@Test @TestLogging(value = "cluster.service:TRACE") public void testDeleteCreateInOneBulk() throws Exception { internalCluster() .startNodesAsync( 2, Settings.builder().put(DiscoveryModule.DISCOVERY_TYPE_KEY, "zen").build()) .get(); assertFalse(client().admin().cluster().prepareHealth().setWaitForNodes("2").get().isTimedOut()); prepareCreate("test") .setSettings(IndexMetaData.SETTING_AUTO_EXPAND_REPLICAS, true) .addMapping("type") .get(); ensureGreen("test"); // now that the cluster is stable, remove publishing timeout assertAcked( client() .admin() .cluster() .prepareUpdateSettings() .setTransientSettings(Settings.builder().put(DiscoverySettings.PUBLISH_TIMEOUT, "0"))); Set<String> nodes = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(internalCluster().getNodeNames())); nodes.remove(internalCluster().getMasterName()); // block none master node. BlockClusterStateProcessing disruption = new BlockClusterStateProcessing(nodes.iterator().next(), getRandom()); internalCluster().setDisruptionScheme(disruption); logger.info("--> indexing a doc"); index("test", "type", "1"); refresh(); disruption.startDisrupting(); logger.info("--> delete index and recreate it"); assertFalse( client() .admin() .indices() .prepareDelete("test") .setTimeout("200ms") .get() .isAcknowledged()); assertFalse( prepareCreate("test") .setTimeout("200ms") .setSettings(IndexMetaData.SETTING_AUTO_EXPAND_REPLICAS, true) .get() .isAcknowledged()); logger.info("--> letting cluster proceed"); disruption.stopDisrupting(); ensureGreen(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(30), "test"); assertHitCount(client().prepareSearch("test").get(), 0); }
public void testDelayedMappingPropagationOnReplica() throws Exception { // This is essentially the same thing as testDelayedMappingPropagationOnPrimary // but for replicas // Here we want to test that everything goes well if the mappings that // are needed for a document are not available on the replica at the // time of indexing it final List<String> nodeNames = internalCluster().startNodesAsync(2).get(); assertFalse(client().admin().cluster().prepareHealth().setWaitForNodes("2").get().isTimedOut()); final String master = internalCluster().getMasterName(); assertThat(nodeNames, hasItem(master)); String otherNode = null; for (String node : nodeNames) { if (node.equals(master) == false) { otherNode = node; break; } } assertNotNull(otherNode); // Force allocation of the primary on the master node by first only allocating on the master // and then allowing all nodes so that the replica gets allocated on the other node assertAcked( prepareCreate("index") .setSettings( Settings.builder() .put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS, 1) .put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS, 1) .put("index.routing.allocation.include._name", master)) .get()); assertAcked( client() .admin() .indices() .prepareUpdateSettings("index") .setSettings(Settings.builder().put("index.routing.allocation.include._name", "")) .get()); ensureGreen(); // Check routing tables ClusterState state = client().admin().cluster().prepareState().get().getState(); assertEquals(master, state.nodes().masterNode().name()); List<ShardRouting> shards = state.routingTable().allShards("index"); assertThat(shards, hasSize(2)); for (ShardRouting shard : shards) { if (shard.primary()) { // primary must be on the master assertEquals(state.nodes().masterNodeId(), shard.currentNodeId()); } else { assertTrue(shard.active()); } } // Block cluster state processing on the replica BlockClusterStateProcessing disruption = new BlockClusterStateProcessing(otherNode, getRandom()); internalCluster().setDisruptionScheme(disruption); disruption.startDisrupting(); final AtomicReference<Object> putMappingResponse = new AtomicReference<>(); client() .admin() .indices() .preparePutMapping("index") .setType("type") .setSource("field", "type=long") .execute( new ActionListener<PutMappingResponse>() { @Override public void onResponse(PutMappingResponse response) { putMappingResponse.set(response); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e) { putMappingResponse.set(e); } }); // Wait for mappings to be available on master assertBusy( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final IndicesService indicesService = internalCluster().getInstance(IndicesService.class, master); final IndexService indexService = indicesService.indexServiceSafe("index"); assertNotNull(indexService); final MapperService mapperService = indexService.mapperService(); DocumentMapper mapper = mapperService.documentMapper("type"); assertNotNull(mapper); assertNotNull(mapper.mappers().getMapper("field")); } }); final AtomicReference<Object> docIndexResponse = new AtomicReference<>(); client() .prepareIndex("index", "type", "1") .setSource("field", 42) .execute( new ActionListener<IndexResponse>() { @Override public void onResponse(IndexResponse response) { docIndexResponse.set(response); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e) { docIndexResponse.set(e); } }); // Wait for document to be indexed on primary assertBusy( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { assertTrue( client() .prepareGet("index", "type", "1") .setPreference("_primary") .get() .isExists()); } }); // The mappings have not been propagated to the replica yet as a consequence the document