   * Basically, future mapping consists from two parts. First, we must determine the topology
   * version this future will map on. Locking is performed within a user transaction, we must
   * continue to map keys on the same topology version as it started. If topology version is
   * undefined, we get current topology future and wait until it completes so the topology is ready
   * to use.
   * <p>During the second part we map keys to primary nodes using topology snapshot we obtained
   * during the first part. Note that if primary node leaves grid, the future will fail and
   * transaction will be rolled back.
  void map() {
    // Obtain the topology version to use.
    GridDiscoveryTopologySnapshot snapshot =
        tx != null
            ? tx.topologySnapshot()
            : cctx.mvcc().lastExplicitLockTopologySnapshot(Thread.currentThread().getId());

    if (snapshot != null) {
      // Continue mapping on the same topology version as it was before.
      topSnapshot.compareAndSet(null, snapshot);




    // Must get topology snapshot and map on that version.
   * @param cctx Registry.
   * @param keys Keys to lock.
   * @param tx Transaction.
   * @param read Read flag.
   * @param retval Flag to return value or not.
   * @param timeout Lock acquisition timeout.
   * @param filter Filter.
  public GridNearLockFuture(
      GridCacheContext<K, V> cctx,
      Collection<? extends K> keys,
      @Nullable GridNearTxLocal<K, V> tx,
      boolean read,
      boolean retval,
      long timeout,
      GridPredicate<GridCacheEntry<K, V>>[] filter) {
    super(cctx.kernalContext(), CU.boolReducer());
    assert cctx != null;
    assert keys != null;

    this.cctx = cctx;
    this.keys = keys;
    this.tx = tx;
    this.read = read;
    this.retval = retval;
    this.timeout = timeout;
    this.filter = filter;

    threadId = tx == null ? Thread.currentThread().getId() : tx.threadId();

    lockVer = tx != null ? tx.xidVersion() : cctx.versions().next();

    futId = GridUuid.randomUuid();

    entries = new ArrayList<>(keys.size());

    log = U.logger(ctx, logRef, GridNearLockFuture.class);

    if (timeout > 0) {
      timeoutObj = new LockTimeoutObject();


    valMap = new ConcurrentHashMap8<>(keys.size(), 1f);