static { try { TEST_CONF_DIR = new File(U.resolveGridGainUrl("/modules/core/src/test/config/job-loadtest").toURI()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize directory.", e); } }
/** * Test how IPC cache map works. * * @throws Exception If failed. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testIpcCache() throws Exception { Field cacheField = GridGgfsHadoopIpcIo.class.getDeclaredField("ipcCache"); cacheField.setAccessible(true); Field activeCntField = GridGgfsHadoopIpcIo.class.getDeclaredField("activeCnt"); activeCntField.setAccessible(true); Map<String, GridGgfsHadoopIpcIo> cache = (Map<String, GridGgfsHadoopIpcIo>) cacheField.get(null); String name = "ggfs:" + getTestGridName(0) + "@"; Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); cfg.addResource(U.resolveGridGainUrl(HADOOP_FS_CFG)); cfg.setBoolean("fs.ggfs.impl.disable.cache", true); cfg.setBoolean(String.format(GridGgfsHadoopUtils.PARAM_GGFS_ENDPOINT_NO_EMBED, name), true); // Ensure that existing IO is reused. FileSystem fs1 = FileSystem.get(new URI("ggfs://" + name + "/"), cfg); assertEquals(1, cache.size()); GridGgfsHadoopIpcIo io = null; System.out.println("CACHE: " + cache); for (String key : cache.keySet()) { if (key.contains("10500")) { io = cache.get(key); break; } } assert io != null; assertEquals(1, ((AtomicInteger) activeCntField.get(io)).get()); // Ensure that when IO is used by multiple file systems and one of them is closed, IO is not // stopped. FileSystem fs2 = FileSystem.get(new URI("ggfs://" + name + "/abc"), cfg); assertEquals(1, cache.size()); assertEquals(2, ((AtomicInteger) activeCntField.get(io)).get()); fs2.close(); assertEquals(1, cache.size()); assertEquals(1, ((AtomicInteger) activeCntField.get(io)).get()); Field stopField = GridGgfsHadoopIpcIo.class.getDeclaredField("stopping"); stopField.setAccessible(true); assert !(Boolean) stopField.get(io); // Ensure that IO is stopped when nobody else is need it. fs1.close(); assert cache.isEmpty(); assert (Boolean) stopField.get(io); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("BusyWait") @Override public void start(GridRestProtocolHandler hnd) throws GridException { InetAddress locHost; try { locHost = U.resolveLocalHost(ctx.config().getLocalHost()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GridException( "Failed to resolve local host to bind address: " + ctx.config().getLocalHost(), e); } System.setProperty(GG_JETTY_HOST, locHost.getHostAddress()); jettyHnd = new GridJettyRestHandler( hnd, new C1<String, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean apply(String tok) { return F.isEmpty(secretKey) || authenticate(tok); } }, log); String jettyPath = ctx.config().getRestJettyPath(); final URL cfgUrl; if (jettyPath == null) { cfgUrl = null; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Jetty configuration file is not provided, using defaults."); } else { cfgUrl = U.resolveGridGainUrl(jettyPath); if (cfgUrl == null) throw new GridSpiException("Invalid Jetty configuration file: " + jettyPath); else if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Jetty configuration file: " + cfgUrl); } loadJettyConfiguration(cfgUrl); AbstractNetworkConnector connector = getJettyConnector(); try { host = InetAddress.getByName(connector.getHost()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new GridException("Failed to resolve Jetty host address: " + connector.getHost(), e); } int initPort = connector.getPort(); int lastPort = initPort + ctx.config().getRestPortRange() - 1; for (port = initPort; port <= lastPort; port++) { connector.setPort(port); if (startJetty()) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()); return; } } U.warn( log, "Failed to start Jetty REST server (possibly all ports in range are in use) " + "[firstPort=" + initPort + ", lastPort=" + lastPort + ']'); }