private List<IMarkerResolution> collectResolutions(IMarker[] markers) { List<IMarkerResolution> resolutions = new ArrayList<>(); for (IMarker marker : markers) { if (IDE.getMarkerHelpRegistry().hasResolutions(marker)) { IMarkerResolution[] markerResolutions = IDE.getMarkerHelpRegistry().getResolutions(marker); if (markerResolutions.length > 0) { resolutions.add(markerResolutions[0]); } } } return resolutions; }
private void addActionsForSelection(IMenuManager menuManager) { IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) getViewer().getSelection(); if (selection.size() == 1) { Object element = selection.getFirstElement(); if (!(element instanceof IMarker)) { return; } final IMarker marker = (IMarker) element; IMarkerResolution[] resolutions = IDE.getMarkerHelpRegistry().getResolutions(marker); for (final IMarkerResolution resolution : resolutions) { Action action = new Action(escapeSpecialChars(resolution.getLabel())) { @Override public void run() {; } }; if (resolution instanceof IMarkerResolution2) { IMarkerResolution2 resolution2 = (IMarkerResolution2) resolution; Image image = resolution2.getImage(); if (image != null) { action.setImageDescriptor(ImageDescriptor.createFromImage(image)); } } menuManager.add(action); } } }
private static boolean hasCorrections(IMarker marker) { if (marker == null || !marker.exists()) { return false; } IMarkerHelpRegistry registry = IDE.getMarkerHelpRegistry(); return registry != null && registry.hasResolutions(marker); }
private static void collectMarkerProposals( SimpleMarkerAnnotation annotation, Collection<IDartCompletionProposal> proposals) { IMarker marker = annotation.getMarker(); IMarkerResolution[] res = IDE.getMarkerHelpRegistry().getResolutions(marker); if (res.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { proposals.add(new MarkerResolutionProposal(res[i], marker)); } } }
private Image decorateImage(IMarker marker, Image image) { if (image == null) { return null; } if (IDE.getMarkerHelpRegistry().hasResolutions(marker)) { ImageDescriptor[] descriptors = new ImageDescriptor[5]; descriptors[IDecoration.BOTTOM_RIGHT] = DartToolsPlugin.getBundledImageDescriptor("icons/full/ovr16/contassist_ovr.gif"); image = getImageManager().createImage(new DecorationOverlayIcon(image, descriptors)); } return image; }
@Override public boolean canFix(Annotation annotation) { boolean bRetVal = false; if (annotation instanceof SimpleMarkerAnnotation) { // check local resolutions first IMarker marker = ((SimpleMarkerAnnotation) annotation).getMarker(); IMarkerResolution[] localResolutions = fGenerator.getResolutions(marker); if (localResolutions.length > 0) { bRetVal = true; } // check the contributed resolutions if needed if (!bRetVal) { IMarkerResolution[] contributedResolutions = IDE.getMarkerHelpRegistry().getResolutions(marker); if (contributedResolutions.length > 0) { bRetVal = true; } } } return bRetVal; }
private void populateDataModelForAnnotation(SimpleMarkerAnnotation annotation) { // grab the local resolutions first IMarker marker = annotation.getMarker(); if (!fResMap.containsKey(marker)) { ArrayList<IMarkerResolution> resolutions = new ArrayList<>(5); IMarkerResolution[] localResolutions = fGenerator.getResolutions(marker); resolutions.addAll(Arrays.asList(localResolutions)); // grab the contributed resolutions IMarkerResolution[] contributedResolutions = IDE.getMarkerHelpRegistry().getResolutions(marker); for (int i = 0; i < contributedResolutions.length; i++) { IMarkerResolution resolution = contributedResolutions[i]; // only add contributed marker resolutions if they don't come from PDE if (!(resolution instanceof AbstractPDEMarkerResolution) && !resolutions.contains(contributedResolutions[i])) resolutions.add(contributedResolutions[i]); } if (resolutions.size() > 0) { fResMap.put(marker, resolutions.toArray(new IMarkerResolution[resolutions.size()])); } } }