protected void sendNotification( ServerRequestContext context, NotifyActionType notifyAction, NotificationType notification, AuditableEventType ae) throws RegistryException { System.err.println("Sending notification to web service"); try { // Get the ServiceBinding id that represents the endPoint String endPoint = notifyAction.getEndPoint(); // Now get the ServiceBinding and its acceessURI ServiceBindingType serviceBinding = (ServiceBindingType) PersistenceManagerFactory.getInstance() .getPersistenceManager() .getRegistryObject(context, endPoint, "ServiceBinding"); String accessURI = serviceBinding.getAccessURI(); NotificationListenerPortType_Stub stub = (NotificationListenerPortType_Stub) (new NotificationListenerSOAPService_Impl().getNotificationListenerPort()); ((Stub) stub)._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, accessURI); javax.xml.bind.Marshaller marshaller = BindingUtility.getInstance().getJAXBContext().createMarshaller(); marshaller.setProperty(javax.xml.bind.Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE); marshaller.marshal(notification, System.err); SOAPElement soapElem = BindingUtility.getInstance().getSOAPElementFromBindingObject(notification); String notificationOption = notifyAction.getNotificationOption(); if (notificationOption.equals(BindingUtility.CANONICAL_NOTIFICATION_OPTION_TYPE_ID_Objects)) { stub.onObjectsNotification(soapElem); } else if (notificationOption.equals( BindingUtility.CANONICAL_NOTIFICATION_OPTION_TYPE_ID_ObjectRefs)) { stub.onObjectRefsNotification(soapElem); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RegistryException(e); } }
/** * The abstract interface implemented by all PluginManagers. A PluginManager manages registry server * plugins. A registry server plugin implements a registry spi interface. * * @author Farrukh Najmi */ public abstract class AbstractPluginManager implements PluginManager { protected static BindingUtility bu = BindingUtility.getInstance(); private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractPluginManager.class); private static Registry registry = null; protected AbstractPluginManager() {} /** Creates the instance of the pluginClass */ protected Object createPluginInstance(String pluginClass) throws Exception { Object plugin = null; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("pluginClass = " + pluginClass); } if (pluginClass != null) { Class theClass = Class.forName(pluginClass); // try to invoke zero arg constructor using Reflection, // if this fails then try invoking getInstance() try { Constructor constructor = theClass.getConstructor((java.lang.Class[]) null); plugin = constructor.newInstance(new Object[0]); } catch (Exception e) { Method factory = theClass.getDeclaredMethod("getInstance", (java.lang.Class[]) null); plugin = factory.invoke((java.lang.Class[]) null, new Object[0]); } } return plugin; } }
/** * This method takes this JAXR infomodel object and returns an equivalent binding object for it. * Note it does the reverse of one of the constructors above. */ public Object toBindingObject() throws JAXRException { try { ObjectFactory factory = BindingUtility.getInstance().rimFac; org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.Subscription ebBinding = factory.createSubscription(); setBindingObject(ebBinding); return ebBinding; } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new JAXRException(e); } }
private List getAllRegistryObjectVersions(RegistryObjectType ro) throws RegistryException { if (versions == null) { ServerRequestContext queryContext = null; // Note: ORDER BY versionName DESC is not safe because String(1.10) < String(1.9) String query = "SELECT ro.* FROM " + Utility.getInstance().mapTableName(ro) + " ro WHERE ro.lid = '" + ro.getLid() + "'"; try { AdhocQueryRequest queryRequest = bu.createAdhocQueryRequest(query); queryContext = new ServerRequestContext("VersionProcessor.getAllRegistryObjectVersions", queryRequest); queryContext.setUser(ac.registryOperator); AdhocQueryResponseType queryResp = qm.submitAdhocQuery(queryContext); versions = queryResp.getRegistryObjectList().getIdentifiable(); queryContext.commit(); queryContext = null; } catch (JAXBException e) { throw (new RegistryException(e)); } catch (JAXRException e) { throw (new RegistryException(e)); } finally { if (queryContext != null) { queryContext.rollback(); } } } return (versions); }
