protected void togglePausedConsumer(IAction pauseConsumer) { // The button can get out of sync if two clients are used. final boolean currentState = queueConnection.isQueuePaused(getSubmissionQueueName()); try { pauseConsumer.setChecked(!currentState); // We are toggling it. IPublisher<PauseBean> pauser = service.createPublisher(getUri(), IEventService.CMD_TOPIC); pauser.setStatusSetName(IEventService.CMD_SET); // The set that other clients may check pauser.setStatusSetAddRequired(true); PauseBean pbean = new PauseBean(); pbean.setQueueName(getSubmissionQueueName()); // The queue we are pausing pbean.setPause(pauseConsumer.isChecked()); pauser.broadcast(pbean); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.openError( getViewSite().getShell(), "Cannot pause queue " + getSubmissionQueueName(), "Cannot pause queue " + getSubmissionQueueName() + "\n\nPlease contact your support representative.", new Status(IStatus.ERROR, "org.eclipse.scanning.event.ui", e.getMessage())); } pauseConsumer.setChecked(queueConnection.isQueuePaused(getSubmissionQueueName())); }
protected void purgeQueues() throws EventException { boolean ok = MessageDialog.openQuestion( getSite().getShell(), "Confirm Clear Queues", "Are you sure you would like to remove all items from the queue " + getQueueName() + " and " + getSubmissionQueueName() + "?\n\nThis could abort or disconnect runs of other users."); if (!ok) return; queueConnection.clearQueue(getQueueName()); queueConnection.clearQueue(getSubmissionQueueName()); reconnect(); }
private void executeBean(U bean) throws EventException, InterruptedException { // We record the bean in the status queue if (overrideMap != null && overrideMap.containsKey(bean.getUniqueId())) { U o = overrideMap.remove(bean.getUniqueId()); bean.setStatus(o.getStatus()); } logger.trace("Moving " + bean + " to " + mover.getSubmitQueueName()); mover.submit(bean); // Run the process if (runner == null) { bean.setStatus(Status.FAILED); bean.setMessage("No runner set for consumer " + getName() + ". Nothing run"); status.broadcast(bean); throw new EventException("You must set the runner before executing beans from the queue!"); } if (processes.containsKey(bean.getUniqueId())) { throw new EventException( "The bean with unique id '" + bean.getUniqueId() + "' has already been used. Cannot run the same uuid twice!"); } // We peal off the most recent bean from the submission queue if (bean.getStatus() == Status.REQUEST_TERMINATE) { bean.setStatus(Status.TERMINATED); bean.setMessage("Run aborted before started"); status.broadcast(bean); return; } if (bean.getStatus().isFinal()) return; // This is not the bean you are looking for. IConsumerProcess<U> process = runner.createProcess(bean, status); processes.put(bean.getUniqueId(), new WeakReference<IConsumerProcess<U>>(process)); process.start(); // Depending on the process may run in a separate thread (default is not to) }
@Override public void disconnect() throws EventException { if (isActive()) stop(); super.disconnect(); setActive(false); mover.disconnect(); status.disconnect(); if (alive != null) alive.disconnect(); if (command != null) command.disconnect(); if (overrideMap != null) overrideMap.clear(); try { if (connection != null) connection.close(); } catch (JMSException e) { throw new EventException("Cannot close consumer connection!", e); } }
@Override public void createPartControl(Composite content) { content.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, false)); Util.removeMargins(content); this.viewer = new TableViewer(content, SWT.FULL_SELECTION | SWT.SINGLE | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.H_SCROLL); viewer.setUseHashlookup(true); viewer.getTable().setHeaderVisible(true); viewer.getControl().setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true)); createColumns(); viewer.setContentProvider(createContentProvider()); try { queueConnection = service.createSubmitter(getUri(), getSubmissionQueueName()); queueConnection.setStatusTopicName(getTopicName()); updateQueue(getUri()); String name = getSecondaryIdAttribute("partName"); if (name != null) setPartName(name); createActions(); // We just use this submitter to read the queue createTopicListener(getUri()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot listen to topic of command server!", e); } selectionProvider = new DelegatingSelectionProvider(viewer); getViewSite().setSelectionProvider(selectionProvider); viewer.addSelectionChangedListener( new ISelectionChangedListener() { @Override public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) { updateSelected(); } }); }
