public void monitor() {
   final Device d = getDevice(uuid);
   monitor =
       new Thread(
           new Runnable() {
             public void run() {
               String id = data.get("InstanceID");
               while (active && !"STOPPED".equals(data.get("TransportState"))) {
                 //						if (DEBUG) LOGGER.debug("InstanceID: " + id);
                 for (ActionArgumentValue o : getPositionInfo(d, id)) {
                   data.put(o.getArgument().getName(), o.toString());
                   //							if (DEBUG) LOGGER.debug(o.getArgument().getName() + ": " +
                   // o.toString());
               if (!active) {
                 data.put("TransportState", "STOPPED");
           "UPNP-" + d.getDetails().getFriendlyName());
 public static boolean isNonRenderer(InetAddress socket) {
   Device d = getDevice(socket);
   boolean b = (d != null && !isMediaRenderer(d));
   if (b) {
     LOGGER.debug("Device at {} is {}: {}", socket, d.getType(), d.toString());
   return b;
 protected synchronized boolean addRenderer(Device d) {
   if (d != null) {
     String uuid = getUUID(d);
     if (isMediaRenderer(d) && rendererFound(d, uuid) != null) {
       LOGGER.debug("Adding device: {} {}", d.getType(), d.toString());
       rendererMap.mark(uuid, ACTIVE, true);
       subscribeAll(d, uuid);
       return true;
   return false;
 public static Map<String, String> getDeviceDetails(Device d) {
   if (d == null) {
     return null;
   DeviceDetails dev = d.getDetails();
   ManufacturerDetails man = dev.getManufacturerDetails();
   ModelDetails model = dev.getModelDetails();
   LinkedHashMap<String, String> details = new LinkedHashMap<>();
   details.put("friendlyName", dev.getFriendlyName());
   details.put("address", getURL(d).getHost());
   details.put("udn", getUUID(d));
   Object detail;
   if ((detail = man.getManufacturer()) != null) {
     details.put("manufacturer", (String) detail);
   if ((detail = model.getModelName()) != null) {
     details.put("modelName", (String) detail);
   if ((detail = model.getModelNumber()) != null) {
     details.put("modelNumber", (String) detail);
   if ((detail = model.getModelDescription()) != null) {
     details.put("modelDescription", (String) detail);
   if ((detail = man.getManufacturerURI()) != null) {
     details.put("manufacturerURL", detail.toString());
   if ((detail = model.getModelURI()) != null) {
     details.put("modelURL", detail.toString());
   return details;
 public static List<String> getServiceNames(Device d) {
   ArrayList<String> services = new ArrayList<>();
   for (Service s : d.getServices()) {
   return services;
 public static boolean isMediaRenderer(Device d) {
   String t = d.getType().getType();
   for (DeviceType r : mediaRendererTypes) {
     if (r.getType().equals(t)) {
       return true;
   return false;
 protected void subscribeAll(Device d, String uuid) {
   String name = getFriendlyName(d);
   int ctrl = 0;
   for (Service s : d.getServices()) {
     String sid = s.getServiceId().getId();
     LOGGER.debug("Subscribing to " + sid + " service on " + name);
     if (sid.contains("AVTransport")) {
       ctrl |= AVT;
     } else if (sid.contains("RenderingControl")) {
       ctrl |= RC;
     upnpService.getControlPoint().execute(new SubscriptionCB(s));
   rendererMap.mark(uuid, RENEW, false);
   rendererMap.mark(uuid, CONTROLS, ctrl);
  // Convenience functions for sending various upnp service requests
  public static ActionInvocation send(
      final Device dev, String instanceID, String service, String action, String... args) {
    Service svc = dev.findService(ServiceId.valueOf("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:" + service));
    final String uuid = getUUID(dev);
    if (svc != null) {
      Action x = svc.getAction(action);
      String name = getFriendlyName(dev);
      boolean log = !action.equals("GetPositionInfo");
      if (x != null) {
        ActionInvocation a = new ActionInvocation(x);
        a.setInput("InstanceID", instanceID);
        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) {
          a.setInput(args[i], args[i + 1]);
        if (log) {
          LOGGER.debug("Sending upnp {}.{} {} to {}[{}]", service, action, args, name, instanceID);
        new ActionCallback(a, upnpService.getControlPoint()) {
          public void success(ActionInvocation invocation) {
            rendererMap.mark(uuid, ACTIVE, true);

          public void failure(
              ActionInvocation invocation, UpnpResponse operation, String defaultMsg) {
            LOGGER.debug("Action failed: {}", defaultMsg);
            rendererMap.mark(uuid, ACTIVE, false);

        if (log) {
          for (ActionArgumentValue arg : a.getOutput()) {
                "Received from {}[{}]: {}={}",
        return a;
    return null;
 public static String getDeviceIcon(Device d, int maxHeight) {
   URL base = getURL(d);
   Icon icon = null;
   String url = null;
   int maxH = maxHeight == 0 ? 99999 : maxHeight, height = 0;
   for (Icon i : d.getIcons()) {
     int h = i.getHeight();
     if (h < maxH && h > height) {
       icon = i;
       height = h;
   try {
     url = icon != null ? new URL(base, icon.getUri().toString()).toString() : null;
   } catch (Exception e) {
   LOGGER.debug("Device icon: " + url);
   return url;
 public static URL getURL(Device d) {
   return d instanceof RemoteDevice
       ? ((RemoteDevice) d).getIdentity().getDescriptorURL()
       : d.getDetails().getBaseURL();
 public static String getUUID(Device d) {
   return d.getIdentity().getUdn().toString();
 public static String getFriendlyName(Device d) {
   return d.getDetails().getFriendlyName();