public void cmdIedeaExportsSelected() { DirectoryDialog dlg = new DirectoryDialog(getShell()); dlg.setText("Select a folder to save the export files in"); dlg.setMessage("Select a directory"); final String dir =; if (dir == null) { return; } final IedeaExporter iedeaExporter = new IedeaExporter(); try { new ProgressMonitorDialog(null) .run( true, true, new IRunnableWithProgress() { @Override public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException { try { iedeaExporter.setMonitor(monitor); iedeaExporter.generate(dir); } catch (TaskException e) { throw new InvocationTargetException(e); } } }); MessageDialog.openInformation(null, "Completed", " export successful"); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { MessageUtil.showError(e, "Error running export", e.getMessage()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { MessageDialog.openInformation(null, "Cancelled", e.getMessage()); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { List<Emoticon> emoticons = new ArrayList<Emoticon>(); new EmoFormat(emoticons, protocols).load(); Display display = new Display(); shell = new Shell(display); DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(shell, SWT.NONE); dialog.setText("Select folder with emoticon images"); String path =; if (path == null) return; // String path = "C:\\Desenvolvimento\\Miranda\\bin\\Debug // Unicode\\Customize\\Emoticons\\Originals"; File mepPath = new File(path); if (!mepPath.exists()) return; mepFormat = new MepFormat(mepPath, emoticons, protocols); mep = mepFormat.load(); createMainWindow(shell); shell.setText("Emoticon Pack Editor"); shell.setImage(Images.get("data/Defaults/smile.png")); shell.setSize(500, 600);; while (!shell.isDisposed()) { if (!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep(); } display.dispose(); }
/** Allow user to specify a TAU bin directory. */ protected void handleBinBrowseButtonSelected(Text field, String group) { final DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(getShell()); IFileStore path = null; final String correctPath = getFieldContent(field.getText()); if (correctPath != null) { path = EFS.getLocalFileSystem().getStore(new Path(correctPath)); // new File(correctPath); if (path.fetchInfo().exists()) { dialog.setFilterPath( !path.fetchInfo().isDirectory() ? correctPath : path.getParent().toURI().getPath()); } } // The specified directory previously had to contain at least one // recognizable TAU makefile in its lib sub-directory to be accepted. // String tlpath = correctPath+File.separator+"lib"; // // class makefilter implements FilenameFilter{ // public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { // if(name.indexOf("Makefile.tau")!=0 || name.indexOf("-pdt")<=0) // return false; // return true; // } // } // File[] mfiles=null; // makefilter mfilter = new makefilter(); // File test = new File(tlpath); dialog.setText( Messages.ToolLocationPreferencePage_Select + group + Messages.ToolLocationPreferencePage_BinDirectory); // dialog.setMessage("You must select a valid TAU bin directory. Such a directory should be // created when you configure and install TAU. It should contain least one valid stub makefile // configured with the Program Database Toolkit (pdt)"); final String selectedPath =; // null; if (selectedPath != null) { field.setText(selectedPath); // while(true) // { // selectedPath =; // if(selectedPath==null) // break; // // tlpath=selectedPath+File.separator+"lib"; // test = new File(tlpath); // if(test.exists()){ // mfiles = test.listFiles(mfilter); // } // if (mfiles!=null&&mfiles.length>0) // { // if (selectedPath != null) // tauBin.setText(selectedPath); // break; // } // } } }
/** Listener for Browse Button. */ protected void browseBtnListener() { DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(this.getShell()); dialog.setText(Messages.wizPageSelFolder); dialog.setMessage(Messages.wizPageChooseDir); String directory =; if (directory != null) { textLocation.setText(directory); } }
public void openDirectoryDialog( final ImageExporterSettings settings, final TGSongStreamContext context, final Runnable callback) { DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(TuxGuitar.getInstance().getShell()); dialog.setText(TuxGuitar.getProperty("")); settings.setPath(; if (settings.getPath() != null) { context.setAttribute(ImageExporterSettings.class.getName(), settings);; } }
public void select() { final String directory = _preferencesStore.get(_preferencesString, Utilities.getWorkingDirectory()); final Shell shell = new Shell(Display.getDefault()); DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(shell, SWT.MULTI); dialog.setFilterPath(directory); dialog.setText("Save JavaSeis Volume(s)"); String rtn =; if (rtn != null) { _preferencesStore.put(_preferencesString, rtn); PreferencesUtil.saveInstanceScopePreferences(ServiceComponent.PLUGIN_ID); } }
