public static ProductData createProductData(int productDataType, Array values) { Object data = values.getStorage(); if (data instanceof char[]) { data = new String((char[]) data); } return ProductData.createInstance(productDataType, data); }
private void handleMetadataGroup(Group group, MetadataElement metadataElement) throws ProductIOException { List<Variable> variables = group.getVariables(); for (Variable variable : variables) { final String name = variable.getShortName(); final int dataType = getProductDataType(variable); Array array; try { array =; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProductIOException(e.getMessage()); } final ProductData data = ProductData.createInstance(dataType, array.getStorage()); final MetadataAttribute attribute = new MetadataAttribute("data", data, true); final MetadataElement sdsElement = new MetadataElement(name); sdsElement.addAttribute(attribute); metadataElement.addElement(sdsElement); final List<Attribute> list = variable.getAttributes(); for (Attribute hdfAttribute : list) { final String attribName = hdfAttribute.getShortName(); if ("units".equals(attribName)) { attribute.setUnit(hdfAttribute.getStringValue()); } else if ("long_name".equals(attribName)) { attribute.setDescription(hdfAttribute.getStringValue()); } else { addAttributeToElement(sdsElement, hdfAttribute); } } } }
public void addInputParamMetadata(Product product) throws ProductIOException { Variable inputParams = ncFile.findVariable("Input_Parameters"); if (inputParams != null) { final MetadataElement inputParamsMeta = new MetadataElement("Input_Parameters"); Array array; try { array =; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProductIOException(e.getMessage()); } String[] lines = array.toString().split("\n"); for (String line : lines) { String[] parts = line.split("="); if (parts.length == 2) { final String name = parts[0].trim(); final String value = parts[1].trim(); final ProductData data = ProductData.createInstance(ProductData.TYPE_ASCII, value); final MetadataAttribute attribute = new MetadataAttribute(name, data, true); inputParamsMeta.addAttribute(attribute); } } final MetadataElement metadataRoot = product.getMetadataRoot(); metadataRoot.addElement(inputParamsMeta); } }
private void readBandRasterDataSubSampling( Band sourceBand, int sourceOffsetX, int sourceOffsetY, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int sourceStepX, int sourceStepY, ProductData destBuffer, int destWidth, ProgressMonitor pm) throws IOException { final int sourceMinY = sourceOffsetY; final int sourceMaxY = sourceOffsetY + sourceHeight - 1; ProductData lineBuffer = ProductData.createInstance(destBuffer.getType(), sourceWidth); int destPos = 0; try { pm.beginTask("Reading sub sampled raster data...", 2 * (sourceMaxY - sourceMinY)); for (int sourceY = sourceMinY; sourceY <= sourceMaxY; sourceY += sourceStepY) { sourceBand.readRasterData( sourceOffsetX, sourceY, sourceWidth, 1, lineBuffer, SubProgressMonitor.create(pm, 1)); if (sourceStepX == 1) { copyData(lineBuffer, 0, destBuffer, destPos, destWidth); } else { copyLine(lineBuffer, 0, sourceWidth, sourceStepX, destBuffer, destPos); } pm.worked(1); destPos += destWidth; } } finally { pm.done(); } }
/** * Constructs a new field for the given field info. * * @param info the field info * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the field info is null */ protected Field(FieldInfo info) { Guardian.assertNotNull("info", info); _info = info; _data = ProductData.createInstance(info.getDataType(), info.getNumDataElems()); if (_data == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("field info has an unknown data type"); /*I18N*/ } }
