public boolean equalsAliases(MetaData other) { for (ObjectCursor<IndexMetaData> cursor : other.indices().values()) { IndexMetaData otherIndex = cursor.value; IndexMetaData thisIndex = index(otherIndex.getIndex()); if (thisIndex == null) { return false; } if (otherIndex.getAliases().equals(thisIndex.getAliases()) == false) { return false; } } return true; }
public static void toXContent( IndexMetaData indexMetaData, XContentBuilder builder, ToXContent.Params params) throws IOException { builder.startObject( indexMetaData.getIndex().getName(), XContentBuilder.FieldCaseConversion.NONE); builder.field("version", indexMetaData.getVersion()); builder.field("state", indexMetaData.getState().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); boolean binary = params.paramAsBoolean("binary", false); builder.startObject("settings"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : indexMetaData.getSettings().getAsMap().entrySet()) { builder.field(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } builder.endObject(); builder.startArray("mappings"); for (ObjectObjectCursor<String, MappingMetaData> cursor : indexMetaData.getMappings()) { if (binary) { builder.value(cursor.value.source().compressed()); } else { byte[] data = cursor.value.source().uncompressed(); XContentParser parser = XContentFactory.xContent(data).createParser(data); Map<String, Object> mapping = parser.mapOrdered(); parser.close();; } } builder.endArray(); for (ObjectObjectCursor<String, Custom> cursor : indexMetaData.getCustoms()) { builder.startObject(cursor.key, XContentBuilder.FieldCaseConversion.NONE); cursor.value.toXContent(builder, params); builder.endObject(); } builder.startObject("aliases"); for (ObjectCursor<AliasMetaData> cursor : indexMetaData.getAliases().values()) { AliasMetaData.Builder.toXContent(cursor.value, builder, params); } builder.endObject(); builder.startObject(KEY_ACTIVE_ALLOCATIONS); for (IntObjectCursor<Set<String>> cursor : indexMetaData.activeAllocationIds) { builder.startArray(String.valueOf(cursor.key)); for (String allocationId : cursor.value) { builder.value(allocationId); } builder.endArray(); } builder.endObject(); builder.endObject(); }
private void applyAliases(ClusterChangedEvent event) { // check if aliases changed if (aliasesChanged(event)) { // go over and update aliases for (IndexMetaData indexMetaData : event.state().metaData()) { String index = indexMetaData.index(); IndexService indexService = indicesService.indexService(index); if (indexService == null) { // we only create / update here continue; } IndexAliasesService indexAliasesService = indexService.aliasesService(); indexAliasesService.setAliases(indexMetaData.getAliases()); } } }
/** * Finds the specific index aliases that match with the specified aliases directly or partially * via wildcards and that point to the specified concrete indices or match partially with the * indices via wildcards. * * @param aliases The names of the index aliases to find * @param concreteIndices The concrete indexes the index aliases must point to order to be * returned. * @return the found index aliases grouped by index */ public ImmutableOpenMap<String, List<AliasMetaData>> findAliases( final String[] aliases, String[] concreteIndices) { assert aliases != null; assert concreteIndices != null; if (concreteIndices.length == 0) { return ImmutableOpenMap.of(); } boolean matchAllAliases = matchAllAliases(aliases); ImmutableOpenMap.Builder<String, List<AliasMetaData>> mapBuilder = ImmutableOpenMap.builder(); Iterable<String> intersection = HppcMaps.intersection(ObjectHashSet.from(concreteIndices), indices.keys()); for (String index : intersection) { IndexMetaData indexMetaData = indices.get(index); List<AliasMetaData> filteredValues = new ArrayList<>(); for (ObjectCursor<AliasMetaData> cursor : indexMetaData.getAliases().values()) { AliasMetaData value = cursor.value; if (matchAllAliases || Regex.simpleMatch(aliases, value.alias())) { filteredValues.add(value); } } if (!filteredValues.isEmpty()) { // Make the list order deterministic CollectionUtil.timSort( filteredValues, new Comparator<AliasMetaData>() { @Override public int compare(AliasMetaData o1, AliasMetaData o2) { return o1.alias().compareTo(o2.alias()); } }); mapBuilder.put(index, Collections.unmodifiableList(filteredValues)); } } return; }