protected void sendNotification( ServerRequestContext context, NotifyActionType notifyAction, NotificationType notification, AuditableEventType ae) throws RegistryException { log.trace("Sending email notification"); String endpoint = notifyAction.getEndPoint(); if ((endpoint == null) || !endpoint.startsWith("mailto:")) { throw new RegistryException( ServerResourceBundle.getInstance() .getString("message.emailNotificationWOmailto", new Object[] {endpoint})); } try { // get the body of the message , not yet defined ! StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); Marshaller marshaller = BindingUtility.getInstance().rimFac.createMarshaller(); marshaller.setProperty(javax.xml.bind.Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE); marshaller.marshal(notification, sw); // Now get the RegistryResponse as a String // Produce verbose response String notif = sw.toString(); String action = ae.getEventType(); String userId = ae.getUser(); String userInfo; if (userId != null) { UserType user = (UserType) context.getRegistryObject(userId, "User_"); userInfo = ServerResourceBundle.getInstance() .getString("message.user", new String[] {getUserInfo(user)}); } else { userInfo = ServerResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("message.userUnknown"); } SubscriptionType subscription = (SubscriptionType) context.getRegistryObject(notification.getSubscription(), "Subscription"); String xsltId = getStyleSheetId(subscription); RepositoryItem repositoryItem = null; // empty string for notification property == use old format if (!"".equals(xsltId)) { // Dont use transform if there are any problems try { repositoryItem = RepositoryManagerFactory.getInstance() .getRepositoryManager() .getRepositoryItem(xsltId); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(ServerResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("message.rawEmailNotification"), e); } } String contentType; String message; if (repositoryItem == null) { // No style sheet so skip the tranformation contentType = "text/xml"; message = sw.toString(); } else { contentType = "text/html"; try { message = transformContent(context, xsltId, notif, action, userInfo); } catch (RegistryException e) { contentType = "text/xml"; message = sw.toString(); } } // set parameters and send the mail String subject = ServerResourceBundle.getInstance() .getString("message.registryNotification", new Object[] {notification.getId()}); postMail(endpoint, message, subject, contentType); } catch (MessagingException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } }
public boolean needToVersionRegistryObject(RegistryObjectType ro) throws RegistryException { boolean needToVersion = true; BindingUtility bu = BindingUtility.getInstance(); boolean newObject = false; try { needToVersion = isVersionableClass(ro); if (needToVersion) { HashMap slotsMap; // Honour dontVersion flag if specified on request if (!context.getRegistryRequestStack().empty()) { slotsMap = bu.getSlotsFromRequest(context.getCurrentRegistryRequest()); if (slotsMap.containsKey(bu.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DONT_VERSION)) { String val = (String) slotsMap.get(bu.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DONT_VERSION); if (val.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { needToVersion = false; } } } // Honour dontVersion flag if specified on ro slotsMap = bu.getSlotsFromRegistryObject(ro); if (slotsMap.containsKey(bu.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DONT_VERSION)) { String val = (String) slotsMap.get(bu.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DONT_VERSION); if (val.