public boolean run( CWVerboseStream stream ) { try { _db = _category.getDatabase( stream.verbose() ); _conn = _category.getJDBCConnection(); boolean result = true; for ( int i=0; i < 4; i++ ) { _cacheType = i; if ( !runOnce( stream ) ) result = false; } _db.close(); _conn.close(); if ( _errLeak ) System.out.println("Element leak happened!"); if ( _errCount ) System.out.println("Sum do not match!"); return result && !_errLeak && !_errCount; } catch ( Exception e ) { stream.write( "Error: "+ e ); return false; } }
public boolean runOnce( CWVerboseStream stream ) { OQLQuery oql; TestObjectEx object; Enumeration enum; Database db2; boolean result = true; try { // clear the table int del = _conn.createStatement().executeUpdate( "DELETE FROM test_race" ); stream.writeVerbose( "row deleted in table test_race: " + del ); _conn.commit(); switch ( _cacheType ) { case 0: _className = "jdo.TestRaceCount"; _classType = jdo.TestRaceCount.class; break; case 1: _className = "jdo.TestRaceTime"; _classType = jdo.TestRaceTime.class; break; case 2: _className = "jdo.TestRaceNone"; _classType = jdo.TestRaceNone.class; break; case 3: _className = "jdo.TestRaceUnlimited"; _classType = jdo.TestRaceUnlimited.class; break; } CreateDeleteThread cdThread = new CreateDeleteThread( stream, _category, _cacheType, NUM_OF_CREATE_DELETE ); ReadThread rThread = new ReadThread( stream, cdThread, _category, NUM_OF_READ ); cdThread.start(); rThread.start(); while ( !cdThread.isDone() /*&& !rThread.isDone()*/ ) { Thread.currentThread().sleep( 500 ); } // create threads, make a race so each thread // keeping increment to the pairs of number. } catch ( Exception except ) { stream.writeVerbose( "Error: " + except ); except.printStackTrace(); result = false; } return result; }
CreateDeleteThread( CWVerboseStream stream, JDOCategory c, int cachetype, int n ) throws Exception { this.db = c.getDatabase( stream.verbose() ); this.trial = n; = stream; this.ran = new Random(); this.cachetype = cachetype; }
ReadThread( CWVerboseStream stream, CreateDeleteThread other, JDOCategory c, int n ) throws Exception { this.db = c.getDatabase( stream.verbose() ); this.trial = n; = stream; this.ran = new Random(); this.other = other; }
public void run() { try { int num = 0; stream.writeVerbose("start testing"); TestRace tr; TestRace testrace; OQLQuery oql; QueryResults qr; boolean succeed; int trials; Integer id = new Integer(5); out: for ( int i=0; i<trial; i++ ) { // create, modified, delete object try { switch ( cachetype ) { case 0: testrace = new TestRaceCount(); testrace.setId(5); break; case 1: testrace = new TestRaceTime(); testrace.setId(5); break; case 2: testrace = new TestRaceNone(); testrace.setId(5); break; case 3: testrace = new TestRaceUnlimited(); testrace.setId(5); break; default: testrace = null; } // create object //try { db.begin(); db.create( testrace ); // may throw duplicateIdentityException db.commit(); //} catch ( Exception e ) { // e.printStackTrace(); //} // load it and modify it succeed = false; trials = 0; while ( !succeed && trials < NUM_OF_RETRIAL ) { Thread.currentThread().sleep( 0 ); trials++; try { db.begin(); tr = (TestRace) db.load( _classType, id ); // may throw ObjectNotFoundException // LockNotGrantedException tr.incValue1(); db.commit(); succeed = true; } catch ( LockNotGrantedException e ) { succeed = false; // ethernet way of retry if ( db.isActive() ) db.rollback(); Thread.currentThread().sleep( (long) ((SLEEP_BASE_TIME^trials) * ran.nextDouble()) ); } catch ( TransactionAbortedException e ) { succeed = false; // ethernet way of retry if ( db.isActive() ) db.rollback(); Thread.currentThread().sleep( (long) ((SLEEP_BASE_TIME^trials) * ran.nextDouble()) ); } } if ( db.isActive() ) db.rollback(); // load it and release it succeed = false; trials = 0; while ( !succeed && trials < NUM_OF_RETRIAL ) { Thread.currentThread().sleep( 0 ); trials++; try { db.begin(); tr = (TestRace) db.load( _classType, id ); // may throw ObjectNotFoundException // LockNotGrantedException db.commit(); succeed = true; } catch ( LockNotGrantedException e ) { succeed = false; // ethernet way of retry if ( db.isActive() ) db.rollback(); Thread.currentThread().sleep( (long) ((SLEEP_BASE_TIME^trials) * ran.nextDouble()) ); } } if ( db.isActive() ) db.rollback(); // load it and delete it succeed = false; trials = 0; while ( !succeed && trials < NUM_OF_RETRIAL ) { Thread.currentThread().sleep( 0 ); trials++; try { db.begin(); tr = (TestRace) db.load( _classType, id ); // may throw ObjectNotFoundException // LockNotGrantedException db.remove( tr ); db.commit(); succeed = true; } catch ( LockNotGrantedException e ) { succeed = false; if ( db.isActive() ) db.rollback(); Thread.currentThread().sleep( (long) ((SLEEP_BASE_TIME^trials) * ran.nextDouble()) ); } catch ( TransactionAbortedException e ) { succeed = false; // ethernet way of retry if ( db.isActive() ) db.rollback(); Thread.currentThread().sleep( (long) ((SLEEP_BASE_TIME^trials) * ran.nextDouble()) ); } } if ( db.isActive() ) db.rollback(); if ( !succeed ) throw new Exception("Transaction can't not lock the object within "+trials+" trials"); } catch ( TransactionNotInProgressException e ) { stream.writeVerbose( "Thread <CreateDelete> will be killed. Unexcepted exception: "+e.getException() ); e.printStackTrace(); if ( db.isActive() ) try { db.rollback(); } catch ( TransactionNotInProgressException ee ) {} _errLeak = true; break out; } catch ( PersistenceException e ) { stream.writeVerbose( "Thread <CreateDelete> will be killed. Unexcepted exception: " ); e.printStackTrace(); if ( db.isActive() ) try { db.rollback(); } catch ( TransactionNotInProgressException ee ) {} _errLeak = true; break out; } catch ( Exception e ) { stream.writeVerbose( "Thread <CreateDelete> will be killed. Element not found: other exception: "+e ); e.printStackTrace(); if ( db.isActive() ) try { db.rollback(); } catch ( TransactionNotInProgressException ee ) {} _errLeak = true; break out; } } } finally { isDone = true; } }
public boolean run(CWVerboseStream stream) { try { _db = _category.getDatabase(stream.verbose()); _conn = _category.getJDBCConnection(); stream.writeVerbose("Running..."); stream.writeVerbose(""); // delete everything _conn.createStatement().executeUpdate("DELETE test_serial"); _conn.commit(); // create new object with an serializable dependent object _db.begin(); TestSerial master = new TestSerial(); master.setId(1); master.setSerializableObject(new TestSerializableObject()); master.getSerializableObject().aCoolString = "Very cool!"; master.getSerializableObject().ints = new int[] {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}; _db.create(master); _db.commit(); // test if object created properly _db.begin(); TestSerial testSerial = (TestSerial) _db.load(TestSerial.class, new Integer(1)); if (testSerial == null) throw new Exception("Object creation failed!"); if (testSerial.getSerializableObject() == null || !testSerial.getSerializableObject().aCoolString.equals("Very cool!") || testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints == null || testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints.length != 5 || testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints[0] != 1 || testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints[1] != 3 || testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints[2] != 5 || testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints[3] != 7 || testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints[4] != 9) throw new Exception("dependent objects creation failed!" + testSerial); // modify the object testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints[1] = 103; testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints[3] = 107; testSerial.getSerializableObject().aCoolString = "Very very cool!"; _db.commit(); _db.begin(); testSerial = (TestSerial) _db.load(TestSerial.class, new Integer(1)); if (testSerial == null) throw new Exception("dependent modfiication failed!" + testSerial); if (testSerial.getSerializableObject() == null || !testSerial.getSerializableObject().aCoolString.equals("Very very cool!") || testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints == null || testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints.length != 5 || testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints[0] != 1 || testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints[1] != 103 || testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints[2] != 5 || testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints[3] != 107 || testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints[4] != 9) throw new Exception("dependent modification failed!" + testSerial); // set the field to null; testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints = null; testSerial.getSerializableObject().aCoolString = null; _db.commit(); _db.begin(); testSerial = (TestSerial) _db.load(TestSerial.class, new Integer(1)); if (testSerial == null) throw new Exception("dependent modfiication failed!" + testSerial); if (testSerial.getSerializableObject() == null || testSerial.getSerializableObject().aCoolString != null || testSerial.getSerializableObject().ints != null) throw new Exception("dependent modification failed!" + testSerial); // setSerializableObject( null ); testSerial.setSerializableObject(null); _db.commit(); _db.begin(); testSerial = (TestSerial) _db.load(TestSerial.class, new Integer(1)); if (testSerial == null) throw new Exception("dependent modfiication failed!" + testSerial); if (testSerial.getSerializableObject() != null) throw new Exception("dependent modification failed!" + testSerial); _db.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); stream.writeVerbose("Exception: " + e); try { if (_db.isActive()) _db.close(); return false; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } } return true; }