/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void p2pUnmarshal(UUID nodeId, GridKernalContext ctx) throws GridException { assert nodeId != null; assert ctx != null; assert ctx.config().isPeerClassLoadingEnabled(); GridDeployment dep = ctx.deploy() .getGlobalDeployment( depInfo.deployMode(), clsName, clsName, depInfo.userVersion(), nodeId, depInfo.classLoaderId(), depInfo.participants(), null); if (dep == null) throw new GridDeploymentException("Failed to obtain deployment for class: " + clsName); ClassLoader ldr = dep.classLoader(); if (topicBytes != null) topic = ctx.config().getMarshaller().unmarshal(topicBytes, ldr); pred = ctx.config().getMarshaller().unmarshal(predBytes, ldr); }
/** * @param cancel {@code True} to close with cancellation. * @throws GridException If failed. */ @Override public void close(boolean cancel) throws GridException { if (!closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) return; busyLock.block(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Closing data loader [ldr=" + this + ", cancel=" + cancel + ']'); GridException e = null; try { // Assuming that no methods are called on this loader after this method is called. if (cancel) { cancelled = true; for (Buffer buf : bufMappings.values()) buf.cancelAll(); } else doFlush(); ctx.event().removeLocalEventListener(discoLsnr); ctx.io().removeMessageListener(topic); } catch (GridException e0) { e = e0; } fut.onDone(null, e); if (e != null) throw e; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean register(UUID nodeId, UUID routineId, final GridKernalContext ctx) throws GridException { ctx.io().addUserMessageListener(topic, pred); return true; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean removeCheckpoint(String key) throws GridException { A.notNull(key, "key"); synchronized (mux) { if (closed) throw new GridException("Failed to remove checkpoint (session closed): " + this); } return ctx.checkpoint().removeCheckpoint(this, key); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> T loadCheckpoint(String key) throws GridException { A.notNull(key, "key"); synchronized (mux) { if (closed) throw new GridException("Failed to load checkpoint (session closed): " + this); } return (T) ctx.checkpoint().loadCheckpoint(this, key); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void p2pMarshal(GridKernalContext ctx) throws GridException { assert ctx != null; assert ctx.config().isPeerClassLoadingEnabled(); if (topic != null) topicBytes = ctx.config().getMarshaller().marshal(topic); predBytes = ctx.config().getMarshaller().marshal(pred); GridPeerDeployAware pda = U.peerDeployAware0(topic, pred); clsName = pda.deployClass().getName(); GridDeployment dep = ctx.deploy().deploy(pda.deployClass(), pda.classLoader()); if (dep == null) throw new GridDeploymentException("Failed to deploy message listener."); depInfo = new GridDeploymentInfoBean(dep); depEnabled = true; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void saveCheckpoint( String key, Object state, GridTaskSessionScope scope, long timeout, boolean overwrite) throws GridException { A.notNull(key, "key"); A.ensure(timeout >= 0, "timeout >= 0"); synchronized (mux) { if (closed) throw new GridException("Failed to save checkpoint (session closed): " + this); } ctx.checkpoint().storeCheckpoint(this, key, state, scope, timeout, overwrite); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setAttributes(Map<?, ?> attrs) throws GridException { A.notNull(attrs, "attrs"); if (attrs.isEmpty()) return; // Note that there is no mux notification in this block. // The reason is that we wait for ordered attributes to // come back from task prior to notification. The notification // will happen in 'setInternal(...)' method. synchronized (mux) { this.attrs.putAll(attrs); } if (isTaskNode()) ctx.task().setAttributes(this, attrs); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void isolated(boolean isolated) throws GridException { if (isolated()) return; GridNode node = F.first(ctx.grid().forCache(cacheName).nodes()); if (node == null) throw new GridException("Failed to get node for cache: " + cacheName); GridCacheAttributes a = U.cacheAttributes(node, cacheName); assert a != null; updater = a.atomicityMode() == GridCacheAtomicityMode.ATOMIC ? GridDataLoadCacheUpdaters.<K, V>batched() : GridDataLoadCacheUpdaters.<K, V>groupLocked(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void unregister(UUID routineId, GridKernalContext ctx) { ctx.io().removeUserMessageListener(topic, pred); }