/** * ************************************************************************* The command has been * executed, so extract extract the needed information from the application context. * ************************************************************************ */ public CommandResult execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { IWorkbenchWindow window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow(); IRuntimeSettings runtime = (IRuntimeSettings) ServiceManager.get(IRuntimeSettings.class); String instanceId = (String) runtime.getRuntimeProperty(RuntimeProperty.ID_PROCEDURE_SELECTION); try { IProcedureManager mgr = (IProcedureManager) ServiceManager.get(IProcedureManager.class); IProcedure proc = null; if (mgr.isLocallyLoaded(instanceId)) { proc = mgr.getProcedure(instanceId); } else { proc = mgr.getRemoteProcedure(instanceId); } List<AsRunFile> toExport = new LinkedList<AsRunFile>(); ExportAsRunFileJob job = new ExportAsRunFileJob(proc); CommandHelper.executeInProgress(job, true, true); if (job.result.equals(CommandResult.SUCCESS)) { toExport.add(job.asrunFile); if (!job.asrunFile.getChildren().isEmpty()) { boolean alsoChildren = MessageDialog.openQuestion( window.getShell(), "Export children ASRUN files", "This procedure has executed sub-procedures.\n\nDo you want to export these ASRUN files as well?"); if (alsoChildren) { gatherChildAsRunFiles(job.asrunFile, toExport); } } } DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(window.getShell(), SWT.SAVE); dialog.setMessage( "Select directory to export ASRUN file(s) for '" + proc.getProcName() + "'"); dialog.setText("Export ASRUN"); String destination =; if (destination != null && !destination.isEmpty()) { SaveAsRunFileJob saveJob = new SaveAsRunFileJob(destination, toExport); CommandHelper.executeInProgress(saveJob, true, true); return saveJob.result; } else { return CommandResult.NO_EFFECT; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return CommandResult.FAILED; } }
/* * Get the directory path using the given location as default. */ private String getDirectoryPath(String location) { DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(getShell(), SWT.OPEN); dialog.setText(getDialogTitle()); dialog.setMessage("Select local database directory:"); dialog.setFilterPath(location); String path =; if (path != null) { File dir = new File(path); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) { return dir.getAbsolutePath(); } } return null; }
private void init() { if (COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Save Torrent Files")) { try { dirName = COConfigurationManager.getDirectoryParameter("General_sDefaultTorrent_Directory"); } catch (Exception egnore) { } } if (dirName == null) { DirectoryDialog dd = new DirectoryDialog(parent, SWT.NULL); dd.setText(MessageText.getString("fileDownloadWindow.saveTorrentIn")); dirName =; } if (dirName == null) return; pReporter = ProgressReportingManager.getInstance().addReporter(); setupAndShowDialog(); downloader = TorrentDownloaderFactory.create(this, original_url, referrer, request_properties, dirName); downloader.setIgnoreReponseCode(true); downloader.start(); }
@Override protected String browse(final SapphireRenderingContext context) { final Property property = property(); final List<Path> roots = getBasePaths(); String selectedAbsolutePath = null; final List<String> extensions; if (this.fileExtensionService == null) { extensions = this.staticFileExtensionsList; } else { extensions = this.fileExtensionService.extensions(); } if (enclosed()) { final List<IContainer> baseContainers = new ArrayList<IContainer>(); for (Path path : roots) { final IContainer baseContainer = getWorkspaceContainer(path.toFile()); if (baseContainer != null) { baseContainers.add(baseContainer); } else { break; } } final ITreeContentProvider contentProvider; final ILabelProvider labelProvider; final ViewerComparator viewerComparator; final Object input; if (roots.size() == baseContainers.size()) { // All paths are in the Eclipse Workspace. Use the available content and label // providers. contentProvider = new WorkspaceContentProvider(baseContainers); labelProvider = new WorkbenchLabelProvider(); viewerComparator = new ResourceComparator(); input = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); } else { // At least one of the roots is not in the Eclipse Workspace. Use custom file // system content and label providers. contentProvider = new FileSystemContentProvider(roots); labelProvider = new FileSystemLabelProvider(context); viewerComparator = new FileSystemNodeComparator(); input = new Object(); } final ElementTreeSelectionDialog dialog = new ElementTreeSelectionDialog(context.getShell(), labelProvider, contentProvider); dialog.setTitle(property.definition().getLabel(false, CapitalizationType.TITLE_STYLE, false)); dialog.setMessage( createBrowseDialogMessage( property.definition().getLabel(true, CapitalizationType.NO_CAPS, false))); dialog.setAllowMultiple(false); dialog.setHelpAvailable(false); dialog.setInput(input); dialog.setComparator(viewerComparator); final Path currentPathAbsolute = convertToAbsolute((Path) ((Value<?>) property).content()); if (currentPathAbsolute != null) { Object initialSelection = null; if (contentProvider instanceof WorkspaceContentProvider) { final URI uri = currentPathAbsolute.toFile().toURI(); final IWorkspaceRoot wsroot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); final IFile[] files = wsroot.findFilesForLocationURI(uri); if (files.length > 0) { final IFile file = files[0]; if (file.exists()) { initialSelection = file; } } if (initialSelection == null) { final IContainer[] containers = wsroot.findContainersForLocationURI(uri); if (containers.length > 0) { final IContainer container = containers[0]; if (container.exists()) { initialSelection = container; } } } } else { initialSelection = ((FileSystemContentProvider) contentProvider).find(currentPathAbsolute); } if (initialSelection != null) { dialog.setInitialSelection(initialSelection); } } if (this.type == FileSystemResourceType.FILE) { dialog.setValidator(new FileSelectionStatusValidator()); } else if (this.type == FileSystemResourceType.FOLDER) { dialog.addFilter(new ContainersOnlyViewerFilter()); } if (!extensions.isEmpty()) { dialog.addFilter(new ExtensionBasedViewerFilter(extensions)); } if ( == Window.OK) { final Object firstResult = dialog.getFirstResult(); if (firstResult instanceof IResource) { selectedAbsolutePath = ((IResource) firstResult).getLocation().toString(); } else { selectedAbsolutePath = ((FileSystemNode) firstResult).getFile().getPath(); } } } else if (this.type == FileSystemResourceType.FOLDER) { final DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(context.getShell()); dialog.setText( property.definition().getLabel(true, CapitalizationType.FIRST_WORD_ONLY, false)); dialog.setMessage( createBrowseDialogMessage( property.definition().getLabel(true, CapitalizationType.NO_CAPS, false))); final Value<?> value = (Value<?>) property; final Path path = (Path) value.content(); if (path != null) { dialog.setFilterPath(path.toOSString()); } else if (roots.size() > 0) { dialog.setFilterPath(roots.get(0).toOSString()); } selectedAbsolutePath =; } else { final FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(context.getShell()); dialog.setText( property.definition().getLabel(true, CapitalizationType.FIRST_WORD_ONLY, false)); final Value<?> value = (Value<?>) property; final Path path = (Path) value.content(); if (path != null && path.segmentCount() > 1) { dialog.setFilterPath(path.removeLastSegments(1).toOSString()); dialog.setFileName(path.lastSegment()); } else if (roots.size() > 0) { dialog.setFilterPath(roots.get(0).toOSString()); } if (!extensions.isEmpty()) { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (String extension : extensions) { if (buf.length() > 0) { buf.append(';'); } buf.append("*."); buf.append(extension); } dialog.setFilterExtensions(new String[] {buf.toString()}); } selectedAbsolutePath =; } if (selectedAbsolutePath != null) { final Path relativePath = convertToRelative(new Path(selectedAbsolutePath)); if (relativePath != null) { String result = relativePath.toPortableString(); if (this.includeLeadingSlash) { result = "/" + result; } return result; } } return null; }
/** * Handle the create button selection event. * * @param event */ void createButtonSelected(SelectionEvent event) { /* Compute the appropriate dialog style */ int style = getDefaultStyle(); if (okButton.getEnabled() && okButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.OK; if (cancelButton.getEnabled() && cancelButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.CANCEL; if (yesButton.getEnabled() && yesButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.YES; if (noButton.getEnabled() && noButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.NO; if (retryButton.getEnabled() && retryButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.RETRY; if (abortButton.getEnabled() && abortButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.ABORT; if (ignoreButton.getEnabled() && ignoreButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.IGNORE; if (iconErrorButton.getEnabled() && iconErrorButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.ICON_ERROR; if (iconInformationButton.getEnabled() && iconInformationButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.ICON_INFORMATION; if (iconQuestionButton.getEnabled() && iconQuestionButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.ICON_QUESTION; if (iconWarningButton.getEnabled() && iconWarningButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.ICON_WARNING; if (iconWorkingButton.getEnabled() && iconWorkingButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.ICON_WORKING; if (primaryModalButton.getEnabled() && primaryModalButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.PRIMARY_MODAL; if (applicationModalButton.getEnabled() && applicationModalButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL; if (systemModalButton.getEnabled() && systemModalButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.SYSTEM_MODAL; if (saveButton.getEnabled() && saveButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.SAVE; if (openButton.getEnabled() && openButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.OPEN; if (multiButton.getEnabled() && multiButton.getSelection()) style |= SWT.MULTI; /* Open the appropriate dialog type */ String name = dialogCombo.getText(); if (name.equals(ControlExample.getResourceString("ColorDialog"))) { ColorDialog dialog = new ColorDialog(shell, style); dialog.setRGB(new RGB(100, 100, 100)); dialog.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString("Title")); RGB result =; textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("ColorDialog") + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append( ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"" + result}) + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append("getRGB() = " + dialog.getRGB() + Text.DELIMITER + Text.DELIMITER); return; } if (name.equals(ControlExample.getResourceString("DirectoryDialog"))) { DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(shell, style); dialog.setMessage(ControlExample.getResourceString("Example_string")); dialog.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString("Title")); String result =; textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("DirectoryDialog") + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append( ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"" + result}) + Text.DELIMITER + Text.DELIMITER); return; } if (name.equals(ControlExample.getResourceString("FileDialog"))) { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(shell, style); dialog.setFileName(ControlExample.getResourceString("readme_txt")); dialog.setFilterNames(FilterNames); dialog.setFilterExtensions(FilterExtensions); dialog.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString("Title")); String result =; textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("FileDialog") + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append( ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"" + result}) + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append("getFileNames() =" + Text.DELIMITER); if ((dialog.getStyle() & SWT.MULTI) != 0) { String[] files = dialog.getFileNames(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { textWidget.append("\t" + files[i] + Text.DELIMITER); } } textWidget.append( "getFilterIndex() = " + dialog.getFilterIndex() + Text.DELIMITER + Text.DELIMITER); return; } if (name.equals(ControlExample.getResourceString("FontDialog"))) { FontDialog dialog = new FontDialog(shell, style); dialog.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString("Title")); FontData result =; textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("FontDialog") + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append( ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"" + result}) + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append("getFontList() =" + Text.DELIMITER); FontData[] fonts = dialog.getFontList(); if (fonts != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++) { textWidget.append("\t" + fonts[i] + Text.DELIMITER); } } textWidget.append("getRGB() = " + dialog.getRGB() + Text.DELIMITER + Text.DELIMITER); return; } if (name.equals(ControlExample.getResourceString("PrintDialog"))) { PrintDialog dialog = new PrintDialog(shell, style); dialog.