public void visit(RelNode rel, int ordinal, RelNode parent) {
    // REVIEW: SWZ: 1/31/06: We assume that any special RelNodes, such
    // as the VolcanoPlanner's RelSubset always have a full complement
    // of traits and that they either appear as registered or do nothing
    // when childrenAccept is called on them.

    if (planner.isRegistered(rel)) {

    RelTraitSet relTraits = rel.getTraitSet();
    for (int i = 0; i < baseTraits.size(); i++) {
      if (i >= relTraits.size()) {
        // Copy traits that the new rel doesn't know about.
        Util.discard(RelOptUtil.addTrait(rel, baseTraits.getTrait(i)));

        // FIXME: Return the new rel. We can no longer traits in-place,
        //   because rels and traits are immutable.
        throw new AssertionError();
      } else {
        // Verify that the traits are from the same RelTraitDef
        assert relTraits.getTrait(i).getTraitDef() == baseTraits.getTrait(i).getTraitDef();

 public RelTraitSet traitSetOf(RelTrait... traits) {
   RelTraitSet traitSet = emptyTraitSet;
   assert traitSet.size() == planner.getRelTraitDefs().size();
   for (RelTrait trait : traits) {
     traitSet = traitSet.replace(trait);
   return traitSet;