/** * This method waits until the pipeline has had an opportunity to shutdown and if it surpasses the * maximum timeout value it will be manually stopped. */ public void stop(long timeout) { // We must stop the capture as soon as possible, then check whatever needed for (CaptureDeviceBin captureDeviceBin : captureDeviceBins) { captureDeviceBin.shutdown(); } long startWait = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (pipeline != null && (pipeline.getState() != State.PAUSED || pipeline.getState() != State.NULL)) { try { Thread.sleep(WAIT_FOR_NULL_SLEEP_TIME); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } // If we've timed out then force kill the pipeline if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startWait >= timeout) { if (pipeline != null) { logger.debug("The pipeline took too long to shut down, now sending State.NULL."); pipeline.setState(State.NULL); } pipeline = null; } } if (pipeline != null) { pipeline.setState(State.NULL); } pipeline = null; }
/** @param pad */ public void linkNewInputToPad(Pad pad) { String addedUrl = inputURLs.get(inputURLs.size() - 1); final Element newInput = inputElements.get(addedUrl); EVENT_PROBE probeListener = new EVENT_PROBE() { public boolean eventReceived(Pad pad, Event event) { String type = event.getStructure().toString(); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("eventReceived: " + type); if (type.toLowerCase().indexOf("error") >= 0) { System.out.println("Error"); return false; } return true; } }; adder.getSrcPads().get(0).addEventProbe(probeListener); Element identity = ElementFactory.make("identity", "identity" + INDEX); identity.set("sync", true); identity.set("single-segment", true); // identity.set("silent", false); // Element mux = ElementFactory.make("flvmux", "mux-timestamp" + INDEX); // Element enc = ElementFactory.make("lamemp3enc", "enc-timestamp" + // INDEX); // Element demux = ElementFactory.make("flvdemux", "demux-timestamp" + // INDEX); // Element dec = ElementFactory.make("flump3dec", "dec-timestamp" + // INDEX); // // // identity.set("silent", false); // pipe.addMany(identity, enc, mux, demux, dec); // // identity.setState(State.PAUSED); // mux.setState(State.PAUSED); // enc.setState(State.PAUSED); // demux.setState(State.PAUSED); // dec.setState(State.PAUSED); // pipe.addMany(newInput, identity); PadLinkReturn linked = newInput.getSrcPads().get(0).link(identity.getSinkPads().get(0)); System.out.println("new input linked: " + linked); // // boolean l = Element.linkMany(identity, enc, mux, demux, dec); // System.out.println("mux demux linked: "+l); // // PadLinkReturn linked2 = dec.getSrcPads().get(0).link(pad); // System.out.println("new dec linked: " + linked2); if (pipe.isPlaying()) { State state = State.READY; // newInput.setState(state); pipe.setState(state); } PadLinkReturn linked3 = identity.getSrcPads().get(0).link(pad); System.out.println("new identity linked: " + linked3); }
public void debugGST() { List<Element> sinks = pipe.getSinks(); List<Element> elements = pipe.getElementsRecursive(); List<Element> sources = pipe.getSources(); State state = pipe.getState(); int a = 1; }
/** * Initializes the pipeline itself, but does not start capturing * * @param devices The list of devices to capture from. * @param confidence True to enable confidence monitoring. * @return The created {@code Pipeline}, or null in the case of an error. */ private Pipeline startPipeline(ArrayList<CaptureDevice> devices, boolean confidence) { logger.info("Successfully initialised {} devices.", devices.size()); for (int i = 0; i < devices.size(); i++) logger.debug("Device #{}: {}.", i, devices.get(i)); // setup gstreamer pipeline using capture devices Gst.init(); // cannot using gst library without first initialising it Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline(); for (CaptureDevice c : devices) { if (!addCaptureDeviceBinsToPipeline(c, pipeline)) logger.error("Failed to create pipeline for {}.", c); } pipeline.debugToDotFile(Pipeline.DEBUG_GRAPH_SHOW_ALL, pipeline.getName()); return pipeline; }
