertyIterator(); while (subProperties.hasNext()) { propertyIndex++; final Property subProperty = (Property); final InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy subStrategy = inDatabaseStrategies.get(propertyIndex); if (subStrategy.getGenerationTiming() == GenerationTiming.ALWAYS) { // override the base-line to the more often "ALWAYS"... timing = GenerationTiming.ALWAYS; } if (subStrategy.referenceColumnsInSql()) { // override base-line value referenceColumns = true; } if (subStrategy.getReferencedColumnValues() != null) { if (subStrategy.getReferencedColumnValues().length != subProperty.getColumnSpan()) { throw new ValueGenerationStrategyException( "Internal error : mismatch between number of collected 'referenced column values'" + " and number of columns for composite attribute : " + mappingProperty.getName() + '.' + subProperty.getName()); } System.arraycopy( subStrategy.getReferencedColumnValues(), 0, columnValues, columnIndex, subProperty.getColumnSpan()); } } // then use the aggregated values to build the InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy return new GenerationStrategyPair( new InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategyImpl(timing, referenceColumns, columnValues)); } else { return NO_GEN_PAIR; } }