@Override public void onAckTimeout() { try { listener.onAckTimeout(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception thrown by listener while notifying on ack timeout", e); } }
@Override public void onTimeout() { if (countDown.fastForward()) { logger.trace( "timeout waiting for acknowledgement for cluster_state update (version: {})", clusterStateVersion); ackedTaskListener.onAckTimeout(); } }
<T> void runTasksForExecutor(ClusterStateTaskExecutor<T> executor) { final ArrayList<UpdateTask<T>> toExecute = new ArrayList<>(); final Map<String, ArrayList<T>> processTasksBySource = new HashMap<>(); synchronized (updateTasksPerExecutor) { List<UpdateTask> pending = updateTasksPerExecutor.remove(executor); if (pending != null) { for (UpdateTask<T> task : pending) { if (task.processed.getAndSet(true) == false) { logger.trace("will process {}", task.toString(executor)); toExecute.add(task); processTasksBySource .computeIfAbsent(task.source, s -> new ArrayList<>()) .add(task.task); } else { logger.trace("skipping {}, already processed", task.toString(executor)); } } } } if (toExecute.isEmpty()) { return; } final String tasksSummary = processTasksBySource .entrySet() .stream() .map( entry -> { String tasks = executor.describeTasks(entry.getValue()); return tasks.isEmpty() ? entry.getKey() : entry.getKey() + "[" + tasks + "]"; }) .reduce((s1, s2) -> s1 + ", " + s2) .orElse(""); if (!lifecycle.started()) { logger.debug("processing [{}]: ignoring, cluster_service not started", tasksSummary); return; } logger.debug("processing [{}]: execute", tasksSummary); ClusterState previousClusterState = clusterState; if (!previousClusterState.nodes().isLocalNodeElectedMaster() && executor.runOnlyOnMaster()) { logger.debug("failing [{}]: local node is no longer master", tasksSummary); toExecute.stream().forEach(task -> task.listener.onNoLongerMaster(task.source)); return; } ClusterStateTaskExecutor.BatchResult<T> batchResult; long startTimeNS = currentTimeInNanos(); try { List<T> inputs = toExecute.stream().map(tUpdateTask -> tUpdateTask.task).collect(Collectors.toList()); batchResult = executor.execute(previousClusterState, inputs); } catch (Exception e) { TimeValue executionTime = TimeValue.timeValueMillis( Math.max(0, TimeValue.nsecToMSec(currentTimeInNanos() - startTimeNS))); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace( (Supplier<?>) () -> new ParameterizedMessage( "failed to execute cluster state update in [{}], state:\nversion [{}], source [{}]\n{}{}{}", executionTime, previousClusterState.version(), tasksSummary, previousClusterState.nodes().prettyPrint(), previousClusterState.routingTable().prettyPrint(), previousClusterState.getRoutingNodes().prettyPrint()), e); } warnAboutSlowTaskIfNeeded(executionTime, tasksSummary); batchResult = ClusterStateTaskExecutor.BatchResult.<T>builder() .failures(toExecute.stream().map(updateTask -> updateTask.task)::iterator, e) .build(previousClusterState); } assert batchResult.executionResults != null; assert batchResult.executionResults.size() == toExecute.size() : String.format( Locale.ROOT, "expected [%d] task result%s but was [%d]", toExecute.size(), toExecute.size() == 1 ? "" : "s", batchResult.executionResults.size()); boolean assertsEnabled = false; assert (assertsEnabled = true); if (assertsEnabled) { for (UpdateTask<T> updateTask : toExecute) { assert batchResult.executionResults.containsKey(updateTask.task) : "missing task result for " + updateTask.toString(executor); } } ClusterState newClusterState = batchResult.resultingState; final ArrayList<UpdateTask<T>> proccessedListeners = new ArrayList<>(); // fail all tasks that have failed and extract those that are waiting for results for (UpdateTask<T> updateTask : toExecute) { assert batchResult.executionResults.containsKey(updateTask.task) : "missing " + updateTask.toString(executor); final ClusterStateTaskExecutor.TaskResult executionResult = batchResult.executionResults.get(updateTask.task); executionResult.handle( () -> proccessedListeners.add(updateTask), ex -> { logger.debug( (Supplier<?>) () -> new ParameterizedMessage( "cluster state update task {} failed", updateTask.toString(executor)), ex); updateTask.listener.onFailure(updateTask.source, ex); }); } if (previousClusterState == newClusterState) { for (UpdateTask<T> task : proccessedListeners) { if (task.listener instanceof AckedClusterStateTaskListener) { // no need to wait for ack if nothing changed, the update can be counted as acknowledged ((AckedClusterStateTaskListener) task.listener).onAllNodesAcked(null); } task.listener.clusterStateProcessed(task.source, previousClusterState, newClusterState); } TimeValue executionTime = TimeValue.timeValueMillis( Math.max(0, TimeValue.nsecToMSec(currentTimeInNanos() - startTimeNS))); logger.debug( "processing [{}]: took [{}] no change in cluster_state", tasksSummary, executionTime); warnAboutSlowTaskIfNeeded(executionTime, tasksSummary); return; } try { ArrayList<Discovery.AckListener> ackListeners = new ArrayList<>(); if (newClusterState.nodes().isLocalNodeElectedMaster()) { // only the master controls the version numbers Builder builder = ClusterState.builder(newClusterState).incrementVersion(); if (previousClusterState.routingTable() != newClusterState.routingTable()) { builder.routingTable( RoutingTable.builder(newClusterState.routingTable()) .version(newClusterState.routingTable().version() + 1) .build()); } if (previousClusterState.metaData() != newClusterState.metaData()) { builder.metaData( MetaData.builder(newClusterState.metaData()) .version(newClusterState.metaData().version() + 