/** * Implement this method to define the code to run when the Init button is pressed on the Driver * station. */ @Override protected void onInit() { robot = PushBot.newConfig(hardwareMap, getTelemetryUtil()); getTelemetryUtil().addData("Init", getClass().getSimpleName() + " initialized."); getTelemetryUtil().sendTelemetry(); }
@Override protected void onStart() throws InterruptedException { super.onStart(); // set up tank drive operation to use the gamepad joysticks tankDrive = new GamePadTankDrive(this, gamepad1, robot.getLeftDrive(), robot.getRightDrive()); tankDrive.startRunMode(DcMotorController.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODERS); // set up arm motor operation using the gamepad's left joystick armMotorStick = new GamePadMotor(this, gamepad2, robot.getLeftArm(), GamePadMotor.Control.LEFT_STICK_Y); // operate the claw with left/right buttons claw = new GamePadClaw( this, gamepad2, robot.getLeftHand(), robot.getRightHand(), GamePadServo.Control.X_B, 0.5); }