private Collection<BindingInfo> getAllBindingInfosOnDiagram(DSemanticDiagram diagram) { Collection<BindingInfo> bindingInfos = new ArrayList<BindingInfo>(); for (DNode node : diagram.getNodes()) { if (node.getTarget() instanceof BindingInfo) { bindingInfos.add((BindingInfo) node.getTarget()); } } return bindingInfos; }
/** * Returns the specified forbidden sides for the current DNode. This feature makes sense for * border nodes only. * * @return the list of forbidden {@link Side} */ public List<Side> getForbiddenSide() { NodeStyle nodeStyle = node.getOwnedStyle(); StyleDescription styleDescription = nodeStyle.getDescription(); if (styleDescription instanceof NodeStyleDescription) { return ((NodeStyleDescription) styleDescription).getForbiddenSides(); } return Collections.emptyList(); }
/** * Indicates if the label of the node is on border. * * @return true if the label of this node is on border, false otherwise */ public boolean hasLabelOnBorder() { NodeMapping actualMapping = node.getActualMapping(); if (actualMapping != null) { NodeStyleDescription style = actualMapping.getStyle(); if (style != null) { LabelPosition labelPosition = style.getLabelPosition(); return labelPosition.equals(LabelPosition.BORDER_LITERAL); } } return false; }
/** * Builds the command which will execute the user-specified operations to create a new state. * * @param node the node on which to create the new state. * @param tool the tool to use to create the state. * @param startingEndPredecessor the event end graphically preceding the starting position of the * new state. * @param finishingEndPredecessor the event end graphically preceding the finishing position of * the new state. * @return a command to create the state. */ public static Command buildCreateStateCommandFromTool( final DNode node, final StateCreationTool tool, final EventEnd startingEndPredecessor, final EventEnd finishingEndPredecessor) { CommandBuilder builder = new StateCreationCommandBuilder( tool, node, startingEndPredecessor, finishingEndPredecessor); Session session = SessionManager.INSTANCE.getSession(node.getTarget()); return getCommand(builder, session); }
/** * Indicates if the node as a non-empty name definition, i.e. that its label expression don't * always return an empty string. * * @return true if the node as a non-null and non-empty name, false otherwise */ public boolean hasNonEmptyNameDefinition() { boolean hasEmptyNameDefinition = true; NodeMapping actualMapping = node.getActualMapping(); if (actualMapping != null) { NodeStyleDescription style = actualMapping.getStyle(); if (style != null) { String labelExpression = style.getLabelExpression(); hasEmptyNameDefinition = labelExpression.trim().length() != 0; } } return hasEmptyNameDefinition; }
/** * Return the default draw2D dimension according to the specified DNode. * * @return the default draw2D dimension according to the specified DNode. */ public Dimension getDefaultDimension() { final Dimension result = DEFAULT_NODE_DIMENSION.getCopy(); if (node.getStyle() instanceof WorkspaceImage) { final WorkspaceImage workspaceImage = (WorkspaceImage) node.getStyle(); final String path = workspaceImage.getWorkspacePath(); final Image image; image = WorkspaceImageFigure.getImageInstanceFromPath(path); if (image != null) { // Use default image size if (node.getWidth() == null || Integer.valueOf(node.getWidth()) == -1) { result.width = image.getBounds().width; result.height = image.getBounds().height; } else { // width is already defined, adapt height thanks to // image ratio final double ratio = (double) image.getBounds().width / image.getBounds().height; double newHeight = node.getWidth().intValue() / ratio; // Adapt to draw2D result.width = node.getWidth().intValue() * LayoutUtils.SCALE; result.height = (int) (newHeight * LayoutUtils.SCALE); } } } else { if (node.getWidth() != null) { result.width = node.getWidth().intValue(); } if (node.getHeight() != null) { result.height = node.getHeight().intValue(); } // Adapt to draw2D result.width = result.width * LayoutUtils.SCALE; result.height = result.height * LayoutUtils.SCALE; } return result; }
/** * Tests whether or not the node allows the user to change its horizontal size, according to the * {@link ResizeKind} specified in the VSM. * * @return <code>true</code> if the node allow the user to change its horizontal size. */ public boolean allowsHorizontalResize() { ResizeKind allowed = node.getResizeKind(); return allowed == ResizeKind.NSEW_LITERAL || allowed == ResizeKind.EAST_WEST_LITERAL; }
/** * Tests whether or not the node allows the user to change its vertical size, according to the * {@link ResizeKind} specified in the VSM. * * @return <code>true</code> if the node allow the user to change its vertical size. */ public boolean allowsVerticalResize() { ResizeKind allowed = node.getResizeKind(); return allowed == ResizeKind.NSEW_LITERAL || allowed == ResizeKind.NORTH_SOUTH_LITERAL; }
