   * Nullified everything that was initialized.
   * @throws Exception
  protected void tearDown() throws Exception {

    nodeHolder = null;
    selectionHolder = null;
    windowX = windowW = windowH = 0;

   * Prompts the user for a type from the specified class repository. Set the value of the specified
   * selection holder to the type selected by the user. This method will not "clear" the selection;
   * i.e. it will not set the value of the selectionHolder to null. The assumption is that once you
   * get here, you require a type to be selected.
   * @param context The context ...
   * @param classRepository The repository used to retrieve the list of classes
   * @param selectionHolder The holder of the selected item if set, otherwise the value will remain
   *     <code>null</code>
  public static void promptForType(
      WorkbenchContext context,
      ClassDescriptionRepository repository,
      PropertyValueModel selectionHolder) {
    try {

      // If the selection holder is not a SimplePropertyValueModel but a
      // PropertyAspectAdapter, we make sure it has a listener to it so that
      // the subject has been engaged and setValueFromSubject() is called
      PropertyChangeListener fakeListener =
          new PropertyChangeListener() {
            public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {}
      selectionHolder.addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyValueModel.VALUE, fakeListener);

      ClassChooserDialog dialog = ClassChooserDialog.createDialog(repository, context);

      if (dialog.wasConfirmed()) {

      selectionHolder.removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyValueModel.VALUE, fakeListener);
    } finally {