   * For Ajax Editing : swap element with sibling ([up] and [down] links).
   * @param dbms
   * @param session
   * @param id
   * @param ref
   * @param down
   * @throws Exception
  public synchronized void swapElementEmbedded(
      Dbms dbms, UserSession session, String id, String ref, boolean down) throws Exception {
    dataManager.getMetadataSchema(dbms, id);

    // --- get metadata from session
    Element md = getMetadataFromSession(session, id);

    // --- get element to swap
    EditLib editLib = dataManager.getEditLib();
    Element elSwap = editLib.findElement(md, ref);

    if (elSwap == null) throw new IllegalStateException(MSG_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND_AT_REF + ref);

    // --- swap the elements
    int iSwapIndex = -1;

    List list = ((Element) elSwap.getParent()).getChildren(elSwap.getName(), elSwap.getNamespace());

    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
      if (list.get(i) == elSwap) {
        iSwapIndex = i;

    if (iSwapIndex == -1)
      throw new IllegalStateException("Index not found for element --> " + elSwap);

    if (down) swapElements(elSwap, (Element) list.get(iSwapIndex + 1));
    else swapElements(elSwap, (Element) list.get(iSwapIndex - 1));

    // --- store the metadata in the session again
    setMetadataIntoSession(session, (Element) md.clone(), id);
   * Removes attribute in embedded mode.
   * @param dbms
   * @param session
   * @param id
   * @param ref Attribute identifier (eg. _169_uom).
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  public synchronized Element deleteAttributeEmbedded(
      Dbms dbms, UserSession session, String id, String ref) throws Exception {
    String[] token = ref.split("_");
    String elementId = token[1];
    String attributeName = token[2];
    Element result = new Element(Edit.RootChild.NULL, Edit.NAMESPACE);

    // --- get metadata from session
    Element md = getMetadataFromSession(session, id);

    // --- get element to remove
    EditLib editLib = dataManager.getEditLib();
    Element el = editLib.findElement(md, elementId);

    if (el != null) {
      Pair<Namespace, String> attInfo =
          parseAttributeName(attributeName, ":", id, md, dbms, editLib);
      el.removeAttribute(attInfo.two(), attInfo.one());

    // --- store the metadata in the session again
    setMetadataIntoSession(session, (Element) md.clone(), id);

    return result;
   * Adds a localised character string to an element.
   * @param md metadata record
   * @param ref current ref of element. All _lang_AB_123 element will be processed.
   * @param val
   * @return
  protected static boolean updatedLocalizedTextElement(
      Element md, String ref, String val, EditLib editLib) {
    if (ref.startsWith("lang")) {
      if (val.length() > 0) {
        String[] ids = ref.split("_");
        // --- search element in current metadata record
        Element parent = editLib.findElement(md, ids[2]);

        // --- add required attribute
            Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"));

        // --- add new translation
        Namespace gmd = Namespace.getNamespace("gmd", "http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd");
        Element langElem = new Element("LocalisedCharacterString", gmd);
        langElem.setAttribute("locale", "#" + ids[1]);

        Element freeText = getOrAdd(parent, "PT_FreeText", gmd);

        Element textGroup = new Element("textGroup", gmd);
        Element refElem = new Element(Edit.RootChild.ELEMENT, Edit.NAMESPACE);
        refElem.setAttribute(Edit.Element.Attr.REF, "");
        langElem.addContent((Element) refElem.clone());
      return true;
    return false;
   * For Editing : adds an attribute from a metadata ([add] link). FIXME: Modify and use within Ajax
   * controls
   * @param dbms
   * @param id
   * @param ref
   * @param name
   * @param currVersion
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  public synchronized boolean addAttribute(
      Dbms dbms, String id, String ref, String name, String currVersion) throws Exception {
    Element md = xmlSerializer.select(dbms, "Metadata", id);

    // --- check if the metadata has been deleted
    if (md == null) return false;

    String schema = dataManager.getMetadataSchema(dbms, id);
    EditLib editLib = dataManager.getEditLib();
    editLib.expandElements(schema, md);

    // --- get element to add
    Element el = editLib.findElement(md, ref);

    if (el == null) Log.error(Geonet.DATA_MANAGER, MSG_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND_AT_REF + ref);
    // throw new IllegalStateException("Element not found at ref = " + ref);

    // --- remove editing info added by previous call

    if (el != null) {
      el.setAttribute(new Attribute(name, ""));