/** * Creates the gStreamer pipeline and blocks until it starts successfully * * @param newRec The RecordingImpl of the capture we wish to perform. * @return The recording ID (equal to newRec.getID()) or null in the case of an error */ public void start(RecordingImpl newRec) { // Create the pipeline try { pipeline = create(newRec.getProperties(), false); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { throw new UnableToStartCaptureException( e.getMessage() + " : please add libjv4linfo.so to /usr/lib to correct this issue."); } // Check if the pipeline came up ok if (pipeline == null) { // logger.error("Capture {} could not start, pipeline was null!", newRec.getID()); captureFailureHandler.resetOnFailure(newRec.getID()); throw new UnableToStartCaptureException( "Capture " + newRec.getID() + " could not start, pipeline was null!"); } logger.info("Initializing devices for capture."); hookUpBus(); // Grab time to wait for pipeline to start int wait; String waitProp = newRec.getProperty(CaptureParameters.CAPTURE_START_WAIT); if (waitProp != null) { wait = Integer.parseInt(waitProp); } else { wait = 5; // Default taken from gstreamer docs } pipeline.debugToDotFile(Pipeline.DEBUG_GRAPH_SHOW_ALL, pipeline.getName()); // Try and start the pipeline pipeline.play(); if (pipeline.getState(wait * GStreamerPipeline.GST_SECOND) != State.PLAYING) { // In case of an error call stop to clean up the pipeline. logger.debug("Pipeline was unable to start after " + wait + " seconds."); stop(GStreamerPipeline.DEFAULT_PIPELINE_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT); throw new UnableToStartCaptureException( "Unable to start pipeline after " + wait + " seconds. Aborting!"); } logger.info("{} started.", pipeline.getName()); }
public void removeInput(final String url) { if (!inputElements.containsKey(url)) return; System.out.println("\n------------\nremoveInput: " + url + "\n-------------\n"); removedInput = inputElements.get(url); boolean playing = pipe.isPlaying(); Pad inputSrcPad = removedInput.getSrcPads().get(0); removedIdentity = inputSrcPad.getPeer().getParentElement(); Pad adderSinkPad = removedIdentity.getSrcPads().get(0).getPeer(); pipe.setState(State.READY); boolean removed = adder.removePad(adderSinkPad); System.out.println("Pad removed: " + removed); inputElements.remove(url); if (playing) { System.out.println("Adder inputs: " + adder.getSinkPads()); pipe.setState(State.PLAYING); } }
public static void commandStop(VideoComponent vc) { commandPause(); clientPipe.setState(State.PAUSED); videoBin.setState(State.PAUSED); videoBin.unlink(vc.getElement()); videoBin.remove(vc.getElement()); clientPipe = null; JSONObject json_pause = new JSONObject(); json_pause.put("command", "stop"); out.println(json_pause.toString()); }
/** * addPipeline will add a pipeline for the specified capture device to the bin. * * @param captureDevice {@code CaptureDevice} to create pipeline around * @param pipeline The {@code Pipeline} bin to add it to * @return True, if successful */ protected boolean addCaptureDeviceBinsToPipeline(CaptureDevice captureDevice, Pipeline pipeline) { CaptureDeviceBin captureDeviceBin = null; try { captureDeviceBin = new CaptureDeviceBin(captureDevice, properties); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } pipeline.add(captureDeviceBin.getBin()); // Add them to a list so that we can send EOS's to their source Elements. captureDeviceBins.add(captureDeviceBin); return true; }
