/** * Installs this highlighter into the specified StyledText object. Client can manually call * detach() method, then wants to destroy this object. */ public void attach(StyledText parent) { detach(); text = parent; text.addDisposeListener(ml); text.addLineStyleListener(ml); text.addLineBackgroundListener(ml); text.addPaintListener(ml); text.addVerifyListener(ml); text.addExtendedModifyListener(ml); text.addControlListener(ml); text.addKeyListener(ml); text.addTraverseListener(ml); text.addMouseListener(ml); text.addSelectionListener(ml); text.getContent().addTextChangeListener(ml); ScrollBar sb = text.getVerticalBar(); if (sb != null) sb.addSelectionListener(ml); updateViewport(); new Thread() { public void run() { // setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY-1); while (true) { try { sleep(300); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (baseEditor == null || text == null) break; if (backParserDelay) { backParserDelay = false; try { sleep(1500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } continue; } ; Display.getDefault() .syncExec( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (baseEditor == null || text == null) return; if (text.isDisposed()) return; // System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis()); baseEditor.idleJob(80); // redrawFrom(text.getLineAtOffset(text.getCaretOffset())); } }); } ; }; }.start(); }
/** @see IPainter#paint(int) */ public final void paint(final int reason) { Point selection = mSourceViewer.getSelectedRange(); if (selection.y > 0) { deactivate(true); return; } SexpNavigator explorer = mEditor.getExplorer(); boolean backward = true; boolean closeToParen = false; int offset = selection.x; IDocument document = mEditor.getDocument(); try { char previousChar = '\0'; char nextChar = '\0'; if (selection.x > 0) previousChar = document.getChar(selection.x - 1); if (selection.x > 0 && SchemeScannerUtilities.isClosingParenthesis(previousChar) && SchemeTextUtilities.getPartition(document, selection.x - 1).getType() == IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE) { closeToParen = true; } else { nextChar = document.getChar(selection.x); if (selection.x < document.getLength() - 1 && SchemeScannerUtilities.isOpeningParenthesis(nextChar) && SchemeTextUtilities.getPartition(document, selection.x).getType() == IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE) { closeToParen = true; backward = false; } } if (closeToParen && backward && explorer.backwardSexpression(selection.x)) { offset = explorer.getListStart(); char matchingChar = document.getChar(offset); mMismatch = SchemeScannerUtilities.getParenthesisType(previousChar) != SchemeScannerUtilities.getParenthesisType(matchingChar); } else { if (closeToParen && !backward && explorer.forwardSexpression(selection.x)) { offset = explorer.getSexpEnd() - 1; char matchingChar = document.getChar(offset); mMismatch = SchemeScannerUtilities.getParenthesisType(nextChar) != SchemeScannerUtilities.getParenthesisType(matchingChar); } else { deactivate(true); return; } } } catch (BadLocationException exception) { deactivate(true); return; } if (mIsActive) { // only if different if (offset != mBracketPosition.getOffset()) { // remove old highlighting handleDrawRequest(null); // update position mBracketPosition.isDeleted = false; mBracketPosition.offset = offset; mBracketPosition.length = 1; // apply new highlighting handleDrawRequest(null); } } else { mIsActive = true; mBracketPosition.isDeleted = false; mBracketPosition.offset = offset; mBracketPosition.length = 1; mTextWidget.addPaintListener(this); mPositionManager.managePosition(mBracketPosition); handleDrawRequest(null); } }