    String parentUuid = null;
    md =
            schema, id, null, md, parentUuid, DataManager.UpdateDatestamp.no, dbms);
    String changeDate = null;
    xmlSerializer.update(dbms, id, md, changeDate, false, context);

    // Notifies the metadata change to metatada notifier service
    dataManager.notifyMetadataChange(dbms, md, id);

    // --- update search criteria
    boolean workspace = false;
    dataManager.indexInThreadPoolIfPossible(dbms, id, workspace);

    return true;
   * Apply a list of changes to the metadata record in current editing session.
   * <p>The changes are a list of KVP. A key contains at least the element identifier from the
   * meta-document. A key starting with an "X" should contain an XML fragment for the value. The
   * following KVP combinations are allowed:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>ElementId=ElementValue
   *   <li>ElementId_AttributeName=AttributeValue
   *   <li>ElementId_AttributeNamespacePrefixCOLONAttributeName=AttributeValue
   *   <li>XElementId=ElementValue
   *   <li>XElementId_ElementName=ElementValue
   * </ul>
   * ElementName MUST contain "{@value #COLON_SEPARATOR}" instead of ":" for prefixed elements.
   * <p>When using X key, value could contains many XML fragments (eg. &lt;gmd:keywords
   * .../&gt;{@value #XML_FRAGMENT_SEPARATOR}&lt;gmd:keywords .../&gt;) separated by {@link
   * #XML_FRAGMENT_SEPARATOR}. All those fragments are inserted to the last element of this type in
   * its parent if ElementName is set. If not, the element with ElementId is replaced.
   * <p>
   * @param dbms
   * @param id Metadata internal identifier.
   * @param changes List of changes to apply.
   * @return The update metadata record
   * @throws Exception
  protected Element applyChangesEmbedded(Dbms dbms, String id, Hashtable changes) throws Exception {
    String schema = dataManager.getMetadataSchema(dbms, id);
    EditLib editLib = dataManager.getEditLib();

    // --- get metadata from session
    Element md = getMetadataFromSession(session, id);

    // Store XML fragments to be handled after other elements update
    Map<String, String> xmlInputs = new HashMap<String, String>();

    // --- update elements
    for (Enumeration e = changes.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      String ref = ((String) e.nextElement()).trim();
      String value = ((String) changes.get(ref)).trim();
      String attribute = null;

      // Avoid empty key
      if (ref.equals("")) {

      // Catch element starting with a X to replace XML fragments
      if (ref.startsWith("X")) {
        ref = ref.substring(1);
        xmlInputs.put(ref, value);

      if (updatedLocalizedTextElement(md, ref, value, editLib)) {

      int at = ref.indexOf('_');
      if (at != -1) {
        attribute = ref.substring(at + 1);
        ref = ref.substring(0, at);

      Element el = editLib.findElement(md, ref);
      if (el == null) {
        Log.error(Geonet.EDITOR, MSG_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND_AT_REF + ref);

      // Process attribute
      if (attribute != null) {
        Pair<Namespace, String> attInfo =
            parseAttributeName(attribute, COLON_SEPARATOR, id, md, dbms, editLib);
        String localname = attInfo.two();
        Namespace attrNS = attInfo.one();
        if (el.getAttribute(localname, attrNS) != null) {
          el.setAttribute(new Attribute(localname, value, attrNS));
      } else {
        // Process element value
        List content = el.getContent();

        for (int i = 0; i < content.size(); i++) {
          if (content.get(i) instanceof Text) {
            el.removeContent((Text) content.get(i));

    // Deals with XML fragments to insert or update
    if (!xmlInputs.isEmpty()) {

      // Loop over each XML fragments to insert or replace
      for (String ref : xmlInputs.keySet()) {
        String value = xmlInputs.get(ref);
        String name = null;
        int addIndex = ref.indexOf('_');
        if (addIndex != -1) {
          name = ref.substring(addIndex + 1);
          ref = ref.substring(0, addIndex);

        // Get element to fill
        Element el = editLib.findElement(md, ref);
        if (el == null) {
          Log.error(Geonet.EDITOR, MSG_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND_AT_REF + ref);

        if (value != null && !value.equals("")) {
          String[] fragments = value.split(XML_FRAGMENT_SEPARATOR);
          for (String fragment : fragments) {
            if (name != null) {
              if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.EDITOR))
                    "Add XML fragment; " + fragment + " to element with ref: " + ref);
              name = name.replace(COLON_SEPARATOR, ":");
              editLib.addFragment(schema, el, name, fragment);
            } else {
              if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.EDITOR))
                    "Add XML fragment; "
                        + fragment
                        + " to element with ref: "
                        + ref
                        + " replacing content.");