private void rerun(StatusBean bean) { try { final DateFormat format = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); boolean ok = MessageDialog.openQuestion( getViewSite().getShell(), "Confirm resubmission " + bean.getName(), "Are you sure you want to rerun " + bean.getName() + " submitted on " + format.format(new Date(bean.getSubmissionTime())) + "?"); if (!ok) return; final StatusBean copy = bean.getClass().newInstance(); copy.merge(bean); copy.setUniqueId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); copy.setMessage("Rerun of " + bean.getName()); copy.setStatus(org.eclipse.scanning.api.event.status.Status.SUBMITTED); copy.setPercentComplete(0.0); copy.setSubmissionTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); queueConnection.submit(copy, true); reconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.openError( getViewSite().getShell(), "Cannot rerun " + bean.getName(), "Cannot rerun " + bean.getName() + "\n\nPlease contact your support representative.", new Status(IStatus.ERROR, "org.eclipse.scanning.event.ui", e.getMessage())); } }
protected void stopJob() { final StatusBean bean = getSelection(); if (bean == null) return; if (!bean.getStatus().isActive()) { String queueName = null; if (bean.getStatus() != org.eclipse.scanning.api.event.status.Status.SUBMITTED) { queueName = getQueueName(); boolean ok = MessageDialog.openQuestion( getSite().getShell(), "Confirm Remove '" + bean.getName() + "'", "Are you sure you would like to remove '" + bean.getName() + "'?"); if (!ok) return; } else { // Submitted delete it right away without asking or the consumer will run it! queueName = getSubmissionQueueName(); } // It is submitted and not running. We can probably delete it. try { queueConnection.remove(bean, queueName); refresh(); } catch (EventException e) { ErrorDialog.openError( getViewSite().getShell(), "Cannot delete " + bean.getName(), "Cannot delete " + bean.getName() + "\n\nIt might have changed state at the same time and being remoted.", new Status(IStatus.ERROR, "org.eclipse.scanning.event.ui", e.getMessage())); } return; } try { final DateFormat format = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); boolean ok = MessageDialog.openQuestion( getViewSite().getShell(), "Confirm terminate " + bean.getName(), "Are you sure you want to terminate " + bean.getName() + " submitted on " + format.format(new Date(bean.getSubmissionTime())) + "?"); if (!ok) return; bean.setStatus(org.eclipse.scanning.api.event.status.Status.REQUEST_TERMINATE); bean.setMessage("Termination of " + bean.getName()); IPublisher<StatusBean> terminate = service.createPublisher(getUri(), getTopicName()); terminate.broadcast(bean); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.openError( getViewSite().getShell(), "Cannot terminate " + bean.getName(), "Cannot terminate " + bean.getName() + "\n\nPlease contact your support representative.", new Status(IStatus.ERROR, "org.eclipse.scanning.event.ui", e.getMessage())); } }
private void createActions() throws Exception { final IContributionManager toolMan = getViewSite().getActionBars().getToolBarManager(); final IContributionManager dropDown = getViewSite().getActionBars().getMenuManager(); final MenuManager menuMan = new MenuManager(); final Action openResults = new Action( "Open results for selected run", Activator.getImageDescriptor("icons/results.png")) { public void run() { openResults(getSelection()); } }; toolMan.add(openResults); toolMan.add(new Separator()); menuMan.add(openResults); menuMan.add(new Separator()); dropDown.add(openResults); dropDown.add(new Separator()); this.up = new Action("Less urgent (-1)", Activator.getImageDescriptor("icons/arrow-090.png")) { public void run() { final StatusBean bean = getSelection(); try { queueConnection.reorder(bean, -1); } catch (EventException e) { ErrorDialog.openError( getViewSite().getShell(), "Cannot