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString("Title")); PrinterData result =; textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("PrintDialog") + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append( ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"" + result}) + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append("getScope() = " + dialog.getScope() + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append("getStartPage() = " + dialog.getStartPage() + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append("getEndPage() = " + dialog.getEndPage() + Text.DELIMITER); textWidget.append( "getPrintToFile() = " + dialog.getPrintToFile() + Text.DELIMITER + Text.DELIMITER); return; } if (name.equals(ControlExample.getResourceString("MessageBox"))) { MessageBox dialog = new MessageBox(shell, style); dialog.setMessage(ControlExample.getResourceString("Example_string")); dialog.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString("Title")); int result =; textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("MessageBox") + Text.DELIMITER); /* * The resulting integer depends on the original * dialog style. Decode the result and display it. */ switch (result) { case SWT.OK: textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"SWT.OK"})); break; case SWT.YES: textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"SWT.YES"})); break; case SWT.NO: textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"SWT.NO"})); break; case SWT.CANCEL: textWidget.append( ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"SWT.CANCEL"})); break; case SWT.ABORT: textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"SWT.ABORT"})); break; case SWT.RETRY: textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"SWT.RETRY"})); break; case SWT.IGNORE: textWidget.append( ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"SWT.IGNORE"})); break; default: textWidget.append(ControlExample.getResourceString("Result", new String[] {"" + result})); break; } textWidget.append(Text.DELIMITER + Text.DELIMITER); } }
/** Search for installed VMs in the file system */ protected void search() { if (Platform.OS_MACOSX.equals(Platform.getOS())) { doMacSearch(); return; } // choose a root directory for the search DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(getShell()); dialog.setMessage(JREMessages.InstalledJREsBlock_9); dialog.setText(JREMessages.InstalledJREsBlock_10); String path =; if (path == null) { return; } // ignore installed locations final Set<File> exstingLocations = new HashSet<File>(); for (IVMInstall vm : fVMs) { exstingLocations.add(vm.getInstallLocation()); } // search final File rootDir = new File(path); final List<File> locations = new ArrayList<File>(); final List<IVMInstallType> types = new ArrayList<IVMInstallType>(); IRunnableWithProgress r = new IRunnableWithProgress() { @Override public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { monitor.beginTask(JREMessages.InstalledJREsBlock_11, IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); search(rootDir, locations, types, exstingLocations, monitor); monitor.done(); } }; try { ProgressMonitorDialog progress = new ProgressMonitorDialog(getShell()) { /* * Overridden createCancelButton to replace Cancel label with Stop label * More accurately reflects action taken when button pressed. * Bug [162902] */ @Override protected void createCancelButton(Composite parent) { cancel = createButton( parent, IDialogConstants.CANCEL_ID, IDialogConstants.STOP_LABEL, true); if (arrowCursor == null) { arrowCursor = new Cursor(cancel.getDisplay(), SWT.CURSOR_ARROW); } cancel.setCursor(arrowCursor); setOperationCancelButtonEnabled(enableCancelButton); } };, true, r); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { JDIDebugUIPlugin.log(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // canceled return; } if (locations.isEmpty()) { String messagePath = path.replaceAll("&", "&&"); // @see bug 29855 //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ MessageDialog.openInformation( getShell(), JREMessages.InstalledJREsBlock_12, NLS.bind(JREMessages.InstalledJREsBlock_13, new String[] {messagePath})); // } else { Iterator<IVMInstallType> iter2 = types.iterator(); for (File location : locations) { IVMInstallType type =; AbstractVMInstall vm = new VMStandin(type, createUniqueId(type)); String name = location.getName(); String nameCopy = new String(name); int i = 1; while (isDuplicateName(nameCopy)) { nameCopy = name + '(' + i++ + ')'; } vm.setName(nameCopy); vm.setInstallLocation(location); if (type instanceof AbstractVMInstallType) { // set default java doc location AbstractVMInstallType abs = (AbstractVMInstallType) type; vm.setJavadocLocation(abs.getDefaultJavadocLocation(location)); vm.setVMArgs(abs.getDefaultVMArguments(location)); } vmAdded(vm); } } }