/** * Checks if at least one of the specified aliases exists in the specified concrete indices. * Wildcards are supported in the alias names for partial matches. * * @param aliases The names of the index aliases to find * @param concreteIndices The concrete indexes the index aliases must point to order to be * returned. * @return whether at least one of the specified aliases exists in one of the specified concrete * indices. */ public boolean hasAliases(final String[] aliases, String[] concreteIndices) { assert aliases != null; assert concreteIndices != null; if (concreteIndices.length == 0) { return false; } Iterable<String> intersection = HppcMaps.intersection(ObjectHashSet.from(concreteIndices), indices.keys()); for (String index : intersection) { IndexMetaData indexMetaData = indices.get(index); List<AliasMetaData> filteredValues = new ArrayList<>(); for (ObjectCursor<AliasMetaData> cursor : indexMetaData.getAliases().values()) { AliasMetaData value = cursor.value; if (Regex.simpleMatch(aliases, value.alias())) { filteredValues.add(value); } } if (!filteredValues.isEmpty()) { return true; } } return false; }
public MetaData build() { // TODO: We should move these datastructures to IndexNameExpressionResolver, this will give // the following benefits: // 1) The datastructures will only be rebuilded when needed. Now during serializing we rebuild // these datastructures // while these datastructures aren't even used. // 2) The aliasAndIndexLookup can be updated instead of rebuilding it all the time. // build all concrete indices arrays: // TODO: I think we can remove these arrays. it isn't worth the effort, for operations on all // indices. // When doing an operation across all indices, most of the time is spent on actually going to // all shards and // do the required operations, the bottleneck isn't resolving expressions into concrete // indices. List<String> allIndicesLst = new ArrayList<>(); for (ObjectCursor<IndexMetaData> cursor : indices.values()) { allIndicesLst.add(cursor.value.getIndex().getName()); } String[] allIndices = allIndicesLst.toArray(new String[allIndicesLst.size()]); List<String> allOpenIndicesLst = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> allClosedIndicesLst = new ArrayList<>(); for (ObjectCursor<IndexMetaData> cursor : indices.values()) { IndexMetaData indexMetaData = cursor.value; if (indexMetaData.getState() == IndexMetaData.State.OPEN) { allOpenIndicesLst.add(indexMetaData.getIndex().getName()); } else if (indexMetaData.getState() == IndexMetaData.State.CLOSE) { allClosedIndicesLst.add(indexMetaData.getIndex().getName()); } } String[] allOpenIndices = allOpenIndicesLst.toArray(new String[allOpenIndicesLst.size()]); String[] allClosedIndices = allClosedIndicesLst.toArray(new String[allClosedIndicesLst.size()]); // build all indices map SortedMap<String, AliasOrIndex> aliasAndIndexLookup = new TreeMap<>(); for (ObjectCursor<IndexMetaData> cursor : indices.values()) { IndexMetaData indexMetaData = cursor.value; aliasAndIndexLookup.put( indexMetaData.getIndex().getName(), new AliasOrIndex.Index(indexMetaData)); for (ObjectObjectCursor<String, AliasMetaData> aliasCursor : indexMetaData.getAliases()) { AliasMetaData aliasMetaData = aliasCursor.value; AliasOrIndex aliasOrIndex = aliasAndIndexLookup.get(aliasMetaData.getAlias()); if (aliasOrIndex == null) { aliasOrIndex = new AliasOrIndex.Alias(aliasMetaData, indexMetaData); aliasAndIndexLookup.put(aliasMetaData.getAlias(), aliasOrIndex); } else if (aliasOrIndex instanceof AliasOrIndex.Alias) { AliasOrIndex.Alias alias = (AliasOrIndex.Alias) aliasOrIndex; alias.addIndex(indexMetaData); } else if (aliasOrIndex instanceof AliasOrIndex.Index) { AliasOrIndex.Index index = (AliasOrIndex.Index) aliasOrIndex; throw new IllegalStateException( "index and alias names need to be unique, but alias [" + aliasMetaData.getAlias() + "] and index " + index.getIndex().getIndex() + " have the same name"); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "unexpected alias [" + aliasMetaData.getAlias() + "][" + aliasOrIndex + "]"); } } } aliasAndIndexLookup = Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(aliasAndIndexLookup); return new MetaData( clusterUUID, version, transientSettings, persistentSettings,,,, allIndices, allOpenIndices, allClosedIndices, aliasAndIndexLookup); }