move " + bean.getName(), "'" + bean.getName() + "' cannot be moved in the submission queue.", new Status(IStatus.ERROR, "org.eclipse.scanning.event.ui", e.getMessage())); } refresh(); } }; up.setEnabled(false); toolMan.add(up); menuMan.add(up); dropDown.add(up); this.down = new Action("More urgent (+1)", Activator.getImageDescriptor("icons/arrow-270.png")) { public void run() { final StatusBean bean = getSelection(); try { queueConnection.reorder(getSelection(), +1); } catch (EventException e) { ErrorDialog.openError( getViewSite().getShell(), "Cannot move " + bean.getName(), e.getMessage(), new Status(IStatus.ERROR, "org.eclipse.scanning.event.ui", e.getMessage())); } refresh(); } }; down.setEnabled(false); toolMan.add(down); menuMan.add(down); dropDown.add(down); this.pause = new Action("Pause job.\nPauses a running job.", IAction.AS_CHECK_BOX) { public void run() { pauseJob(); } }; pause.setImageDescriptor(Activator.getImageDescriptor("icons/control-pause.png")); pause.setEnabled(false); pause.setChecked(false); toolMan.add(pause); menuMan.add(pause); dropDown.add(pause); this.pauseConsumer = new Action( "Pause " + getPartName() + " Queue. Does not pause running job.", IAction.AS_CHECK_BOX) { public void run() { togglePausedConsumer(this); } }; pauseConsumer.setImageDescriptor(Activator.getImageDescriptor("icons/control-pause-red.png")); pauseConsumer.setChecked(queueConnection.isQueuePaused(getSubmissionQueueName())); toolMan.add(pauseConsumer); menuMan.add(pauseConsumer); dropDown.add(pauseConsumer); this.pauseMonitor = service.createSubscriber(getUri(), EventConstants.CMD_TOPIC); pauseMonitor.addListener( new IBeanListener<PauseBean>() { @Override public void beanChangePerformed(BeanEvent<PauseBean> evt) { pauseConsumer.setChecked(queueConnection.isQueuePaused(getSubmissionQueueName())); } }); this.remove = new Action( "Stop job or remove if finished", Activator.getImageDescriptor("icons/control-stop-square.png")) { public void run() { stopJob(); } }; remove.setEnabled(false); toolMan.add(remove); menuMan.add(remove); dropDown.add(remove); this.rerun = new Action("Rerun...", Activator.getImageDescriptor("icons/rerun.png")) { public void run() { rerunSelection(); } }; rerun.setEnabled(false); toolMan.add(rerun); menuMan.add(rerun); dropDown.add(rerun); IAction open = new Action("Open...", Activator.getImageDescriptor("icons/application-dock-090.png")) { public void run() { openSelection(); } }; toolMan.add(open); menuMan.add(open); dropDown.add(open); this.edit = new Action("Edit...", Activator.getImageDescriptor("icons/modify.png")) { public void run() { editSelection(); } }; edit.setEnabled(false); toolMan.add(edit); menuMan.add(edit); dropDown.add(edit); toolMan.add(new Separator()); menuMan.add(new Separator()); final Action showAll = new Action("Show other users results", IAction.AS_CHECK_BOX) { public void run() { showEntireQueue = isChecked(); viewer.refresh(); } }; showAll.setImageDescriptor(Activator.getImageDescriptor("icons/spectacle-lorgnette.png")); toolMan.add(showAll); menuMan.add(showAll); dropDown.add(showAll); toolMan.add(new Separator()); menuMan.add(new Separator()); dropDown.add(new Separator()); final Action refresh = new Action("Refresh", Activator.getImageDescriptor("icons/arrow-circle-double-135.png")) { public void run() { reconnect(); } }; toolMan.add(refresh); menuMan.add(refresh); dropDown.add(refresh); final Action configure = new Action("Configure...", Activator.getImageDescriptor("icons/document--pencil.png")) { public void run() { PropertiesDialog dialog = new PropertiesDialog(getSite().getShell(), idProperties); int ok =; if (ok == PropertiesDialog.OK) { idProperties.clear(); idProperties.putAll(dialog.getProps()); reconnect(); } } }; toolMan.add(configure); menuMan.add(configure); dropDown.add(configure); final Action clearQueue = new Action("Clear Queue") { public void run() { try { purgeQueues(); } catch (EventException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Canot purge queues", e); } } }; menuMan.add(new Separator()); dropDown.add(new Separator()); menuMan.add(clearQueue); dropDown.add(clearQueue); viewer.getControl().setMenu(menuMan.createContextMenu(viewer.getControl())); }