              // clean before update
              fragment = addNamespaceToFragment(fragment);

              // Add content
              el.addContent(Xml.loadString(fragment, false));

    // --- remove editing info

    return (Element) md.detach();
   * For Ajax Editing : removes an element from a metadata ([del] link).
   * @param dbms
   * @param session
   * @param id
   * @param ref
   * @param parentRef
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  public synchronized Element deleteElementEmbedded(
      Dbms dbms, UserSession session, String id, String ref, String parentRef) throws Exception {

    String schema = dataManager.getMetadataSchema(dbms, id);

    // --- get metadata from session
    Element md = getMetadataFromSession(session, id);

    // --- locate the geonet:info element and clone for later re-use
    Element info = (Element) (md.getChild(Edit.RootChild.INFO, Edit.NAMESPACE)).clone();
    md.removeChild(Edit.RootChild.INFO, Edit.NAMESPACE);

    // --- get element to remove
    EditLib editLib = dataManager.getEditLib();
    Element el = editLib.findElement(md, ref);

    if (el == null) throw new IllegalStateException(MSG_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND_AT_REF + ref);

    String uName = el.getName();
    Namespace ns = el.getNamespace();
    Element parent = el.getParentElement();
    Element result = null;
    if (parent != null) {
      int me = parent.indexOf(el);

      // --- check and see whether the element to be deleted is the last one of its kind
      Filter elFilter = new ElementFilter(uName, ns);
      if (parent.getContent(elFilter).size() == 1) {

        // --- get geonet child element with attribute name = unqualified name
        Filter chFilter = new ElementFilter(Edit.RootChild.CHILD, Edit.NAMESPACE);
        List children = parent.getContent(chFilter);

        for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
          Element ch = (Element) children.get(i);
          String name = ch.getAttributeValue("name");
          if (name != null && name.equals(uName)) {
            result = (Element) ch.clone();

        // -- now delete the element as requested

        // --- existing geonet child element not present so create it and insert it
        // --- where the last element was deleted
        if (result == null) {
          result = editLib.createElement(schema, el, parent);
          parent.addContent(me, result);

        result.setAttribute(Edit.ChildElem.Attr.PARENT, parentRef);
      // --- if not the last one then just delete it
      else {
    } else {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Element at ref = " + ref + " doesn't have a parent");

    // if we don't need a child then create a geonet:null element
    if (result == null) {
      result = new Element(Edit.RootChild.NULL, Edit.NAMESPACE);

    // --- reattach the info element to the metadata
    md.addContent((Element) info.clone());

    // --- store the metadata in the session again
    setMetadataIntoSession(session, (Element) md.clone(), id);

    return result;
   * For Ajax Editing : adds an element or an attribute to a metadata element ([add] link).
   * @param dbms
   * @param session
   * @param id
   * @param ref
   * @param name
   * @param childName
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  public synchronized Element addElementEmbedded(
      Dbms dbms, UserSession session, String id, String ref, String name, String childName)
      throws Exception {
    String schema = dataManager.getMetadataSchema(dbms, id);
    // --- get metadata from session
    Element md = getMetadataFromSession(session, id);

    // --- ref is parent element so find it
    EditLib editLib = dataManager.getEditLib();
    Element el = editLib.findElement(md, ref);
    if (el == null) throw new IllegalStateException(MSG_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND_AT_REF + ref);

    // --- locate the geonet:element and geonet:info elements and clone for
    // --- later re-use
    Element refEl = (Element) (el.getChild(Edit.RootChild.ELEMENT, Edit.NAMESPACE)).clone();
    Element info = (Element) (md.getChild(Edit.RootChild.INFO, Edit.NAMESPACE)).clone();
    md.removeChild(Edit.RootChild.INFO, Edit.NAMESPACE);

    Element child = null;
    MetadataSchema mds = dataManager.getSchema(schema);
    if (childName != null) {
      if (childName.equals("geonet:attribute")) {
        String defaultValue = "";
        List attributeDefs = el.getChildren(Edit.RootChild.ATTRIBUTE, Edit.NAMESPACE);
        for (Object a : attributeDefs) {
          Element attributeDef = (Element) a;
          if (attributeDef != null
              && attributeDef.getAttributeValue(Edit.Attribute.Attr.NAME).equals(name)) {
            Element defaultChild =
                attributeDef.getChild(Edit.Attribute.Child.DEFAULT, Edit.NAMESPACE);
            if (defaultChild != null) {
              defaultValue = defaultChild.getAttributeValue(Edit.Attribute.Attr.VALUE);