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { needToVersion = false; } } } // TODO: // Need to investigate case where not versioning and it is a new object. // Need unit test for this case. if (needToVersion) { versions = getAllRegistryObjectVersions(ro); if (versions.size() == 0) { // If there are any existing versions (ie. ro's with same LID) then we need to // version // This is a new ro and therefor need not be versioned needToVersion = false; newObject = true; } } // Must set versionName to match latest versionName if existing object // or set to version 1.1 if new object. if (!needToVersion) { RegistryObjectType lastVersion = getLatestVersionOfRegistryObject(ro); String versionName = null; if (lastVersion == null) { versionName = "1.1"; } else { versionName = lastVersion.getVersionInfo().getVersionName(); // Must bump up versionName for new objects if (newObject) { versionName = nextVersion(versionName); } } VersionInfoType versionInfo = ro.getVersionInfo(); if (versionInfo == null) { versionInfo = bu.rimFac.createVersionInfoType(); ro.setVersionInfo(versionInfo); } versionInfo.setVersionName(versionName); if (!context.getRegistryRequestStack().empty()) { setVersionInfoComment(versionInfo); } } } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } return needToVersion; }
/** * @author Farrukh S. Najmi * <p>This class handles version management for RegistryObjects and RepositoryItems. */ public class VersionProcessor { public static BindingUtility bu = BindingUtility.getInstance(); private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(VersionProcessor.class); private QueryManager qm = QueryManagerFactory.getInstance().getQueryManager(); private AuthenticationServiceImpl ac = AuthenticationServiceImpl.getInstance(); private RepositoryManager rm = RepositoryManagerFactory.getInstance().getRepositoryManager(); private HashSet versionableClassNameSet = new HashSet(); private List versions; /** @associates <{org.freebxml.omar.server.persistence.PersistenceManagerImpl}> */ PersistenceManager pm = PersistenceManagerFactory.getInstance().getPersistenceManager();; ServerRequestContext context = null; /** Creates a new instance of VersionManagerImpl */ public VersionProcessor(ServerRequestContext context) { this.context = context; loadVersionableClasses(); } public boolean needToVersionRegistryObject(RegistryObjectType ro) throws RegistryException { boolean needToVersion = true; BindingUtility bu = BindingUtility.getInstance(); boolean newObject = false; try { needToVersion = isVersionableClass(ro); if (needToVersion) { HashMap slotsMap; // Honour dontVersion flag if specified on request if (!context.getRegistryRequestStack().empty()) { slotsMap = bu.getSlotsFromRequest(context.getCurrentRegistryRequest()); if (slotsMap.containsKey(bu.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DONT_VERSION)) { String val = (String) slotsMap.get(bu.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DONT_VERSION); if (val.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { needToVersion = false; } } } // Honour dontVersion flag if specified on ro slotsMap = bu.getSlotsFromRegistryObject(ro); if (slotsMap.containsKey(bu.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DONT_VERSION)) { String val = (String) slotsMap.get(bu.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DONT_VERSION); if (val.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { needToVersion = false; } } } // TODO: // Need to investigate case where not versioning and it is a new object. // Need unit test for this case. if (needToVersion) { versions = getAllRegistryObjectVersions(ro); if (versions.size() == 0) { // If there are any existing versions (ie. ro's with same LID) then we need to // version // This is a new ro and therefor need not be versioned needToVersion = false; newObject = true; } } // Must set versionName to match latest versionName if existing object // or set to version 1.1 if new object. if (!needToVersion) { RegistryObjectType lastVersion = getLatestVersionOfRegistryObject(ro); String versionName = null; if (lastVersion == null) { versionName = "1.1"; } else { versionName = lastVersion.getVersionInfo().getVersionName(); // Must bump up versionName for new objects if (newObject) { versionName = nextVersion(versionName); } } VersionInfoType versionInfo = ro.getVersionInfo(); if (versionInfo == null) { versionInfo = bu.rimFac.createVersionInfoType(); ro.setVersionInfo(versionInfo); } versionInfo.setVersionName(versionName); if (!context.getRegistryRequestStack().empty()) { setVersionInfoComment(versionInfo); } } } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } return needToVersion; } private void setVersionInfoComment(VersionInfoType versionInfo) { String requestComment = context.getCurrentRegistryRequest().getComment(); if (versionInfo.getComment() == null && requestComment != null) { versionInfo.setComment(requestComment); } } public void checkRegistryObjectLid(RegistryObjectType ro) throws RegistryException { String id = ro.getId(); String lid = ro.getLid(); String existingObjectLid = (String) context.getIdToLidMap().get(id); // Assign lid if not specified, validate lid if specified if (existingObjectLid != null) { if (lid == null) { ro.setLid(existingObjectLid); } else { // Validate that lid matches existing objects lid if (!lid.equals(existingObjectLid)) { throw new RegistryException( ServerResourceBundle.getInstance() .getString("message.idDoesNotMatch", new Object[] {lid, existingObjectLid, id})); } } } else { checkRegistryObjectLidOnNewObject(ro); } } public void checkRegistryObjectLidOnNewObject(RegistryObjectType ro) throws RegistryException { String id = ro.getId(); String lid = ro.getLid(); // Object does not exists already if (lid == null) { ro.setLid(ro.getId()); } } public boolean needToVersionRepositoryItem(ExtrinsicObjectType eo, RepositoryItem riNew) throws RegistryException { boolean needToVersion = true; try { // dontVersion eo imples dontVersion ro needToVersion = needToVersionRegistryObject(eo); if (needToVersion) { // This is an existing object not a newly submitted object // See if repository item has changed or not. HashMap slotsMap; // Honour dontVersion flag if specified on request if (!context.getRegistryRequestStack().empty()) { slotsMap = bu.getSlotsFromRequest(context.getCurrentRegistryRequest()); if (slotsMap.containsKey(bu.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DONT_VERSION_CONTENT)) { String val = (String) slotsMap.get(bu.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DONT_VERSION_CONTENT); if (val.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { needToVersion = false; } } } // Honour dontVersion flag if specified on ro slotsMap = bu.getSlotsFromRegistryObject(eo); if (slotsMap.containsKey(bu.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DONT_VERSION_CONTENT)) { String val = (String) slotsMap.get(bu.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DONT_VERSION_CONTENT); if (val.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { needToVersion = false; } } } if (needToVersion) { if (riNew == null) { needToVersion = false; return needToVersion; } else { RepositoryItem riOld = null; try { riOld = rm.getRepositoryItem(eo.getId()); } catch (RepositoryItemNotFoundException e) { // It is possible that there is no RepositoryItem yet. // Ignore the exception. } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { // It is possible that there is no RepositoryItem yet. // Ignore the exception. } if (riOld == null) { needToVersion = false; } else { if (repositoryItemsAreIdentical(riOld, riNew)) { needToVersion = false; } } } } // Must set contentVersionName to match latest versionName if existing object // or set to version 1.1 if new object. if (!needToVersion) { ExtrinsicObjectType lastVersion = (ExtrinsicObjectType) getLatestVersionOfRegistryObject(eo); VersionInfoType contentVersionInfo = eo.getContentVersionInfo(); if (contentVersionInfo == null) { contentVersionInfo = bu.rimFac.createVersionInfoType(); } if (lastVersion == null) { // This is the first ExtrinsicObject version. if (riNew != null) { // This is the first RepositoryItem version. Make sure versionName is "1.1" contentVersionInfo.setVersionName("1.1"); } else { // No repository item means that the contentVersionInfo MUST be set to null contentVersionInfo = null; } } else { // This is not the first ExtrinsicObject version. // Note that contentversionName is set even if no RI is submitted since // it is OK to update just the EO and have new version use last version of RO VersionInfoType lastContentVersionInfo = lastVersion.getContentVersionInfo(); if (lastContentVersionInfo == null) { // Previous version had no repository item String lastContentVersionName = rm.getLatestVersionName(context, eo.getLid()); if (lastContentVersionName != null) { contentVersionInfo.setVersionName(lastContentVersionName); } else { contentVersionInfo.setVersionName("1.1"); } } else { // Previous version had a repository item // Use the last contentVersionName