/** * Helper method creating three books with the same title and summary. When searching for these * books the results should be returned in the order they got added to the index. */ private void createTestBooks() { Transaction tx = fullTextSession.beginTransaction(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"), Locale.ROOT); cal.set(2007, Calendar.JULY, 25, 11, 20, 30); Book book = new Book(1, "Hibernate & Lucene", "This is a test book."); book.setPublicationDate(cal.getTime()); fullTextSession.save(book); cal.add(Calendar.SECOND, 1); book = new Book(2, "Hibernate & Lucene", "This is a test book."); book.setPublicationDate(cal.getTime()); fullTextSession.save(book); cal.add(Calendar.SECOND, 1); book = new Book(3, "Hibernate & Lucene", "This is a test book."); book.setPublicationDate(cal.getTime()); fullTextSession.save(book); cal.add(Calendar.SECOND, 1); book = new Book(10, "Hibernate & Lucene", "This is a test book."); book.setPublicationDate(cal.getTime()); fullTextSession.save(book); cal.add(Calendar.SECOND, 1); book = new Book(4, "Groovy in Action", "The bible of Groovy"); book.setPublicationDate(cal.getTime()); fullTextSession.save(book); tx.commit(); fullTextSession.clear(); }
/** Helper method creating test data for number holder. */ private void createTestNumbers() { Transaction tx = fullTextSession.beginTransaction(); NumberHolder holder = new NumberHolder(1, 1); fullTextSession.save(holder); holder = new NumberHolder(1, 10); fullTextSession.save(holder); holder = new NumberHolder(1, 5); fullTextSession.save(holder); holder = new NumberHolder(3, 2); fullTextSession.save(holder); tx.commit(); fullTextSession.clear(); }
private void buildBoostedGetIndex(FullTextSession session) { Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); BoostedGetDescriptionLibrary l = new BoostedGetDescriptionLibrary(); l.setAuthor("H.G. Wells"); l.setTitle("The Invisible Man"); l.setDescription("Scientist discovers invisibility and becomes insane."); session.save(l); l = new BoostedGetDescriptionLibrary(); l.setAuthor("H.G. Wells"); l.setTitle("War of the Worlds"); l.setDescription("Martians invade earth to eliminate mankind."); session.save(l); tx.commit(); }
public void testQueryOnAllEntities() throws Exception { FullTextSession s = Search.getFullTextSession(openSession()); Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction(); Person person = new Person(); person.setName("Jon Doe"); s.save(person); tx.commit(); tx = s.beginTransaction(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser( TestConstants.getTargetLuceneVersion(), "name", TestConstants.standardAnalyzer); Query query = parser.parse("name:foo"); FullTextQuery hibQuery = s.createFullTextQuery(query); try { hibQuery.list(); fail(); } catch (SearchException e) { assertTrue("Wrong message", e.getMessage().startsWith("There are no mapped entities")); } tx.rollback(); s.close(); }
private void buildIndex(FullTextSession session, Transaction tx) throws Exception { tx = session.beginTransaction(); ElectricalProperties ep = new ElectricalProperties(); ep.setContent("Electrical Engineers measure Electrical Properties"); session.save(ep); ep = new ElectricalProperties(); ep.setContent("Electrical Properties are interesting"); session.save(ep); ep = new ElectricalProperties(); ep.setContent("Electrical Properties are measurable properties"); session.save(ep); tx.commit(); session.clear(); }
private void buildIndex(FullTextSession session, Transaction tx) { for (int x = 0; x < titles.length; x++) { Dvd dvd = new Dvd(); dvd.setTitle(titles[x]); dvd.setId(x); session.save(dvd); } tx.commit(); session.clear(); }