/** * Corresponds to ticket #1811. Check that after a creation of a diagram with ports from an * existing diagram, the layoutConstraint of all ports is not {0, 0}. */ public void testPortLocationForCreationFromNavigation() { // Get the desired package final Model model = (Model) semanticModel; assertNotNull("Corrupted input data", model); // Get the diagram for the root of this model. diagram = (DDiagram) createRepresentation(NODE_REPRESENTATION_DESC_NAME, model); // Open the editor (and refresh it) final IEditorPart editorPart = DialectUIManager.INSTANCE.openEditor(session, diagram, new NullProgressMonitor()); TestsUtil.synchronizationWithUIThread(); // Set the focus to the desired package assertTrue( "We should have a DiagramDocumentEditor", editorPart instanceof DiagramDocumentEditor); final DiagramDocumentEditor diagramEditor = (DiagramDocumentEditor) editorPart; // Get the package named "SubPackage" PackageableElement element = model.getPackagedElement("SubPackage"); assertTrue("Corrupted input data", element instanceof Package); final Package packageSubPackage = (Package) element; IMenuManager popupMenu = new MenuManager(); popupMenu.add( new MenuManager( IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS, IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS)); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ popupMenu.add(new MenuManager("", "")); // $NON-NLS-1$ // Set the focus to package SubPackage IGraphicalEditPart elementEditPart = getEditPart(getFirstDiagramElement(diagram, packageSubPackage)); diagramEditor.getDiagramGraphicalViewer().setFocus(elementEditPart); DNode focusedElement = (DNode) ((GraphicalEditPart) diagramEditor.getDiagramGraphicalViewer().getFocusEditPart()) .resolveSemanticElement(); assertTrue( "This is not the good focused element", focusedElement.getTarget() instanceof Package); assertEquals( "This is not the good focused element", "SubPackage", ((Package) focusedElement.getTarget()).getName()); ContributionItemService.getInstance().contributeToPopupMenu(popupMenu, diagramEditor); // Check the popup menu. IMenuManager newRepresentationMenu = (IMenuManager) popupMenu.find(""); IContributionItem[] items = newRepresentationMenu.getItems(); boolean inNewRepresentationToGroup = false; ActionContributionItem actionContribution = null; for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (items[i] instanceof Separator) { Separator sep = (Separator) items[i]; if ("createRepresentationGroup".equals(sep.getId())) { inNewRepresentationToGroup = true; } else { inNewRepresentationToGroup = false; } } if (inNewRepresentationToGroup && items[i] instanceof ActionContributionItem) { assertNull("There should be only one ActionContributionItem", actionContribution); actionContribution = (ActionContributionItem) items[i]; } } assertNotNull("There should be one ActionContributionItem", actionContribution); final IAction action = actionContribution.getAction(); assertEquals("Action has not the correct text", "New diagram", action.getText()); // Disabling ui callback of diagram command factory final Object adapter = diagramEditor.getAdapter(IDiagramCommandFactoryProvider.class); final IDiagramCommandFactoryProvider diagramCmdFactoryProvider = (IDiagramCommandFactoryProvider) adapter; final IDiagramCommandFactory diagramCommandFactory = diagramCmdFactoryProvider.getCommandFactory(session.getTransactionalEditingDomain()); diagramCommandFactory.setUserInterfaceCallBack(new NoUICallback());; IEditorPart editor2 = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().getActiveEditor(); assertTrue("We should have a DiagramDocumentEditor", editor2 instanceof DiagramDocumentEditor); final DiagramDocumentEditor diagramEditor2 = (DiagramDocumentEditor) editor2; GraphicalEditPart diagramPart = (GraphicalEditPart) diagramEditor2.getDiagramEditPart(); final DSemanticDiagram diagram2 = (DSemanticDiagram) diagramPart.resolveSemanticElement(); assertEquals( "The opened diagram is not valid", diagram2.getTarget(), focusedElement.getTarget()); // Get the class named "SubClass1" element = packageSubPackage.getPackagedElement("SubClass1"); assertTrue("Corrupted input data", element instanceof Class); final Class subClass1 = (Class) element; final Property firstProperty = subClass1.getOwnedAttribute("Prop1", subClass1); final Property secondProperty = subClass1.getOwnedAttribute("Prop2", subClass1); final DDiagramElement firstPropertyDiagramElement = getFirstDiagramElement(diagram2, firstProperty); assertNotNull( "The first property has no corresponding diagramElement", firstPropertyDiagramElement); final Node firstPropertyNode = getGmfNode(firstPropertyDiagramElement); assertNotNull("The first property has no corresponding GMF node", firstPropertyNode); assertTrue( "Bag layout constraint type", firstPropertyNode.getLayoutConstraint() instanceof Location); final Location firstLocation = (Location) firstPropertyNode.getLayoutConstraint(); final DDiagramElement secondPropertyDiagramElement = getFirstDiagramElement(diagram2, secondProperty); assertNotNull( "The second property has no corresponding diagramElement", secondPropertyDiagramElement); final Node secondPropertyNode = getGmfNode(secondPropertyDiagramElement); assertNotNull("The second property has no corresponding GMF node", secondPropertyNode); assertTrue( "Bag layout constraint type", secondPropertyNode.getLayoutConstraint() instanceof Location); final Location secondLocation = (Location) secondPropertyNode.getLayoutConstraint(); assertFalse( "All the layout constraints of the ports should not be in {0,0}", firstLocation.getX() == 0 && firstLocation.getY() == 0 && secondLocation.getX() == 0 && secondLocation.getY() == 0); assertTrue( "All the layout constraints of the ports should be different", firstLocation.getX() != secondLocation.getX() || firstLocation.getY() != secondLocation.getY()); DialectUIManager.INSTANCE.closeEditor(editorPart, false); TestsUtil.synchronizationWithUIThread(); DialectUIManager.INSTANCE.closeEditor(editor2, false); TestsUtil.synchronizationWithUIThread(); }