public void StopVideoStream() { Parent.WriteLogtoConsole("Stopping Gstreamer Video Player"); pipe.setState(State.READY); // debugGST(); Element videosink = videoComponent.getElement(); videoComponent.repaint(); pipe.getElementByName("elphelstream").unlink(videosink); pipe.remove(videosink); // debugGST(); pipe.setState(State.NULL); // debugGST(); List<Element> elements = pipe.getElementsRecursive(); for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { pipe.unlink(elements.get(i)); pipe.remove(elements.get(i)); elements.get(i).dispose(); } List<Element> sources = pipe.getSources(); for (int i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) { pipe.unlink(sources.get(i)); pipe.remove(sources.get(i)); sources.get(i).dispose(); } // debugGST(); pipe = null; // debugGST(); }
public void play() { pipe.setState(State.PLAYING); }
private void addInput(String url) { INDEX++; int i = INDEX; System.out.println("\n------------\naddInput[" + i + "]: " + url + "\n-------------\n"); Element input = null; if (!FAKE_INPUT) { /* create audio output */ final Bin audioBin = new Bin("Audio Bin" + i); Element src = null; if (url.contains("http://")) { src = ElementFactory.make("gnomevfssrc", "Input" + i); src.set("location", url); } else if (url.contains("rtmp") && url.contains("://")) { src = ElementFactory.make("rtmpsrc", "Input" + i); // src.set("do-timestamp", true); src.set("location", url); } else { src = ElementFactory.make("filesrc", "Input" + i); src.set("location", url); } DecodeBin2 decodeBin = new DecodeBin2("Decode Bin" + i); Element decodeQueue = ElementFactory.make("queue2", "Decode Queue" + i); Element conv = ElementFactory.make("audioconvert", "Audio Convert" + i); Element resample = ElementFactory.make("audioresample", "Audio Resample" + i); Element volume = ElementFactory.make("volume", "Audio Volume" + i); volume.set("volume", 1.0f); volumeElements.put(url, volume); audioBin.addMany(conv, resample, volume); Element.linkMany(conv, resample, volume); audioBin.addPad(new GhostPad("src", volume.getStaticPad("src"))); audioBin.addPad(new GhostPad("sink", conv.getStaticPad("sink"))); input = new Bin("Input Bin" + i); ((Bin) input).addMany(src, decodeQueue, decodeBin, audioBin); Element.linkMany(src, decodeQueue, decodeBin, audioBin); input.addPad(new GhostPad("src", audioBin.getSrcPads().get(0))); decodeBin.connect( new DecodeBin2.NEW_DECODED_PAD() { public void newDecodedPad(Element elem, Pad pad, boolean last) { /* only link once */ if (pad.isLinked()) { return; } /* check media type */ Caps caps = pad.getCaps(); Structure struct = caps.getStructure(0); if (struct.getName().startsWith("audio/")) { System.out.println("Linking audio pad: " + struct.getName()); if (audioBin.getStaticPad("sink").getPeer() == null) { PadLinkReturn linked = pad.link(audioBin.getStaticPad("sink")); System.out.println("Decodebin linked " + linked); } } else if (struct.getName().startsWith("video/")) { System.out.println("Linking video pad: " + struct.getName()); } else { System.out.println("Unknown pad [" + struct.getName() + "]"); } } }); } else { input = ElementFactory.make("audiotestsrc", "Audio Fake" + i); int w = i; if (i > 1) w = 5; input.set("wave", w); input.set("is-live", true); } if (!inputURLs.contains(url)) { inputURLs.add(url); } inputElements.put(url, input); boolean playing = pipe.isPlaying(); Pad adderSink = adder.getRequestPad("sink%d"); if (playing) { System.out.println("Adder inputs: " + adder.getSinkPads()); pipe.setState(State.PLAYING); } }