contentVersionInfo.setVersionName(lastContentVersionInfo.getVersionName()); } } eo.setContentVersionInfo(contentVersionInfo); } } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } return needToVersion; } /** * Creates a new version of the RepositoryItem associated with specified ExtrinsicObject. Note * that when the RepositoryItem is versioned its ExtrinsicObject must also be versioned. */ public RepositoryItem createRepositoryItemVersion(ExtrinsicObjectType eo) throws RegistryException { RepositoryItem riNew = null; try { ExtrinsicObjectType eoNew = (ExtrinsicObjectType) createRegistryObjectVersion(eo); String latestContentVersionName = rm.getLatestVersionName(context, eo.getLid()); String nextContentVersionName = nextVersion(latestContentVersionName); VersionInfoType nextContentVersionInfo = bu.rimFac.createVersionInfoType(); nextContentVersionInfo.setVersionName(nextContentVersionName); // Set the contentComment from the submitted object's contentVersionInfo VersionInfoType submittedContentVersionInfo = eo.getContentVersionInfo(); if (submittedContentVersionInfo != null) { nextContentVersionInfo.setComment(submittedContentVersionInfo.getComment()); } // Update the eo contentVersionName to match newContentVersionName eoNew.setContentVersionInfo(nextContentVersionInfo); RepositoryItem riOld = (RepositoryItem) context.getRepositoryItemsMap().get(eo.getId()); riNew = (RepositoryItem) riOld.clone(); // A new version must have a unique id that matches its new ExtrinsicObject eoNew riNew.setId(eoNew.getId()); // Now remeber in context.newRIVersionMap fro later replacement // Should we be using old or new eo.getId(). // Maybe we dont need newRIVersionMap and newROVersionMap // Lets see how to just use existing idMap and other structures. context.getNewRIVersionMap().put(context.getRepositoryItemsMap().get(eo.getId()), riNew); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // This cannot happen throw new RegistryException(e); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } return riNew; } private List getAllRegistryObjectVersions(RegistryObjectType ro) throws RegistryException { if (versions == null) { ServerRequestContext queryContext = null; // Note: ORDER BY versionName DESC is not safe because String(1.10) < String(1.9) String query = "SELECT ro.* FROM " + Utility.getInstance().mapTableName(ro) + " ro WHERE ro.lid = '" + ro.getLid() + "'"; try { AdhocQueryRequest queryRequest = bu.createAdhocQueryRequest(query); queryContext = new ServerRequestContext("VersionProcessor.getAllRegistryObjectVersions", queryRequest); queryContext.setUser(ac.registryOperator); AdhocQueryResponseType queryResp = qm.submitAdhocQuery(queryContext); versions = queryResp.getRegistryObjectList().getIdentifiable(); queryContext.commit(); queryContext = null; } catch (JAXBException e) { throw (new RegistryException(e)); } catch (JAXRException e) { throw (new RegistryException(e)); } finally { if (queryContext != null) { queryContext.rollback(); } } } return (versions); } private RegistryObjectType getLatestVersionOfRegistryObject(RegistryObjectType ro) throws RegistryException { RegistryObjectType latestRO = null; // Call in case versions have not been initialized yet. getAllRegistryObjectVersions(ro); if (versions.size() == 0) { return null; } String latestVersion = null; for (Iterator it = versions.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { if (latestRO == null) { latestRO = (RegistryObjectType); latestVersion = latestRO.getVersionInfo().getVersionName(); continue; } RegistryObjectType next = (RegistryObjectType); String nextVersion = next.getVersionInfo().getVersionName(); if (compareVersions(nextVersion, latestVersion) > 0) { latestRO = next; latestVersion = latestRO.getVersionInfo().getVersionName(); } } return latestRO; } // TODO: Consider replacing versions with idToVersionsMap as a performance optimization in future. private boolean isIdInVersions(String id) { RegistryObjectType ro = null; boolean foundId = false; if (versions != null) { Iterator iter = versions.