MetadataAttribute attributeToMetadata(Attribute attribute) { final int productDataType = getProductDataType(attribute.getDataType(), false, false); if (productDataType != -1) { ProductData productData; if (attribute.isString()) { productData = ProductData.createInstance(attribute.getStringValue()); } else if (attribute.isArray()) { productData = ProductData.createInstance(productDataType, attribute.getLength()); productData.setElems(attribute.getValues().getStorage()); } else { productData = ProductData.createInstance(productDataType, 1); productData.setElems(attribute.getValues().getStorage()); } return new MetadataAttribute(attribute.getShortName(), productData, true); } return null; }
public ProductData readData(Variable variable) throws ProductIOException { final int dataType = getProductDataType(variable); Array array; try { array =; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProductIOException(e.getMessage()); } return ProductData.createInstance(dataType, array.getStorage()); }
/** Creates Metadata nodes for all the necessary information. */ protected MetadataElement[] getMetadata() { MetadataElement[] metadata = new MetadataElement[2]; MetadataElement fileList = new MetadataElement("Input_Products"); final String[] productList = context.getProcessedProducts(); String keyString; for (int n = 0; n < productList.length; n++) { keyString = "Product." + n; fileList.addAttribute( new MetadataAttribute(keyString, ProductData.createInstance(productList[n]), true)); } metadata[0] = fileList; MetadataElement binParams = new MetadataElement("Binning_Parameter"); binParams.addAttribute( new MetadataAttribute( "Resampling_Type", ProductData.createInstance(context.getResamplingType()), true)); final String cellSizeName; if (L3Constants.RESAMPLING_TYPE_VALUE_BINNING.equals(context.getResamplingType())) { cellSizeName = "Bin_Size_In_Km"; } else { cellSizeName = "Bins_Per_Degree"; } binParams.addAttribute( new MetadataAttribute( cellSizeName, ProductData.createInstance(new float[] {context.getGridCellSize()}), true)); final L3Context.BandDefinition[] bandDefs = context.getBandDefinitions(); for (int bandIndex = 0; bandIndex < bandDefs.length; bandIndex++) { final L3Context.BandDefinition bandDef = bandDefs[bandIndex]; binParams.addAttribute( new MetadataAttribute( "Geophysical_Parameter_" + bandIndex, ProductData.createInstance(bandDef.getBandName()), true)); binParams.addAttribute( new MetadataAttribute( "Bitmask_" + bandIndex, ProductData.createInstance(bandDef.getBitmaskExp()), true)); binParams.addAttribute( new MetadataAttribute( "Algorithm_" + bandIndex, ProductData.createInstance(bandDef.getAlgorithm().getTypeString()), true)); } metadata[1] = binParams; return metadata; }
// Don't do hurts. Too much of a memory hog... private void addBandsBinMap(Product product) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException { String[] bandList = product.getBandNames(); if (rowInfo == null) { rowInfo = createRowInfos(); } final int height = sceneHeight; final int width = sceneWidth; final ISINGrid grid = this.grid; // loop over lines try { int[] lineOffsets = new int[1]; int[] lineLengths = new int[1]; int[] stride = new int[1]; stride[0] = 1; // for (int y = sourceOffsetY; y < sourceOffsetY + sourceHeight; y++) { for (String name : bandList) { if (name.endsWith("mean") || name.endsWith("stdev")) continue; Band band = product.getBand(name); ProductData buffer; final Variable variable = variableMap.get(band); DataType prodtype = variable.getDataType(); float[] fbuffer = new float[width * height]; short[] sbuffer = new short[width * height]; int[] ibuffer = new int[width * height]; byte[] bbuffer = new byte[width * height]; if (prodtype == DataType.FLOAT) { Arrays.fill(fbuffer, Float.NaN); buffer = ProductData.createInstance(fbuffer); } else if (prodtype == DataType.SHORT) { Arrays.fill(sbuffer, (short) -999); buffer = ProductData.createInstance(sbuffer); } else if (prodtype == DataType.BYTE) { Arrays.fill(bbuffer, (byte) 255); buffer = ProductData.createInstance(bbuffer); } else { Arrays.fill(ibuffer, -999); buffer = ProductData.createInstance(ibuffer); } for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { final int rowIndex = (height - 1) - y; final RowInfo rowInfo = this.rowInfo[rowIndex]; if (rowInfo != null) { final Array bindata; final int lineOffset = rowInfo.offset; final int lineLength = rowInfo.length; lineOffsets[0] = lineOffset; lineLengths[0] = lineLength; synchronized (ncFile) { bindata = variable .read() .section(lineOffsets, lineLengths, stride); // .copyTo1DJavaArray(); } int lineIndex0 = 0; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { final double lon = x * 360.0 / width; final int binIndex = grid.getBinIndex(rowIndex, lon); int lineIndex = -1; for (int i = lineIndex0; i < lineLength; i++) { int binidx = bins[lineOffset + i]; if (binidx >= binIndex) { if (binidx == binIndex) { lineIndex = i; } lineIndex0 = i; break; } } if (lineIndex >= 0) { final int rasterIndex = width * y + x; final Array elem; elem = Array.factory(bindata.copyTo1DJavaArray()); for (int i = 0; i < elem.getSize(); i++) { if (prodtype == DataType.FLOAT) { buffer.setElemFloatAt(rasterIndex, elem.getFloat(i)); } else { buffer.setElemIntAt(rasterIndex, elem.getInt(i)); } // System.arraycopy(bindata, lineIndex, buffer, // rasterIndex, 1); } } } } } band.setDataElems(buffer); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Could not map product " + product.getName(), e); } }
public MetadataElement getAsMetadataElement(CompoundData compoundData) throws IOException { CompoundType type = compoundData.getType(); final int memberCount = type.getMemberCount(); MetadataElement metadataElement = new MetadataElement(type.getName()); for (int i = 0; i < memberCount; i++) { String typeName = type.getMemberName(i); CompoundMember member = type.getMember(i); FormatMetadata formatMetadata = (FormatMetadata) member.getMetadata(); if (typeName.equals("fill")) { // ignore } else if (formatMetadata != null && formatMetadata.getType().equals("string")) { String stringValue = getAsString(compoundData.getSequence(i)); Map<Object, String> map = getMetaData(member).getItemMap(); if (map != null) { stringValue = map.get(stringValue); } ProductData data = ProductData.createInstance(stringValue); MetadataAttribute attribute = new MetadataAttribute(typeName, data, true); attribute.setDescription(getDescription(member)); attribute.setUnit(getUnits(member)); metadataElement.addAttribute(attribute); } else if (member.getType().getName().equals("DATE")) { CompoundData dateCompound = compoundData.getCompound(i); ProductData data = createDate(dateCompound); MetadataAttribute attribute = new MetadataAttribute(typeName, data, true); attribute.setDescription(getDescription(member)); attribute.setUnit(getUnits(member)); metadataElement.addAttribute(attribute); } else if (member.getType().isSequenceType()) { SequenceData sequence = compoundData.getSequence(i); for (int j = 0; j < sequence.getType().getElementCount(); j++) { CompoundData compound = sequence.getCompound(j); metadataElement.addElement(getAsMetadataElement(compound)); } } else if (member.getType().isCompoundType()) { metadataElement.addElement(getAsMetadataElement(compoundData.getCompound(i))); } else if (member.getType().isSimpleType()) { int intValue = compoundData.getInt(i); Map<Object, String> map = getMetaData(member).getItemMap(); ProductData data; if (map != null) { String stringValue = map.get(intValue); data = ProductData.createInstance(stringValue); } else { double scalingFactor = getMetaData(member).getScalingFactor(); if (scalingFactor == 1.0) { data = ProductData.createInstance(new int[] {intValue}); } else { data = ProductData.createInstance(new double[] {intValue * scalingFactor}); } } MetadataAttribute attribute = new MetadataAttribute(typeName, data, true); attribute.setDescription(getDescription(member)); attribute.setUnit(getUnits(member)); metadataElement.addAttribute(attribute); } else { System.out.println("not handled: name=" + typeName); System.out.println("member = " + member.getType()); } } return metadataElement; }