        Pair<Namespace, String> attInfo = parseAttributeName(name, ":", id, md, dbms, editLib);
        // --- Add new attribute with default value
        el.setAttribute(new Attribute(attInfo.two(), defaultValue, attInfo.one()));

        // TODO : add attribute should be false and del true after adding an attribute
        child = el;
      } else {
        // --- normal element
        child = editLib.addElement(schema, el, name);
        if (!childName.equals("")) {
          // --- or element
          String uChildName = editLib.getUnqualifiedName(childName);
          String prefix = editLib.getPrefix(childName);
          String ns = editLib.getNamespace(childName, md, mds);
          if (prefix.equals("")) {
            prefix = editLib.getPrefix(el.getName());
            ns = editLib.getNamespace(el.getName(), md, mds);
          Element orChild = new Element(uChildName, prefix, ns);

          // --- add mandatory sub-tags
          editLib.fillElement(schema, child, orChild);
    } else {
      child = editLib.addElement(schema, el, name);
    // --- now enumerate the new child (if not a simple attribute)
    if (childName == null || !childName.equals("geonet:attribute")) {
      // --- now add the geonet:element back again to keep ref number

      int iRef = editLib.findMaximumRef(md);
      editLib.expandElements(schema, child);
      editLib.enumerateTreeStartingAt(child, iRef + 1, Integer.parseInt(ref));

      // --- add editing info to everything from the parent down
      editLib.expandTree(mds, el);
    // --- attach the info element to the child

    // --- attach the info element to the metadata root)
    md.addContent((Element) info.clone());

    // --- store the metadata in the session again
    setMetadataIntoSession(session, (Element) md.clone(), id);

    // Return element added
    return child;
   * TODO javadoc.
   * @param dbms
   * @param id
   * @param changes
   * @param currVersion
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  private Element applyChanges(Dbms dbms, String id, Hashtable changes, String currVersion)
      throws Exception {
    Lib.resource.checkEditPrivilege(context, id);
    Element md = xmlSerializer.select(dbms, "Metadata", id, context);

    // --- check if the metadata has been deleted
    if (md == null) {
      return null;

    EditLib editLib = dataManager.getEditLib();

    String schema = dataManager.getMetadataSchema(dbms, id);
    editLib.expandElements(schema, md);

    // --- check if the metadata has been modified from last time
    if (currVersion != null && !editLib.getVersion(id).equals(currVersion)) {
      return null;

    // --- update elements
    for (Enumeration e = changes.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      String ref = ((String) e.nextElement()).trim();
      String val = ((String) changes.get(ref)).trim();
      String attr = null;

      if (updatedLocalizedTextElement(md, ref, val, editLib)) {

      int at = ref.indexOf('_');
      if (at != -1) {
        attr = ref.substring(at + 1);
        ref = ref.substring(0, at);
      boolean xmlContent = false;
      if (ref.startsWith("X")) {
        ref = ref.substring(1);
        xmlContent = true;
      Element el = editLib.findElement(md, ref);
      if (el == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Element not found at ref = " + ref);

      if (attr != null) {
        // The following work-around decodes any attribute name that has a COLON in it
        // The : is replaced by the word COLON in the xslt so that it can be processed
        // by the XML Serializer when an update is submitted - a better solution is
        // to modify the argument handler in Jeeves to store arguments with their name
        // as a value rather than as the element itself
        Integer indexColon = attr.indexOf("COLON");
        if (indexColon != -1) {
          String prefix = attr.substring(0, indexColon);
          String localname = attr.substring(indexColon + 5);
          String namespace =
              editLib.getNamespace(prefix + ":" + localname, md, dataManager.getSchema(schema));
          Namespace attrNS = Namespace.getNamespace(prefix, namespace);
          if (el.getAttribute(localname, attrNS) != null) {
            el.setAttribute(new Attribute(localname, val, attrNS));
          // End of work-around
        } else {
          if (el.getAttribute(attr) != null) el.setAttribute(new Attribute(attr, val));
      } else if (xmlContent) {
        if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.EDITOR)) Log.debug(Geonet.EDITOR, "replacing XML content");
        val = addNamespaceToFragment(val);
        el.addContent(Xml.loadString(val, false));
      } else {
        List content = el.getContent();
        for (int i = 0; i < content.size(); i++) {
          if (content.get(i) instanceof Text) {
            el.removeContent((Text) content.get(i));
    // --- remove editing info added by previous call

    return md;