/** * @param inputURLs * @param outputURL * @param pathFifo */ public void createPipeline() { String config = "rate=" + OUTPUT_FREQ + ",channels=" + OUTPUT_CHANELS + ",depth=16"; pathFifo = "/tmp/" + outputURL.replace('/', '_') + "_" + config; this.capsAudio = Caps.fromString("audio/x-raw-int," + config + ";audio/x-raw-float," + config); pipe = new Pipeline("Audio Mixer Pipeline"); try { adder = ElementFactory.make("liveadder", "liveadder"); // adder.set("latency", 5 * 1000); } catch (Exception e) { } adder.connect( new PAD_REMOVED() { @Override public void padRemoved(Element element, Pad pad) { if (removedInput != null) { pipe.remove(removedInput); pipe.remove(removedIdentity); removedInput.setState(State.NULL); removedIdentity.setState(State.NULL); System.out.println("padRemoved: " + removedInput); removedInput = null; removedInput = null; System.gc(); } } }); adder.connect( new PAD_ADDED() { @Override public void padAdded(Element element, Pad pad) { linkNewInputToPad(pad); } }); Element tee = ElementFactory.make("tee", "tee"); Element capsfilter = ElementFactory.make("capsfilter", null); capsfilter.setCaps(capsAudio); queueTee = ElementFactory.make("queue2", null); pipe.addMany(adder, queueTee, tee, capsfilter); Element.linkMany(adder, queueTee, capsfilter, tee); if (AUDIO_OUTPUT) { Element audioSink = ElementFactory.make("alsasink", "Audio Sink"); audioSink.set("sync", false); pipe.addMany(audioSink); Element.linkMany(tee, audioSink); } if (STREAM_OUTPUT) { // fileFifo.deleteOnExit(); fileFifo = new File(pathFifo); try { if (!fileFifo.exists()) { // fileFifo.delete(); String command = "/usr/bin/mkfifo " + fileFifo.getAbsolutePath(); ProcessBuilder b = new ProcessBuilder("/bin/sh", "-c", command); b.start().waitFor(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Element codecEnc = ElementFactory.make("lamemp3enc", "MP3 Encoder"); Element mux = ElementFactory.make("flvmux", "FLV Muxer"); Element queue = ElementFactory.make("queue2", "Fifo Queue"); Element filesink = ElementFactory.make("filesink", "Fifo Sink"); filesink.set("sync", false); filesink.set("location", fileFifo.getAbsolutePath()); pipe.addMany(queue, codecEnc, mux, filesink); Element.linkMany(tee, queue, codecEnc, mux, filesink); startFFmpegProcess(); } int i = 0; for (String url : inputURLs) { i++; if (checkUrl(url)) { addInput(url); } } prepareBus(); }
public void PlayVideoStream() { // debugGST(); String rtspsource = ""; if (Parent.Camera.GetColorMode() == ColorMode.RGB) { rtspsource = "rtspsrc location=rtsp://" + Parent.Camera.GetIP()[0] + ":554 protocols=0x00000001 latency=60 name=camerasource ! rtpjpegdepay ! jpegdec ! decodebin2 ! ffmpegcolorspace name=elphelstream"; } else if (Parent.Camera.GetColorMode() == ColorMode.JP46) { // rtspsrc location=rtsp://" + Parent.Camera.GetIP() + ":554 protocols=0x00000001 // latency=50 ! rtpjpegdepay ! jpegdec ! queue ! jp462bayer ! queue ! bayer2rgb2 ! // ffmpegcolorspace ! videorate ! "video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc)I420, width=(int)1920, // height=(int)1088, framerate=(fraction)25/1" ! xvimagesink sync=false max-lateness=-1 rtspsource = "rtspsrc location=rtsp://" + Parent.Camera.GetIP()[0] + ":554 protocols=0x00000001 latency=60 name=camerasource ! rtpjpegdepay ! jpegdec ! queue ! jp462bayer ! queue ! bayer2rgb2 method=0 ! ffmpegcolorspace name=elphelstream"; } else { // TODO in this mode we dont see anything from the non-jpeg compliant stream so the jp46 // filter wont help, but what else should we show? rtspsource = "rtspsrc location=rtsp://" + Parent.Camera.GetIP()[0] + ":554 protocols=0x00000001 latency=60 name=camerasource ! rtpjpegdepay ! jpegdec ! queue ! jp462bayer ! queue ! bayer2rgb2 method=0 name=elphelstream"; } pipe = Pipeline.launch(rtspsource); videoComponent.setKeepAspect(true); Element videosink = videoComponent.getElement(); pipe.add(videosink); pipe.getElementByName("elphelstream").link(videosink); pipe.getBus() .connect( new Bus.EOS() { public void endOfStream(GstObject source) { System.out.println("Finished playing file"); // Gst.quit(); } }); /*pipe.getBus().connect(new Bus.INFO() { public void infoMessage(GstObject source, int code, String message) { System.out.println("message: " + message); } }); pipe.getBus().connect(new Bus.MESSAGE() { public void busMessage(Bus bus, Message message) { System.out.println("message: " + message); } }); pipe.getBus().connect(new Bus.WARNING() { public void warningMessage(GstObject source, int code, String message) { System.out.println("warning: " + message); } });*/ pipe.getBus() .connect( new Bus.ERROR() { public void errorMessage(GstObject source, int code, String message) { System.out.println("Error occurred: " + message); Gst.quit(); } }); /*pipe.getBus().connect(new Bus.STATE_CHANGED() { public void stateChanged(GstObject source, State old, State current, State pending) { if (source == pipe) { System.out.println("Pipeline state changed from " + old + " to " + current); } } });*/ pipe.setState(State.PLAYING); /* Playbin.add(videosink); // Pipeline pipe = new Pipeline("SimplePipeline"); /* Element src = ElementFactory.make("rtspsrc", "elphelsrc"); src.set("location", "rtsp://" + Parent.Camera.GetIP()[0] + ":554"); src.set("protocols", "00000001"); // "0x00000001" doesnt work src.set("latency", "50"); Playbin.add(src);*/ // Playbin.getElementByName("elphelsrc").link(Playbin.getSinks().get(0)); // Element sink = ElementFactory.make("fakesink", "Destination"); // Playbin.addMany(src, sink); // src.link(sink);*/ // Playbin2 /* try { Playbin.setURI(new URI("rtsp://" + Parent.Camera.GetIP()[0] + ":554")); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { Logger.getLogger(GstreamerPlayer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } //.getElementByName("uri").set("protocols", "00000001"); //Playbin.getElementByName("uri").set("latency", "50"); //Playbin.setInputFile(new File("test.avi")); // works // Playbin.set("buffer-duration", 0); // NO Effect // Playbin.set("buffer-size", 0); // NO Effect Playbin.setState(State.PLAYING); */ /* final List<URI> playList = new LinkedList<URI>(); for (String arg : args) { playList.add(new File(arg).toURI()); } GSTPlayer.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(640, 480)); GSTPlayer.setControlsVisible(false); //player.setKeepAspect(true); GSTPlayer.getMediaPlayer().setPlaylist(playList); GSTPlayer.getMediaPlayer().play(); */ // GstreamerPlayer.SetVideocomponent(GstreamerVideoComponent); /* String rtspsource = ""; if (Parent.Camera.GetColorMode() == ColorMode.RGB) { rtspsource = "rtspsrc location=rtsp://" + Parent.Camera.GetIP()[0] + ":554 protocols=0x00000001 latency=50 ! rtpjpegdepay ! jpegdec ! decodebin ! ffmpegcolorspace name=elphelstream"; } else if (Parent.Camera.GetColorMode() == ColorMode.JP46) { // rtspsrc location=rtsp://" + Parent.Camera.GetIP() + ":554 protocols=0x00000001 latency=50 ! rtpjpegdepay ! jpegdec ! queue ! jp462bayer ! queue ! bayer2rgb2 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videorate ! "video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc)I420, width=(int)1920, height=(int)1088, framerate=(fraction)25/1" ! xvimagesink sync=false max-lateness=-1 rtspsource = "rtspsrc location=rtsp://" + Parent.Camera.GetIP()[0] + ":554 protocols=0x00000001 latency=50 ! rtpjpegdepay ! jpegdec ! queue ! jp462bayer ! queue ! bayer2rgb2 method=0 ! ffmpegcolorspace name=elphelstream"; } else { //TODO in this mode we dont see anything from the non-jpeg compliant stream so the jp46 filter wont help, but what else should we show? rtspsource = "rtspsrc location=rtsp://" + Parent.Camera.GetIP()[0] + ":554 