/** * @param entries Entries. * @param resFut Result future. * @param activeKeys Active keys. * @param remaps Remaps count. */ private void load0( Collection<? extends Map.Entry<K, V>> entries, final GridFutureAdapter<Object> resFut, final Collection<K> activeKeys, final int remaps) { assert entries != null; if (remaps >= MAX_REMAP_CNT) { resFut.onDone(new GridException("Failed to finish operation (too many remaps): " + remaps)); return; } Map<GridNode, Collection<Map.Entry<K, V>>> mappings = new HashMap<>(); boolean initPda = ctx.deploy().enabled() && jobPda == null; for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : entries) { GridNode node; try { K key = entry.getKey(); assert key != null; if (initPda) { jobPda = new DataLoaderPda(key, entry.getValue(), updater); initPda = false; } node = ctx.affinity().mapKeyToNode(cacheName, key); } catch (GridException e) { resFut.onDone(e); return; } if (node == null) { resFut.onDone( new GridTopologyException( "Failed to map key to node " + "(no nodes with cache found in topology) [infos=" + entries.size() + ", cacheName=" + cacheName + ']')); return; } Collection<Map.Entry<K, V>> col = mappings.get(node); if (col == null) mappings.put(node, col = new ArrayList<>()); col.add(entry); } for (final Map.Entry<GridNode, Collection<Map.Entry<K, V>>> e : mappings.entrySet()) { final UUID nodeId = e.getKey().id(); Buffer buf = bufMappings.get(nodeId); if (buf == null) { Buffer old = bufMappings.putIfAbsent(nodeId, buf = new Buffer(e.getKey())); if (old != null) buf = old; } final Collection<Map.Entry<K, V>> entriesForNode = e.getValue(); GridInClosure<GridFuture<?>> lsnr = new GridInClosure<GridFuture<?>>() { @Override public void apply(GridFuture<?> t) { try { t.get(); for (Map.Entry<K, V> e : entriesForNode) activeKeys.remove(e.getKey()); if (activeKeys.isEmpty()) resFut.onDone(); } catch (GridException e1) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Future finished with error [nodeId=" + nodeId + ", err=" + e1 + ']'); if (cancelled) { resFut.onDone( new GridException( "Data loader has been cancelled: " + GridDataLoaderImpl.this, e1)); } else load0(entriesForNode, resFut, activeKeys, remaps + 1); } } }; GridFutureAdapter<?> f; try { f = buf.update(entriesForNode, lsnr); } catch (GridInterruptedException e1) { resFut.onDone(e1); return; } if (ctx.discovery().node(nodeId) == null) { if (bufMappings.remove(nodeId, buf)) buf.onNodeLeft(); if (f != null) f.onDone( new GridTopologyException( "Failed to wait for request completion " + "(node has left): " + nodeId)); } } }
/** * @param ctx Grid kernal context. * @param cacheName Cache name. * @param flushQ Flush queue. */ public GridDataLoaderImpl( final GridKernalContext ctx, @Nullable final String cacheName, DelayQueue<GridDataLoaderImpl<K, V>> flushQ) { assert ctx != null; this.ctx = ctx; this.cacheName = cacheName; this.flushQ = flushQ; log = U.logger(ctx, logRef, GridDataLoaderImpl.class); discoLsnr = new GridLocalEventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(GridEvent evt) { assert evt.type() == EVT_NODE_FAILED || evt.type() == EVT_NODE_LEFT; GridDiscoveryEvent discoEvt = (GridDiscoveryEvent) evt; UUID id = discoEvt.eventNodeId(); // Remap regular mappings. final Buffer buf = bufMappings.remove(id); if (buf != null) { // Only async notification is possible since // discovery thread may be trapped otherwise. ctx.closure() .callLocalSafe( new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { buf.onNodeLeft(); return null; } }, true /* system pool */); } } }; ctx.event().addLocalEventListener(discoLsnr, EVT_NODE_FAILED, EVT_NODE_LEFT); // Generate unique topic for this loader. topic = TOPIC_DATALOAD.topic(GridUuid.fromUuid(ctx.localNodeId())); ctx.io() .addMessageListener( topic, new GridMessageListener() { @Override public void onMessage(UUID nodeId, Object msg) { assert msg instanceof GridDataLoadResponse; GridDataLoadResponse res = (GridDataLoadResponse) msg; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Received data load response: " + res); Buffer buf = bufMappings.get(nodeId); if (buf != null) buf.onResponse(res); else if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Ignoring response since node has left [nodeId=" + nodeId + ", "); } }); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Added response listener within topic: " + topic); fut = new GridDataLoaderFuture(ctx, this); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Collection<UUID> getTopology() throws GridException { return F.nodeIds(ctx.topology().getTopology(this, ctx.discovery().allNodes())); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isTaskNode() { return taskNodeId.equals(ctx.discovery().localNode().id()); }