count // not be indexed // We wait on purpose to make sure that the document is not indexed because the shard operation // is stalled // and not just because it takes time to replicate the indexing request to the replica Thread.sleep(100); assertThat(putMappingResponse.get(), equalTo(null)); assertThat(docIndexResponse.get(), equalTo(null)); // Now make sure the indexing request finishes successfully disruption.stopDisrupting(); assertBusy( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { assertThat(putMappingResponse.get(), instanceOf(PutMappingResponse.class)); PutMappingResponse resp = (PutMappingResponse) putMappingResponse.get(); assertTrue(resp.isAcknowledged()); assertThat(docIndexResponse.get(), instanceOf(IndexResponse.class)); IndexResponse docResp = (IndexResponse) docIndexResponse.get(); assertEquals( Arrays.toString(docResp.getShardInfo().getFailures()), 2, docResp.getShardInfo().getTotal()); // both shards should have succeeded } }); }
public void testDelayedMappingPropagationOnPrimary() throws Exception { // Here we want to test that things go well if there is a first request // that adds mappings but before mappings are propagated to all nodes // another index request introduces the same mapping. The master node // will reply immediately since it did not change the cluster state // but the change might not be on the node that performed the indexing // operation yet Settings settings = Settings.builder().put(DiscoverySettings.PUBLISH_TIMEOUT, "0ms").build(); final List<String> nodeNames = internalCluster().startNodesAsync(2, settings).get(); assertFalse(client().admin().cluster().prepareHealth().setWaitForNodes("2").get().isTimedOut()); final String master = internalCluster().getMasterName(); assertThat(nodeNames, hasItem(master)); String otherNode = null; for (String node : nodeNames) { if (node.equals(master) == false) { otherNode = node; break; } } assertNotNull(otherNode); // Don't allocate the shard on the master node assertAcked( prepareCreate("index") .setSettings( Settings.builder() .put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS, 1) .put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS, 0) .put("index.routing.allocation.exclude._name", master)) .get()); ensureGreen(); // Check routing tables ClusterState state = client().admin().cluster().prepareState().get().getState(); assertEquals(master, state.nodes().masterNode().name()); List<ShardRouting> shards = state.routingTable().allShards("index"); assertThat(shards, hasSize(1)); for (ShardRouting shard : shards) { if (shard.primary()) { // primary must not be on the master node assertFalse(state.nodes().masterNodeId().equals(shard.currentNodeId())); } else { fail(); // only primaries } } // Block cluster state processing where our shard is BlockClusterStateProcessing disruption = new BlockClusterStateProcessing(otherNode, getRandom()); internalCluster().setDisruptionScheme(disruption); disruption.startDisrupting(); // Add a new mapping... final AtomicReference<Object> putMappingResponse = new AtomicReference<>(); client() .admin() .indices() .preparePutMapping("index") .setType("type") .setSource("field", "type=long") .execute( new ActionListener<PutMappingResponse>() { @Override public void onResponse(PutMappingResponse response) { putMappingResponse.set(response); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e) { putMappingResponse.set(e); } }); // ...and wait for mappings to be available on master assertBusy( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ImmutableOpenMap<String, MappingMetaData> indexMappings = client() .admin() .indices() .prepareGetMappings("index") .get() .getMappings() .get("index"); assertNotNull(indexMappings); MappingMetaData typeMappings = indexMappings.get("type"); assertNotNull(typeMappings); Object properties; try { properties = typeMappings.getSourceAsMap().get("properties"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } assertNotNull(properties); Object fieldMapping = ((Map<String, Object>) properties).get("field"); assertNotNull(fieldMapping); } }); final AtomicReference<Object> docIndexResponse = new AtomicReference<>(); client() .prepareIndex("index", "type", "1") .setSource("field", 42) .execute( new ActionListener<IndexResponse>() { @Override public void onResponse(IndexResponse response) { docIndexResponse.set(response); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e) { docIndexResponse.set(e); } }); // Wait a bit to make sure that the reason why we did not get a response // is that cluster state processing is blocked and not just that it takes // time to process the indexing request Thread.sleep(100); assertThat(putMappingResponse.get(), equalTo(null)); assertThat(docIndexResponse.get(), equalTo(null)); // Now make sure the indexing request finishes successfully disruption.stopDisrupting(); assertBusy( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { assertThat(putMappingResponse.get(), instanceOf(PutMappingResponse.class)); PutMappingResponse resp = (PutMappingResponse) putMappingResponse.get(); assertTrue(resp.isAcknowledged()); assertThat(docIndexResponse.get(), instanceOf(IndexResponse.class)); IndexResponse docResp = (IndexResponse) docIndexResponse.get(); assertEquals( Arrays.toString(docResp.getShardInfo().getFailures()), 1, docResp.getShardInfo().getTotal()); } }); }