protected void initialize( BlobStore blobStore, ClusterName clusterName, @Nullable ByteSizeValue defaultChunkSize) throws IOException { this.blobStore = blobStore; this.chunkSize = componentSettings.getAsBytesSize("chunk_size", defaultChunkSize); this.basePath = BlobPath.cleanPath().add(clusterName.value()); this.metaDataBlobContainer = blobStore.immutableBlobContainer(basePath.add("metadata")); this.currentIndex = findLatestIndex(); this.compress = componentSettings.getAsBoolean("compress", true); logger.debug("Latest metadata found at index [" + currentIndex + "]"); }
/** * Delete an arbitrary BlobPath from our store. * * @param path The blob path to delete */ @Override public void delete(BlobPath path) { String keyPath = path.buildAsString("/"); if (!keyPath.isEmpty()) { keyPath = keyPath + "/"; } StoredObject obj = swift().getObject(keyPath); if (obj.exists()) { obj.delete(); } }
/** * Builds URL using base URL and specified path * * @param path relative path * @return Base URL + path * @throws MalformedURLException */ private URL buildPath(BlobPath path) throws MalformedURLException { String[] paths = path.toArray(); if (paths.length == 0) { return path(); } URL blobPath = new URL(this.path, paths[0] + "/"); if (paths.length > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < paths.length; i++) { blobPath = new URL(blobPath, paths[i] + "/"); } } return blobPath; }
/** * Constructs new shared file system repository * * @param name repository name * @param repositorySettings repository settings * @param indexShardRepository index shard repository * @param s3Service S3 service * @throws IOException */ @Inject public S3Repository( RepositoryName name, RepositorySettings repositorySettings, IndexShardRepository indexShardRepository, AwsS3Service s3Service) throws IOException { super(name.getName(), repositorySettings, indexShardRepository); String bucket = repositorySettings.settings().get("bucket", componentSettings.get("bucket")); if (bucket == null) { throw new RepositoryException(, "No bucket defined for s3 gateway"); } String region = repositorySettings.settings().get("region", componentSettings.get("region")); if (region == null) { // Bucket setting is not set - use global region setting String regionSetting = repositorySettings.settings().get("", settings.get("")); if (regionSetting != null) { regionSetting = regionSetting.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if ("us-east".equals(regionSetting)) { // Default bucket - setting region to null region = null; } else if ("us-east-1".equals(regionSetting)) { region = null; } else if ("us-west".equals(regionSetting)) { region = "us-west-1"; } else if ("us-west-1".equals(regionSetting)) { region = "us-west-1"; } else if ("us-west-2".equals(regionSetting)) { region = "us-west-2"; } else if ("ap-southeast".equals(regionSetting)) { region = "ap-southeast-1"; } else if ("ap-southeast-1".equals(regionSetting)) { region = "ap-southeast-1"; } else if ("ap-southeast-2".equals(regionSetting)) { region = "ap-southeast-2"; } else if ("ap-northeast".equals(regionSetting)) { region = "ap-northeast-1"; } else if ("ap-northeast-1".equals(regionSetting)) { region = "ap-northeast-1"; } else if ("eu-west".equals(regionSetting)) { region = "EU"; } else if ("eu-west-1".equals(regionSetting)) { region = "EU"; } else if ("sa-east".equals(regionSetting)) { region = "sa-east-1"; } else if ("sa-east-1".equals(regionSetting)) { region = "sa-east-1"; } } } int concurrentStreams = repositorySettings .settings() .getAsInt("concurrent_streams", componentSettings.getAsInt("concurrent_streams", 5)); ExecutorService concurrentStreamPool = EsExecutors.newScaling( 1, concurrentStreams, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, EsExecutors.daemonThreadFactory(settings, "[s3_stream]")); boolean serverSideEncryption = repositorySettings .settings() .getAsBoolean( "server_side_encryption", componentSettings.getAsBoolean("server_side_encryption", false)); logger.debug( "using bucket [{}], region [{}], chunk_size [{}], concurrent_streams [{}], server_side_encryption [{}]", bucket, region, chunkSize, concurrentStreams, serverSideEncryption); blobStore = new S3BlobStore( settings, s3Service.client( region, repositorySettings.settings().get("access_key"), repositorySettings.settings().get("secret_key")), bucket, region, concurrentStreamPool, serverSideEncryption); this.chunkSize = repositorySettings .settings() .getAsBytesSize( "chunk_size", componentSettings.getAsBytesSize( "chunk_size", new ByteSizeValue(100, ByteSizeUnit.MB))); this.compress = repositorySettings .settings() .getAsBoolean("compress", componentSettings.getAsBoolean("compress", false)); String basePath = repositorySettings.settings().get("base_path", null); if (Strings.hasLength(basePath)) { BlobPath path = new BlobPath(); for (String elem : Strings.splitStringToArray(basePath, '/')) { path = path.add(elem); } this.basePath = path; } else { this.basePath = BlobPath.cleanPath(); } }
public BlobPath shardPath(int shardId) { return indexPath.add(Integer.toString(shardId)); }
@Override public void reset() throws Exception { blobStore.delete(BlobPath.cleanPath()); }