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ro = (RegistryObjectType); if (id.equals(ro.getId())) { foundId = true; break; } } } return (foundId); } /** * Compares 2 version Strings, with major/minor versions separated by '.' Example: "1.10" * * @param v1 String for version 1. * @param v2 String for version 2. * @return int = 0 if params are equal; int > 0 if 1st is grater than 2nd; int < 0 if 2st is * grater than 1nd. */ public static int compareVersions(String v1, String v2) { String parts1[] = v1.split("\\.", 2); String parts2[] = v2.split("\\.", 2); int iCompare = Integer.parseInt(parts1[0]) - Integer.parseInt(parts2[0]); if (iCompare == 0) { // equal.. try subversions if (parts1.length == 1 && parts2.length == 1) { // really equal return 0; } else if (parts1.length == 1) { // other is bigger (v2) return -1; } else if (parts2.length == 1) { // other is bigger (v1) return +1; } else { // try subversions return compareVersions(parts1[1], parts2[1]); } } else { return iCompare; } } public RegistryObjectType createRegistryObjectVersion(RegistryObjectType ro) throws RegistryException { RegistryObjectType roNew = null; try { Utility util = Utility.getInstance(); RegistryObjectType lastVersion = getLatestVersionOfRegistryObject(ro); String nextVersion = null; if (lastVersion == null) { nextVersion = "1.1"; } else { nextVersion = nextVersion(lastVersion.getVersionInfo().getVersionName()); } roNew = bu.cloneRegistryObject(ro); VersionInfoType nextVersionInfo = bu.rimFac.createVersionInfoType(); nextVersionInfo.setVersionName(nextVersion); // Set the comment from the request comment (per the spec) if (!context.getRegistryRequestStack().empty()) { nextVersionInfo.setComment(context.getCurrentRegistryRequest().getComment()); } roNew.setVersionInfo(nextVersionInfo); // A new version must have a unique id String id = ro.getId(); String lid = ro.getLid(); String idNew = id; // Only change id if it already exists in versions // Need to preserve client supplied id in the case where lid is an // existing lid but id is new if (isIdInVersions(id)) { // Make id of next version be lid with ":nextVersion" as suffix, if this id is already in // use in a version idNew = lid + ":" + nextVersion; // Utility.getInstance().createId(); roNew.setId(idNew); // Add entry to idMap so old id and refs to it are mapped to idNew context.getIdMap().put(id, idNew); } // Add entry to context.newROVersionMap for later replacement context.getNewROVersionMap().put(ro, roNew); // Assign new ids to all composed RegistryObjects within roNew Set composedObjects = bu.getComposedRegistryObjects(roNew, -1); Iterator iter = composedObjects.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { RegistryObjectType composedObject = (RegistryObjectType); // check for composed object if exist change the id and lid and // also update the idMap. if (objectExists(composedObject.getId())) { String oldId = composedObject.getId(); String newId = oldId + ":" + nextVersion; composedObject.setId(newId); composedObject.setLid(newId); context.getIdMap().put(oldId, newId); } String composedId = composedObject.getId(); String composedLid = composedObject.getLid(); String composedIdNew = composedId; if (!util.isValidRegistryId(composedId)) { // Replace the id if it's not a valid ID already composedIdNew = util.createId(); composedObject.setId(composedIdNew); // Add entry to idMap so old composedId and refs to it are mapped to composedIdNew context.getIdMap().put(composedId, composedIdNew); } if (composedLid == null || composedLid.trim().length() == 0) { composedObject.setLid(composedIdNew); } // Set the parent id of this composed object to point to the new parent bu.setParentIdForComposedObject(composedObject, idNew); } } catch (JAXRException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } return roNew; } /** Checks if object exist in registry. */ private boolean objectExists(String id) throws RegistryException { boolean exists = false; try { RegistryObjectType ro = context.getRegistryObject(id, "RegistryObject", true); if (ro != null) { exists = true; } } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { // do nothing } return exists; } private String nextVersion(String lastVersion) { if ((lastVersion == null) || (lastVersion.length() == 0)) { lastVersion = "1.1"; } String parts[] = lastVersion.split("\\.", 3); int majorVersion = (new Integer(parts[0])).intValue(); int minorVersion = (new Integer(parts[1])).intValue(); // TODO: check this. What if version has more than major/minor? if (parts.length > 2 && log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn( ServerResourceBundle.getInstance() .getString( "message.IgnoringVersionInfromationAfterMajorMinorVersion", new Object[] {parts[2]})); } // Increment version int newMinorVersion = minorVersion + 1; String nextVersion = parts[0] + "." + (new Integer(newMinorVersion)).toString(); return nextVersion; } /* * Loads the list of versionable RIM classes from the property file during startup. */ private void loadVersionableClasses() { String versionableClassList = RegistryProperties.getInstance() .getProperty("omar.server.lcm.VersionManager.versionableClassList"); // System.err.println("loadVersionableClasses: versionableClassList='" + versionableClassList + // "'"); if (versionableClassList != null) { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(versionableClassList, "|"); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { try { String versionableClassName = tokenizer.nextToken(); versionableClassName = "org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim." + versionableClassName + "Type"; // System.err.println(" loadVersionableClasses: versionableClassName='" + // versionableClassName + "'"); Class versionableClass = Class.forName(versionableClassName); versionableClassNameSet.add(versionableClass); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { // System.err.println( // "Registry has not defined the classes that will be versioned yet. This can be done by // setting the omar.server.lcm.VersionManager.versionableClassList property in // file."); } } private boolean isVersionableClass(RegistryObjectType ro) { boolean isVersionable = false; // System.err.println("isVersionable entered. ro=" + ro.getClass().getName()); Iterator iter = versionableClassNameSet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Class clazz = (Class); // System.err.println(" isVersionable clazz=" + clazz.getName() + " isAssignableFrom = " + // clazz.isAssignableFrom(ro.getClass())); if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(ro.getClass())) { isVersionable = true; break; } } return isVersionable; } private boolean repositoryItemsAreIdentical(RepositoryItem ri1, RepositoryItem ri2) { DataHandler dh1 = ri1.getDataHandler(); DataHandler dh2 = ri2.getDataHandler(); return dh1.equals(dh2); } }
public RegistryObjectType createRegistryObjectVersion(RegistryObjectType ro) throws RegistryException { RegistryObjectType roNew = null; try { Utility util = Utility.getInstance(); RegistryObjectType lastVersion = getLatestVersionOfRegistryObject(ro); String nextVersion = null; if (lastVersion == null) { nextVersion = "1.1"; } else { nextVersion = nextVersion(lastVersion.getVersionInfo().getVersionName()); } roNew = bu.cloneRegistryObject(ro); VersionInfoType nextVersionInfo = bu.rimFac.createVersionInfoType(); nextVersionInfo.setVersionName(nextVersion); // Set the comment from the request comment (per the spec) if (!context.getRegistryRequestStack().empty()) { nextVersionInfo.setComment(context.getCurrentRegistryRequest().getComment()); } roNew.setVersionInfo(nextVersionInfo); // A new version must have a unique id String id = ro.getId(); String lid = ro.getLid(); String idNew = id; // Only change id if it already exists in versions // Need to preserve client supplied id in the case where lid is an // existing lid but id is new if (isIdInVersions(id)) { // Make id of next version be lid with ":nextVersion" as suffix, if this id is already in // use in a version idNew = lid + ":" + nextVersion; // Utility.getInstance().createId(); roNew.setId(idNew); // Add entry to idMap so old id and refs to it are mapped to idNew context.getIdMap().put(id, idNew); } // Add entry to context.newROVersionMap for later replacement context.getNewROVersionMap().put(ro, roNew); // Assign new ids to all composed RegistryObjects within roNew Set composedObjects = bu.getComposedRegistryObjects(roNew, -1); Iterator iter = composedObjects.