  protected void processDir(TOTorrentFileHasher hasher, File dir, Vector encoded, String root)
      throws TOTorrentException {
    File[] dir_file_list = dir.listFiles();

    if (dir_file_list == null) {

      throw (new TOTorrentException(
          "TOTorrentCreate: directory '"
              + dir.getAbsolutePath()
              + "' returned error when listing files in it",
    // sort contents so that multiple encodes of a dir always
    // generate same torrent

    List file_list = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(dir_file_list));


    long offset = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < file_list.size(); i++) {

      File file = (File) file_list.get(i);

      String file_name = file.getName();

      if (!(file_name.equals(".") || file_name.equals(".."))) {

        if (file.isDirectory()) {

          if (root.length() > 0) {

            file_name = root + File.separator + file_name;

          processDir(hasher, file, encoded, file_name);

        } else {

          if (!ignoreFile(file_name)) {

            if (root.length() > 0) {

              file_name = root + File.separator + file_name;

            long length = hasher.add(file);

            TOTorrentFileImpl tf = new TOTorrentFileImpl(this, offset, length, file_name);

            offset += length;

            if (add_other_hashes) {

              byte[] ed2k_digest = hasher.getPerFileED2KDigest();
              byte[] sha1_digest = hasher.getPerFileSHA1Digest();

              // System.out.println( "file:ed2k = " + ByteFormatter.nicePrint( ed2k_digest, true ));
              // System.out.println( "file:sha1 = " + ByteFormatter.nicePrint( sha1_digest, true ));

              tf.setAdditionalProperty("sha1", sha1_digest);
              tf.setAdditionalProperty("ed2k", ed2k_digest);

  public static licenceDetails getFullFeatureDetails() {
    if (featman == null) {
      Debug.out("featman null");
      return null;

    TreeMap<Long, Object[]> mapOrder = new TreeMap<Long, Object[]>(Collections.reverseOrder());
    FeatureDetails[] featureDetails = featman.getFeatureDetails("dvdburn");
    // if any of the feature details are still valid, we have a full
    for (FeatureDetails fd : featureDetails) {
      Licence licence = fd.getLicence();
      int state = licence.getState();
      if (state == Licence.LS_ACTIVATION_DENIED) {
        mapOrder.put(-1L, new Object[] {licence, Long.valueOf(0)});
      } else if (state == Licence.LS_CANCELLED) {
        mapOrder.put(-2L, new Object[] {licence, Long.valueOf(0)});
      } else if (state == Licence.LS_INVALID_KEY) {
        mapOrder.put(-3L, new Object[] {licence, Long.valueOf(0)});
      } else if (state == Licence.LS_REVOKED) {
        mapOrder.put(-4L, new Object[] {licence, Long.valueOf(0)});
      } else if (state == Licence.LS_PENDING_AUTHENTICATION) {
        mapOrder.put(-6L, new Object[] {licence, Long.valueOf(0)});

      long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
      Long lValidUntil = (Long) fd.getProperty(FeatureDetails.PR_VALID_UNTIL);
      Long lValidOfflineUntil = (Long) fd.getProperty(FeatureDetails.PR_OFFLINE_VALID_UNTIL);

      if (lValidUntil == null && lValidOfflineUntil == null) {

      long minValidUntil = -1;
      long maxValidUntil = -1;
      if (lValidUntil != null) {
        minValidUntil = maxValidUntil = lValidUntil.longValue();
        if (minValidUntil < now) {
          mapOrder.put(minValidUntil, new Object[] {licence, Long.valueOf(minValidUntil)});
      if (lValidOfflineUntil != null) {
        long validOfflineUntil = lValidOfflineUntil.longValue();
        if (validOfflineUntil < now) {
          mapOrder.put(validOfflineUntil, new Object[] {licence, Long.valueOf(maxValidUntil)});
        if (maxValidUntil == -1 || validOfflineUntil > maxValidUntil) {
          maxValidUntil = validOfflineUntil;

      mapOrder.put(maxValidUntil, new Object[] {licence, minValidUntil});

    if (mapOrder.size() == 0) {
      return null;

    Long firstKey = mapOrder.firstKey();
    Object[] objects = mapOrder.get(firstKey);
    Licence licence = (Licence) objects[0];
    return new licenceDetails(firstKey.longValue(), ((Long) objects[1]).longValue(), licence);