protocols=0x00000001 latency=50 ! rtpjpegdepay ! jpegdec ! queue ! jp462bayer ! queue ! bayer2rgb2 method=0 name=elphelstream"; } //Notes //LUT //gst-launch rtspsrc location=rtsp:// protocols=0x00000001 latency=50 ! rtpjpegdepay ! jpegdec ! queue ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videorate ! coloreffects preset=heat ! ffmpegcolorspace ! autovideosink -v //edge detection: //gst-launch rtspsrc location=rtsp:// protocols=0x00000001 latency=50 ! rtpjpegdepay ! jpegdec ! queue ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videorate ! edgetv ! ffmpegcolorspace ! autovideosink -v // kind of scopes //gst-launch rtspsrc location=rtsp:// protocols=0x00000001 latency=50 ! rtpjpegdepay ! jpegdec ! queue ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videorate ! revtv ! ffmpegcolorspace ! autovideosink -v pipe = Pipeline.launch(rtspsource); videoComponent.setKeepAspect(true); Element videosink = videoComponent.getElement(); pipe.add(videosink); pipe.getElementByName("elphelstream").link(videosink); pipe.setState(State.PLAYING); List<Element> sinks = pipe.getSinks(); /* String rtspsource = "rtspsrc location=rtsp://" + Parent.Camera.GetIP() + ":554 latency=30 ! rtpjpegdepay ! jpegdec name=elphelstream"; pipe = Pipeline.launch(rtspsource); //pipe = new Pipeline("GstreamerViewer"); //videosrc = ElementFactory.make("videotestsrc", "source"); //videosrc = ElementFactory.make("rtspsource ", "source"); ///videosrc.setCaps(Caps.fromString("location=rtsp:// latency=30")); //Element rtpjpegdepay = ElementFactory.make("rtpjpegdepay", "rtpjpegdepay"); //Element jpegdec = ElementFactory.make("jpegdec", "jpegdec"); Element videosink = ElementFactory.make("xvimagesink", "sink"); //Element videosink = videoComponent.getElement(); pipe.add(videosink); pipe.getElementByName("elphelstream").link(videosink); //playbin.setInputFile(new File(args[0])); //pipe.addMany(videosrc, rtpjpegdepay, jpegdec, videosink); //videosrc.link(videosink); //Element.linkMany(videosrc, rtpjpegdepay, jpegdec, videosink); pipe.setState(State.PLAYING); Gst.main(); pipe.setState(State.NULL); //gst-launch rtspsrc location=rtsp:// latency=30 ! rtpjpegdepay ! jpegdec ! xvimagesink //VideoComponent videoComponent = new VideoComponent(); //videosink = videoComponent.getElement(); //playbin.setVideoSink(videosink); //Element.linkMany(videosrc, videosink);*/ }
private static void startStreaming(final VideoComponent vc, String settings, int port) { Gst.init(); clientPipe = new Pipeline("pipeline"); pushLog("> CTRL: " + "PLAY"); pushLog("> SYS: " + " INIT STREAM"); System.out.println("Starting with: C=" + clientLoc + ", S=" + serverLoc); // VIDEO Element udpVideoSrc = ElementFactory.make("udpsrc", "src1"); udpVideoSrc.setCaps( Caps.fromString( "application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)JPEG, payload=(int)96, ssrc=(uint)2156703816, clock-base=(uint)1678649553, seqnum-base=(uint)31324")); udpVideoSrc.set("uri", "udp://" + clientLoc + ":" + port); Element videoRtcpIn = ElementFactory.make("udpsrc", "src3"); videoRtcpIn.set("uri", "udp://" + clientLoc + ":" + (port + 1)); Element videoRtcpOut = ElementFactory.make("udpsink", "snk1"); videoRtcpOut.set("host", serverLoc); videoRtcpOut.set("port", "" + (port + 5)); videoRtcpOut.set("sync", "false"); videoRtcpOut.set("async", "false"); Element udpAudioSrc = null, audioRtcpIn = null, audioRtcpOut = null, taud = null; if (attribute.equalsIgnoreCase("active")) { // AUDIO udpAudioSrc = ElementFactory.make("udpsrc", "src2"); udpAudioSrc.setCaps( Caps.fromString( "application/x-rtp, media=(string)audio, clock-rate=(int)8000, encoding-name=(string)L16, encoding-params=(string)2, channels=(int)2, payload=(int)96, ssrc=(uint)3489550614, clock-base=(uint)2613725642, seqnum-base=(uint)1704")); udpAudioSrc.set("uri", "udp://" + clientLoc + ":" + (port + 2)); taud = ElementFactory.make("tee", "taud"); Element qaud = ElementFactory.make("queue", "qaud"); AppSink appAudioSink = (AppSink) ElementFactory.make("appsink", "appAudioSink"); appAudioSink.set("emit-signals", true); appAudioSink.setSync(false); audioQ = new LinkedList<FrameInfo>(); appAudioSink.connect( new AppSink.NEW_BUFFER() { public void newBuffer(AppSink sink) { Buffer b = sink.getLastBuffer(); if (b != null) { audioQ.offer(new FrameInfo(System.currentTimeMillis(), b.getSize())); } } }); audioRtcpIn = ElementFactory.make("udpsrc", "src4"); audioRtcpIn.set("uri", "udp://" + clientLoc + ":" + (port + 3)); audioRtcpOut = ElementFactory.make("udpsink", "snk2"); audioRtcpOut.set("host", serverLoc); audioRtcpOut.set("port", "" + (port + 7)); audioRtcpOut.set("sync", "false"); audioRtcpOut.set("async", "false"); clientPipe.addMany(taud, qaud, appAudioSink); clientPipe.addMany(udpAudioSrc, audioRtcpIn, audioRtcpOut); Element.linkMany(udpAudioSrc, taud, qaud, appAudioSink); } Element tvid = ElementFactory.make("tee", "tvid"); Element qvid = ElementFactory.make("queue", "qvid"); AppSink appVideoSink = (AppSink) ElementFactory.make("appsink", "appVideoSink"); appVideoSink.set("emit-signals", true); appVideoSink.setSync(false); videoQ = new LinkedList<FrameInfo>(); appVideoSink.connect( new AppSink.NEW_BUFFER() { public void newBuffer(AppSink sink) { Buffer b = sink.getLastBuffer(); if (b != null) { videoQ.offer(new FrameInfo(System.currentTimeMillis(), b.getSize())); // System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis()); } } }); clientPipe.addMany(tvid, qvid, appVideoSink); clientPipe.addMany(udpVideoSrc, videoRtcpIn, videoRtcpOut); Element.linkMany(udpVideoSrc, tvid, qvid, appVideoSink); // VIDEO BIN videoBin = new Bin("videoBin"); // src1 Element videoDepay = ElementFactory.make("rtpjpegdepay", "depay"); Element videoDecode = ElementFactory.make("jpegdec", "decode"); Element videoRate = ElementFactory.make("videorate", "rate1"); Element videoColor = ElementFactory.make("ffmpegcolorspace", "color"); Element videoSrc1Caps = ElementFactory.make("capsfilter", "src1caps"); videoSrc1Caps.setCaps(Caps.fromString("video/x-raw-yuv, framerate=30/1")); Element videoColor2 = ElementFactory.make("ffmpegcolorspace", "color2"); videoBin.addMany(videoDepay, videoDecode, videoRate, videoColor, videoSrc1Caps, videoColor2); Element.linkMany(videoDepay, videoDecode, videoRate, videoColor, videoSrc1Caps, videoColor2); videoBin.addPad(new GhostPad("sink", videoDepay.getStaticPad("sink"))); clientPipe.add(videoBin); final Bin audioBin = new Bin("audioBin"); if (attribute.equalsIgnoreCase("active")) { // AUDIO BIN final Element audioDepay = ElementFactory.make("rtpL16depay", "auddepay"); Element audioConvert = ElementFactory.make("audioconvert", "audconv"); mute = ElementFactory.make("volume", "vol"); mute.set("mute", "true"); final Element audioSink = ElementFactory.make("autoaudiosink", "audsink"); audioBin.addMany(audioDepay, audioConvert, mute, audioSink); Element.linkMany(audioDepay, audioConvert, mute, audioSink); audioBin.addPad(new GhostPad("sink", audioDepay.getStaticPad("sink"))); clientPipe.add(audioBin); } // RTPBIN final RTPBin rtp = new RTPBin("rtp"); clientPipe.add(rtp); Element.linkPads(tvid, "src1", rtp, "recv_rtp_sink_0"); Element.linkPads(videoRtcpIn, "src", rtp, "recv_rtcp_sink_0"); Element.linkPads(rtp, "send_rtcp_src_0", videoRtcpOut, "sink"); if (attribute.equalsIgnoreCase("active")) { Element.linkPads(taud, "src1", rtp, "recv_rtp_sink_1"); Element.linkPads(audioRtcpIn, "src", rtp, "recv_rtcp_sink_1"); Element.linkPads(rtp, "send_rtcp_src_1", audioRtcpOut, "sink"); } // BUS