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { RegistryObjectType composedObject = (RegistryObjectType); // check for composed object if exist change the id and lid and // also update the idMap. if (objectExists(composedObject.getId())) { String oldId = composedObject.getId(); String newId = oldId + ":" + nextVersion; composedObject.setId(newId); composedObject.setLid(newId); context.getIdMap().put(oldId, newId); } String composedId = composedObject.getId(); String composedLid = composedObject.getLid(); String composedIdNew = composedId; if (!util.isValidRegistryId(composedId)) { // Replace the id if it's not a valid ID already composedIdNew = util.createId(); composedObject.setId(composedIdNew); // Add entry to idMap so old composedId and refs to it are mapped to composedIdNew context.getIdMap().put(composedId, composedIdNew); } if (composedLid == null || composedLid.trim().length() == 0) { composedObject.setLid(composedIdNew); } // Set the parent id of this composed object to point to the new parent bu.setParentIdForComposedObject(composedObject, idNew); } } catch (JAXRException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } return roNew; }
public boolean needToVersionRepositoryItem(ExtrinsicObjectType eo, RepositoryItem riNew) throws RegistryException { boolean needToVersion = true; try { // dontVersion eo imples dontVersion ro needToVersion = needToVersionRegistryObject(eo); if (needToVersion) { // This is an existing object not a newly submitted object // See if repository item has changed or not. HashMap slotsMap; // Honour dontVersion flag if specified on request if (!context.getRegistryRequestStack().empty()) { slotsMap = bu.getSlotsFromRequest(context.getCurrentRegistryRequest()); if (slotsMap.containsKey(bu.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DONT_VERSION_CONTENT)) { String val = (String) slotsMap.get(bu.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DONT_VERSION_CONTENT); if (val.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { needToVersion = false; } } } // Honour dontVersion flag if specified on ro slotsMap = bu.getSlotsFromRegistryObject(eo); if (slotsMap.containsKey(bu.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DONT_VERSION_CONTENT)) { String val = (String) slotsMap.get(bu.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DONT_VERSION_CONTENT); if (val.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { needToVersion = false; } } } if (needToVersion) { if (riNew == null) { needToVersion = false; return needToVersion; } else { RepositoryItem riOld = null; try { riOld = rm.getRepositoryItem(eo.getId()); } catch (RepositoryItemNotFoundException e) { // It is possible that there is no RepositoryItem yet. // Ignore the exception. } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { // It is possible that there is no RepositoryItem yet. // Ignore the exception. } if (riOld == null) { needToVersion = false; } else { if (repositoryItemsAreIdentical(riOld, riNew)) { needToVersion = false; } } } } // Must set contentVersionName to match latest versionName if existing object // or set to version 1.1 if new object. if (!needToVersion) { ExtrinsicObjectType lastVersion = (ExtrinsicObjectType) getLatestVersionOfRegistryObject(eo); VersionInfoType contentVersionInfo = eo.getContentVersionInfo(); if (contentVersionInfo == null) { contentVersionInfo = bu.rimFac.createVersionInfoType(); } if (lastVersion == null) { // This is the first ExtrinsicObject version. if (riNew != null) { // This is the first RepositoryItem version. Make sure versionName is "1.1" contentVersionInfo.setVersionName("1.1"); } else { // No repository item means that the contentVersionInfo MUST be set to null contentVersionInfo = null; } } else { // This is not the first ExtrinsicObject version. // Note that contentversionName is set even if no RI is submitted since // it is OK to update just the EO and have new version use last version of RO VersionInfoType lastContentVersionInfo = lastVersion.getContentVersionInfo(); if (lastContentVersionInfo == null) { // Previous version had no repository item String lastContentVersionName = rm.getLatestVersionName(context, eo.getLid()); if (lastContentVersionName != null) { contentVersionInfo.setVersionName(lastContentVersionName); } else { contentVersionInfo.setVersionName("1.1"); } } else { // Previous version had a repository item // Use the last contentVersionName contentVersionInfo.setVersionName(lastContentVersionInfo.getVersionName()); } } eo.setContentVersionInfo(contentVersionInfo); } } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } return needToVersion; }