@Override public void execute() throws Exception { // If Elasticsearch is started then only start the monitoring if (!ElasticsearchProcessMonitor.isElasticsearchRunning()) { String exceptionMsg = "Elasticsearch is not yet started, check back again later"; logger.info(exceptionMsg); return; } ThreadPoolStatsBean tpStatsBean = new ThreadPoolStatsBean(); try { NodesStatsResponse ndsStatsResponse = ESTransportClient.getNodesStatsResponse(config); ThreadPoolStats tpstats = null; NodeStats ndStat = null; if (ndsStatsResponse.getNodes().length > 0) { ndStat = ndsStatsResponse.getAt(0); } if (ndStat == null) { logger.info("NodeStats is null,hence returning (No ThreadPoolStats)."); return; } tpstats = ndStat.getThreadPool(); if (tpstats == null) { logger.info("ThreadPoolStats is null,hence returning (No ThreadPoolStats)."); return; } Iterator<ThreadPoolStats.Stats> iter = tpstats.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ThreadPoolStats.Stats stat = iter.next(); if (stat.getName().equals("index")) { tpStatsBean.indexThreads = stat.getThreads(); tpStatsBean.indexQueue = stat.getQueue(); tpStatsBean.indexActive = stat.getActive(); tpStatsBean.indexRejected = stat.getRejected(); tpStatsBean.indexLargest = stat.getLargest(); tpStatsBean.indexCompleted = stat.getCompleted(); } else if (stat.getName().equals("get")) { tpStatsBean.getThreads = stat.getThreads(); tpStatsBean.getQueue = stat.getQueue(); tpStatsBean.getActive = stat.getActive(); tpStatsBean.getRejected = stat.getRejected(); tpStatsBean.getLargest = stat.getLargest(); tpStatsBean.getCompleted = stat.getCompleted(); } else if (stat.getName().equals("search")) { tpStatsBean.searchThreads = stat.getThreads(); tpStatsBean.searchQueue = stat.getQueue(); tpStatsBean.searchActive = stat.getActive(); tpStatsBean.searchRejected = stat.getRejected(); tpStatsBean.searchLargest = stat.getLargest(); tpStatsBean.searchCompleted = stat.getCompleted(); } else if (stat.getName().equals("bulk")) { tpStatsBean.bulkThreads = stat.getThreads(); tpStatsBean.bulkQueue = stat.getQueue(); tpStatsBean.bulkActive = stat.getActive(); tpStatsBean.bulkRejected = stat.getRejected(); tpStatsBean.bulkLargest = stat.getLargest(); tpStatsBean.bulkCompleted = stat.getCompleted(); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("failed to load Thread Pool stats data", e); } tpStatsReporter.threadPoolBean.set(tpStatsBean); }
private Table buildTable( RestRequest req, ClusterStateResponse state, NodesInfoResponse nodesInfo, NodesStatsResponse nodesStats) { final String[] threadPools = req.paramAsStringArray("thread_pool_patterns", new String[] {"*"}); final DiscoveryNodes nodes = state.getState().nodes(); final Table table = getTableWithHeader(req); // collect all thread pool names that we see across the nodes final Set<String> candidates = new HashSet<>(); for (final NodeStats nodeStats : nodesStats.getNodes()) { for (final ThreadPoolStats.Stats threadPoolStats : nodeStats.getThreadPool()) { candidates.add(threadPoolStats.getName()); } } // collect all thread pool names that match the specified thread pool patterns final Set<String> included = new HashSet<>(); for (final String candidate : candidates) { if (Regex.simpleMatch(threadPools, candidate)) { included.add(candidate); } } for (final DiscoveryNode node : nodes) { final NodeInfo info = nodesInfo.getNodesMap().get(node.getId()); final NodeStats stats = nodesStats.getNodesMap().get(node.getId()); final Map<String, ThreadPoolStats.Stats> poolThreadStats; final Map<String, ThreadPool.Info> poolThreadInfo; if (stats == null) { poolThreadStats = Collections.emptyMap(); poolThreadInfo = Collections.emptyMap(); } else { // we use a sorted map to ensure that thread pools are sorted by name poolThreadStats = new TreeMap<>(); poolThreadInfo = new HashMap<>(); ThreadPoolStats threadPoolStats = stats.getThreadPool(); for (ThreadPoolStats.Stats threadPoolStat : threadPoolStats) { poolThreadStats.put(threadPoolStat.getName(), threadPoolStat); } if (info != null) { for (ThreadPool.Info threadPoolInfo : info.getThreadPool()) { poolThreadInfo.put(threadPoolInfo.getName(), threadPoolInfo); } } } for (Map.Entry<String, ThreadPoolStats.Stats> entry : poolThreadStats.entrySet()) { if (!included.contains(entry.getKey())) continue; table.startRow(); table.addCell(node.getName()); table.addCell(node.getId()); table.addCell(node.getEphemeralId()); table.addCell(info == null ? null : info.getProcess().getId()); table.addCell(node.getHostName()); table.addCell(node.getHostAddress()); table.addCell(node.getAddress().address().getPort()); final ThreadPoolStats.Stats poolStats = entry.getValue(); final ThreadPool.Info poolInfo = poolThreadInfo.get(entry.getKey()); Long maxQueueSize = null; String keepAlive = null; Integer minThreads = null; Integer maxThreads = null; if (poolInfo != null) { if (poolInfo.getQueueSize() != null) { maxQueueSize = poolInfo.getQueueSize().singles(); } if (poolInfo.getKeepAlive() != null) { keepAlive = poolInfo.getKeepAlive().toString(); } if (poolInfo.getMin() >= 0) { minThreads = poolInfo.getMin(); } if (poolInfo.getMax() >= 0) { maxThreads = poolInfo.getMax(); } } table.addCell(entry.getKey()); table.addCell(poolInfo == null ? null : poolInfo.getThreadPoolType().getType()); table.addCell(poolStats == null ? null : poolStats.getActive()); table.addCell(poolStats == null ? null : poolStats.getThreads()); table.addCell(poolStats == null ? null : poolStats.getQueue()); table.addCell(maxQueueSize); table.addCell(poolStats == null ? null : poolStats.getRejected()); table.addCell(poolStats == null ? null : poolStats.getLargest()); table.addCell(poolStats == null ? null : poolStats.getCompleted()); table.addCell(minThreads); table.addCell(maxThreads); table.addCell(keepAlive); table.endRow(); } } return table; }