1)); } newClusterState = builder.build(); for (UpdateTask<T> task : proccessedListeners) { if (task.listener instanceof AckedClusterStateTaskListener) { final AckedClusterStateTaskListener ackedListener = (AckedClusterStateTaskListener) task.listener; if (ackedListener.ackTimeout() == null || ackedListener.ackTimeout().millis() == 0) { ackedListener.onAckTimeout(); } else { try { ackListeners.add( new AckCountDownListener( ackedListener, newClusterState.version(), newClusterState.nodes(), threadPool)); } catch (EsRejectedExecutionException ex) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Couldn't schedule timeout thread - node might be shutting down", ex); } // timeout straightaway, otherwise we could wait forever as the timeout thread has // not started ackedListener.onAckTimeout(); } } } } } final Discovery.AckListener ackListener = new DelegetingAckListener(ackListeners); newClusterState.status(ClusterState.ClusterStateStatus.BEING_APPLIED); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace( "cluster state updated, source [{}]\n{}", tasksSummary, newClusterState.prettyPrint()); } else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "cluster state updated, version [{}], source [{}]", newClusterState.version(), tasksSummary); } ClusterChangedEvent clusterChangedEvent = new ClusterChangedEvent(tasksSummary, newClusterState, previousClusterState); // new cluster state, notify all listeners final DiscoveryNodes.Delta nodesDelta = clusterChangedEvent.nodesDelta(); if (nodesDelta.hasChanges() && logger.isInfoEnabled()) { String summary = nodesDelta.shortSummary(); if (summary.length() > 0) { logger.info("{}, reason: {}", summary, tasksSummary); } } nodeConnectionsService.connectToAddedNodes(clusterChangedEvent); // if we are the master, publish the new state to all nodes // we publish here before we send a notification to all the listeners, since if it fails // we don't want to notify if (newClusterState.nodes().isLocalNodeElectedMaster()) { logger.debug("publishing cluster state version [{}]", newClusterState.version()); try { clusterStatePublisher.accept(clusterChangedEvent, ackListener); } catch (Discovery.FailedToCommitClusterStateException t) { final long version = newClusterState.version(); logger.warn( (Supplier<?>) () -> new ParameterizedMessage( "failing [{}]: failed to commit cluster state version [{}]", tasksSummary, version), t); proccessedListeners.forEach(task -> task.listener.onFailure(task.source, t)); return; } } // update the current cluster state clusterState = newClusterState; logger.debug("set local cluster state to version {}", newClusterState.version()); try { // nothing to do until we actually recover from the gateway or any other block indicates we // need to disable persistency if (clusterChangedEvent.state().blocks().disableStatePersistence() == false && clusterChangedEvent.metaDataChanged()) { final Settings incomingSettings = clusterChangedEvent.state().metaData().settings(); clusterSettings.applySettings(incomingSettings); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("failed to apply cluster settings", ex); } for (ClusterStateListener listener : preAppliedListeners) { try { listener.clusterChanged(clusterChangedEvent); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("failed to notify ClusterStateListener", ex); } } nodeConnectionsService.disconnectFromRemovedNodes(clusterChangedEvent); newClusterState.status(ClusterState.ClusterStateStatus.APPLIED); for (ClusterStateListener listener : postAppliedListeners) { try { listener.clusterChanged(clusterChangedEvent); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("failed to notify ClusterStateListener", ex); } } // manual ack only from the master at the end of the publish if (newClusterState.nodes().isLocalNodeElectedMaster()) { try { ackListener.onNodeAck(newClusterState.nodes().getLocalNode(), null); } catch (Exception e) { final DiscoveryNode localNode = newClusterState.nodes().getLocalNode(); logger.debug( (Supplier<?>) () -> new ParameterizedMessage( "error while processing ack for master node [{}]", localNode), e); } } for (UpdateTask<T> task : proccessedListeners) { task.listener.clusterStateProcessed(task.source, previousClusterState, newClusterState); } try { executor.clusterStatePublished(clusterChangedEvent); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( (Supplier<?>) () -> new ParameterizedMessage( "exception thrown while notifying executor of new cluster state publication [{}]", tasksSummary), e); } TimeValue executionTime = TimeValue.timeValueMillis( Math.max(0, TimeValue.nsecToMSec(currentTimeInNanos() - startTimeNS))); logger.debug( "processing [{}]: took [{}] done applying updated cluster_state (version: {}, uuid: {})", tasksSummary, executionTime, newClusterState.version(), newClusterState.stateUUID()); warnAboutSlowTaskIfNeeded(executionTime, tasksSummary); } catch (Exception e) { TimeValue executionTime = TimeValue.timeValueMillis( Math.max(0, TimeValue.nsecToMSec(currentTimeInNanos() - startTimeNS))); final long version = newClusterState.version(); final String stateUUID = newClusterState.stateUUID(); final String prettyPrint = newClusterState.prettyPrint(); logger.warn( (Supplier<?>) () -> new ParameterizedMessage( "failed to apply updated cluster state in [{}]:\nversion [{}], uuid [{}], source [{}]\n{}", executionTime, version, stateUUID, tasksSummary, prettyPrint), e); // TODO: do we want to call updateTask.onFailure here? } }