rtp.connect( new Element.PAD_ADDED() { @Override public void padAdded(Element arg0, Pad arg1) { if (arg1.getName().startsWith("recv_rtp_src_0")) { arg1.link(videoBin.getStaticPad("sink")); } else if (arg1.getName().startsWith("recv_rtp_src_1") && attribute.equalsIgnoreCase("active")) { arg1.link(audioBin.getStaticPad("sink")); } clientPipe.debugToDotFile(1, "clientsucc"); } }); Bus bus = clientPipe.getBus(); bus.connect( new Bus.ERROR() { public void errorMessage(GstObject source, int code, String message) { pushLog("> GSTREAMER ERROR: code=" + code + " message=" + message); clientPipe.debugToDotFile(1, "clienterr"); } }); bus.connect( new Bus.EOS() { public void endOfStream(GstObject source) { clientPipe.setState(State.NULL); System.out.println("EOS"); } }); videoBin.add(vc.getElement()); AppSink appJointSink = (AppSink) ElementFactory.make("appsink", "appJointSink"); appJointSink.set("emit-signals", true); appJointSink.setSync(false); jointQ = new LinkedList<CompareInfo>(); appJointSink.connect( new AppSink.NEW_BUFFER() { public void newBuffer(AppSink sink) { /* int vs = 0; int as = 0; while (videoQ != null) { vs++; videoQ.poll(); } while (audioQ != null) { as++; audioQ.poll(); } System.out.println("Compare: " + as + " : " + vs); */ } }); Element.linkMany(videoColor2, vc.getElement()); Thread videoThread = new Thread() { public void run() { clientPipe.setState(org.gstreamer.State.PLAYING); } }; videoThread.start(); clientPipe.debugToDotFile(0, "appsink"); }
private void hookUpBus() { logger.debug("Starting to hookup GStreamer Pipeline bus. "); // Hook up the shutdown handlers Bus bus = pipeline.getBus(); bus.connect( new Bus.EOS() { /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see org.gstreamer.Bus.EOS#endOfStream(org.gstreamer.GstObject) */ public void endOfStream(GstObject arg0) { logger.debug("Pipeline received EOS."); pipeline.setState(State.NULL); pipeline = null; } }); bus.connect( new Bus.ERROR() { /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see org.gstreamer.Bus.ERROR#errorMessage(org.gstreamer.GstObject, int, * java.lang.String) */ public void errorMessage(GstObject obj, int retCode, String msg) { logger.warn("{}: {}", obj.getName(), msg); } }); bus.connect( new Bus.WARNING() { /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see org.gstreamer.Bus.WARNING#warningMessage(org.gstreamer.GstObject, int, * java.lang.String) */ public void warningMessage(GstObject obj, int retCode, String msg) { logger.warn("{}: {}", obj.getName(), msg); } }); logger.debug("Successfully hooked up GStreamer Pipeline bus to Log4J."); }
public void prepareBus() { Bus bus = pipe.getBus(); STATE_CHANGED = new STATE_CHANGED() { @Override public void stateChanged(GstObject source, State old, State current, State pend) { if (source == pipe) { System.out.println("Pipeline new state: " + current); if (old == State.PLAYING && current == State.NULL) { if (AUTO_RECOVERY) { pipe.setState(State.NULL); pipe = null; inputElements.clear(); closeFFmpegProcess(); createPipeline(); playThread(); } } } } }; bus.connect(STATE_CHANGED); bus.connect( new Bus.ERROR() { public void errorMessage(GstObject source, int code, String message) { System.out.println("Error: code=" + code + " message=" + message); if (code == 1) { pipe.setState(State.NULL); } } }); bus.connect( new Bus.EOS() { public void endOfStream(GstObject source) { if (AUTO_RECOVERY) { pipe.setState(State.NULL); pipe = null; createPipeline(); closeFFmpegProcess(); startFFmpegProcess(); playThread(); // writer.close(); // if (outContainer.writeTrailer() < 0) // throw new RuntimeException(); // outContainer.close(); // System.exit(0); } } }); }